He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (28 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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“No more mum, I don't want to cry again. I’m sure Kirsty is fed up touching up my make-up.”

“I’m sure she is. I know I don’t want to have to re- do mine, again,” she tells me. I’m very well aware, my mother has shed more than a few tears today.

“Hey, baby.” Alex bends and kisses the temple of my head. “Michael says you look tired, and I have to agree with him. Are you okay?” he asks full of concern. God, I don’t know if I will cope with, his constant concern for the rest of this pregnancy. And as if it’s not just Alex, he has everyone else checking up as well.

“I’m a little tired, but that’s to be expected. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Kirsty stands, moving closer to Michael and Alex takes her seat next to me. He puts his arm around me, and I shift in my seat closer to him. His slight touch against the bare of my back sends my heart racing and has awakened all my senses. Shivers shoot through me, under the magic of his sensitive touch.

“You might not get much tonight either,” he whispers, his eyes never leaving mine. That boyish grin widens on his beautiful face, allowing me to see the flash of his white teeth.

If we were alone together, I’m sure I could’ve heard myself moan at his words. As it is we are sitting surrounded by our closest family, and I have to control the need that is growing within. I turn away from him, desperately trying to avoid his glare. He chuckles softly and starts talking with Michael.

I try and concentrate on the conversation my mother and Kirsty are having, but I’m finding it rather difficult. Alex’s hand is still teasing me. He knows exactly what he’s doing, how his touch affects me, and yet he is still prepared to do this as we talk to our family.

Bloody man.

I watch Ethan and Sophie approach us, with a very tired looking Lucy. For a change its Ethan who has her in his arms. She has done well today, considering she usually has a nap during the day. “We’re going to call it a night.” Ethan tells us. “This little lady needs some sleep.”

“She has been an absolute star today,” I tell him.

I stand, a little shaky on my sore and tired feet. Alex’s hand falls from my back, our connection is lost for the moment. I hug Sophie first and thank her, not just for today, for everything she’s done for me in recent months. I turn my attention to Ethan.

“Well sis, you do know there’s no backing out now,” he says pointing at my wedding ring.

“Yeah I know and I really wouldn’t want to back out, even if I had the chance. I’m in this for the long haul.”

“I know you are. Love you and see you at breakfast.”

“Love you,” I tell him as he kisses me.

Ethan and Sophie say their goodnights to the rest of the family and head off. By the look of Lucy, she might even be asleep before they get to the room. Giving them time to themselves. Now they’re not the only ones needing time to themselves.

“Alex we need to leave now,” I whisper, leaving him with no doubt about what I want.

our room with his foot, not wanting to release me from his arms just yet. The room is stunning. I don’t need to put the lights on. The room is illuminated with the soft glow of candles. So he wanted away from the reception, just as much as I did. It feels so romantic, someone has went to a lot of trouble. I can only presume he had Kieran take care of all this, just as he’s taken care of our whole day here at the hotel. That man is a godsend, I’m very lucky to have him as both a friend and very valued member of my team.

“It’s beautiful,” I tell Alex as he finally puts me down. Taking my hand we walk further into the suite. The smell isn’t too over-powering, which is just as well. There are fresh flowers, all beautifully arranged around the room. More red roses.

“Not as beautiful, as my sexy wife.” He lifts my hand and places a soft kiss in the middle of it. “My problem seems to be that it’s going to take me some time to get you out of that dress. But on the other hand, I love it on you and I’m reluctant to take it off.”

“We could always leave it on.” Is my somewhat, shy and whispered response.

“For what I have in mind it needs to come off.” He teases. “But first let’s have a toast.” He walks to the table and comes back with two bubble filled glasses.

“Alex I can’t.”

“Just a little, it won’t do any harm.” I nod knowing he wouldn’t risk the health of our two precious babies. “Now a toast. To the most beautiful, selfless, sexy woman, who has made me the happiest man on the planet.” I blush at his words. It doesn’t matter how many times I hear him say it, my response is always the same.

“You’re really not so bad yourself, and you’ve made me just as happy. I can assure you.”

I do take a sip, of champagne, but then I top the glass up with fresh orange juice. He’s not the only one feeling happy. I can’t believe I have everything that once upon a time I only dreamed about. I still have to pinch myself, to ensure my life hasn’t been a dream these last few months. He takes my glass from me, and puts both down on the table, he clicks on a remote on the table and soft music fills the room.

“Dance with me Mrs. Mathews?”

“Of course.”

We dance slowly in each other’s arms, under the soft glow illuminating the room from the candles. No dramatic twists and turns. Just the two of us swaying to the music. One song leads to another, and if truth be told, I’m not ready to leave the comfort of his arms. Even if it’s only for a short time. The song fades and this time we pull apart slowly. I stand still in his arms, sensing his reluctance to release me. His eyes sparkle in the soft light. I lean in toward him, our kiss is full of warmth and love as we slowly taste each other. Perfect. Just as perfect as Alex is for me. This man in front of me, is my whole world. Everything I have, I would gladly give him.

“Come on, I want to slowly peel that dress from you, and see what you’re wearing underneath.” He walks round the room and starts putting out the candles.

“You’re not the only one, wanting to see what’s underneath.”

“Baby, you've already seen everything I have under this here skirt.”

“It’s a bloody kilt,” I tell him. He laughs.

I walk into the bedroom to find, it’s filled with candles as well. The bathroom door is open, and the same soft glow comes from there also. But I also smell the familiar smell, of my bubble bath. Now a nice hot soak in the bath tub sounds perfect, with Alex’s arms around me.

Soft lips press against the back of my neck. My eyes close. His lips trail across my back, from one shoulder all the way across to the other. His fingers find the start of the buttons on my dress. One by one he undoes each. I hold onto the front of my dress, because I’m not ready for it to drop to the floor just yet.

