Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted (13 page)

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gave him a confused look. That one was new to me.

gave me a devilish smile. “Let me show you, please. Where is your

eyes darted in that direction. He started pulling me.

you want me to stop I will. I'll listen to you. This isn't like with
the safe word that you abused. This is something totally different.”

I don't know.”

promise, I will stop whenever you say.” He straightened up and
swallowed hard. I could tell that he was hoping I wouldn't stop him.

nodded and he started unbuttoning his shirt. I blushed and started
unbuttoning my dress too. It buttoned the whole way down. I was busy
a long time and he was already undressed down to his boxers.

I help you?” He was smiling at me like I was an early Christmas

thought I was doing so well with just one hand,” I sighed.

are, sweetheart, but I'm going mad watching you slowly opening those

I suppose I could just step out now?”

look scared. You don't have to do anything, you don't want to.”

want to,” I answered him nervously. I slipped the dress away from
my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

gasped and I covered up myself with my arms. “You really are very
beautiful. I promise now, that you are mine, I will never let you
go.” He stepped forward and held me again. I opened my bra and he
leaned back, away from me so I could remove it.

had never seen a happier man in all my life. He was smiling so widely
that it had to hurt. I was pretty much just blushing.

morning when I woke up I figured I would never see you again and that
you hated me on so many levels and now we are about to make love. I'm
sorry, I'm being so lovey dovey but all of my dreams are coming true
just now.” Ryan picked me up and laid me on my bed. He laid down
next to me, kissing me again. He rubbed his hands all over me and
paid extra attention to my breasts.

was arching up to him and offering myself shamelessly. He sucked on
my nipples and held me close. He reached into my panties and rubbed
me there until I screamed out his name.

I told you so. This is all about you.” He kissed me and rubbed some
more. I trusted him completely. I needed him even. I wanted more from
him. Just from him. I whispered that in his ear and he nodded. He
laid me on my back and removed my underwear.

legs opened wide to welcome him. He positioned himself over me and
slowly entered me. It was the single most amazing feeling of my life.
I whimpered as he pulled it out again. “No, no, no. Please I want
you. I really do. I trust you not to hurt me.” I felt like I was
over his knees, promising him anything to get him to stop. Only this
time it would break my heart if he did stop.

entered me again and I sighed happily for him. He told me that he
loved me a lot and I told him that I loved him too.

had two more orgasms before he had his.

was the best I have ever had. You are the best,” he told me
afterwards as I laid on his chest.

I didn't do anything. You did all the work.”

way you opened your legs for me, did me in. I had to take you then.
There was nothing for you to do except raise those wonderful hips to
me and you did. Believe me, you are great in bed. I will never sleep
with another woman, ever again. You are all that I need. I love you
so much.”

made love all night, so much for his eight hours of sleep rule. In
between we ate Christmas cookies and drank milk. We were breaking all
the rules now. I teased him that we could run around with scissors
later. He told me if we did it naked, he was game for it.

Chapter 10 Safe In His Arms

woke up still in his arms. I looked at the clock. “Oh, no. I have
to be at the hospital in an hour.” I jumped out of bed and headed
for the shower.

worry angel. I'll get you there on time.” He joined me in the
shower and took the time to wash my back. He hurried out and I told
him where the new toothbrushes were.

do you have so many?” he asked, looking worried.

stock up on things when they are on sale, old habits die hard.”

was happy with my answer. He brushed his teeth and then he helped me
out of the shower and towel dried my hair as best he could. I blow
dried it and kept an eye on the clock. He was already dressed and he
looked so good again that I could hardly believe that he was mine. He
was acting so normal, with no mentions of spankings.

going to get my car. I'll be back in ten minutes. Can you get dressed
by yourself?”

nodded and pulled something out of my closet.

was looking at me naked. “We'll go out for breakfast afterwards but
then I need to sleep with you again or I may just go blind like in
that old wives tale.” He laughed at his own joke. “I'll wait
downstairs. If you don't come I will think you need help and come up,
okay, angel?”

be there,” I promised him. I smiled at him with so much love.

came back to me and kissed me. “It hurts me to leave you even if it
is just for five minutes. How will I survive it when – ?” He
turned away from me and left then.

got dressed as quick as I could. I got my wallet out of my basket and
put it into my purse. I locked my apartment door and hurried down the
stairs to him.

drove up and parked. He opened my door and I sat down. I made sure
both my hands were on my lap before he closed the door. He laughed
and ran around to get it. He quickly drove me to the hospital.

parked by my car which had done a good job collecting tickets. He put
them all in his pocket. “Don't worry about it. I have a friend at
the police station. I will explain it to him. He'll understand.”

walked in hand in hand. We were a couple now. I was so happy that he
loved me back. We had to wait over an hour before the doctor had time
for me.

still didn't know my last name, and I would be called out any second
now. He would know then. How would he react? Would he think that it
was funny or would he be upset that I hadn't said something sooner?

doctor came out and got me. He just called me Katherine, like we were
old friends. Ryan came in with me and badgered the doctor with all
kinds of questions about the rest of my healing process.

