If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (32 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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M.J. turned the ignition. The car coughed, reluctantly
starting on the first try. Tomorrow, he would give Mrs. High and Mighty his weekly
report. Boring as hell. Maybe he’d make up a fight. A big one. That would make
her happy and might earn him a bonus.

M.J. flicked his half-smoked cigarette out the window. Tyler
had always been a pain in his ass. He hated her from the moment his parents
announced her imminent arrival. Then she turned out to be a girl. Ugh.

It seemed only fair that she turned out to finally be good
for something.


THE HOT SHOWER made Tyler feel like a new woman. Telling
everything to Drew, having someone who listened, sympathized, eased the feeling
of doom she’d been burdened with most of the day. The warm soup and crusty
bread from
Pansy’s Diner
would help too. Drew was right. She needed
something in her stomach.

Instead of getting dressed, she put on a slinky little
nightie the color of ripe plums. She loved how the silk felt against her skin.
Tyler couldn’t wait to see Drew’s reaction. Deciding they might not get to
dinner if he saw it too soon, she covered up in a thick terry cloth robe. A
present from her mother, it was about as sexy as gym socks. She bundled her
hair into a messy bun on top of her head, adding a touch of lip-gloss.

“Perfect timing. The food arrived a couple minutes
ago.” Drew turned, his smile widening when he saw her.


“I’m more tempted to eat you than the soup.”

Tyler smoothed a hand down the soft robe. “Really? I
was going for sexless.”

“Not possible, honey. A big head to toe paper bag —
maybe. I look at you and zing — instant want.”

Tyler wondered how any woman could resist a man who looked
at her like that? Drew’s eyes told her he found her beautiful, sexy. As she
stood there in a frumpy robe and no makeup, she felt like she was.

Now, the meal eaten, the dishes done, they were in her bed. Her
in the nightie that garnered just the reaction she hoped. Him, big, gorgeous
Drew Harper, sprawled at her feet — painting her toenails.

“You’re awfully good at that.”

“Natural ability. I swear you’re my first.”

“Steady hand,” Tyler observed; the toes on her
right foot clenching as he worked on the left. Soooo sexy.

“Mmm.” He leaned close to his work, carefully
avoiding going outside the lines. Looking up, he gently blew on the wet polish.
“We were smart to go with the
Scarlet Pimpernel
. Much better than
Touch of Pink

Holy crap
, Tyler thought. If he kissed her instep,
she might explode on the spot.

“You know, I’ve seen
Bull Durham
five, maybe six

“Me too.” Tyler breathed the words. Drew’s thumb
rubbed a spot on the bottom of her foot that should have been illegal.

“As I recall, when Kevin Costner did this for Susan
Sarandon, she was tied up.”

Tyler’s eyes popped back open. Was he serious? She looked
closely. Maybe, a little. Mostly teasing.

She was warm, relaxed. Though Drew’s attention soothed her
worries, he couldn’t eliminate them completely. There was still an underlying
tension. No amount of gentle sweetness could take care of it all. It made her
feel slightly restless, yet just reckless enough to try something she might not
otherwise consider.

Tyler looked Drew in the eye, her smile a wicked challenge.
toss out an
, she was saying,
you better be prepared to
follow through.

“There are some scarves on a hook behind the closet





DREW BLINKED. WAS Tyler saying what he thought she was saying?

“Unless you’re not up to it. Or maybe you don’t like
the idea?”

Tyler? Tied to the bed? At his mercy? Even a dead man would
rise to that occasion.

Drew hopped off the bed, retrieving two long silk scarves.
Turning back, he tested the strength and softness. Once he had her tied, he
didn’t want her pulling loose or scraping up her wrists.

For a moment, Drew considered asking Tyler if she really
wanted to do this. One look at her gave him the answer he sought — no words needed.

“Feeling a little wild tonight, are we?”

Not expecting a response, Drew put one knee on the mattress.
He took her left hand, gently kissing her wrist before slipping on the scarf.
He secured it to the headboard, tugging once to make sure it wouldn’t come

“Aren’t I supposed to have a safe word?”

