Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  Isis shook her head and returned to his embrace. “Will this ever be over, or will my father's dirty deeds follow us forever?”

  “Nothing that has to do with your father is a concern for you anymore. You can focus on what you want,” he assured her.

She looked at him. “I know what I want.”

  “What's that Princess?”

  Isis smiled slowly. “I want some food...and then I want to compliment you.” Her eyes darkened, as she looked him over.

Marc nodded. “Let's go.”


  Simone Jenkins packed the items at her desk from her last assignment. Serving as Milton Martin's secretary had been her cover to get information on him. Now that the dirty bastard was dead, it was time to move on to the next job. Simone worked for Ray Parker and had been an integral part in keeping tabs on Milton.

  Beside her was a box of evidence she'd collected to turn over to Ray. Too bad he wouldn't need it, but it had all worked out for the best in her estimation. Milton Martin had been rotten to the core and deserved everything that happened to him. He'd treated everyone like dirt underneath his feet and terrorized many.

  Simone looked up as the handsome young man entered the office. He nodded at her and smiled as he approached.

  “You must be Simone,” he said extending his hand. “I'm Kyle, Ray sent me to pick up a box.”

Her face fell. “Oh, I'd hoped he was sending the sexy FBI agent.”

Kyle's smile disappeared. “Well, you got me. So where's the box?”

Simone frowned. “You don't have to be rude.”

  “You're the one who's rude. I didn't come to try to get with you, I came to pick up a box,” he told her.

Her eyes narrowed. “You work for Ray now?” she asked.


  “In the office or on the team?” she inquired.

He watched her. “On the team.”

  Simone looked him over again. If he was on the team that meant he knew what they all did outside of their cover jobs.

  “What's your cover?” she asked.

  “Forensic Scientist at the FBI Crime Lab.”

She smiled again. “So you work with Agent Marc Graham?”

  “I know Marc, we've met at Ray's office,” he explained.

  “Well, welcome to the team,” she finally offered.

  “Thanks. Where's the box?” he asked shortly.

  Simone huffed. “Fine, the box is right there.” She pointed to the box in question and Kyle moved swiftly to retrieve it.

He picked it up and turned to her. “Thanks.”

  “I'll see you around then,” she said to his back.

  “Yeah, sure.” Kyle kept walking and Simone admired his tall muscular physique. He wasn't Agent Marcus Graham, he was younger and apparently not as friendly but he was definitely a cutie. She looked forward to working with him since he was now on the team. If things didn't materialize with the sexy FBI agent, then maybe...just maybe. But for now Marcus Graham was still number one on her list.


  Marc and Isis were relaxing on his sofa watching a movie. He was stretched out along the length of the couch with a hand on her back and she was lying on top of him with her head resting on his chest. He was lounging in sweatpants and a T-shirt while Isis had donned one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts, which she'd tied around her waist. Isis was engrossed in the movie until she looked up at him.

  “How did it feel watching your father on television?”

  “I didn't watch.”

She looked confused. “You didn't watch your father's show? It was one of the most popular shows on.”

  He turned his grey gaze on her. “Yes, it was. He played the perfect father on TV but it didn't spill over to his own home, between television, movies and the theater...I rarely saw him.”

  “Is that why you ran away?” she asked remembering their conversation at the house in the mountains.

  “Partially,” Marc answered. He knew that Isis had questions about his past, but he wasn't ready to discuss it, primarily because he didn't know if she was ready to hear it.

  Isis nodded deciding not to pry any further. Clearly Marcus was not currently willing to talk about his issues with his father. She rested her head again and listened to his strong heartbeat. They both remained silent watching the large screen.

  “Did you tell your sister that you're staying here tonight?” he asked after a time.

  “Yes, I spoke with Isabelle while you were in the shower.”

He began to stroke her back gently. “What did she say?”

  “She almost sounded happy that I wasn't coming back tonight. I really need to find an apartment soon,” she told him. “I think I'm cramping their style. I mean, they are newlyweds.”

  “You can stay here for as long as you need,” he offered.

  Isis looked up at him again. “That's really sweet Marcus, but no thank you. I'm staying tonight because I've missed you but I'm not about to live with you.”

