Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  “First of all, you wouldn't shoot without identifying your suspect first. Secondly you're falling off, you should have known I was here without me giving you a warning.”

Marc put his weapon away. “This is your safe house. I assumed it would be exactly that.”

  Isis looked between the two men still holding her shoes and bag. She'd thought someone had come to hurt her and now she was trying to calm her breathing, however the alcohol was still clouding her brain.

  “Are you okay Isis? Ray asked sitting his glass aside.

  She opened her arms and walked over to him. “I love you Ray!” Isis shouted and hugged him tightly before his eyes flew to Marc.

  Ray patted her gently. “Okay, I love you too goddess. What's going on?” He asked pulling away and studying her face.

  “Marcus wants to see me naked,” she whispered and Marc put a hand to his forehead.

Ray frowned deeply at Marc, lifting a brow.

  “She had some Jell-O shots tonight,” Marc explained.

  Ray turned back to Isis. “You know what? I need to holla at Marc, so do you mind giving us a minute?

  Isis smiled. “Yes, I'm going to bed now.” She turned to Marc and put a hand on his chest. “I'll see you naked later, okay?”

  Marc took her hand and led her into her bedroom where Isis plopped on the bed face down. The perfect curve of her ass held his attention for a minute before he remembered Ray waiting for him in the other room. He leaned down and kissed her temple before pulling the covers over her now nearly passed out body.

  When he returned Ray was waiting with his arms folded and his face angry. “You want to tell me what the hell you're doing?” Ray barked.

  “I ask you to protect my sister and you go and get her drunk?” he demanded.

  “She said she's not drunk, just tipsy.”

  Ray took a breath. “I'm two seconds off of busting your ass Marc. This is not the time for your damn sarcasm.” He unfolded his massive arms. “Now why in the hell is my sister drunk?”

  “I took her to Tasha's birthday party and they had Jell-O shots. They were watered down as hell so she's not fully drunk.”

Ray lifted a brow. “You took her home? To your family?”

Marc nodded then remained silent.

  “Does she know about your past?” Ray asked.

Marc removed his glasses. “No, I haven't told her yet.”

Ray studied him.  “Are you going to?”

  “I didn't want to let her in Ray. I tried to push her away but she was constantly there, in my mind.”

  Ray smirked. “Tell me about it.” He certainly could sympathize with the brother after his own situation with her sister.

  “She asked to know Marcus, so I took her to where he started,” Marc explained.

  “How are things with you and your father?” Ray inquired knowing the history.

Marc gave a short laugh. “The same, as usual.”

  Ray stepped closer. “I can't have you hurt her Marc. Isis is innocent. Don't take anything away from her that she can never get back.”

Marc looked at him. “I wouldn't do that Ray. I haven't touched her.”

  “She said you want to see her naked,” Ray pointed out.

  “What are you doing here?” Marc asked changing the subject.

Ray nodded. “Just checking on things, I should have some leads in next few days.”

Marc removed his jacket and placed it on a chair. “What's going on with Milton Martin?”

  “If he keeps getting on my nerves, you won't need to build a case,” Ray told him and Marc shook his head.

Ray took a seat and watched Marc, as he remained standing. “Do you care about her?”

  “I shouldn't.”

  “That wasn't the question,” Ray told him.

Marc placed his hands on his waist and looked up at the ceiling. “How can this work?”

  “Do you care about her?” Ray repeated.

  “I don't want to.”

Marc began to pace. “She's Milton's daughter. I'm sending her father to prison.”

Ray leaned back. “Marc damn, do you care about her?” he demanded for the third time.

  Ray watched his protégé deal with the struggle between his heart and mind. Marc had fallen and hard as hell, by all indications. Ray had been worried that Isis would be the one to fall and Marc might rebuff her, but he could look at this brother and tell he was gone. He wondered how long the two of them had been having feelings for one another. His wife was a damn genius.

  “Yeah, I care about her Ray,” Marc finally admitted.

Ray shrugged. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I'm taking her,” Marc said simply.

  “Milton isn't just going to sit back and let you do that,” Ray warned.

  Marc's eyes narrowed. “Milton's ass is going to jail and he's not going to stop me from being with Isis.”

  Ray smiled, his work was done. Isabelle had sent him to make sure these two were moving in the right direction and he was satisfied that everything was going according to plan.

  He got to his feet. “Well, I'm going home to my beautiful wife. Your ass better take care of our sister and I'll be in touch soon.”

  Ray walked to the door. “And keep your damn guard up. I know the Martin women are beautiful but be ready.”

  “I was born ready.” Marc followed him to the door where the two men faced each other.

