He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)

Read He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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He's Captured my Soul





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20



Books By Karen Frances

About the Author

He’s Captured my Soul

Published by Clydeside Publishing

Copyright ©2015 Karen Frances

All rights reserved


All characters, incidents, and events are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. This work is based purely from the authors imagination.

All songs, song titles contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.


Cover design by

Aimee Coveney, Author Design Studio



Editing by

Sally Orchard, Under The Lilac



Proofreading by

Nichole Strauss, Perfectly Publishable



Interior Design and Formatting by

Christine Borgford, Perfectly Publishable



This one is for my mum.

Thank you for just being you.

I don’t say it often enough, but I do love you and appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years.

This is the hard bit to write, who to thank. I have so many to thank and I’m scared that I might miss someone out. So if I do it’s not been intentional.

So far, this has been a rollercoaster of a year for me, starting with the release of
He’s Captured my Heart
, back in January. I never envisaged the journey ahead of me when I hit publish for book 1. Then I released
He’s Captured my Trust
in June, and now here we are in October with the release of
He’s Captured my Soul

Book 3 will bring an end to Libby and Alex’s story, although they may pop up briefly in the future. I’m sure when you've read this book, you will have some sort of idea the direction my next book will go.

So where do I start?

My street team. My team are all new and learning as they go with a bit of guidance, but you are all fab. Thank you for all the promotions you help me with, in getting my books out there in the world. Thank you. xxx

To the lovely ladies who beta-read He’s Captured my Soul and gave me their feedback and criticism. I do love you for your honesty, and I do hope you’ve played a part in making this a better read. Thank you. xxx

To the ladies and gentlemen, of Readers Heaven for Scottish Readers and writers. What can I say about you? You are a fab bunch and I’m proud to be part of this group, promoting authors in Scotland. Thank you. xxx

Aimee, at Author Design studio (
.) You did it again, I love the cover for
He’s Captured my Soul
. I’m so glad we are currently working together on re-doing book 1’s cover and I’m sure it will be fantastic, once again. Thank you. xxx

The ladies at Perfectly Publishable, (
) thank you again for all your hard work and giving me a final product that I love. Thank you. xxx

Sally Orchard, at Under The Lilac (
) I like to think we hit it off, when we met in Birmingham this year. I’m sorry that I upset you while you were editing. Poor Sally read a post on my page and wasn’t very happy, she told me on no uncertain terms, that if what she thinks was happening in my book was actually happening, that I would have to do a whole lot of re-writes. I’m also sorry I made you cry, whilst you were working on it. I won’t apologise for making you laugh, though. I like to think it all worked out okay. Thank you. xxx

To all the bloggers, in the book world, you all do an amazing job, promoting and reviewing, so from me a huge thank you. Thank you. xxx

Social media, has been an eye opener for me. I’ve meet so many wonderful people in the book world, thanks to Facebook for keeping us connected. There are too many names to mention, that would take a full book alone. The support I’ve received from other authors has been amazing. A special thanks to those authors that are in my life on a daily and weekly basis you know who you all are, our conversations mean the world to me. Thank you. xxx

To my wonderful circle of friends, you all mean the world to me. I don’t know what I would do without you all in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all just being yourselves. I love you all. xxx

To my family, thank you for everything you do for me. I love you all. xxx

To my husband and children, I love all of you. What more is there to say. xxx

To all the readers, who took a chance and read my story, thank you. Thank you for all your messages of support, for the reviews you’ve written. Libby’s story has been so much fun to write, and I will admit to being a little upset when I typed those two little words,
The End
. This was a hard one to write, and I hope I’ve done it justice. I’ve cried on more than one occasion, both from sadness and happiness. I’ve laughed at some of the lines my characters have come out and said. So I really hope you the readers all enjoy the conclusion to a story I will always hold very dear to my heart. xxx



“Alex, with being here in Scotland, you would think you wouldn’t be disturbing me at ridiculous hours of the night or is it morning?” Phil sounds pissed, but I don’t care. The only person I care about, is fading away in front of me. Closing herself off from me, from everything. Fuck! Libby just looks bloody ill. Even after Jeff, she didn’t look this bad. It stops today. “What’s wrong, Alex?”

“It’s Libby.”

“What’s happened? Is she okay?” he asks. Well, at least I’ve got his attention.

“No, Phil, I don’t think she is. It’s five am and she's just left for work.”

“Okay, although that’s not unusual at this time of year.”

“Phil, you’re not getting it. She didn’t come home, until two this morning. She looks fucking ill,” I snap. I know it’s not Phil’s fault, really. “Phil, you’ve not seen her much these last few weeks.”

“No, granted I haven’t. She’s been busy at work.”

“That’s just the point. I’ve hardly seen her, and I live in the same house. I expected her to be working, but the last two weeks are really taking its toll on her.” I’m trying to keep my temper, because I know I’m getting upset. Libby Stewart is the only person in the world I would get upset about. “Phil, trust me she really looks ill. She’s not eating, not sleeping working these long hours. It’s just not healthy. I get the hotel is important to you both, but Libby is my main concern. I can’t and won’t sit back and watch her fall apart. You need to help her see sense, she needs time off and by time off, I mean more than a few hours here and there. She looks as though she could sleep for a week.”

“Alex, let me speak with Kieran, today. Does Libby still have no idea about tomorrow?” Phil asks.

“No, she doesn’t. I’m starting to think it’s not a good idea.”

“She will be fine. I’ll give Kieran the heads up that she needs at least a week off. But we need to tread carefully. She has to think it’s her decision.” I hear him sighing. “Alex, are you going in to the casino today?”

“Yeah, only to pick up a few things.”

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