Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  “Can they see us?” she asked.

  “No, it's special glass, we can see outside but no one can see inside,” he answered in her ear before kissing her jaw. Isis sighed as he ran his hand along her naked body. She couldn't explain what Marcus' touch did to her. It had been that way since he'd first touched her in her father's office. It made her warm and dizzy.

  He pushed her hair away from her neck nibbling her gently as he felt her stomach rumble. “You haven't eaten Princess.”

She smiled. “Are you going to feed me since I can't cook in your kitchen?”

  “Sweetheart, you can't cook period,” he reminded her.

  Isis became silent staring at her hand on the warm glass, remembering the last few days. Marc sensed the sudden change in her.

  “What's wrong?”

She laid her head against the window. “I don't know what I'm going to do.”

  “We'll get through it,” he promised.

  Isis turned to look at him. Quietly she ran a hand along his strong jaw studying him. Tracing his firm lips she whispered, “I care about this handsome, kind man and although I have no idea why he wants to be with me…I want him to stay.”

  “I'm not going anywhere Isis.”

Isis put her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. “I need you Marcus.”

Marc held her close rubbing her back gently. “I know. I won't let you go.”

  She closed her eyes allowing his solid strength to enfold her. If Isis knew one thing, she knew that she could trust Marcus to be a man of his word. She took comfort in knowing that he would be there through this ordeal.

  “Let's get you something to eat, then you can see your father,” Marc told her gently.

  Isis stiffened then pulled back to look at him with angry brown eyes. “I never want to see my father again!”

  “Isis...” Marc began before she grabbed his shirt and walked out of the room.

  After watching her go, he turned back to the window placing a hand on the glass. Damn it, he should not have had those files out where she could see them. He had not planned on ever bringing Isis Martin to his apartment but the situation had changed so suddenly and he hadn't been on top of things the way he should have been.

  Marc was concerned that if Isis turned on Milton now, he'd really try to hurt her. As long as she was defending him, Milton was fine. Marc knew that Milton Martin didn't care about anyone but himself and he'd shown it repeatedly. There was no way in hell he'd let him get to Isis though, even if that meant ending his own case by putting a bullet in Milton. Either way, Milton was going to be stopped.

Marc turned and grabbed his clothing before going to find Isis. This was about to get very ugly.


  Jeremiah Graham walked out of the restaurant where he had breakfast each morning and right into the arms of one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. She held on to his arm for balance as she stared up at him.

  “Excuse me...” she whispered as he continued to hold her.

He smiled. “No excuse me.” He helped her into a standing position and stared into her face.

  “I'm Jeremiah,” he extended his hand.

She smiled in return. “You can call me Millie.”

  “It's a pleasure to meet you Millie.”

  He watched as she looked him over then smiled again. “You too, Jeremiah.” Millie thought Jeremiah Graham was extremely easy on the eyes with a naughty smile and nice body.

  “Maybe I could treat you to breakfast someday?” he asked staring at her breasts before moving back to her face.

Millie put a hand to his chest. “Why don't you treat me to lunch today?” she suggested.

Jeremiah looked at his watch then lifted a brow. “There're still a few hours until lunch time.”

  “I'm sure we could find something to do until then,” she suggested.

He smiled broadly. “Lead the way sexy.”

  “You're not busy?” she asked slyly.

Jeremiah took her arm. “Not anymore.”


  Milton smiled as Dr. Smith examined him. She was very professional in her manner although he knew she could tell that he was interested in her. She reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite place his finger on it at the moment.

  “Well Mr. Martin, it seems you're in excellent shape for a man your age,” she commented.

He smiled. “Well, I do my best.”

  She picked up his chart. “It just makes no sense that you're in here for chest pains. I've had a lot of patients, some far worse than you who showed no symptoms at all, then all of a sudden collapsed and died.”

  “Yet here you are with these terrible pains, but you show no signs of heart damage. It's interesting,” she said slowly.

  “Maybe its stress,” he offered.

Dr. Smith looked up at him. “Are you stressed Mr. Martin?”

  “Yes, I think so. A man as powerful as I am has to juggle a lot of balls in the air,” he explained.

She nodded. “Let me give you a little something for your stress.”

  Milton watched as she walked over to the IV dripping into his veins. She pulled a needle out of her pocket and inserted the syringe into where the tube was carrying fluid to his body. She emptied it then placed it back into her pocket. As the liquid began to enter his bloodstream, Milton watched as she walked over to the bed. She moved the buzzer for the nurse's station out of his reach before staring down at him.

  “So Milton, your dirt has finally caught up with you.”