  Light brown eyes looked at platinum ones. “She's a good girl Marc. You deserve someone who's going to be good to you. There's nothing else for you to prove to anyone.”

Marc nodded. “Thanks Ray.”

  Ray went to the garage, retrieved his car and left the premises. Marc closed the door and pressed his hand against it thinking about the woman sleeping in the bedroom. His head wanted to push her away but his heart knew that Ray's words were true. Isis would be good to him. She was kind, loving and loyal to a fault.

  Isis was sweet, funny, and honest. She didn't want to play games and she wasn't afraid to put her heart on the line. She was strong, brave and so beautiful it made him ache for her. Marc made his way to her bedroom.

  He looked down at her sleeping form on the bed. She was going to have one hell of a headache when she woke up. He turned and walked into the kitchen looking for some acetaminophen because he remembered that she had a sensitivity to aspirin as part of her allergies. He found some in the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of water.

  Marc returned to the bedroom and sat the items on the nearby nightstand. He lowered himself onto the bed and slowly rubbed her temple as she slept. “I won't ever let you be all alone Princess.”

  “I know how that feels.”



Chapter 6

  Isis awakened with a pounding headache and a handsome, sexy FBI agent lying next to her.  She raised a hand to her head and moaned, causing platinum eyes to open to hers.

  “Hello Princess.”

Isis moaned again. “Please don't yell,” she said very softly.

  “I wasn't. That's your headache.”

  “Ohhhh...why did you let me do that?” she complained.

  Marc sat up and reached for the pain killers. Opening the bottle, he poured a couple into his hand before replacing the bottle.

  “Take these, they'll help with your head.” He helped her to sit up slowly.

  “I can't take aspirin,” she reminded him.

  “I know. It's acetaminophen.” He brought the pill to her lips. “Open.”

  Isis watched him as she opened her mouth slightly. Marc slipped the tablet past her lips before grabbing the water and twisting the cap off. He handed it to her and she brought it to her mouth taking a small sip and swallowing. He repeated the action for the second pill and when she was done, he removed the bottle and replaced the top before replacing it on the nightstand.

Turning back to her, he gently touched her head. “You're a lightweight.”

Isis touched her hand to his. “I don't drink often.”

  “Lie down Princess,” he whispered then helped her to stretch out on the bed.

Sitting on the edge, he looked down at her. “Do you need anything?” he asked quietly.

Isis looked into his face. “We didn't get to see each other naked.”

Marc took her hand. “No we didn't, but I promise you we will.”

She smiled at him. “I should get up and shower. I don't usually sleep in my clothes.”

  “Me either.”

Isis looked at him still in his attire from yesterday. “You stayed here with me?” she asked.

He nodded. “I wanted to be close if you needed me.”

  “I think I'll be fine. The pain killers will kick in soon.”

Marc watched her closely. “Do you need help getting into the shower?”

  Isis lifted a brow and Marc shook his head. “I want to make sure you're not dizzy because I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself. I am here to keep you safe,” he pointed out.

  “Help me stand up and let's see,” she told him.

  Marc stood from the bed and held out his hand to her. Isis got to her bare feet and tested her balance.

She looked up at Marc who held on to her arm. “I think I can make it.”

He nodded and stepped back.

  “Can you unzip me though?” she asked slowly turning her back to him.

  “Of course.” Marc pulled the zipper down from her neck to the top of her behind.

  Isis reached up and drew the garment down her shoulders before allowing it to pool at her feet leaving her standing in her bra and panties. Her breath caught at the first touch to her back. Marc lowered his face to her hair and inhaled before he pulled her back against his body resting his hand just below her breasts.

  “Isis, you are so beautiful,” he whispered down into her ear.

  “Is that all that I am Marcus?”

His hand moved lower to her abdomen. “I used to think so.”

  She closed her eyes as he touched her bare skin. “Until I realized that you're also sweet and funny. You're strong and honest...and you've completely blown me away.”

  “You blew me away the first time you touched me at my Daddy's office,” she told him.

He kissed her neck. “I remember you flashing those big brown eyes at me.”

  Isis smiled as his hand traveled lower. He traced the top of her panties before moving up to cup her breast. She moaned and it reminded him of being in her apartment during the rescue. At that time, it had driven him nearly to distraction, just as it was right now. 

  Marc took his other hand and unraveled the already loosened knot atop her head watching her dark hair fall to her shoulders. Slowly he lowered her bra strap from her shoulder and replaced it with his lips blazing a path up to her ear. Isis tilted her head to allow him better access and was rewarded with another firm squeeze to her breast.

