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also Fractures

lhrombolyti�, 50

Infections, 629--630

electrocardiography in, 43

mecabolic, 689-692

hean ratc vari3bility in, 26-27

osteomyelitis, 629-630

management of, 50-53

physic3l therapy in, 237-258, 630

pathophysiology 111. 39-43

111 prolonged bed rest, 754t

physical therapy in, 3 1

soft tissue surgery in, 2 1 4-220

revasculari7.3UOn procedures 111.

experimental, 2 1 9-220


spine surgery in, 2 1 0-214

oxygen demand III exercise, 67

tmcrion in, 230-232

Myoglobin in cardiac evaluation, 30t, 3 1

exanllnnrion of, 1 60-169

Myopathy in cmical illness, 759

diagnostic tests in, 1 67- 169

Myotomes in musculoskelctal cX3rnin3-

functional mobility and safety

uon, 1 63, 1 64t, 165t

issues in, 1 65-1 67

history taking in, 1 60- 1 6 1

Nasal cannula for oxygen delivery, 7711

i n pain, 1 6 1

with humidificarion, 778f

physical examination in, 1 6 1 - 1 65

Nasoenteric feeding rubes, 799t-800t

radionuclide scans in. 1 68, 337t

Nasogastrlc tubes, 8001

r3nge of morion in, 163, 1 65, 1 66t

Naso-pharyngeal c:lthClCr for oxygen

upper and lower-quarter screens in,

deliver)" 772r-773r

1 63-165, 1 641,1 65r

Nasotracheal tntubation in mechanical

in hem3tologic disorders, 378t, 379

ventilation, 8 1 2



Nausea and vomiting

anriparkinsonian, 321, 85 It

antiemetic agents in, 34 1 , 342, 846t-

diuretic, 867t


muscle relaxant, 868t

in chemotherapy, 34 1 , 342

in electrical burns, 443

hematemesis in, 527

in HIV infection and AJDS, 635t,

in radiation therapy, 341


Nebulizers, 800t

infections, 625-629


in intracranial pressure increase,

cancer of, 354-355


collar support for� 225t

neurosurgery in, 325-326

fractures of, 182, 183f, 1 84, 252t-

pathophysiology in, 305-321


physical therapy in, 326-327, 356

traction applied (0, 231 t

postoperative, 872, 873

Neoplasms, 33 1-359. See also Tumors

in prolonged bed rest, 754r

Nephrectomy, 595-596

seizures, 3 1 6-318, 324t, 845t

Nephritis, interstitial, 578-579

in spine fractures, 1 82

Nephrolithiasis, 566, 579-580

syncope in, 3 1 9

surgery in, 596-597

traumatic, 305-310

Nephrolithotomy, 596

ulceration in, 471-472

Nephrons, 558

ventricular, 3 1 5-3 1 6


i n viramin 812 deficiency, 406

in diabetes mellitus, 580-581

evaluation of, 277-305

immunoglobulin (gA, 574-575

in coma, vegetative state, and brain


death, 756f, 757

percutaneous stone removal in, 596

coordination tests in, 299

urinary diversion in, 597, 598f

cranial nerve tests in, 287, 288t-

Nephrotic syndrome, 577-578


Nerve conduction velocity studies, 304

diagnostic procedures in, 299-305

Nervous system, 259-327

history taking in, 278-2 8 1

anesthesia affecting, 872

mental status examination in, 282-

autonomic. See Au(Onomic nervous



mOtor function in, 294-297

and cardiovascular function, 1 0

observation in, 2 8 1

central. See Central nervous system

sensory function in, 298-299

conduction velocity in, 304

vision tests in, 287, 293-294

disorders of, 305-327

vital signs in, 287

bladder dysfunction in, 584

in hematologic disorders, 378t

in cancer, 333t, 356

peripheral. See Peripheral nervous syscerebrovascular, 3 1 2-3 1 5


claudication in, 388

and respiratory function, 90, 92t

in compression from cast, 223

structure and function of, 260-277

in critical illness polyneuropathy,



in critical illness, 758-759

degenerative, 3 1 9-321

in diabetes mellinls, 471-472, 681-684

in diabetes mellitus, 471-472, 681-

signs and symptoms of, 683t-684t


types of, 683t-684t

signs and symptoms of, 683t-

familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy,


liver transplantation in, 7 1 3

types of, 683r-684t

i n HlV infection and AIDS, 635t,

drug therapy in, 325


anticonvulsant, 845t

ulceration in, 471-472



Neurosurgery, 325-326

in musculoskeletal evaluarion, 1 61-

Neutropenia in chemotherapy, 343


Neutrophil coum

in neurologic evaluation, 281

in chemotherapy, 343

in respiratOry evaluation, 98-99

in infections, 610

in extra pleural disorders, 1 45(-

Nitrate preparations, 866t


Nocturia, 561

111 obstructive disorders, t 3 1 t-

Non-rebreather masks for oxygen deliv134t

ery, 775t, 781 f

physical therapy based on, 1 54t

partial, 774t

in restrictive disorders, 138t-140t

Norepmephrlne, 668, 671

in ruberculosis therapy, 623

cardiac effects of, 1 1 r

in vascular evaluatIon, 367-368

target sites and actions of. 669t

in wounds, 480-482

urine levels of, 671

Obturator nerve, 278t


Occipital lobc, 264t

Nosocomial infections, 607t, 614

OculomotOr nerve, 289t

amibiotic-resistam, 6 1 5-618

Odomoid process fracture, 2521

prevenuon of, 614, 615t, 639, 750

Olecranon fractures, 186, 188f, 257t

Nucleoside analogs in HIV infection and

Olfactory nerve, 2881

AIDS, 633

Oliguria, 561

5'-Nucleotidase levels, 5 1 9t

in acute renal failure, 570


Oncology, 331-359. See also Tumors

in anemia, 4 1 6, S66t

Opioid therapy, 879, 881 t-882t

in chemotherapy, 342

epidural, 882t

in diabetes mellitus, 674, 677

implanted pump for, 884t

and hypogl)'cemia, 685

in panem-controlled analgesia, 883t

in gastrointestinal disorders, 550-

OpportulllstlC infections, 607r


in IfIV mfcct10n and AIDS, 633-634

dysphagia affecting, 524-525

Optic nerve, 288t

and malabsorption syndromes,

Oral cavlry

535-536, 551

cancer of, 354, 355

gastrostOmy/jejunostomy rubes in,

risk factors in, 335t, 355

percutaneous endoscopic,

(unction in gastrolOtestinal system,



in hypoparathyroidism, 689


nasoentcric feeding rubes in, 799t-

on comfort measures, 755


do not resuscitate/do not intubate,

nasogastric rubes in, SOOt


and wound healing, 474-475

medIcal records on, 746

Nystatin in burns, 461 t

Orientation to person, place, and time,

assessment of, 283, 285r

Obesity, respiratory disorders in, 150

Orthopnea, l OOt

Observation and inspection

Orthoses, 225-229

in burns, 462

Osmosis, 587

in cardiac evaluation, 1 5-16

Osmotherapy in intracranial pressure

in gastrointestinal evaluation, 505-

increase, 324t


Osmotic diurencs, 867t

abdominal quadrants in, 505, 50M

Osteomalacia, 69 1

in genitourinary evaluation, 562-563

OsteomyelItIS, 629-630

in hematologic evaluation, 377

Osteoporosis. 689-690

in infections, 607-608

Osteosarcoma, 333t, 3461

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