Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted (15 page)

BOOK: Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted
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right, I know you better than you know yourself. I googled you too.”

laughed then. That made my body shake. He didn't need anymore of an
invitation. He had me on my back in a matter of seconds. “I love
you, Katherine. I will take care of you and be faithful to you

love you too, and I will be a good wife to you, and respect you, and
your wishes.”

will be the world's best husband, and I will cherish you always.”

felt like we had exchanged wedding vows. I was so in love with him. I
couldn't imagine that I would ever give control of my life over to
someone like I did with him, but I did so gladly.

went down for breakfast hand in hand. Everyone stared at us but Ryan
had decided that we should act normally with one another. The
director called us over and wanted to hear the story. He looked a
little mad.

is going on here? Is this a love at first sight thing?” He gave us
a look that clearly said that he didn't believe in love at first

looked at Ryan. As head of our family, I felt, it was his job to

looked at me and then sighed. “We met a couple of months ago, at
the grocery store. She was picking out an eggplant and I am a chef so
I gave her some tips. We made a date to go shopping together the next
week and so on. When things started to get more intense she couldn't
tell me what she was working on and I didn't want to tell her until
it was a sure thing. I swear ,up until yesterday, I thought that my
girlfriend worked for a secret government agency.”

I thought you were opening up a chain of restaurants.” I laughed as
I admitted this. We looked at each other and just smiled.

press is going to love this.” The director looked back and forth at
us. “How serious are you two?”

are already talking about marriage,” Ryan answered.

director looked at me for confirmation.

just waiting for him to pop the question, so I can say, yes.”

had Ryan grinning from ear to ear.

director got up and pulled out his cell. He left us to ourselves.

we are public now.” Ryan looked at me like he wanted to eat me with
a spoon.

only thing that bothers me is Hollywood marriages never last.” I
bit my lip.

worry. It is my job to hold our marriage together. I don't take that
lightly. First, we have so much to tell each other. I want you to
meet my parents, and soon. Before I pop the question or they will be

parents just have to be informed. I think I will do that today. My
mom was mad that I didn't tell her about the movie deal sooner, but
you heard that conversation before Thanksgiving. If I tell her than
she can start bragging. That's important to her.”

have to warn you about my parents. I definitely come from the bible
belt. You might want to brush up on your Bible knowledge.”

I was very good about going to Sunday School, so I'm not worried.”

in the south we take that all a little more seriously.”

from the south. I assumed that you came from California, because of
the way you talk?”

of acting school, Darling,” he drawled.

sat up a little straighter. “Can you talk that way again tonight,
when it's just us.” I was melting listening to him.

eyes twinkled. “Be my pleasure, Ma'am.”

Chapter 12 You Have To Listen, No Matter
Where We Are

quickly got used to us as a couple. Someone (the director) had leaked
the story about us to the press. They showed up and tried to get
pictures of the two of us together.

told me this was the time to play hard to get. We were careful never
to be seen together, so they couldn't get a picture. He told me he
would inform me when we would let them have one and then we would
play hard to get again. He was already getting lots of calls for
interviews. No one had my number, but my agent was relaying some to
me too.

worked on the book as much as I could, but it was coming along
slowly. I explained to Ryan that I had to stay up a little later to
get cracking on it. He said I could stay up until midnight. This was
hard for him to allow but it was in our best interest. He had met my
agent, and I had a feeling that he didn't like her.

came here and looked at everything and made me all kinds of promises
and offered all kinds of help, so I could concentrate on writing. She
liked the behind the scenes love story too.

told me that she had dollar signs in her eyes as she looked at me.

eleven Ryan came into the lounge, where I was working, and told me
one more hour. He went back to my room to run through his lines. He
came back a half an hour later to check on me. A couple of the other
actors were also in there watching TV.

were already laughing at me.

twelve he came in again and I held up a finger stopping him. I was at
the good part. The bad guys had kidnapped him and the translator was
trying to save him. It didn't feel right leaving him tied up to a
chair all night while I slept and his character suffered. That
explanation got laughs from everyone in the room.

minutes,” he warned me and left. He was looking tired. I tried to

came back half an hour later. He grabbed my laptop and saved my
program and then shut it down. I watched him wide-eyed. He left the
room with my laptop. The others were pretending not to notice our
little fight, but they were shaking with laughter.

followed Ryan out. He went to my room and unlocked the door and held
it open for me. I walked through but I had a terrible sinking feeling
in my tummy. He stepped in too, closing and locking the door.

went into the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. He was sitting on
the side of the bed when I came out. I had a bad feeling about this.
I stopped dead in my tracks.

we talked about me being the final decision maker and about you
respecting those decisions.” He was using his strict tone. Believe
it or not, but that tone alone had the power to make my backside
cringe in pain.


here, please.” He patted the bed next to him.

slowly forced my feet to move forward. I sat down next to him. “We
both have to work tomorrow. We both have people depending on us to do
our best then. How are we going to manage that on some six hours of

hadn't thought about Ryan needing his sleep too. “I'm sorry, Ryan.
I was being selfish. You gave an inch, and I took a foot.”

right, you did. I think I know why you did it, too. You thought that
you could get away with it. I want you to come over my knees right
this instant.”

