Forever summer (Summer # 4)

BOOK: Forever summer (Summer # 4)
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Forever Summer


C.J. Duggan




Dear Reader,


Writing these characters’ stories is like coming home. I know them so well and their voices give me so much joy. I just know that you will love them too.

By far, my most commonly asked question is: “When is
Forever Summer
being released?”

To go through a series like the Summer Series, it was important to explore what makes Adam and Ellie who they are, what makes them loved by the readers and what had everyone asking me the question: “When???”

I would like to thank you for firstly understanding the delay with this book. It was to be released last year but with the sudden and unexpected loss of my dad writing was very much on the back burner in my life. It is hard as a writer to disappoint readers, but sometimes life happens and plans change. I want to thank everyone for understanding this, and yet still have unwavering excitement for Adam and Ellie’s story. Secondly, I am glad I waited;
Forever Summer
is a book that deserves to be the best it can be. It’s the final instalment in a much-loved series, an ending with such high expectation from not only you the reader, but myself as a storyteller. I wanted to give it an angle and explore their story in a way that gave you a real understanding of the strength in their friendship: the laughter, the fighting, the making up, the loss, the fear, the hope. I had to unpack everything and rebuild it again, and in order to do that I had to go back to where it all began, by touching on the key points in their lives where their friendship shone, or in some cases were bloody disastrous, but it’s what makes the story complete. So I am going back to school, going back to the Onslow Bar, the road trip to Point Shank, all through Ellie’s eyes as she struggles to understand the ever-changing feelings she has towards her lifelong friend, the incorrigible, yet lovable Adam Henderson.


CJ x



Forever Summer

By C.J. Duggan


Copyright 2015 by C.J. Duggan

Amazon Edition


Forever Summer

A Summer Series Novella

Published by C.J. Duggan

Australia, NSW


First Amazon edition, published 2015


Amazon Edition License Notes

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to your favourite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved.


Disclaimer: The persons, places, things, and otherwise animate or inanimate objects mentioned in this novel are figments of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to anything or anyone living (or dead) is unintentional.


Edited by
Marion Archer

Copyedited by Anita Saunders

Proofreading by Fiona Wilson

Cover Art by
Keary Taylor Indie Designs

This ebook formatted by
White Hot Ebook Formatting

Author Photograph © 2015 C.J. Duggan


Forever Summer
is also available as a paperback at your favourite retailer.

Contact the author at
[email protected]


Table of Contents

Title Page

Dear Reader


Other Titles


Praise For



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five


Kiss The Girls Preview

About the Author




A Summer Series Novel


May be read as a stand alone or in the following order:


The Boys of Summer


An Endless Summer


That One Summer


Forever Summer


Paradise Series

Paradise City

Paradise Road


Look out for

Kiss the Girls – Pre-Order

Kiss the Boys – Pre-Order




Dedicated to Anita Saunders.

I write the words, but you make them shine x





The Boys of Summer


Summer Lovin’

This book kept me up until the wee hours of the morning because I literally could not force myself to put it down – I just had to know what happened. Everything about The Boys of Summer absolutely blew me away.

Claire – Claire Reads


Best Contemporary Read of your Life

I cannot begin to describe the love I have for this book. The Boys of Summer is a story about self-discovery and first true love that will stay with you for a long time after you read it.

Hannah – A Girl in a Café


Fun, Flirty, Fantastic

All in all, if you’re looking for a lovable and intense read, then this is for you. C.J. Duggan has convinced me she belongs in the contemporary market and I cannot wait to read more from her.

Donna – Book Passion for Life


An Australian Gem

You won’t regret buying this one; you’ll totally fall in love with the story and all of the characters. C.J. Duggan knows how to write a book you’ll just be drawn into! I’m already waiting for the next one – impatiently, might I add! The Boys of Summer is an Australian gem!

Seirra – Dear, Restless Reader


Simply Perfect

Everything about The Boys of Summer was fantastic!!! C.J. Duggan has written an amazing story and she was able to perfectly capture the Aussie summer, fun times with friends both new and old, and all the feelings of falling in love with the boy of your dreams. Bring on book two!!!

Tracey – YA Book Addict


Sweet, Intoxicating, Exciting

The Boys of Summer is a wonderful example of just how deliciously sexy, sweet and charming summer-fling books can be! A book that gives you goose bumps, makes you swoon over its incredibly handsome male cast, gets you hooked on the clever plot line and, ultimately, sends you out feeling all warm inside, satisfied and with a wide smile on your face.

