Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted (9 page)

BOOK: Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted
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I was finished I was so tired. I snuggled into the sofa unable to
hold my head up anymore. I had my arms wrapped around my laptop as I
fell asleep. I woke as I felt him lift my head and put a pillow under
it. I also noticed when he covered me up with a blanket, and when he
lifted my feet and laid them on his lap, but then I was completely

stretched and moved around uncomfortably. My hand was throbbing in
pain. I whimpered and put it close to my heart. I felt my feet
moving. He was moving them so he could get up.

need you to sit up so you can drink this.” His strong arms were
under me moving me the way he wanted me. He gave me my pill and then
the water. I laid back down again. I was sobbing. This sofa seemed to
be a fitting place for that. He liked me to cry here, I thought as I
slowly fell back to sleep.

same scenario was repeated what felt like several times. Once I woke
up and he wasn't sitting on the sofa. I took the chance to go to the
bathroom. I could hear him calling for me while I was washing my good
hand and my face as best I could. I must have been sleeping for days
but I was still very groggy. I wanted to wash and change.

sighed and went out to him. He wasn't there. I sat down sideways on
the sofa and drew my feet up.

came back in and tried to pretend like he didn't think I had just
taken off on him. He knelt next to the sofa and laid a hand on my
shoulder so softly that I could hardly feel it.

was crying again. “I need a shower and I have to change into clean
clothes. I have to admit where I live now, don't I?”

you don't I'll take care of everything. You don't have to give up
your identity. I'll give you some of my stuff to wear.”

it's time for me to go home now. I'll be missed this time. They will
be calling and harping on me to meet my deadline. I have to go now. I
have so much work to do.”

will draw you a bath and then we will see about you going home. I
don't think that they will miss you just yet. Tomorrow is
Thanksgiving. They will assume that you are with your family.

shot up so I was sitting perfectly straight. “Tomorrow is
Thanksgiving? I am in so much trouble. Can I use your phone? I'll
reimburse you for the costs. It's long distance.” My mom was going
to be so ticked off at me. I had no plans of going home, but if I
would have called sooner than we could have pretended that I wanted
to come, at least, before I made my excuses not to.

handed me his phone and went into the bathroom. He left the door
open. I could hear him filling the bathtub.


mom, it's me. How are you?”

to tell the truth I'm a little disappointed that my daughter couldn't
find time to call sooner.” My mother was one of those people who
were happily unhappy. She was impossible to please.

sorry but I was sick and then I fell asleep while working in bed and
forgot to put the lid on my pen and when I woke up the whole bed was
full of ink. My comforter doesn't fit in my wash machine so I had to
go to the laundromat. I sprained my wrist closing the car door.”

looked to see if he was listening while my mom talked. He was leaning
against his bedroom doorframe smirking.

I got the ink out.”

raised his eyebrows and continued to smile.

hair spray. Came right out.”

could you let something like that happen?” my mom scolded.

knew she meant the comforter. “I was sick and it happened, but like
I said it's taken care of now. But because of the sprain I have to
take medicine and I sleep a lot. I won't be able to come tomorrow.
You understand, right?”

weren't planning on you anyway. Someone like you, doesn't keep
contact with their family. I mean, if it was important to you then I
wouldn't have had to find out that they were going to film your book
while I was standing at the checkout.”

mouth formed the words 'oh shit' as I leaned into the back of his
sofa. “Didn't I mention that?”

would have remembered.” I had taken away her chance to brag about
me. This is something that was very important to her.

really sorry. I have just been so concentrated on the second part and
on other projects that it slipped my mind.”

pictured my mother rolling her eyes. “Well, now we know not to wait
for you tomorrow. Goodbye.”

I hung up and handed him the phone again.

was still smiling. He had enjoyed the show. “Did she even ask how
you were feeling?”

shook my head. Ryan stopped smiling right away. “So that's where
you get it from.”


probably gave you the feeling that taking care of yourself wasn't
important when you were a child. I'm glad you are learning it now.
You are more than just your work.” Ryan reached under my arms and
picked me up. He set me on my feet and I started to forget why I was
so mad at him. He walked me into his bathroom. I watched him turn off
the water and check the temperature.

that my toothbrush from the last time I stayed here?”

is. Can you open the buttons by yourself?” He was already opening
the ones at the end of my sleeves. He stepped back and watched me
open one just using my right hand.

me. It will go faster.” He swiftly opened them. My heart was
beating like mad. “The towels are on the counter. Call me if you
need any help.” With that he left closing the door.

sighed relieved while I got undressed and folded my things and laid
them on the countertop. I got into the tub and washed myself as
quickly as I could. Washing my long hair was the hardest. I wasn't
looking forward to combing it either.

wondered about my toothbrush. Had he just not gotten around to
throwing it away? Weird, very weird.

had forgotten to lay out fresh clothes for me. I wrapped the towel
around myself and peeked into his bedroom. He was reading on his bed.

jumped up as I came out. “This drawer is full of T-shirts. My
boxers are in here. Maybe you could use them as shorts. Whatever you
find you can wear.” He left again closing the door. He was being
nice enough now. I didn't feel afraid of him.