  “Are you worried about what people will say?” he questioned.

  She shook her head. “No, I'm not the woman who lives with a man in his apartment just because. I can afford my own place and take care of my business. Now, if I decide to stay with you sometimes if you offer, that's different.” She smiled at him. “And sometimes if I offer, you can stay with me.”

  “It's a standing offer.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly and placed her head back on his chest.

  They continued to watch the movie until it came to a humorous part and Isis burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she lost her breath. Sitting up she continued to chuckle loudly.

  “Oh my god! I can't breathe...” she said in between giggles.

  Marc watched her closely then smiled at her when she was finally able to contain herself. “I love to hear you laugh,” he said quietly. “It's so cute.”

She looked at him. “You think I'm goofy?”

  “I think you're far more than I gave you credit for Princess.”

Staring into his face she responded, “I think you are too, Special Agent Marcus Graham.”

  Marc's doorbell buzzed and he looked over at Isis, as he wasn't expecting anyone. Raising from the sofa, he walked over to the intercom on the wall and flicked on the screen. When he saw his family, he dropped his head and sighed.

Pressing the button, he spoke, “What are you doing here?”

  “We're here to see Isis. She told me she was here,” Tasha answered.

He turned to Isis still on the sofa.

She gave a sheepish look. “She texted me earlier, so I told her I was here with you.”

Turning back to the screen he said, “Come on up.”

  Marc waited at the door until his family arrived and allowed them inside. Tasha immediately rushed over to Isis hugging her tightly. “I'm so sorry Isis!”

Marc greeted both his parents as Isis returned Tasha's embrace. “Thank you Tasha.”

  Tasha stepped aside and her father stepped forward. “We are so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, please let us know.” He gave Isis a gentle hug and she felt her eyes water. “Thank you Mr. Graham. I really appreciate that.”

  Her eyes connected briefly with Marcus' as he stood off to the side watching his family. Mr. Graham stepped back and Marcus' mother stepped forward with her arms open.

  “You poor baby, come here.” All the tears that Isis had tried to keep at bay immediately flooded out with Alice's motherly compassion. She held the crying young woman in her arms gently soothing her.

  Finally, she pulled back and looked into Isis' face. “Now you listen to me. We can't replace your family and we would never try, but we are here for whatever you need honey. Do you hear me?”

Isis wiped her face and nodded quickly. “Thank you so much. You all are so wonderful to me.”

  Alice smiled. “We've already made you a part of the family.” She glanced at Marc. “We don't have to wait until it's official.”

  Marc folded his arms across his chest as his sister smiled up at him and Alice turned back to Isis.

  “How are you doing?” she asked taking Isis' hand and sitting on the sofa.

  Isis sat next to her. “I’m just trying to get back on track. I need to go back to work and get a new apartment.”

  “A new apartment?” Tasha rushed over taking a seat on the other side of Isis. “You can stay with me. I have two bedrooms.”

Isis shook her head. “No, I couldn't.”

  “Oh my god yes! It's perfect.” Tasha hugged her. “Even if you decide later to get your own, you could stay with me now.”

Isis looked over at Marc who was still standing with his arms folded, listening intently.

  “I couldn't impose on you like that Tasha.”

  Alice intervened. “Nonsense, that's no imposition at all. In fact, you would be doing us a favor. We worry about Tasha living alone. This way we would know that both of you are safe.”

  Isis sat contemplating for a moment. She didn't want to stay with Ray and Isabelle. She wouldn't stay with Marcus and she didn't want to spend days apartment hunting right now.

Turning to Tasha, she smiled. “Yes, I'd like that if you're sure.”

  “Positive! I can't wait...you can move in tonight.”

Marc unfolded his arms. “No she can't.”

Isis smiled softly turning to Tasha. “I can move in tomorrow. I have to get some of my things.”

  Tasha laughed at her brother. “Sure, I understand.” She shared a look with her mother who turned to her son.

  “You'll make sure she gets to Tasha's?” she asked.

He nodded. “Of course. If that's what she wants, I'll make it happen.”