Milton frowned. “What? What are you talking about?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “You plotted to kill Justin Black, you actually did kill Carl Harrison...you schemed against Jordan and Sean using their own mothers and you've mistreated all of your daughters. You lied to a loving wife and cheated everyone around you. Even your old friend Carolyn Jackson has turned on you.”

  “Who the hell are you?” he demanded trying to sit up but feeling the effects of the drug she'd administered.

  “I'm the woman who's going to put everyone out of their misery by ending your life. You didn't get the message I sent by holding Isis hostage. The FBI agent hasn't arrested you yet, even though I've left him a trail a mile long to put you away. Sean and Jordan won't kill you because of Isabelle and I refuse to let her husband do it. Although he would in a heartbeat, that's just not a good thing for a newly married couple to have hanging between them.”

  She smiled again. “I think the FBI Agent would do it too, but he's going to end up with Isis so we should just let those kids be happy.”

Milton sat listening as his body began to tighten. “What did you give me?” he choked out.

  “Something that's going to turn your fake heart attack into a real one...one that's going to kill you in a few days. Until then you'll be paralyzed and unable to talk.” She patted his hand. “Don't worry, you'll still be coherent and able to hear and understand everything that's going on around you.”

  “These doctors will never figure out what happened because you were a mysterious case from the beginning. You came in without a heart condition but having severe chest pains. Maybe the equipment here was just unable to detect the deadly underlying problem.”

  Milton turned red listening to her. His limbs continued to stiffen until he could barely move. He tried to open his mouth to speak but couldn't.

  “Don't try to fight it Milton. It won't work.” She stared down at him. “The only reason you're not dying today is because I'm going to let your daughters pay their last respects to you while you're alive. Then they all can go on with their lives and be happy without your toxic presence.”

  Dr. Smith took a seat on the edge of the bed. “You know, Justin never did anything to hurt you. I don't understand why you wanted him dead and then went after his son. You're a bad man Milton. Human trafficking, drugs, embezzlement, murder...just to name a few, did you think you'd get away with this forever?”

  Although he could not move, his eyes told her he understood everything she was saying. They also told her that if he could murder her right now, he would. She laughed softly.

  “I bet you never thought it would end like this, did you? When I heard that you were in the hospital for a heart condition and they were looking for a specialist, I volunteered to come. I couldn't believe you made it this easy for me.”

  She patted his arm. “Your daughters will be hurt at first but they will be much better off in the long run. Trust me.”

  She stood and smiled down at him. “Well, let's begin the show.” Dr. Smith picked up the buzzer and alerted the nursing station.

  Turning back to Milton, she said quietly, “The moral of this story is... never cross the Blacks or anyone who loves them.”

Dr. Smith turned as the door opened and the nurse rushed in.

  “Did you need something Dr. Smith?” the nurse asked.

  Camille looked concerned. “Yes, we have a problem. It seems Mr. Martin has taken a turn for the worse.”

Chapter 10

  Marc exited the shower and after wrapping a towel around his waist, headed to his Master closet to find some clothing. The bedroom was empty when he entered and he dressed quickly in his custom made suit and tie, before looking for Isis. He found her in the kitchen eating the food that was left over from her order last night.

He lifted a brow at her as he entered and she smiled. “I used the microwave.”

Marc smiled back at her as he came and kissed her forehead. “Good girl.” 

  He moved to the stainless steel refrigerator and opened the door pulling out some yogurt. After grabbing a spoon, he joined her at the counter then turned to her. She was wearing another one of his shirts and her hair was back into her ponytail.

  “What do you want to do today?” he asked while opening the lid and dipping the spoon into the container.

  Isis looked at him. “I want to get some clothes. Then, I need to find another apartment because I won't hide out forever. I need to get back to my life.”

  Marc nodded impressed with her thinking. “Until Ray identifies any potential threats, you need to stay with me.”

  She turned back to her food. “Hopefully it won't be long and you can get back to your life as well.”

  Marc frowned and sat his snack on the counter before turning to her and lifting her face to his. “It doesn't matter how long it takes and you're still going to be a part of my life when this is over.”

  “I've been thinking and it's wrong of me to hold you to anything just because of what we've shared together. You don't owe me anything Marcus and I won't have any expectations of you. I just want to put all of this behind me.” Isis turned away again.

  Marc stood and came up behind her on the stool wrapping his arms around her from behind. He kissed her jaw, then her ear. “You're understandably very upset now Princess. When all the threats are neutralized and your father is no longer an issue, why don't we go away somewhere and work on this thing that we've started?”

  “Where would we go?” she asked quietly.

  He held her closer to his body. “Somewhere we can be all alone,” he whispered in her ear, kissing the shell softly. “Would you like that?”

