He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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I sit down with the others as Alex brings over what looks like one of Joan’s homemade lasagna and bread. So much for a quick pasta.

“This looks lovely, son,” says Sarah.

“I will admit I can’t take credit for it. Joan had it in the freezer. All I had to do was the salad, everything else I just put in the oven.”

I knew it.

“Well, I don’t care who made it, no offence,” Sophie says. “I just want to eat, I’m starving.”

“What, did my dad not feed you?” I laugh at her.

“Oh no he wanted to, but I couldn’t face anything then.”

“Sore head, sis?” Alex teases her.

“Not as sore as it will be tomorrow,” she tells him bluntly.

“Sophie . . .”Richards’s voice carries across the table.

“Libby, I have some news for you.” I stop eating and turn toward Alex. Silently urging him to reveal. “I spoke with your father this morning, about meeting the priest.” I raise my brows silently urging him to continue. “Your mom called back, a short time ago, we have a meeting tomorrow morning at ten.”

I can only shake my head with a smile in response. Sophie laughs out loud. Sarah smiles and Richard looks on in amusement.

“Son, you do remember you have a meeting tomorrow afternoon,” says Richard.

“Yes I will be there. Michael and James are going straight to the casino from the airport.”

“Alex, have you agreed to the meeting with the priest?” I ask, now thinking I won't be drinking that much. There’s no way I’m going to see the priest with a hangover.

“Yes,” Is his short answer, as he continues eating.

“There goes the drunken night I had planned for you Libby,” Sophie says with a hint of sarcasm.

“Oh, I don’t know. That could be a very interesting meeting with a hangover,” I say as I look at Alex. He shoots me a questioning look. I laugh, as does Sophie.

The rest of lunch and the afternoon goes well. Alex spends a little, time going over the paper work with Richard, for tomorrow. Sarah potters around in the kitchen, I did offer to help, but she was having none of it. So Sophie and I sit cross-legged, on the couch, talking about things to do whilst she is here. Top of her list is visiting the hotel. She wants to see the attraction for herself. It makes me think I should book a table in the restaurant for everyone.

I decide to take Sophie to the hotel tomorrow afternoon, whilst Alex is at his meeting. It’s safe to say, I won't run into James then, as he will be with Alex. I ask Sarah if she would like to come with us, and she is more than happy to, saying if we wrap up, we can go for a walk. It sounds like a great idea. I also phone my mum, inviting her. It’s turning into a ladies day out.

“Libby, I think it’s time we thought about getting ready,” says Sophie. “What time is everyone coming here?”

“Just after seven.”

“Well it’s now after five, come on you. Move your ass.”

“Okay, okay. But first I will go and sort some snacks,” I tell her.

“Libby, sweetie, there’s no need. On you two go. I will sort out snacks as you put it,” says Sarah with a warm smile.


Sophie dashes into the kitchen, I can hear her in the fridge and cupboards. When she comes back, into the living room, she's carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Oh well, looks like it will be an interesting night.

“At least it’s just wine,” Alex says eyeing the contents in Sophie’s hands.

“Oh dearest brother, don’t worry, I won’t let you down. It will be cocktails, when we get out.” She laughs at him. “How long will you need to get ready, Alex?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Okay, we can work with that.”

We do two things first as we enter my bedroom. Sophie opens the wine, and I turn on the music. The only thing missing is Kirsty. Kirsty and I always have so much fun, when we’re getting ready for a night out on the town. We both sit on the bed, with glasses in hand.

“A toast,” says Sophie with a giggle.

“To what?”

“To what I’m sure will be a fab night, and to me getting a sister I actually like. Sisters.”I laugh thinking about Emma, she and Sophie don’t get on.

“To sisters.” We both take a drink.

“What are you wearing?” asks Sophie. Now there is the million dollar question. What will I wear? I walk toward the closet and open the doors. Standing, I stare. Sophie joins me, and straight away starts going through it. Pulling out a few of my dresses, she puts them on the bed. I’m surprised to see a black dress, among them, because she said back in New York, black is not a colour I should wear.