Evie – Bookish



Love is friendship set on fire.







Onslow High 1994


I sat, shredding Sarah Norman’s diary with my bare hands. Sniffing, ripping, crying, crumpling, all in the privacy of the girls’ toilet cubicle. As much as I obliterated the pages with my Hulk-smashing hands and tears dripping onto the pile, it still did little to wipe away the memory of seeing ‘Ellie is a whore’ scrawled in thick black marker across the pages. It had been the rumour circulating around for the past few days that there had been something written about me in her diary. I heard the whispers and the sniggers, pretty hard to ignore when Sarah and her bitch squad always seemed to sit behind me in every class, glaring at the back of my head. When I had made mention of my little fan club to my parents they had simply sighed and said, “Kids can be cruel.” But being on the actual receiving end of it all, I had my own theory. Girls (in particular) are just downright utter bitches. My one and only friend was Tess McGee: the yin to my yang, the lightness to my darkness. Where I was considered the ‘whore’, Tess was an innocent, virginal wallflower who was smart and shy and just faded into the background. Right now I would have given anything to be invisible, to simply blend into the background instead of having to vandalise Sarah’s property in an act of revenge. By the time my rage was complete, I wiped my tear-streaked face and took in the mess before me: what once was a diary now looked like an upended shredding machine scattered before me in a pile of paper and cardboard. For the momentary satisfaction it served destroying it, I now had a more pressing reality.

“Oh, shit,” I breathed. Maybe I could have gotten away with it, flushed the remnants down the toilet, a plausible solution if I hadn’t have actually snatched the diary out of Sarah’s hands and legged it down the corridor with the entire Year Eleven class being able to witness the theft. I closed my eyes and thudded my head against the door.

“I’m such an idiot.” I should have donned a black cat suit and snuck in at the dead of night and simply broken into her locker, but no, I had to make a public spectacle of myself, running away as if fire burned under my feet, daring not to look back at the screaming banshees. I straightened: hold on a second, I was the victim here. I was the one suffering from an acute case of slandering and character defamation. I had every right to see what was in her diary; after all, it was about me. I should have grabbed it and marched it straight to the staff room, handing it in and highlighting the abuse of school equipment. I had visions of Sarah’s name being called out over the PA, and a little smile curved the corner of my mouth until my eyes dipped to the mess, the evidence that was now destroyed.

“Idiot! Such an idiot!” My vision blurred once more as I buried my hands into my face, thinking of the ghastly repercussions of what I had just done. My despair was short-lived; hearing the sound of footsteps close in, I lifted my head and stilled.

Oh God, they’ve found me.

My eyes widened. I dared not move, but I had to; holding my breath and edging myself away from the exposed gap of the door. I could climb up onto the toilet seat and lift my legs up, but the shredded debris of the diary was a bit of a dead giveaway, and to scoop and dispose would expose me for certain. Instead, I scrunched my knees up, wrapping my arms tightly around my legs, squeezing my eyes closed and inwardly praying they would go away.

I was doing quite well at being as still as a statue; I was pretty impressed with myself … still and silent. But just as I thought I might have become invisible and the footsteps were moving away in the room, they stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, my chest heaving as I sat silently, my head cocked, straining to hear.

Had they gone? Oh, thank God they had …


I jumped, stifling a yelp with my hands over my mouth.


The footsteps were moving, making their way down the long line of cubicles, kicking each door open like a nightmare.

Kick-BOOM, kick-BOOM, kick-BOOM.

The time to worry about silence was over. As I scrambled to the toilet, spinning around, bracing each hand on either side of the wall, I stared wide-eyed at the door, waiting for it to burst open at any moment. The eerie shadow loomed underneath the gap, standing waiting, taunting me. The room was deathly silent now, save the beating of my heart that was ready to barge its way out of my chest.

This was it; this was what death looked like. I had never been in a physical fight before, never had my head flushed down the toilet either. I had made it all the way to Year Eleven relatively unscathed; what a cruel turn of events to nearly be free of the confines of Onslow High only for my time to end so dramatically, and all before my debutante too. I closed my eyes, trying to keep my shallow breaths even. Concentrating so hard, but then something broke my train of thought. The footsteps were moving away, I thought as before, but then my short bout of relief was over. The footsteps were moving all right, to the next cubicle. I knew it the second I heard one foot, then the other make that unmistakable indentation of weight-on-top-of-the-plastic-toilet-seat sound.

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