I overreacted? It was just a spanking. He had just caught me off
guard. He thought that that was why I was here. That I liked that
sort of thing. Maybe we could be friends again if I explained that I
tried it and didn't like it. If he sent me packing then I wouldn't
have to worry about getting rid of him again.

put on some of his clothes. I looked like I was his girlfriend would
after they had had – You know.

went out to the living room. He was still reading. He laid the book
down on the coffee table and I saw what he was reading. I looked at
the book and then at him.

looked at the book too. Only he looked confused.

you go through my things?”

Of course, I didn't.” He looked offended.

continued to look pointedly at the book. “Really?”

you reading the same book?” He looked pleased. “That's great, we
can talk about it when you're finished. I'm rereading it. It's
great.” If he was acting than he was a great actor.

I've read that book at least a hundred times.” I continued to eye

looked very surprised. “Is it your favorite book, or something?”
He looked genuinely astonished.

of them,” I answered still watching him.

don't you sit down, and I'll get you something to eat.” He helped
me to the sofa like I couldn't have sat down by myself.

is my laptop?”

under the sofa. I was afraid it would fall on the floor while you
slept. I didn't even take it out of the bag. If you don't want me to
know who you are, then that's fine with me. I'll respect your wishes.
By the way, thank you for letting me take care of you. I know this
isn't easy for you.” He disappeared into the kitchen. I could hear
the microwave. He brought me boiled potatoes with a broth on it.

watched him closely for signs that he knew I was worth a couple
million. I had to wonder who he would send a ransom note to. My
parents wouldn't pay. They'd inherit and keep the cash.

think we need to talk about something.” I set the half eaten plate
down and sat up straight. “I umm.”

was waiting patiently with my medicine in his hands. He was pushing
the next pill out of the foil.

thing is – It was just a whim. I tried it and I honestly didn't
like it. I don't want to, never again.” I waited to see what his
reaction might be.

slowly smiled. “That's the whole point. I want you to hate it. To
hate is so much that you never do anything silly again. The fear of a
spanking should be enough to keep you in line. If you are good then
you have nothing to fear. Time for your medicine and then I have a
couple of questions for you.”

aren't listening to me again. I mean it, never again. No matter what
I do, never.”

just isn't how this works. You came looking for me, not the other way

know, but I decided against it. I don't believe anyone has the right
to hit me and hurt me. If that means we can't be friends then so be
it, but you may never raise a hand against me again.”

looked hurt by my words. “You need your sleep, now.”

I go home?” I sighed and he didn't answer. “You just don't seem
to want to respect my decision. It's better when I leave now. That
way you can do whatever you planned for tomorrow.”

plans for tomorrow include you. In fact, I'd like the recipe for that
strawberry dessert you brought with the last time you were here.”

was the ingredient that you couldn't place. Curds, strawberries,
whipping cream and sugar. That's it. Can I go now?”

held out the pill. His eyebrow went up. He would do well working in a
prison as the mean, by the book guard. I took it and held it in my
hands. He held out the water. I was good and took it. I was tired
from getting up and washing myself. The pill made me so sleepy too. I
fell asleep quickly.

Chapter 7 His is the Final Word

woke up and stretched. He was sitting on the sofa reading. I looked
at the book again. I somehow felt it belonged to me more than him.
Was he playing a game with me?

felt my feet on him as he held up a finger, wanting me to wait a

read it aloud.” I was being so fussy and impatient.

did and I knew where he was right away. When he finished the section
he asked me questions. I answered them all and I was very careful not
to say anything that would make it obvious that I was the author.

liked my ideas. He seemed to be particularly interested in one
character, liking my insight. Thank goodness for that or I would have
been very offended. He badgered me with questions while he fed and
medicated me.

know that they are going to film it, right?” I guess I was a little

eyes turned greedy. “Oh yes, I heard about that.”

we could go see it together?” I was feeling better, even a little

looked very uncomfortable with that suggestion. He didn't answer.

had more to lose than he did by going to that film, so that could
only mean that he didn't want to be seen with me in public again.
Tears pricked my eyes as I turned my head away from him.

feeling a lot better now. I think I'll just call a taxi and go home
now. Thank you for everything.” I jumped up and picked up his

took it from me. “Wait to see how you feel in five minutes once
your medicine starts working.”

are you doing this? I mean this is above and beyond the call of
duty.” I wanted to know what his motivation was.

just looked at me surprised.

had to have canceled the others, and this is just asking too much.
Once I'm home I can take care of myself, honestly. I can, even if you
think I can't.”

are no others.” He turned away from me a bit.

are you doing this?” I whispered to him.

like having you here. Plus this was all my fault. It is the only
right thing to do.”

am I to you?”

didn't answer for a few minutes. “You are my Katherine, and you
need me.”

BOOK: Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted
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