Drew quickly tied her other wrist before meeting her
twinkling eyes with his own.

“How about,
Untie these fucking scarves, Drew.

“Kind of a mouth full, but it works for me.”

After arranging the pillows behind her head, Drew gave Tyler
a long, thorough kiss that primed them both for what was to come.



“How are your wrists? Are the scarves too tight?”

“All’s good.”

Standing back, he surveyed his handy work.

Tyler was laid out on a background of cream-colored sheets
like a pagan feast. Crimson-tipped toes curled into the material, her arched
feet transitioning into a pair of long, shapely mouthwateringly bare legs. He
knew the skin was smooth, soft. He could spend hours on them alone.

That tiny scrap of silk he’d earlier found to be hiding
under her bulky robe cupped the area just above her thighs.

“I’m in charge.”

“Yes,” she agreed. Then couldn’t resist adding,
“For tonight. Next time, we switch places.”

Drew let that remark slide.
Next time,
depending on
the mood, who knew? He was focused on now.

“Spread your legs. Just a little. That’s right.”

Silk moved, outlining, adorning to perfection. Drew joined
her on the bed, his hands on each ankle. He caressed the skin then lifted one
foot to nibble lightly. His teeth grazed her instep, biting hard enough to
elicit a moan of pleasure, not pain.

“You like that?”

“Oh, yes.”

Smiling, Drew bit again, just a little harder followed by a
soothing kiss. His mouth continued up, stopping to worship her calf, that
little spot behind her knee he knew was particularly sensitive. The inside of
her thigh. He couldn’t get enough of her. He knew he never would.

Tyler ran her tongue over her suddenly dry lips. She leaned
her head back, eyes closed, savoring every second of Drew’s slow, erotic
journey. Her hands gripped the scarves, tugging. It was liberating, having him
in complete control. A novelty. Nothing she would want every day. Tonight? It
was exactly what she needed.

“So pretty.”

Tyler slowly opened her eyes. Drew lifted the material from
between her legs. He lounged like a pampered Sheik, everything before him his
for the taking. Holding her breath, she waited as he hovered, his mouth mere
inches from taking his first taste. His gaze met hers.
, he
silently told her.
See how much I love doing this to you. Feel.

At the first swipe of his tongue, the air rushed from
Tyler’s lungs.

“Mmm,” Drew murmured against the sensitive skin,
the vibration sending shots of pleasure through her body.


He tasted again.

“The best dessert ever.”

Tyler was in a zone of pure bliss. Every sense was focused
on Drew and his magical mouth. He took her up, up, up. Had her straining to tip
over the edge, only to scale back, leave hanging.

“I need…”

“I know, honey. I’m driving. Relax, enjoy the

Tyler’s arms flexed, her legs tensed. She shifted until her
foot ran along Drew’s back. She couldn’t use her hands to touch him so she used
what she could to encourage, urge on.

Drew was happy to tease the pleasure from Tyler a little at
a time. Her taste was intoxicating. Hearing her sighs, her moans, gave him
satisfaction as he had never known. This was for her. The better he could make
it, the happier he would be.

“I can tell you’re close.” Drew ran a finger
across her opening. “Do you want me to end this,” his finger entered,
“or should we continue to play?”

“Play.” She said the word in a breathy burst. It
was too good. She wanted more.

Smiling, Drew proceeded to reward her for giving him the right

A second then third finger joined the first. His mouth
worshiped her, kissing, tasting, leaving her writhing. She begged for release
while hoping it would never end.

When his other hand moved above his mouth, finding the
source of the pleasure, applying just the right amount of pressure, it was too
much. Tyler’s body tensed. Wave after wave engulfed her. At first a massive
burst, her skin suffused with heat. Drew held her, encouraging her to hold the
feelings, gently petting her as she coasted down from an exhilarating flight.
She was left limp, her smile happy, relaxed.

Drew released her from the scarves, checking for any
abrasions. Seeing none, he lightly rubbed the skin, kissing the inside of each

He settled next to her, taking her in his arms. He liked the
way Tyler automatically burrowed closer. Lying in each other’s arms was
becoming natural, for both of them.

