High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel (16 page)

Read High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel Online

Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel
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A deep growl rumbled in his chest and he closed the distance, grabbing me around the waist. “How do you do this to me every time you open that mouth of yours?” His lips found mine, pushing his tongue deep inside.

My whole body tingled with the contact, and my toes curled as he ground his arousal into my hip. Grabbing my legs and bringing them around his waist, he held me up and pushed us against the door.

“Fuck, I’ve missed this,” he moaned into my mouth.

“You have no idea.”


e’d just straightened our clothing when Sean stormed into the office, slamming the door open in a huff. “Ready to go?” he growled. “Looks like I’m stuck working with you today.”

So the big guy had received the news. I turned around to face him. “Richard thought I could help. I won’t step on your toes, I promise.” I only wanted to help, but Sean obviously didn’t see it that way.

Sean scoffed. “Whatever, Chandler. Let’s go.” He stormed away.

I chuckled and turned back to Kassie. “Is he seriously going to order me around?”

She shrugged. “He
part owner. I know it sucks, but to him you’re just a racer. Just don’t butt heads with him too much. He’s a good friend and I care about him.”

“I know. But if he tries to come between me and you, we’re gonna have problems.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

I made my way for the door and stopped. “We still on for our date this afternoon?”

A smile stretched across her beautiful face. “As long as you leave the track in one piece.”

I winked and left her office for the track. For the most part, Sean stayed out of my way. We both worked with Trey, Daniel, and Miller, but not at the same time. I thought he’d push his owner status on me and try to knock me around, but he never did. My tolerance could only take so much, so I was glad he kept his distance.

“Are you gonna ride with us this time?” Daniel asked as he straddled his bike.

I shook my head. “You don’t need me. Your shifting’s gotten better, smoother. I want to see how you do without me.”

He revved his engine and slowly rode to the start line. Daniel was only twenty-three years old and reminded me so much of Levi in the way he rode. He had the potential to be great, but he still had a lot to learn. Trey and Miller both joined Daniel at the line, getting into position. Trey was a year older than Daniel with the same kind of riding style. They had the speed but no technique. Miller, on the other hand, was twenty-six and more experienced. There wasn’t much difference between mine and his riding.

Sean held up the flag and as soon as he lowered it, the guys took off. Miller was one of the guys I’d be racing against in Virginia. If there was one thing I hated, it was going against my own teammates. Miller was brought in after my accident so I didn’t know him well, but I’d watched him and Levi race together. Richard had a way of picking amazing riders.

Sean stood by the fence and I joined him, leaning on my elbows over the rail. There was a time when we were friends. “You don’t like me very much, do you?” I asked.

He snorted. “Obviously.”

I held up my hands, trying to gauge his reaction. As far as I was concerned, everyone around me was a suspect. I wasn’t about to tell Kassie, but Sean had as much motive to get rid of me as anyone else. If he wanted her, who was to say he didn’t sabotage my bike himself? I could sense a jealous ex from a mile away.

I faced him head on, taunting him. If he was guilty of anything, I’d be able to see right through him. “I get it, I do. You hate me for leaving Kassidy the way I did. But I only did it to keep her from screwing up her life. I don’t see why you’re so angry. You got what you wanted.”

His head jerked my way, but it wasn’t jealousy in his eyes; it was pain. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You got

He shook his head. “No, I got a girl who was crushed by the guy she loved. She never loved me like that. I hoped it’d grow into something more, but it didn’t. So forgive me if I’m not exactly happy you’re back. I know nothing will ever happen with me and Kassidy again, but I still care about her.”

“I do too,” I said.

His jaw clenched. “Then prove it. Don’t leave her like you did last time. Because so help me God, if you break her heart again, I’ll fuck you up and not think twice about it.”

It wasn’t exactly what I thought he’d say, but I was impressed. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. I held out my hand. “Deal. I won’t leave her, unless she asks me to go.”

He stared at my hand, then grasped it tight. “Deal.” We shook hands and watched the guys ride around the track in silence. “Thanks for helping with them,” he said, nodding toward my teammates.

I smiled, especially when Daniel sped smoothly through the most dangerous turn of the track. “You’re welcome. It felt good to help out. I didn’t realize how much I missed being a part of this world.”

“I’m surprised to see you racing again. Most of us thought you’d be crippled and stuck at a desk job somewhere.”

I shook my head. “Not me. After I learned to walk again, I got right back on my bike. The accident made me see the world in a whole new light. When I wasn’t working construction, I taught motorcycle safety courses at the local college.” The former was false, but while I was earning my degree, I
teach the safety courses.

“Seems like you did well for yourself,” Sean added.

“I did. Now all that’s left is to come in first in the championship race.” I’d be up against the best racers in the world, after my last shot had been taken away from me. I wanted it back and I was determined to get it.



Once my training at the track was done, I loaded up my bike and got in my truck. It was time to take Kassie on our first date in eight years. My phone beeped and I realized I’d left it in the car. All of the missed calls were from Micah.

The phone rang and he picked up. “About damn time.”

“Some of us actually have to train. I’m not like you, who gets to sit on my ass and play bad boy.” I started on my way back to the shop.

He snorted. “You should try it sometime. I kind of like being an arrogant dick.”

“No thanks. I’ve got it pretty good on my end.”

“Oh yeah? Does that mean you got your woman back?”

“Yep, and I’m going out with her tonight.”

“Sweet.” He chuckled. “She’ll be safer with you anyway. You wouldn’t want me guarding her body.”

“Exactly. So have you found out anything more on your end? I’m keeping my eyes open, but so far, nothing’s come up over here. It’s just the beginning though.”

“I think I might have something,” he said, his voice serious. “I was eating lunch at this diner today, and Mark Danvers and Brad Hendrix walked in. I pretended not to notice, but they were talking about me. A few minutes later, Mr. Hendrix himself comes over and sits in front of me.”

“What did he want?”

He cleared his throat. “He wants to meet with me one on one at his house this Saturday. It’s the party I got invited to.”

“Did he say what it was about?” I asked.

“Only that he’s looking for a new rider. I’m gonna wire myself up, so you can listen in. I’ll see if I can back him into a corner.”

“Good deal. It’ll be nice to bust his ass.”

He scoffed. “No shit. The guy’s a fucking douche. I’m supposed to meet Mark and Jacob so we can ride through Deals Gap. You headin’ out that way?”

“Not tonight.”

“Dude, we need people to see us at each other’s throats.”

“I know, but now’s not a good time. Before the party Saturday night will be perfect. We’ll work something out.”

“Good. I’ll be ready.”

We said our goodbyes and I arrived at the shop. Kassie was still there. Her blue Jeep was in the same parking space from when I left earlier. I made my way inside and watched as she worked. She’d changed so much, but yet she was still the same girl I fell in love with. I’d told her a month was all I could spend on her father’s case, but there was no way I could leave knowing her family was in danger. No matter how long it took, I was going to stay until the very end.


was almost done with the bookkeeping when a knock sounded on my door. I looked up and smiled. Logan’s hair was in disarray from riding. It was that sexy, tousled look. “Hey, you. How’d it go today?”

Grinning from ear to ear, he entered my office and sat down. “Not bad. Sean and I had a heart to heart.”

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