He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (30 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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Alex tells me, he hopes our house will be a large five bedroom house with plenty of space. If he thinks we are filing five bedrooms with children, he had better re-think. I must draw him a look, as he says it, because I’m rewarded with a very smug grin. Yip re-think Mr. Mathews, these two will be more than enough for me.

I walk to the edge of the shoreline, and turn back looking at the site. It’s really going to take months to sort out planning before building can start, but I’m really excited about this now I’ve had time to take it all in. I still won’t believe it, until we finally move in, I’m getting another one of my dreams. I’m going to stay in the place I love, with the person I love the most, on the shores of Loch Lomond.

I turn back and look out across the water. The view is completely different here, from the hotel. From the way the shoreline changes shape and all the forestry, I can’t even see any of the busy marinas that I know are along the loch. This site is really secluded. I’ve fallen in love all over again. Two strong arms wrap tightly around my waist and I lean back.

“Well baby, what do you think?”

“I think we are going to be extremely happy here. I hope you will love it as much as I do.”

“That’s a given. I love you Mrs. Mathews. Now let’s go and say our goodbyes, to everyone we really should make a move.”

voice wakes me from my sleep, yet again. “Libby . . .” I open my tired eyes noticing its dark outside. I don’t even ask about the time, because I really don't want to think about all the hours we’ve spent travelling. My body aches from sitting for such a long time. The car slows down and stops.

“Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Every time I sit down, I fall asleep,” I tell him, yawning. God what a start to our honeymoon.

“You’re tired. It’s been a busy few weeks, but we’re here now and you can relax and forget about everything. No work, no stress. Just you and me.” I smile at that thought.

Alex exits the car and comes around and opens my door. I take the hand he offers, as I slowly get out. He pulls me tight toward him, and I kiss him before he can. “What was that for?” he asks all wide eyed.

“Do I need a reason? I just wanted to kiss my husband.” I speak the truth and he knows it only too well.

“Let’s get us checked in.” He takes my hand and we walk into the hotel reception. It’s still warm outside although a little cooler inside. I stand in a stunned silence, taking in my surroundings as Alex checks us in. The receptionist is very animated. She gives Alex lots of information, me I haven’t heard a word she’s said, as I look at the very tropical indoors. I wish we had arrived during the day, because I can’t wait to have a proper look around. Inside the hotel is beautiful, it has a fresh outdoor feel to it. Lots of warm colours and stone.

“Libby, come on.” says Alex taking my hand.

We walk back outside, not what I expected. I had expected to stay in the hotel and head off in a lift, but instead we are being led by a member of staff along a dimly light gravel path. I look at Alex, and he seems a little excited. It might be dark, but I do see a twinkle in his eye. He keeps my hand in his, stroking it with his thumb. My feet are a little on the sore side, so I’m hoping our walk along this tree lined path, isn’t a long one. The trees sway in the night breeze, it seems soothing and the fresh smell of water lingers, although I’m not too sure how far away from the sea we are.

“Just up ahead,” the staff member tells us before leaving us to continue on our own.
. We continue walking until there is a break in the trees. Then I see clearly. Alex scoops me up in his arms, his perfect smile reaches his eyes. “What are you doing?” I squeal.

“What does it look like, although technically there’s no threshold. But I don’t think I will tire of doing this.” He carries me across a well-lit bridge that takes us into our own secret escape. He puts me down in a stunning room; I let go of Alex’s hand as I take it in. My heart is thumping in my chest, and my breath seems to get stuck in my throat as I try to speak but nothing comes out. Everything is wood and stone and the space, well what can I say about that? From what I can gather, we are in the mountain cliff. My eyes shift to the stunning four poster bed that sits at the far end facing the outside. I’m sure we will make plenty of use of that, during our time here.

“There’s no windows or doors., I say.

“No baby, very observant.” he teases.

I walk past the luxurious sitting area, where the highlight of the room pulls me toward it. A pool with open views. Our very own private pool. I can just make out the outline of the mountains in the distance, but I can also see and hear the sea, just further down the mountain from us. I stand against a pillar and breathe in the night air. This is perfect. We are indeed nestled into the mountain cliff, completely surrounded with trees.

“Welcome to The Mountain, Saint Lucia. Do you like?” Alex asks, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

“Like it. I love it. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow, in the light.” I spin in his arms and face him. “Thank you for bringing me here,”

“No, thank you for being my wife, Mrs. Mathews.” He brushes his lips lightly against mine. “No phones, no work, we can do anything you want. From relaxing spa treatments, to diving, to some lazy walks through the mountain. Whatever you want to do, consider it done. I just want to spend quality time with you, starting now.” I look into his eyes and he only shakes his head. “I have a surprise for you. Go and do whatever you need to do and change your shoes, put sandals or something like that on.”

It’s only now that I notice our cases and bags are already here. They were obviously brought here, while we were checking in. I open the case Alex said is mine, not recognising anything in it. Everything is new. I know Joan packed for me, I just wonder if it was Joan or Alex that went on the shopping spree. I dig around for underwear and I find a dress that looks light and comfortable along with a very expensive looking pair of flip flops. I take them into the bathroom with me to get freshened up.

I find Alex has changed as well, shorts and a clean fresh t-shirt. I hope where-ever we are going, there will be food, as I’m starting to feel just a little hungry. We ate on the plane, or rather I picked at the food.

He takes my hand and we head back outside, although I’m not sure our room is classed as being indoors. We don't go the same way we came, instead we take a turning to the left on the gravel path. The downward path is lit with small lanterns, it feels romantic. I feel as though we are walking through a jungle. I really want to see all this tomorrow.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“You’ll see.”