Ryan everyone would hear.”

is something that you should have thought about beforehand. If you
had then we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.”

let's make a deal. You can spank me when we get back home, when it is
just us. You don't want to read any odd story about this in the
tabloids, do you?”

I don't make deals. As the head of our family I strongly feel that
you are due a spanking before your behavior once again takes a turn
for the worse.”

ran down my face. “Please, Ryan no.” I was begging, but the
thought of everyone knowing that I was being spanked, embarrassed me

had his hand on my back and he was pushing me gently over his knee.

sobbed and grabbed hold of the blanket and stuffed it into my mouth.
I was so mortified by this.

spanked gently at first and then he slowly built up. After two
minutes I was already kicking. It was like when you go to the doctors
office and he hits your knee with that mallet thing. My bottom had
that same effect on my legs. He held them down as best he could but
they certainly didn't stop him. He lifted up my pajamas and I knew
that we were nowhere close to being finished.

was spanking my bare bottom and lecturing me. I cried into the
blanket, hoping that no one could hear this. His hand smacking my
bare bottom was just so loud. After a bit my legs stopped kicking and
I didn't need the blanket to swallow my screams anymore. I was limp
just taking what he was dishing out.

rolled me to him and held me and told me how much he loved me. He
made me promise to never make him do that again.

promised as I always do but I had promised that before and here we
were again. I felt so guilty. I apologized with all my heart. He held
me tight as we fell asleep.

to say I was still tired the next morning. He gave me disappointed
looks as we got up and dressed. My backside was a dark red.

thing that worries me is how you will behave next week when you are
at home all alone. You are making me worry.”

sorry, Ryan. I could keep my diary again. If you want,” I offered.
I wanted our fight to be over with right now. He was right and I was

lunch we were talking like nothing had happened again I was glad
about that. The time we had left with each other was like a ticking
time bomb and when the countdown was reached, I would explode into
tears. Not because of a spanking, but because I would miss him so

stood out in front of our hotel waiting for the car that would take
me to the airport.

had already said goodbye to all the new friends that I had made. Just
Ryan was left. I had decided to let him know the real reason that I
had stood in front of his door. It was time for complete honesty.

hugged and kissed. If any paparazzi were hiding in the bushes, then
they were getting something to see. I clung to him and repeated how
much I would miss him. He repeated how much he loved me. He was eager
to introduce me to his parents. They already knew all about me. He
had phoned them and spilt the beans. He had said his parents were a
lot different from mine. His cared about everything. That made me

car pulled up and he put my bags in the trunk for me. He came around
and hugged me again. “Please, take care of yourself. I'm not there
to do it for you, but I am entrusting you with my most valuable
possession, you.” He smiled at me with a smile that I knew that
Hollywood was going to love. I already did.

was time. I had to tell him the truth and see if it made any
difference in our relationship or not. I was still so worried that he
wouldn't want me after he found out that I had just been using him in
the beginning.

have something for you.” I reached into my bag and pulled out a
copy of the manuscript. “I umm – This is for you. I had started
to write this before I met you and it wasn't at all good. I had to do
a lot of research on it and I just wasn't moving ahead on it. It will
be coming out in a couple of weeks. You were the one who helped me to
be able to finish it. I ah – It's for you. Read it. Burn it
whatever. It isn't at all like this book.” I pointed to hotel
behind him. “I even hope that they don't film it. Maybe you could
call me then?”

gave him a peck on the cheek, opened my car door and got in. The car
took off then and Ryan was still standing there with the manuscript
in his hands. The first page was a note to him. It started out with
the real reason I went to his house. It explained everything.

still hadn't called.

hadn't called him that I had gotten home safely either. I had chicken
out and sent a text message instead. The ball was in his court so to
say. I was worried that he wouldn't play it back.

phone rang. I practically fell over myself racing to get it.

was his mom. She was calling to see when I had time to visit them. We
chatted and I told her that it would be difficult because of the new
book that was coming out. I had to be present.

understood, but she remained insistent. She wanted us there for a
longer period of time. We were able to find a five day time slot.

was friendly and she had the cutest accent. I relaxed and talked with
her about different things that we could do in that time. He was a
farm kid. I wouldn't have thought that. She said she would cook and
take care of everything, so Ryan and I had time to be together. She
sounded so thrilled to meet me. I wondered if we really would meet.
Ryan still hadn't called.

was nerves about that. What if I never heard from Ryan again?

if I did? A person hears horror stories about the in-laws. Would they
think that I wasn't good enough for him? Plus Ryan had said that they
were God fearing people. I believed in God but I saw him more as a
friend. A friend that could get disappointed at the most, but there
was no room for things like wrath in my picture of God.

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