Heritage (3 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“Har Har, very funny. No,  she was asking who I was taking to the college dance,” he sighed

“What did you say,” I asked.

“I said I didn’t know yet,” he spoke almost to his sandwich.

“Who are you going with Pops?” I asked taking a bite out of my own..

know yet. I’ve had loads of offers,” She sighed as if that was a terrible thing. This girl truly baffles me sometimes.


“How about Brian Samuels, I heard he asked you out Last week,” Harriet asked braiding her brown hair into tiny braids.

“As if, he is such a loser. He plays the tuba in the college orchestra,” She groaned with a matter of fact look on her face. Oh yes the shallowness of Poppy is rearing its ugly head. Poor Brian Samuels, he was not that bad even if he was a grade A band geek. If I was Poppy I would not say no, However I did not like mortal boys, they were just too normal for my liking.

“Poppy he isn’t a loser. Don’t be so shallow,” I muttered opening my bottle of water and taking a large sip.

“I hear Adam Huddleby has a huge crush on you Elle,” Harriet sniffed taking a bite out of her foot long sub.

“What?” I asked choking as the water went down my throat the wrong way.

“Where did you hear that?” I choked. Patting me on the back, Oscar attempted to stop my chocking. It helped a little, but my breathing was still un even.  Adam Huddleby was undoubtedly the most beautiful human I had ever met. He was the leader of our college performing arts class and was charming and sweet and practically everything a girl could want in a guy.  However, being human I was not attracted to him at all. Well ok that is a lie. I would gladly date a mortal if it was him. 

“Well that is the most interest you have shown in a guy at this place. I was beginning to think you were… You know,” Poppy mumbled.


“Gay?” I asked. Awesome not being attracted to mortal boys makes me inevitably gay. I wonder what it is like in Poppy’s mind. All boys and nothing else, it is surprising how she can function in day to day activities like, breathing.

“Just because I’m not totally boy crazy like someone we know,” I smiled throwing a piece of my sandwich in her direction. Squealing as it landed on her hand, She scowled at me as the rest of us giggled.

“I heard it from Mary J in my performing arts class last Monday,” Harriet continued slightly annoyed that she had been interrupted for so long.

“What did she say?” Carrie asked before I could, but that was fine. I could now seem like I did not care when secretly I did.

“Just that he thought Elle is a great girl and that he is a bit miffed that she won’t be attending the dance,” She explained removing the braid in her hair with her fingers.

You don’t care Elle, come on he’s a human. Full on Brown haired, brown eyed, one hundred percent pure human.  No, I’m not convincing myself that well. The bell rang before anyone could say anything else. The words saved by the bell had full effect in this situation.


The last two hours went so slowly that I could have sworn time had stopped. Our head teacher Mr. Fannygin went on and on about some sort of charity event his church were hosting on Bank holiday Monday, Inviting us all to join in and contribute.

“Just remember to come down on Monday,” he shouted as our class began to run for the door.

“Just remember to come down on Monday,” Oscar mimicked. “I swear that man is bonkers.”

“I heard he sleeps in his car!” Harriet exclaimed.

“Nah, he obviously has a caravan parked at the back of the college,” Carrie giggled.

I must admit Mr. Fannygin was not the most, well dressed or clean person on the planet. He did look as if he had crawled through a bush or two every morning. As they say, each to their own, maybe he liked being environmentally friendly, and that is the reason why he tends to shower once a month. I had always wondered who lived in the caravan behind the college. I had always thought that it would be someone like my maths teacher Miss Pristen. She was someone who dressed like a full on hippy, with daisy chains wrapped around her head and tulips in her button holes. The teachers in this college were pulled out of a weirdest teacher’s line up. Each of them has a unique personality and an even more unique dress sense.  Pushing through the other students, we made it out to the car park. We had been let out early, so the car park was still full of cars and only a couple of students here and there.


“So plans for tonight girls and boys,” Poppy asked.

“I can’t go out tonight. I have err…. Chores,” I lied. Much to my dismay, I had a hunt on and I would not or more like could not, miss it.

“Oh Elle, you always have chores!” Carrie moaned.

“Cinderelly, Cinderelly, night and day it's Cinderelly. Make the fire, fix the breakfast, wash the dishes, do the mopping,” Oscar sang as we finally reached my car.

“I don’t know if I’m more worried about the fact you know the words to that song or the fact that you just sang it completely out of tune,” I laughed.

“Katie makes me watch it ok, that is the down fall of having a four year old sister,” He objected awkwardly.

“Guys I’m sorry, but I can’t”, I sighed

“Monday. We can go to the event at the church. Yeah? ” I questioned

“Fine,” they sighed. The girls gave me a group hug and then headed in the direction of Carrie’s car.

“Fancy a lift bus boy,” I smiled. Oscar let out a small laugh and lightly punched me in the arm.

“Love one, but there’s one problem,” He pointed towards the mini that was now parked directly in front of my beetle.  There standing by it was Zac Efron wannabe with a gaggle of girls swooning around him.  Oh, please, I thought trying to resist a laugh as I glanced at him checking himself out in his wing mirror. This guy was one shallow boy and vain at that, now I know why Poppy was attracted to him. Glancing my way he smirked at me and put his foot upon the bonnet of my car.

“What the hell is he playing at?” I moaned. Walking up to him was like walking through an over grown garden but apart from grass, it was girls. Seriously, do they have no dignity at all. Approaching him I pushed his foot off my car.