  Marc's family stayed a little while longer before departing. After seeing them to the door and saying their goodbyes, Marc turned to Isis.

  “You'll stay with my sister, but not with me?” he asked.

Isis took a seat on the sofa. “Well, your sister isn't blowing my mind by doing things to my body.”

He smiled and came over to join her. “Is that a bad thing?”

She touched his face. “No, it's the most incredible thing I've ever experienced.”

  “Then what's the problem?” he questioned.


  Isis took his hand. “My whole life I was dependent on my Daddy. I don't want to be dependent on anyone anymore.”

Marc studied her face. “Meaning a man in particular?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I lived my life according to my Daddy's expectations for so long. I just want to be free.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth. “I understand sweetheart. I'm not trying to put you in cage.” Gently he kissed her palm. “You do what you need to do and I will support you.”

Isis smiled at him. “You make me very happy Marcus.”

  “That's all I want to do Princess….” He released her hand. “…And to hear you laugh.”

Isis yelled and tried to run away as he began tickling her stomach.

  “Marcus, stop!” she screamed while laughing and squirming. He continued until she begged him to end the assault to her mid-section. Isis fell back against the cushions trying to reclaim her breath before Marc climbed over her kissing her passionately.

  “Wherever you go Isis, I'm coming after you...”

She smiled at him. “I want you to come and take me Marcus...”

Chapter 12

  Lily Jackson looked across the table at her husband and sighed. This thing with Dr. Camille Smith had him really upset. Although with Sean, one had to be extremely close to him to even notice it.

  “Sean, maybe this is all a coincidence,” she told him softly.

Sean looked up from his meal. “It's not Lily. I know it.”

  “But you haven't found any proof and it's driving you crazy.”

  He smiled at her before coming to stand next to her seat. “I'm sorry beautiful. I don't want this to upset you.” Sean helped her to her feet and enfolded her gently being careful of her large belly.

  Lily held on to him for a moment before leaning back to look into his face. “What are you going to do?”

  “Clearly, I need some assistance. I can't go to Jordan, Ray or Trent right now. They're all too close to the situation,” he explained.

  “Do you really think it's possible she's responsible for both Milton and Justin's deaths?” Lily asked confused.

Sean nodded. “It's too much to be just a coincidence Lily.”

Lily touched his face. “What do you need me to do handsome?”

He placed his hand on her abdomen. “Take care of my little warriors.”

  “I can't believe there's two. Benjamin Rucker did a really good job,” she teased.

  “He's a Master,” Sean responded before kissing her softly.

Lily accepted his kiss and held on to him for support.

  “What are you going to do if you find out that she's really responsible?” Lily asked quietly.

  “I'll handle it Lily. I won't let her hurt anyone else.”

  Lily pulled away slowly. “Even though Milton was Isabelle's father, he wasn't a good man. He tried to hurt you, Jordan and Ray. He wasn't even nice to his own daughter.”

Sean lifted a brow. “What are you saying Lily?”

She shrugged. “I'm just saying that maybe Dr. Smith isn't the monster you think she is.”

  “She possibly has killed two men,” he explained.

  “With no proof.”

  “Are you defending her?” Sean asked.

  Lily picked up her plate and walked toward the kitchen. “I don't know her Sean. How could I defend her?”

Sean followed. “So you want me to just let her walk away?” he questioned.

  Lily turned to him. “Those men are dead Sean. There is no proof other than your mother's questions.” She folded her arms. “And your mother was adamant that it was Milton Martin who killed Justin, now you think a world renowned cardiologist killed both of them. What's next?”

  She came to him placing her hand on his chest. “Let it go, Sean. Nothing good is going to come from this. It's just going to open old wounds for no reason.”

  Sean looked down at her. “Okay Lily. I have a few loose ends to tie up and then I'll let it go, I promise you.”

Lily smiled. “The baby shower is coming and I don't want this hovering over us.”

  “Nothing is going to spoil the shower. Ray, Jordan and I have made sure everything will go smoothly,” he assured her.

  “Okay, I trust you.” She reached up and kissed his lips.

  “You can always trust me beautiful Lily.”