Isis leaned back into his embrace. “Yes Marcus, I'd like that.”

  He kissed her again before moving back to his seat. Isis resumed eating her food before asking, “May I have my phone back?”

  “Yes, it's at the house in the mountains. We'll get it when we go to get your clothes,” he told her.

  “Thank you.”

  Marc watched her silently as she ate. He found that he like to watch Isis eat her food. She was always very proper and graceful in her eating and it captivated him.

  “Why do you watch me eat?” she asked looking up. “You did it at the house in the mountains too.”

His gray eyes held hers. “It's sexy, the way you eat.”

Isis blushed. “You think the way I eat my food is sexy?”

  “Very much so, in addition to other things.”

She turned shyly back to her food. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Marc smiled. “Surely, you're not turning shy on me now? Not after...” He glanced toward the windows.

Isis blushed even more. “I have to get used to your compliments.”

He looked surprised. “I'm sure many men have complimented you.”

She looked back at him. “Not any who mattered.”

  His phone rang and he smiled at her as he pulled it out to answer. Isis began eating again as she listened to his conversation. He ended the call and turned to her. She looked at him knowing this was something bad.

  “What is it?” she asked cautiously.

  Marc sat the phone on the counter and reached for her hand. “Your father has taken a turn for the worse. They want all the family at the hospital as soon as possible,” he told her gently.

  “A turn for the worse? What does that mean?” she asked confused.

Still holding on to her hand he said, “Let's just get to the hospital and see what's going on.”

Her hand trembled in his. “I didn't want to see him, but I don't want him to die.”

  Marc got to his feet and helped her off the stool before taking her gently into his arms. “Whatever happens, Isis I'm here.”

  She looked up at him with wary eyes and nodded. “Go get ready, so we can go,” he instructed softly as he released her.

  Marc watched as she walked slowly into the bedroom and disappeared. He picked up his phone again. Dammit! He'd known for sure that Milton Martin had been faking a heart attack but it appeared he really had been sick. Now he was possibly near death!

  He looked toward the room where Isis was getting dressed. Damn, she'd been through so much these last few days, he didn't want her to have to go through losing her father this way. Milton was an arrogant, dirty bastard but Isis loved him. Even though she'd not wanted to see him earlier, Marc knew that she still had deep love and affection for the man who'd given her life and provided for her.

  He waited until she emerged and escorted her down to the car. “Do you want to get clothes first?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, please just take me there.” Isis turned to stare out of the window and Marc took her hand as he drove. Her hand was cold as though the blood was being drained from her body and he watched her closely. Her face was perfectly made up and from the distance, you couldn't tell that inside she was slowly dying.

  Gently he squeezed her hand and she softly squeezed back in return. Marc wanted to take away all of her anxiety and pain, but he knew that was impossible. He could only be there for her, whatever the outcome.

  He parked where another dark car was waiting with two additional agents and turned to Isis. She was staring straight ahead and he softly called her name before she slowly turned to him.

  “I'm right here Princess.”

  Isis nodded and Marc released her hand then exited the car coming around to open the door for her. The three men escorted her inside and up to Milton's floor where they were met by Ray and Isabelle. Isis ran to her sister who hugged her tightly then took her hand as they walked towards their father's room. Ray turned to Marc and saw the pensive look on his face.

  “How is she?” Ray asked.

  Marc shook his head. “I don't know. It's difficult for her.” He looked at Ray. “What the hell happened? I thought he was fine.”

  Ray sighed. “I thought his ass was faking until we got the call that he was now paralyzed and unable to talk. There's no way in hell he's pretending now.”

Marc looked confused. “Something's not right.”

  “Tell me about it. The hospital had a specialist come in today and even she doesn't know what's wrong with him,” Ray commented.

Marc shrugged. “Maybe all his dirt has caught up to him.”

Ray's eyes darkened. “Couldn't happen to a more deserving dude.”

  It was no secret there was no love lost between Ray and his father-in-law and Ray had no qualms about letting it be known.

  “How's Isabelle?” Marc asked.

  Ray ran a hand down his face. “Belle knows that her father is no good. Her concern is for our baby so she's not letting herself get too stressed out about Milton. I'm keeping an eye on her though.”

Marc nodded. “I'll take care of Isis.”

Ray lifted a brow. “Is this work?”

  “No, it's personal,” Marc confirmed.

  Ray nodded as his friends Jordan and Sean came through the doors. Ray, Jordan and Sean formed The Black Diamonds and had worked together for years. Jordan and Sean were also childhood friends of Isabelle. Heads turned as the four handsome, well-dressed men stood greeting one another.