“You still have your clothes on.”

It was a sleepy observation, one that had him smiling.

“I didn’t have time to take them off.” He smoothed
back the hair from her face. Such a dear, beautiful face. “I was
wonderfully distracted.”

“Mmm.” Definitely a sound of agreement. “Your

Drew didn’t answer. Tyler was so close to falling asleep, he
didn’t want to do anything to interrupt the journey. Waiting until her
breathing was steady, he slipped from the bed. He arranged the blanket over
her, kissing her forehead, before taking his phone and quietly moving across
the room.

Drew disengaged the alarm then went outside into the cold November
night. Hitting speed dial, he waited.

“I expected to hear from you sooner.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“Me too,” Jack countered.

“What did you find?” Drew braced himself. Knowing
what was coming didn’t stop the dread from settling in.

“You nailed it. It only took me a couple of hours. A
dodge and a weave then boom. It was a crappy job, Drew. I’d say you were meant
to find out — fast.”

“Yeah.” Drew no longer felt any dread. He was
weary of the game. He should have ended it long ago.

“What are you going to do?”

“Tonight? I’m going back to my warm, sleeping

“That sounds like a winner,” Jack said. He paused.
“Tomorrow? Cause if you need help hiding the body, I’m with you. Hell,
I’ll call Alex. He’s ex-Army. I’m sure he has all kinds of nifty tricks up his

“Thanks. I know you guys have my back.” Drew took
a deep breath. “No. This is going to be a bloodless coup.”

“Long time coming.”


Neither man spoke. It wasn’t an awkward silence. Just two
friends lost in their similar thoughts.

“Have you filled Alex in?” Drew asked after a

“He was here earlier when you called. Rose and Dani
were halfway out the door before we could convince them to wait until

“I appreciate it, Jack. I know Tyler would have
welcomed their company but…”

“You needed to be alone with her. I get it. How is

“Better. This news. I don’t know what her reaction will

“Pissed,” Jack said. “Rose says Tyler has a
backbone of steel. I haven’t seen anything to make me dispute that.”

, Drew thought a few minutes later as he ended
the call. That sounded right. It was certainly better than sad and trembling.
It killed him to see his strong, brave Tyler that way. She bounced back. She
always did. Drew gave a tired sigh. It was time to make sure she stopped having

Drew turned to go back inside then stopped, glancing at his
watch. Not too late, he decided. Calling up his contacts, he hit the second on
his list. The one right below Jack.

“Alex. I hope I didn’t get you up. I need a


TYLER SIPPED HER morning coffee. It tasted better than usual.
No mystery as to why. It always tasted better when somebody else made it. Drew
had a cup waiting before she popped her eyes open. Even the smell was enough to
start her motor. A couple of drinks got her running on all cylinders.

“I could get used to having coffee in bed.”


“Okay, what?”

“Okay, I’ll bring you coffee in bed every

Tyler’s motor might be running at full speed, but her brain
was still in second gear. What was Drew saying?


“We’ll talk about it later.” He gave her a quick
kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to jump in the shower. Oh, if you notice my
car is gone, don’t worry. Alex picked it up last night.”

Tyler watched him go. She could care less about the well-being
of one of his babies. Tucked safely away for the night in its
climate-controlled garage. Or hanging in her driveway. So what?

It was the thing before. Had he asked her to move in with
him? They couldn’t live here. Soon it would no longer be hers. Tyler shook off
the thought. Whatever happened with the studio, she wasn’t letting go of Drew.
As he said, they would talk later.

She pulled on a pair of jeans, thick socks and a baggy
yellow sweater. After a long, warm fall, it finally felt like November. The place
was surprisingly warm for so early. Again thanks to Drew. Tyler always forgot
to turn on the heat. By the time she thought of it, most of the day had passed.
Unless it was below freezing outside, there were days she didn’t bother at all.

Taking her cup, she padded to the kitchen. Giving herself a
refill, she stood with her back against the counter, looking around.

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