thought it was ended when he asked about typing. The doctor said he
realized that it was very important to me but I should take slowly at
first. Ryan would take advice like that to heart.

was just happy to have the brace off. It had been in the way
yesterday afternoon and evening. And in the night too.

told the doctor about the parking tickets and he said to just leave
them with him. In cases where a patient can't drive it isn't a
problem to have them canceled.

left and he still didn't know that I had written the book he had
reading and dissecting. He drove and I drove behind him. We went to
his favorite restaurant. Ryan told me he wanted to show me off. He
asked me if we could go grocery shopping again. He wanted to try out
my kitchen.

think that's a great idea. I can work while you cook, but then I
should probably take a break. What could we do that would keep my
mind off work, when I need to be resting my hand?”

have several ideas. Don't worry. I'll keep you occupied.” I had him
grinning down at me.

before I forget time and place again. I have something I wanted to
ask you.” He didn't say anything so I continued. “You said
something this morning about surviving when – and then you didn't
finish.” I felt my forehead wrinkle up.

held my hands in his. “I told you about a project that I was
working on. I was accepted or chosen but it still isn't 100 percent.
When it is I will tell you everything but it means that I will be
gone for a couple of months. Maybe when it is 100 percent you could
come and visit me.”

had to think about that. I too was expected to leave because of the
film. They wanted me to be present in the beginning and a few other
times. I was honored that they wanted me. I wanted to go. “If you
want me to come I will.”

will be truly amazed.” He smiled at me. He made me feel like the
world's most beautiful woman. I loved him so much.

practically lived together over the next couple of weeks. We just
couldn't get enough of each other. He said because he was keeping a
secret from me that I shouldn't tell him what my job was until he
told me about his project. Actually being together and him not
knowing my last name was more difficult than I thought, but with both
of us trying, and having fun with it, it worked.

celebrated Christmas at my place. He cooked while I did some
cleaning. I made myself extra pretty for when we sat down at the
table. He also changed into a suit. He looked amazing.

had agreed on turkey. As he stood carving it, I saw him as the head
of our family. I was so in love with him. I was also so afraid that
he would be mad when he found out the real reason I had showed up at
his door.

spent our last week together before he had to leave, basically in
bed. I still hadn't told him that I would be gone too. I was time to
tell him and to buy a cell so I could hang on the phone with him as
much as our schedules would let us.

took it well and he took me out to buy me a phone. He taught me how
to use it. He told me that he wanted to hear from me often.

Chapter 11 What Are You Doing Here?

bawled at the airport as we said our goodbyes. Ryan wouldn't even
tell me where his flight was going to. I begged him to call me as
soon as he landed. He promised he would. He had tears in his eyes
too. I waved as long as I could.

drove home and ordered a pizza. I packed while I waited for him to
call. I was so relieved when he did. He was excited about all the
great things that were happening and how nice everyone was. He wanted
me to visit soon, then no more secrets. He made me promise to go to
bed early and call as soon as I landed and was at my hotel. I
promised him I would.

explained that there were times when he had to shut his cell off
because of the project. I should just leave a message and keep on
trying. I promised him everything he asked for.

missing him took my mind off of my worry about the movie. I started
to forget about him when I was picked up at the airport by the
director personally.

took a couple of hours until I got to my room. I sat down on the bed
and called him right away. I told him that everyone was being nice to
me but then I started to cry because it would be a couple of weeks
before we could see each other.

heard that he was in a crowd of people but he moved away from them
and told me that it was hard for him too but that we would be
together soon. He repeated, 'don't cry, baby' again and again.

talked for a couple of hours. I just couldn't hang up. In the end he
had to take control, and say goodbye and hang up so we could get some
sleep. It was good having someone who was assigned to do things like
that. Glad it wasn't me.

woke early, because I was so nervous. I went down to breakfast before
most people were even up. I had taken extra pains with my hair and
changed my outfit several times. At first I sat all alone and then
the director joined me and asked me lots of questions. He asked if I
could speak to the actors and tell them about their characters and
answer questions.

agreed willingly. I would love to do that. It would come easy,
because of all the practice I had had with Ryan.

the weather was good they would be filming outside today. I was so
excited. My phone rang and I excused myself. It was Ryan. I went
outside in front of the hotel and talked to him for a few minutes. He
wished me a good day, and I wished him the same. I was proud of
myself that I didn't cry this time.

went up to my room and read the screenplay for the scene they were
going to do today.

was so nervous that I would probably end up being in the way.

drove out to where the others had already started. I had tried to
call Ryan but his cell was off. I had wanted to hear him say that I
would do well, and that he believed in me. I parked and walked the
distance to where they were filming.

was one of the last scenes in the movie where the main characters are
hiding out together in the woods. This was the scene where they fall
in love and stop bickering. I could hardly wait to see which actors
would be playing who. I wondered if any of the actors were famous,
someone even I would know. Ryan got a kick out of the fact that I
never knew who was who in Hollywood.

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