Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted (14 page)

BOOK: Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted
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walked up to the crew. They were standing around and looking at
little screens and discussing lighting. I was given a chair to sit
in. This was probably really interesting but I didn't have a clue
what it all meant. I couldn't see the actors, but they were filming
at the moment and I wasn't allowed to make any noise. I opened my
laptop and continued writing on the next book. I hadn't been very
good about that lately. I was busy doing things with Ryan, and when
he wasn't at my place I cleaned, or wrote, or I was at his place.

scene was over and a whole crowd of people came over. I closed my
laptop and stood up. I looked at the actors and wondered who was who.
I looked them over and felt I recognized one. I did a double take. It
was Ryan.

saw me and walked right over to me. “What are you doing here?”

are you doing here?” I asked him back.

have the lead role,” he answered.

wrote the book.”

stared at each other shocked for a few seconds until the director
called me over. He explained this and that and then I got to watch my
boyfriend kissing another girl all day. Seriously have many takes did
they need of – that?

asked the director if the same actors would be acting in the sequel.
He said they tried to get the same people if they could. I nodded. I
definitely had to rewrite the second book. There were way to many
love scenes. It had even gotten worse since Ryan and I had started –
Never mind.

director said they were lucky to get such experienced actors. I
hadn't recognized anyone. Damn, I never thought about it, but I
should have googled my boyfriend a lot sooner. I'd correct that
mistake within the day.

broke for lunch and I talked to the woman playing, me, a translator
who heard too much, and read in between the lines of the contracts.
We talked and I tried not to think about Ryan's lips on hers. He had
been big on lectures on faithfulness. He promised to be faithful
every time we made love, so I had heard it a lot. I thought about us
in bed and us talking about nothing, and about the whole wide world.
I thought about him carving the turkey for our family, us.

more she talked the more I realized that she wasn't his type. I knew
he liked me, and just me. I started to relax and do my job to help
her do hers. After lunch they worked on a new scene. Ryan had to run
around with the translator and hide from the bad guys. He was getting

decided to write more action scenes. Guys liked things like that
anyway. The actors got to go back to the hotel and shower and the
director showed me different things that they did with footage once
the actors were gone.

we got back to the hotel it was time for my talk with the lead male
actor, also know as my boyfriend.

went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I ran my brush through my hair
and brushed my teeth. I went to the table they had set up for this.
He kept me waiting. This was new for him. The female lead talked to
me some more until he came along. He sat down across from me and I
had a feeling like I had done something very wrong. The actress said
goodbye and I slowly turned to look at him. He had a, 'well what do
you have to say for yourself', look on his face.

leaned into him and whispered, “Am I in trouble?”

stone hard face melted and he laughed. “No, not at all. I probably
have you to thank for getting the part. They loved my insight. I had
wanted to bring a copy of the book with me so you could sign it for
my girlfriend. She's read the book about a hundred times.”

I said playing along, “that's about as often as I have.”

came an uncomfortable phase, where neither of us said anything. I
noticed that the others were looking at us oddly. “So you're an
actor. What else have you played in? Anything I know?”

and this clears up several of the mysteries I have had about you,
they were all in the last couple of years. Smaller movie rolls and
TV. This is my first lead role, my breakthrough you could call it.”
He paused and I nodded. “So what are you working on at the moment?”

I am working on several books at the moment but mostly on the sequel
to this book. My agent wants it to come out at the same time as the
movie. I haven't been very good about writing lately.”

going to be a part two?” He looked excited. “I had heard talk
about it, but nothing concrete.”

over half way finished. Your character is still the lead with the
woman. This time they are in America. He calls her over because he
thinks something is fishy, and because he misses her.”

do you know what that means?” He grabbed both of my hands in his.
We were drawing too much attention. He didn't realize it because his
back was to the room, but I could see the curious looks that we were

what does it mean?”

is going to do well at the box office and then another one. It means
that financially we will be on the safe side. I even get more money
when I do interviews and things. I'll never have to cook for a living
again. I'll be able to buy you a big house and we can start a family.
I still can't believe that you are here, Katherine. This is

missed you something terrible, and I'm glad that you aren't mad at

know I love you, Katherine.” He pet my hands a little. More people
were staring. “Tell me, do you really speak German?”

I really do.” I laughed at his question.

knew you were smart and somebody important, but that you were, that
smart,” he sighed. “I think you are amazing.”

I think I shouldn't be present when you do kissing scenes.”

had him laughing and the director came over to see what was going on.
“Are you two finished?” he asked me. I wasn't used to answering
when Ryan was around. I looked at him and he smiled but he didn't say

I answered. The director reluctantly went away. I looked back at
Ryan. “Did you have any questions?” I asked him lamely.

just one. Do you want to keep us a secret or do you want us to be

I don't know. Whatever you want. I don't have any experience in
Hollywood things.”

will be good publicity for the movie.” He seemed to be talking to
himself. “Plus we are a known couple back home.”