We walk only for a few minutes, when I hear the sound and the smell of the sea. I grin knowing now where we are heading, toward the beach. So glad I picked the flip flops from the case, they will be easy to take off.

After a short walk further downhill, we come to the clearing. It’s been a lovely refreshing walk.

“Wow. It’s beautiful,” I say as we emerge onto the soft sand. The trees all lined along the beach separating the sand from the mountain, all sparkle in the night light, with what I think is fairy lights. The moon is low in the sky, its rippled reflection, shines brightly against the sea. Lighting up the beach, it is perfect soft golden sand.

“I know it’s been a long day, but are you okay for a walk along the beach? I just wanted you to see this tonight.”

“Yes lead the way,” I say removing the flip-flops and carrying them in my free hand. Alex removes his as well.

We continue our walk along the beach hand in hand. Is it possible to love my husband even more with each passing minute? Because I’m sure I’m falling head over heels all over again. There’s a jetty just up ahead, and that seems to be the direction we are heading in.

We walk along the wooden jetty, the sea waves splashing underneath. Stopping at the end, I stare out into the sea. There is no doubt about this, “It really is beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as the company I keep.” I smile at his words. I lift my free hand and place it over his heart, it shakes a little although I’m not cold. This moment standing here in the still of the night, is perfect. The only noise to be heard is the sea splashing against the shoreline.

“I could stand here all night enjoying this view,” I tell him. I feel a little overwhelmed about everything, as I stand and search his eyes. The last five weeks have been so busy and now with nothing left to do, but relax and enjoy the company of my husband. It just all feels a bit surreal.

“We’re not staying here long. I have other plans for you Mrs. Mathews.” I smirk. “And no, not that either,

“Do any of your plans include dinner? Because I do believe you need to feed me.”

“Yeah of course, are you ready to head back?”

“Just a few more minutes,” I plead. Because as much as I’m hungry, I’m enjoying the tranquility.

He wraps his arms around me, breathing me, pulling me close. I feel every nerve ending in my body relight, under his touch. My body is so in-tuned to Alex. His fingers trail across my belly before resting there. He’s hardly been able to keep his hands off my little bump. On the plane his hands were constantly caressing my belly. It makes me smile every time he does it.

We only stay another few minutes, before making the walk back up the hill. It really is a lot steeper than I thought. It’s funny how I never noticed this, during the walk downhill. Alex does take it a little slower on the way up. I suppose that’s for my benefit. The only complaint I have with this pregnancy so far, is that I’m always so bloody tired. But if that’s all I have to contend with, then it’s a small price to pay for the health of our two babies.

We arrive back in our very own piece of paradise, to find the table set for two. There’s bread on the table, wine and water and two plates covered with silver domes, keeping what’s on the plate warm. “You have been busy planning,” I say to him.

“Of course. I want our time away to be perfect.”

“All the time I spend with you is perfect,” I tell him.

“And there you've done it again.”

“What?” I ask.

“Took my breath away.” He kisses me. “Let’s eat.”

We sit down and enjoy our dinner. I have chicken and rice and Alex has a traditional goat stew. I do taste his stew and its okay, not as tasty as my chicken though. He chooses to drink water, along with me. I did tell him it didn’t bother me, if he had alcohol, but as usual he insisted. We have a spectacular view from our little piece of paradise in the mountain. I don’t think Alex could've picked anything better.

When we finish eating, we move to the couch and continue talking. I ask how he found this place, he tells me his parents recommended it. They’ve been a few times and love it. I can understand why, we’ve only been here a short time and I’ve already fallen in love with it. We talk through things we would like to do while we are here. I already know what I want to do with most of my time here. It involves the man beside me and various positions.

Alex tells me a bit about our room, or as it’s called a sanctuary. There are twenty-four infinity pool sanctuaries here at The Mountain St. Lucia, each one has been carefully designed, an individual work of art and architecture. All of the sanctuaries celebrate an unparalleled view of the mountains and the Caribbean Sea. An additional panoramic quality is provided by sanctuaries on particular elevations and those located on corners. The very grand sweeping spaces where bedroom, living area and the extravagant private pool glide into one another to form extraordinary platforms floating out into nature.

I also find out we are in the most luxurious sanctuary, not that, that comes as any great surprise to me. I love how the indoors meets with the outdoor nature. I love the openness. Alex does ensure me, that the sanctuary is completely private.

“Do you fancy a swim?” he asks.

“Yes, I think I do.” I watch as my husband removes his clothes, all of them and steps gloriously naked into the pool. He swims over to the far side, his back to me, looking over the mountain. I stare at the perfect man in the pool. In the soft light I see the muscles that are well defined flex on his back, his broad shoulders . . . There’s a slow burning deep within me. I step out my dress, without hesitation, letting it fall to the floor, before removing my underwear. I sit on the edge, testing the water, which is warm to my surprise. I slide in, then swim the short distance to him.

“Beautiful,” I say looking out at the dark night sky.

Alex turns slowly to face me; little ripples in the water from his movement flutter against my skin. “Not as beautiful as you,” he says with passion. He moves his hands entwining his fingers with mine. His eyes are dark and he looks deep in thought. I smile at his words.

He pulls me closer to him, our fingers still laced together. He kisses me, kissing me hard, pushing his tongue into my mouth exploring. I respond and lose myself in our passionate kiss under the night sky, surrounded by the warm water of the pool. It’s sweet, loving and passionate, everything that should be in a kiss.

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