“Never mind what I’m wearing. What are you wearing tonight?” I ask out of curiosity.

“Well I do have a couple of dresses with me. I came prepared.” She smirks. I know how unprepared I was in New York, for going out. “But the black dress, now lying on the bed, caught my eye. I’m hoping it fits me.” I smile at her response. “But two have caught my eye for you, maybe three.”

“Okay, which ones?”

“The white halter neck, it looks fun and screams sexy. The orange straight off-the-shoulder and the green body con with the plunging neckline. I want you to try the three on and we can decide.”

We set about trying on dresses inbetween the wine drinking, and the giggling. We do each others, hair and makeup. Sophie looks stunning in my black dress, it fits her perfectly. Her make-up is smoldering and I’ve managed a pretty sexy up style, with her hair. If I say so myself, I’ve done a damn fine job with her.

Sophie talked me into the white dress. Not my choice considering how cold it is outside. But she was right, it does scream both fun and sexy. With a black jacket I’m sure it will be fine. I will only be in and out of taxi’s tonight, no need to be walking for miles. My make-up and hair are just perfect. Hair is up and curled, Sophie can do my hair anytime, over the next few weeks.

There’s a light tap at the door, before it creeks open.

“Is it safe to come in?” Alex asks.

“Yip,” Sophie answers with a grin. “I’m just leaving.” Alex’s eyes travel right past Sophie and straight to me. Sophie laughs, throwing a knowing look over her shoulder. “Whatever you do Alex, please don’t mess the hair or makeup.”

I smile at Sophie as she leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Leaving Alex and I alone. His eyes tell me he likes what he sees. I smile at him weakly, as I take the last mouthful from the glass. I try to look, anywhere but at him. But it’s no good, my eyes slide over the vision of hotness, before me drinking him in. He strides purposely toward me, until he is standing in front of me. The boyish grin on his face, makes me smile. My attraction to the man in front of me, always catches me off guard. The butterflies doing little somersaults in my stomach. I close my eyes, and concentrate on slowing down my breathing. I hear him chuckle.

I open my eyes, and we gaze at each other. I swallow hard- as the intensity between us grows. A look from his sexy eyes, that look that, makes me almost crumble. No spoken words exchanged between us, but a silent conversation going on.

“Libby, you look amazing.” The tone is set in the way he says it, and it screams sex.
Oh God I’m done for
. Not a good sign, in this case. Under normal circumstances, I would be practically dragging him to bed.

“You might look amazing, if you would go and change.” I try to defuse the situation that is brewing away between us. He reaches up and takes hold of me by my shoulders.

“You would look even more amazing, bent over in the bathroom, dress lifted around your waist and panties dropped around your ankles.” I gasp at his whispered words, as he leans in toward me. Those panties, as he puts it, are now drenched from my own arousal.

“Fuck, Libby.” I look at him and find his eyes are brighter, burning through to the depths of my soul. “I need you now.”

I didn’t get much time to process his words. One minute I’m standing in the bedroom, next I’m in the bathroom in the position he wants. Alex behind me unzipping his jeans. His hands tightened on my hips, pulling me toward him. Then I feel him, all of him. Just waiting for my approval. He had my approval the minute I let him almost drag me into the bathroom.

He bends down and I feel his lips, against my bare back. And I’m gone, lost to his almost magical touch. The kisses across my back are not soft and gentle, but hard and demanding. The only problem with that is, he had better not leave any marks, or I will need to be changing.

when Alex enters the room, fresh from his shower.
does he look good just out the shower. I shake my head as he walks past with a smug expression on his face. Within a few minutes, he is dressed and sitting on the bed putting on his shoes. I walk toward him and run my fingers through his still damp hair. Shaking it all out, it kinda looks good the way it is. He smiles at me, before pulling me into his lap.