I trust you. We'll do what you think is best.” It had become easy
for me to lay decisions in his lap.

won't say anything but we will act normal with each other. That will
start rumors and the ball will start rolling.”

need a different story about how we met.”

shopping?” His eyebrow arched up.

was my turn to laugh. “Sure, that's when most people see us
together anyway.”

stood up and we hugged. “When you are finished come look for me.
I'll be in the lobby reading through my lines for tomorrow.”

nodded and watched him leave. He was the best looking man here and
that was saying something. I still couldn't believe that he was mine.

talked for hours with the cast members. My throat was already sore.
Ryan came back a little while later and gave me an odd look.
“Katherine, have you eaten anything?”

yet,” I admitted. He came back five minutes later and laid a plate
of food down. He left before I could thank him.

guy, I was talking to, looked puzzled and curious. I could tell he
wanted to ask what that was all about but he didn't.

don't mind, do you?” It was already after nine. I ate quickly. I
didn't want to make a scene with Ryan. If people didn't realize that
we knew each other already then they knew now.

finished my talk with this actor and went out to Ryan. He looked
pleased that I would be going to bed soon.

he wanted to go to bed with me. I smiled at him.


I smiled looking up at him.

you think we should – ”

to bed now?” I looked at my watch. “Yes, definitely. But I have a
bit of a problem.”

looked concerned right away.

have kind of gotten used to sleeping with someone. I need a body in
bed with me. Do you know anyone who could volunteer?”

first he looked so strict, then he smiled and we went off. He had to
get a few things from his room and talk to his roommate.

straightened up in my room and waited for him. Unfortunately, I only
had regular pajamas with, nothing sexy.

knocked on the door and I flew to open it. I stopped at the door and
took a quick peek in the mirror. I looked flushed. I opened the door
and let him in. He gave me a very charming smile. He had a twinkle in
his eye.

can't believe that we are together already. I thought it would be
weeks before we could see each other again.” He wrapped his arms
around me. I felt so safe and protected.

you wouldn't have been here then I would have been very lonely now.”
I rested my head on his shoulder.

held me close for a while. “Katherine, my legs are a little sore
from all the running today,” he admitted.

that's my fault.” I pulled him over to the bed and pushed him down
on it. He was smirking at the way I was acting. I was playing the
temptress. He knew I wasn't very good at it. Usually he started
bringing things in motion. If I started, he normally took over for
me, so I wouldn't feel so stupid. He didn't tonight. Truth be told I
wanted him to take over.

removed my clothes hoping that that would encourage him. He just

started removing his clothes. He grinned and let me. I had a feeling
that he was laughing at me. I touched him all over. I even gave him a
leg massage, still he just laid there. I got up on top of him. He was
still grinning and I could feel that I was blushing.

I whined.

boss lady.” He was shaking with laughter, but not laughing. He was
trying to hide it.

don't want to be your boss lady. I want things to be the way they
always are.” My face got even warmer as I said that.

you want me to be the man?” he asked. His eyebrow went up.

never said otherwise.” I was confused. Maybe he had lied when he
said he wasn't mad.

do realize that you are a lot richer than I am.”

That doesn't mean that I am suddenly going to be good at this.” I
made a motion with my hand over our naked bodies. I was still
straddling him. I knew I was having an effect on him.

don't say that. You are perfect in bed.” He sat up and wrapped his
arms around me again. “I was just worried that you might think that
because I am only an actor and you are a famous best selling actor
that maybe – ”

what?” I demanded.

I'm not good enough for you.”

you serious?” I waited for an answer and nothing came out of him.
“You were good enough for me when I thought you were a freelance
cook but now that I found out that you are a famous actor you're
worried?” He still didn't say anything. “I googled you while you
were getting your things. When we get home I want to rent a couple of
movies.” I smiled at him.

you are okay with the fact that I don't have a steady income?”

money we earn should go into a big pot and it doesn't matter which
one of us earned it. We will talk about all big purchases before we
spend and just around Christmastime we will have a no questions asked
policy. Can you live with that?”

don't know. That's the problem. That's exactly what I'm worried
about. You know what kind of guy I am. I have to be the head of the
household. I don't know if I can live like that. I wanted to be the
breadwinner. I had even hoped that when I got this job that you would
quit your stressful job. I hated seeing you so nervous about meeting
your deadline. I have a very traditional picture in my head about
what our family should look like. I'd be the head and you would be
the heart.”

I laid my hands on the sides of his face. “We were practically
living together before we came here. It would be just like that.
Nothing has changed. You know that I have grown very dependent on
you. I see you as the head of our family. That's how I want it, too.
I like how things have been between us. It works well for us. I'm not
worried, you automatically take control but you listen to me too
before you make a decision. I'm fine with that. You would have the
final say over how the money was spent too. I don't understand where
all this fear is coming from. You know me, I haven't changed in the
past twenty-four hours.”

BOOK: Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted
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