“Err hello? It may have escaped your notice, but this is not a parking space. You park your car in the white boxes. You know the lines painted on the floor,” I mocked. He smirked at me and shoed the girls crowding him.

“Hello Gabriel!” The name shot threw me like a bullet. How did he know my real last name
Then I saw it, the pupil of his eyes expanded until his eyes were full of darkness. It only lasted a Milli second so no human could have possibly seen it. I did, he was a demon and a suicidal one at that. My body went straight into battle mode and I stood face expressionless looking at him. I knew then that just like his eyes changed mine would switch to the bright pink colour that is known as the royal angel trait.


“Just move the car!” I hissed. He started to walk towards me, my body tightened. Was he genuinely that suicidal. Did he want me to break his neck and set his body alight? He was smart though I’d give him that. He knew I would not attack him around humans, especially ones I saw every day.

“This is the only way you would talk to me,” he smirked as he stopped less than half a meter away from me. I was aware that Oscar was standing a few feet behind me, so I began to whisper.

“I don’t care who or what you are. Get the hell out of my college and my town. You have no right to be here.”

“Now Elle, that’s no way to talk to an old family friend,” he chimed through clenched teeth. Old family friend, he barely looked seventeen there was nothing old about him.

“If you don’t go now, I will make you! Understand!” I replied calmly even though my insides were screaming for me to ring his neck. He grinned and closed the gap between us with one step. Putting his lips to my ear, I could hear the girls gasping around me, but I did not have time to care.

“What you going to do,” He whispered. “Throw me across the car park with all these people watching. Even I know
’re not that stupid.”

His words blew through my head, and something inside of me flipped. I grabbed him by his jumper, ignoring the gasps of onlookers, I threw him against his mini.

“Listen scum,” I said so low that I knew only he could hear me.

“Leave now! Or I will personally give you a one way ticket to the pit! Got it!” I shouted the last bit and removed my grip from his neck.

“If you wanted me to move all you had to do was ask,” He winked and straightened himself out.


As he walked away, I turned around to see the shock and delight on my friend’s face. A whole crowd had gathered to see what was going on between me and the demon.  Completely humiliated and slightly nauseous I opened my beetle and slid in before turning my attention to Oscar, who was approaching the car. Taking my phone from my bag, I sent a quick text to Alex to find out who this idiotic suicidal demon was. How did he find me, no Demon had ever come to my college before. None of them knew about my second life. This demon was going to cause some trouble. I can feel it in my gut.


“Wow! So I guess he pissed you off,” Oscar huffed as he slid in next to me.

I sighed and placed my head on the steering wheel, why was he here? Was he connected to the incident with the girl? I did not have time to process my thoughts, I had to get home before Beth began to worry, not that she ever did. She may say she wanted to know where I was, but I knew that she would rather be kept in the dark. Lifting my head from the wheel, I turned and watched the mini drive away but not before the driver gave me one last grin.

“What did he say? I’ve never seen you so pissed!” Oscar turned in his seat, to talk to me. Great what was I going to say to him. Oh you know, just a demon that was going to attack you all or possibly kill me because of some stupid reason that at this moment in time I can not quite understand.

“Nothing, I...I need to get home.”

“Ok if you do not want to talk about it.”

“I don’t.”
Oscar turned back in his chair and looked out of the window, I could see the smirk on his face and could not help but let out a slight laugh.

“He’s someone from my mother’s side of the family,” I explained. Technically that was true, she was evil and so was he. Somewhere in the twisted world of demons they may connect on a family tree. I shuddered at the thought of being in any way related to the Zac Efron want to be.

“I thought you didn’t know your mother?” He asked. Damn I forgot that I had told them I didn’t know who my mother was, why oh why do I not keep a diary of my lies. Sometimes even I
keep up with them.

, he just said he was... You know what I have no idea. Let me get back to you on that,” I sighed starting up the car.

“The life you lead Elle Bale,” He smiled.

“You have no idea,” I whispered pulling out of the college car park.




























Chapter Two



I pulled in to my driveway just in time to see Robin ride in on her bike. Waving at her, I received a nod of the head for my efforts.  Well at least it was something, stepping out of the car, it started to rain. Rain didn’t bother me. I quite liked it, it gave me the feeling of being washed clean, everything being washed away, and I was always left refreshed. Gracia had a lot of rain and I enjoyed being like a little kid jumping in puddles with my wellingtons on.  I made my way inside and hung my coat in the normal place on the banister. Just like always, Marcus was sitting in the front room watching football with Bruce who was probably eating some kind of potato snack. Beth was in the kitchen cooking the evening meal that we would all then sit down at the table and eat like one big happy family. The thrill of it all, I think I could throw up now. I’d rather eat alone if I’m perfectly honest. I walked into the kitchen and placed my bag on the floor next to one of the kitchen chairs, surrounding the rectangle table that Beth had bought at an antique shop four weeks earlier. Flopping down into the chair next to my bag, I glanced at Beth who was grilling burgers.


“Hello darling, how was your day?” She greeted as she flipped a slightly burnt burger into the air. She was never any good at cooking, but who was I to judge, I could burn beans if I was given the opportunity to cook.

“It was... Interesting,” I mumbled.

“Oh that’s nice dear, glad you had fun.”

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