  “How is Milton?” Sean asked.

Ray answered, “They're saying he may not make it.”

  “How's Izzy?” Jordan asked concerned.

  “She's doing okay right now. She wants to be strong for Isis,” Ray explained.

  “How is Isis?” Sean inquired.

Ray sent Marc a look. “Marc is taking care of her.”

  Both Sean and Jordan turned to Marc who stood watching them behind his dark glasses. Sean turned back to Ray.

  “So what happened? Was it a heart attack?” Sean questioned.

  “We thought he was faking to get Isis out of hiding, but the hospital called in a specialist today right before he took the nosedive. She's trying some different procedures but nothing is working. He can't move or speak but he can hear and understand what we're saying,” Ray explained.

  “Damn, I didn't expect this.” Jordan turned to Ray and shook his head. “I mean I wanted his ass dead but not like this.”

  “Doesn't matter to me,” Ray added. “His ass deserves everything he gets.”

  Marc agreed before his phone rang. He excused himself and moved to a quiet area to take the call.

Sean looked at Ray then asked, “Where is this specialist from?”

  “She's a renowned cardiologist who came out of retirement to attend to Milton. She's the best in her field and Milton was lucky to get her,” Ray told him.

  “What's her name?” Sean inquired.

  “Dr. Camille Smith,” Ray answered.

  Sean kept his expression neutral as he heard the name of the woman who had also been the physician to Jordan's father, a man whose death was now in question.

  “How did they manage to get her to come out of retirement?” Sean asked casually.

  Ray shrugged. “She still has ties to the hospital and she lives in the area. They wanted someone who could come quickly and she volunteered to come today.”

Sean nodded. “I guess it was a good thing she was available.”

  “I guess,” Ray agreed. “Maybe if she would have gotten here earlier she could’ve made a difference. He turned for the worse after she arrived.”

Sean looked between Ray and Jordan. “Excuse me, I need to make a call.”


  Isis and Isabelle stood next to their father's bedside holding hands. His eyes were sad as he looked at them and both women held back tears.

  Isabelle spoke first, “Daddy, I know that we've not had a good relationship, especially since Mommy died. I don't know why you blamed me for Mommy's choices. I always tried to be the daughter that you could be proud of, but you pushed to the point that I no longer cared if you were or not, but I'm sorry this has happened to you and I hope that you will get better.”

  Isabelle turned to Isis who stood staring down at Milton. She thought of all the things she'd read in Marcus' files and her heart broke. “I know what you've done Daddy. I know the terrible things you've been a part of and I'm ashamed.”

“I thought you were someone else. I believed in you Daddy and you lied to me. I defended you and you hurt people. You hurt Mommy, you hurt Isabelle, and you threatened to hurt Marcus' family. I don't understand why you've done these things, but I hope that you can make peace with yourself.” She wiped a tear from her face. “I love you Daddy, but you're not the man I thought you were and I'm ashamed to be your daughter.”

  Isabelle watched as Isis turned and hurried from the room. Turning back to Milton, she shook her head.

  “Like she said, I hope that you can make peace with yourself,” she said sadly.

  Isis hurried down the hall away from her father's room. She could barely see through her tears and kept walking until strong arms enfolded her. She looked up into dark glasses before resting her head against his solid chest letting her tears flow.

  Marc held her closely and watched as Ray took off toward the room. Jordan and Sean stood a short distance away watching with concern as Isis sobbed in his arms. He nodded to them indicating that he would take care of her before he led her away and down another hall.

  Marc found a small waiting area that was empty and led Isis over to one of the chairs. “Sit down sweetheart.” He assisted her into one of the chairs then squatted down in front of her.  Gently he touched her dampened face. “Try to relax.”

  Isis hiccuped as she tried to calm herself before Marc removed a handkerchief from his breast pocket and gently wiped her cheeks. Finally, he placed the cloth in her hand and looked into her face. She lifted sad brown eyes to his holding onto the cloth tightly. “I want to leave,” she whispered. “I can't stay here.”

  “Let's go.” Marc helped her to feet before placing an arm around her waist. He led her back to the lobby where Jordan and Sean were still waiting. They approached and each man hugged her gently.

  “Please let us know if you need anything Isis,” Sean told her.

She looked at both men, who were like big brothers to her and nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Tell Ray, I'll be in touch,” Marc told them then turned and led Isis through the doors along with the other two Agents. The two men watched them go before Jordan turned to Sean. “What's up Sean?”

Sean lifted a brow. “What?”

  “Sean, I know you better than that. What the hell is going on?”

  Sean sighed. “I don't know yet Jordan but when I find out, you know that you'll be the first to know.”

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