“Sophie, will be glad I didn’t mess the makeup or the hair,” he teases.

“She’s not the only one.”

“Did I tell you just how hot you look?”

“Yes, I’m sure I heard it, in between everything else.” I place a soft kiss on his lips, and move from his lap. “Come on. We had better get downstairs, before the others get here.”

Downstairs Sophie has been busy, making cocktails in the kitchen. I have to laugh, to myself, thinking about my meeting in the morning with father O’Connor. I notice there is no sign of Sarah and Richard, although Sarah has left snacks on the table. Sophie hands me a glass and Alex gets a beer from the fridge. Sophie’s eyes shift from me to Alex and back again, she just smiles. Obviously knowing what we got up to upstairs. This really could be an awkward two weeks.

“Sophie, I hope you’re going to tidy up this mess.” Alex sounds slightly annoyed with Sophie.

“Don’t worry I will, maybe.”

“Sophie I mean it. We keep this place tidy.” He almost grunts at her. “Where’s Mom and Dad?”

“Away to dinner with Libby’s parents,” she tells us.

“I forgot about that,” Alex says.

The intercom buzzes, Kirsty, Jay and Ethan are on their way up. Sophie pours another cocktail, ready for Kirsty coming in the door. Kirsty will love this. She and Sophie are so alike.

“We’re in the kitchen,” I call, when I hear the front door opening. Kirsty looks fantastic, when she comes into view. Her long blonde hair is piled, in a messy up style. Her electric blue figure hugging dress is stunning, and Jay looks happy and content, as he watches her walk in front of him.

“Well, look at you,” Kirsty sequels at me. “You look fantastic,” she whispers in my ear, as we hug.

“You too, now let’s get you some of this, it’s so easy to drink.”

Sophie hands Kirsty the drink and I speak with Jay, before turning my attention to my brother. He looks good, relaxed, and carefree. Tonight is not the time to mention our brief conversation from last night, but we will talk about it,

“Well sis, the soon-to-be Mrs. Mathews is looking good. How are you feeling?”

“I’m good, really good. And really looking forward to letting my hair down and having a great night. But most of all, I’m just looking forward to spending time with everyone.”

Alex hands the guys, a beer and we all sit round the table. Drinks and conversation flow with ease. And it’s not gone un-noticed, that Ethan and Sophie, look as comfortable with each other as they did last night. I’m sure Alex will have something to say about that. I catch Alex every now and then scowling at Sophie, which does seem unfair, she hasn’t actually done anything wrong.

By the time we leave the flat, we’ve had a few more cocktails. I laugh to myself, because there is no way, I’m never making a ten o’clock meeting with Father O’Connor in the morning.

As the others get in the taxi, I decide to have a quick word with Alex. “Alex, see if you can manage to stop scowling at your sister, we might all have a good night.”

“I will stop scowling at her, as you put it, when she decides to grow up.”

“Grow up, because she is speaking with Ethan ?”

“Libby, you've seen them together.”

“All I see is two people who have just met getting along. What’s the problem?” Alex shakes his head at me as he starts to walk away from me. Well I for one don’t see what the problem is. “Alex, I thought we were meant to enjoy tonight? And I do mean all of us. I really think you are reading too much into them. You know not everyone is like you and acts at the first chance they get.” As the words leave my mouth, I already regret saying them. And Alex, he stops in the street, turns and with a single look at me, I can tell how unhappy he is. Shit!

The ride in the taxi, is a little uncomfortable between Alex and I. Kirsty has picked up on this as she glances between us. I’m sure I will face more than a few questions from her. We arrive at Blaze and all get out the taxi. Alex, for the first time ever, doesn't wait for me. He really is in a pissy mood. Well that’s his problem. There’s is no way I’m letting his mood ruin what could be a really great night.

“Right, spill it. What’s going on with you two?” Kirsty asks as we walk toward the entrance, where Alex is speaking with the door stewards.

“He’s not happy with Sophie.”

“And how exactly does that affect you two?”

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