“Mmm, very nice.” His voice is low. “Turn around.” I do. “You’re beautiful, but I want to make sure we don’t damage this dress. So you will have to help me.” I smile at how thoughtful he is. Any other time he would’ve, peeled me from my clothes and not given a second thought, to any damage he may cause.

I let the dress, fall to the floor and I step out of it. Alex picks it up quickly and gathers it in his arms. He takes in a deep breath. “It smells of you.” He takes a hanger and hangs it up, with his back to me, while I remove the underskirt.

“Holy Fuck!”

The reaction I had hoped for. His eyes run from my face all the way down to my feet and back up again.

“I had planned on making sweet love to you all night long. But here you stand before me, all in white and as sexy as hell. I love the heels, but these.” He runs his hand down my legs, tugging gently at my stockings. “These I have a weakness for. You’re killing me here.
Killing me.
All I want to do now is take you, bend you over and take you from behind.” I gasp.

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

“I wanted to do this right tonight. I want to worship every part of your sexy body. But you’re making this hard for me, baby.”

“Hard. Well that works for me.”


“Yes please, and don’t make me wait too long.”

He loosens the bow tie, leaving it hanging on his neck. He takes the jacket off, and throws it down, then the sporran is removed. Now I think I’m about to find out, what’s under his kilt.

“Turn around and hold onto the dresser, to keep you steady.” His voice is raw and husky. I do as he asks because I’m more than ready for him. I feel his hands at the waist band of my knickers, as he slowly pulls them down, and I step out of them. “Do you have any idea how amazing you look, right now in front of me.”

I can’t answer him, as I wait for him to take me. Claim me as his, although I’m sure he’s already done that. This time I’m his wife. He slips a hand between my legs roughly parting them, before moving in a northerly direction. His fingers slide across me, feeling how ready I’m for him. Of course I’m ready for him.

“So wet. I need to be inside you. It’s been too long.”

Well I have my answer to what’s under his kilt. He does surprise me, but he did hint earlier that there was nothing underneath. He’s there rubbing against me. Teasing me, but mostly teasing himself. I know his restraint is good, but I know he’s struggling. That thought alone brings a small smile to my lips, because that means we will both get what we want. And right now all I want is for him to buried deep inside me, not taking it slow, just taking me the way he wants.

Alex grabs my hips and holds me firmly in place. I gasp as enters me. I shiver as he stills, not from the cold, because the room is warm. More from anticipation than anything else. My muscles tighten all around him, squeezing against him. Pushing myself back against him, urging him to move. Wanting him to take me deeper. He quickly kisses my back and pulls away.

Then he thrusts hard into me. I cry out. Over and over. I started to move with him, but he stopped me, his grip getting tighter. “Not yet,” he tells me. I can barely breathe, my eyes close. I’m so close to the edge but I want to wait. I need to hold off.

Each thrust goes deeper and deeper. I push back hard against him, trying to take the edge off the sensation that is building deep within. His pace changes, each thrusts coming quicker. He lets out a small groan. I picture him throwing his head back behind me. Almost ready to let go. He’s at the point of no return.

Right now I wish, I was looking at him. Watching the expressions change on his face. Seeing just how close he is. Knowing that it’s my body, he’s reacting to. I shift slightly on my legs. The shaky legs that are keeping me up.

Each thrust sends me spiraling toward darkness, as blood rushes through my core, as I feel him tighten within me. Our orgasm rips through us as we both cry out. The pulsing of him still inside finally slows, as he leans against me. His breath, tickles slightly against my skin, as his breathing returns to a normal pace.

We stay like this for a few minutes, still. But our moment is broken, with my shaky legs.

“Come on. I have a bath run for us. You need to relax. I feel as though, I’ve taken advantage of you.” I turn and look at him. A mixture of confusion and guilt is washed across his face. “I’m sorry.”

“Alex Mathews, that’s enough. We both needed that. You certainly didn’t take advantage, and you have nothing to be sorry for. Now you mentioned a bath?”

“That I did.” He takes my hand, and leads me into the bathroom, that is surrounded with more candles. The bubbles glisten in the soft light. “Turn around.” I turn my back to him. I step out my shoes. Alex unclips the stockings one by one and peels them off. Next he starts unclipping the white bustier and lets it drop to the floor.

Alex holds my hand as I step into the bath, slowly watching I don’t slip. I smile as I lower myself, into the warm water, not the boiling water I would usually have. Since finding out about the babies, all my baths have been a lot cooler. He’s a little worried about me fainting with the heat, even though it hasn’t happened. He removes his shoes and socks before removing the shirt and kilt with ease, then he steps in behind me. I settle into his chest, leaning against him feeling extremely sated and comfortable.

He wraps his arms around me, and the palm of his hands rests lightly on my tummy. I close my eyes, but I feel him shifting behind me. Opening my eyes, I turn slightly and I’m met with the closeness of his face, staring at my belly.

“When . . . How . . . ?” He asks.

“I’ve only noticed it myself. As to the how, you should know the answer to that.”

“I know the babies are there. I have the pictures to prove it. But there is something, almost magical about seeing a small bump. I’m looking forward to seeing you get bigger as you carry our perfect babies. I love you Mrs. Mathews with everything I have, and there will never be a day that goes by without you knowing just how much I love you.”

My heart swells with love for my man. I don’t doubt his words in the slightest. No doubt at all. He tells me at every chance he gets, of how much I mean to him. In his words, or the way he looks at me and even with his touch. I look at him all bleary eyed, not allowing the tears to fall. He leans down and our lips touch softly. This is the man who makes me whole. Makes me a better person. I know in this moment, that whatever life throws our way, we’ll get through it because of our deep love for each other.

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