  Callie sat at her desk admiring the beautiful promise ring Trent had given her. Words could not express how much she loved that boy. Trent was a genius, handsome and as sweet as pie. After all he'd been through living in foster care and then on the streets, he still had a genuine goodness inside of him.

  She looked up as a woman came through the door. She glanced at Ray's calendar noting that he didn't have any appointments this morning. When the woman approached the desk, Callie looked her over. She was incredibly beautiful in a Diahann Carroll type of way.

  “May I help you?” Callie asked.

The woman smiled warmly. “Yes, I'd like to see Ray Parker pleas, if he's available.”

  “May I have your name?”

  “Alice Graham.”

Callie nodded. “Do you need some security Ms. Graham?”

Alice shook her head. “No, Mr. Parker knows who I am.”

  Callie picked up the phone and dialed Ray's office. When she mentioned Alice Graham's name, he was immediately in the lobby. She watched as he smiled at the woman and she opened her arms to him.

  “Ray Parker...how have you been?” she said enfolding him.

  Ray returned her embrace then straightened and looked down at her. “I can't believe the beautiful Alice Graham has come to visit me.”

  “I hope I'm not interrupting,” she said smiling.

Ray took her hand. “A goddess this lovely is never an interruption.”

  Callie watched the interaction with a raised brow. She knew Ray was in love with his wife, Isabelle and although this woman was beautiful, she was a little old for Ray's type. Catching Callie's look Ray introduced the women.

  “Callie this is Mrs. Alice Graham. She's married to Gregory Graham and she's Marc's mother,” Ray explained.

  Her face showed her surprise because everyone knew who Gregory Graham was. She would have never guessed he was Marc's father since he certainly had never mentioned it. She now thought of their similar eye color and began to also recognize other similarities in the two men.

  “Wow, I never knew that Marc's father was a movie star,” Callie commented.

Alice smiled. “Yes, Marcus doesn't like to draw attention to that fact.” She turned back to Ray.

  “I was wondering if I could just have a few minutes of your time?”

Ray smiled down at her. “You can have as much of my time as you like.”

  Callie watched as he led the woman into his office. She wondered why Marc's mother was here to see Ray. She also wondered why Marc had never said anything about being related to Gregory Graham. No wonder he dressed so expensively, his family was on the top of the A-List in Hollywood.

  Callie went to Trent's office and knocked lightly on the door before entering. He looked up from his book and smiled at her.

  “Hey, I know you're studying but I wanted to tell you something,” she said quickly coming over to him.

When she got to the desk, he turned and pulled her down on to his lap.


He kissed her cheek. “What's up sexy girl?”

  Callie wrapped her arms around his neck. “Marc's mother is here to see Ray and...” she paused dramatically. “Marc's Daddy is Gregory Graham.”

  “I know,” Trent answered.

She looked surprised. “How did you know that?”

  “When you were gone, I hacked him,” Trent confessed. “I needed information in case he’d been the one who’d hurt you.”

  Callie quickly changed the subject. She knew that the time she’d been away was still a sensitive issue with Trent. “I wonder why his mother is here to see Ray,”

Trent shrugged. “Maybe they need some security?”

Callie shook her head. “Nah, it's something else.”

  “I guess we'll find out,” Trent said kissing her cheek. He then moved to her neck.

  “You smell good.”

Callie laughed softly. “I smelled the same way this morning.”

  “I know.”

She touched his cheek looking into his sexy dark eyes. “Do you know how much I love you?”

He smiled at her. “Yeah, I do.”

  Trent truly loved Callie as well. She'd come into his life during a transitional time. Callie was his friend, his lover, his cheerleader and his heart. There was nothing he would not do for her and he couldn't wait until the day he could marry her and have babies like his brothers.

Thinking of babies, he looked at her. “You're coming to my sisters' baby shower right?”

  “I can't believe they invited me,” she told him.

  Trent frowned. “Of course they invited you Callie, you're part of the family. They all know how much you mean to me.”

  “Thank you baby,” She kissed him again. “How in the hell did all your brothers get all their wives pregnant at the same time?”

  “They're just that good,” Trent bragged. “I am too.”

Callie stood to her feet. “And on that note, I'll leave and let you study.”

He laughed as she walked to the door. “See you later sexy girl.”

She turned back and smiled. “See you later baby.”

  Callie closed the door behind her and walked back to her desk. She noticed Ray's door was still closed and still wondered what had brought Marc's mother to the office.

  Inside Ray's office, Alice Graham smiled across the desk at him. “You know, we owe you so much.”

  “You don't owe me anything.”

Alice shook her head. “If you weren't there for Marcus...”

  “Marc is fine. He's one of the best agents the FBI has ever seen,” Ray told her.

  “He's in love now,” Alice told him.

Ray lifted a brow. “He told you that?”

  She pursed her lips. “You know Marcus would never tell me that. He probably hasn't even told himself.” She watched Ray closely. “I've found out that she's your sister-in-law.”

  “Is that a problem?” Ray asked.

Alice smiled broadly. “Its’s only a problem if you don't agree to help me.”

  “Help you?” he questioned.

  Alice leaned back and crossed her still shapely legs. “I want Isis as my daughter which means my son is going to marry her. He's already in love with her, but as we both know, he's as stubborn as they come.”

Ray laughed. “Yes, that is one stubborn dude.”

  “They need to be together Ray. They need each other even if they don't realize it,” Alice told him.

He shook his head. “I need to introduce you to my wife.”

  “I'd love to meet her. Isis is a jewel so I'm sure your wife is as well.”

  He smiled. “She's incredible.” Ray stood from his seat. “And it just so happens, that she wants her sister to marry your son. So I guess you two can get together and start planning the wedding.”

  He came to stand in front of an ecstatic Alice. “Welcome to the family,” he told her and she stood embracing him.

  “We need to make sure those two stay together until they figure this out for themselves,” Alice informed him.

  Ray thought about Marc standing outside his door at six in the morning ready to fight in order to see Isis then smirked. “Yeah, I don't think Marc is going to let her get too far away.”

   Ray walked Alice out of his office, past Callie and out to her waiting car. He promised to have both her and Gregory over for dinner to meet Isabelle. He came back inside and stopped at Callie's desk.

  “Is Trent studying for his exam?” he asked.

Callie nodded. “Yes, he's in his office.”

  “You make sure you stay out here,” he warned.

She laughed. “We don't do that at work... anymore.”

Ray frowned. “That's not funny.”  He turned to walk away then Callie stopped him.

  “Simone is here in the conference room. She said Marc is coming by to debrief her on the assignment at Milton Martin's business.”

Ray nodded. “When Marc's done with Simone, send him to my office.”


  He disappeared into his office and Callie went back to work until Marc arrived a little while later. He stopped at her desk in his suit and dark glasses.

  “Hello Callie.”

She smiled. “Hi Marc. How's it going?”

  “Good. I'm here to meet with Simone.”

  “I know. She's in the conference room waiting for you.”

He nodded. “Thanks.”

  Callie studied him, now seeing the resemblance between him and his father. “Do you need anything for your meeting?” she asked.

  “No, I'm good.”

  Marc walked to the conference room where he found Simone sitting patiently at the table. She looked him over and bit her lip while he took a seat.

  “Hi Simone, sorry I'm late,” he said sitting across from her.

She smiled. “I didn't mind waiting.”

Marc looked over at her. “I wanted to tell you that you did a great job with the watches.”

  “Thank you. I'd hoped you'd be pleased,” she purred.

  Marc picked up on her tone. “So I wanted to just do a quick debrief to see if there was anything else you saw or remembered while working for Milton Martin that could be useful in our case.”

  “Milton was dirty in every way and he used to look at me like a dirty old man,” she told him.  “I mean, I know I'm a young, sexy, attractive woman but that was just creepy.”

  Marc lifted a brow. “Okay...was there anything in his files, or conversations that you overheard? Things along those lines.”

  Simone sat up straighter, lifting her breasts higher. “I know that he had been to that warehouse where the guy ended up dead.”

  “What guy?”

  “The Harrison guy, the one with the other watch.”

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