  Isis was now in another world. No man had ever touched her, let alone touched her the way Marcus was right now. His hand was now inside the band of her panties moving closer to her unseen area. She held her breath in anticipation when he touched the top of her shaved mound. His phone began to ring and she held his hand in place, wanting him to continue.

  “I have to answer,” he whispered against her neck.

  “Noooo,” she protested.

  Marc removed his hand. “Go take your shower Princess.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the screen. “This is Graham.”

  Isis turned to him and he looked down at her as he listened to the caller. Marc kissed her on the forehead then turned to walk out of the room. “What the hell does that mean?” She heard him bark into the phone.

  Isis shrugged, assuming that the call had something to do with his job. She touched her breast then let her hand slide down to where his had been. His touch had sent heat throughout her entire body and his kisses took her to a place she never imagined. Stepping out of her dress, Isis walked into the bathroom to shower and prepare for Special Agent Marcus Graham to take her...literally.

  By the time she emerged from the shower her headache had subsided considerably thanks to the pain medication. Isis couldn't believe that Marcus had remembered her allergy and been ready to take care of her. He'd even slept beside her in case she'd needed him. She had to rescind her thought that he was an ass, and although he definitely could be when he wanted, he could also be very caring and thoughtful.

  Isis marveled at the fact that Marcus' father was the legendary Gregory Graham. He was a huge star of film and stage and Isis was an admirer of his work. He and Marcus didn't seem to be on very good terms although neither of them had mentioned anything in front of her. Marcus' family had treated her so well that she had fallen in love with them immediately. Well, almost all of them; his brother Jeremiah had given her the creeps with the way he'd watched her at the party. Since Marcus had never been out of her sight, she'd felt safe enough with him around.

  She smiled as she thought of his sister Tasha. She'd had more fun with her than with any of her own friends. They had promised to keep in touch with one another and had exchanged numbers at the party. Tasha had hinted that she wanted her brother Marcus to have someone special. She'd said that he deserved it, even if he didn't believe it himself. This had puzzled Isis and she wondered exactly what had happened to him.

  Isis decided that she would not pry. She would allow Marcus to tell her what he wanted, when he wanted. Besides, she wasn't planning on going anywhere. Marcus had said he was going to take her and she was going to make sure she was taken by him. She admitted that she'd been attracted to him from the start, even though she'd tried to hide it and use her anger to shield herself.

  After seeing Marcus in action, she now understood how good he was at his job and how important it was to him. She could no longer be angry with him for investigating her father. It was his job, but her father was innocent so there was nothing Marcus could do to him. He'd figure that out and the case would be closed.

  Isis dressed in yoga pants and a tank top after putting her hair in a ponytail. She headed out to the kitchen where Marcus was preparing some food. He was dressed in loose long shorts and a T-Shirt. She saw his weapon on the counter and looked at him.

  “What's wrong?” she asked.

Marc looked over at her, taking in all that was Isis. “Why do you ask that?”

She nodded towards the counter. “You have your weapon out. You haven't done that before.”

He lifted a brow at her perception. “I'm just being prepared.”

Isis went to him. “Is someone coming here?” she asked worriedly.

  Marc turned and put his arms around her pulling her close. “It's fine Princess. No one is going to hurt you. I promise.”

  “What's going on Marcus?” she asked staring up at him.

  His gaze held hers. “I'm on alert. Your father is trying to find out where you are. We're concerned that if he finds you, so will whoever is after him.”

  “Is that why Isabelle said I shouldn't call him?”

  He nodded. “I don't want you using your phone at all and definitely not speaking with your father.”

  “Daddy wouldn't put me in danger on purpose,” she told him.

Marc stepped back. “You can't trust him Isis.”

  “He's my Daddy, of course I can trust him.”

He turned back to the food he was preparing. “This is why we shouldn't get involved.”

Isis folded her arms. “Why? Because we don't agree on who my father is?”

  “I know who your father is and so does everybody else. You're the only one who doesn't believe it.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “If you have so much evidence, then why haven't you arrested him?” she accused.

He turned to her. “Because when I do, I'm going to bury his ass so deep, they can't find him.”

She gasped. “That's my father!”

  “He's my assignment.”

  “I'm calling Ray. I don't want you here!” Isis turned and ran into her bedroom grabbing her purse to retrieve her phone. She searched through the bag before turning the contents upside down on the bed. Fuming she returned to the kitchen where Marc was now making plates.

  “Give me my phone!” she yelled.

He didn't turn to her. “I can't risk you calling anyone.”

  “You can't just go through my things and take them!” she yelled getting frustrated with the whole situation.

  “It's for your safety.”

  Isis was so frustrated that tears began to well in her eyes. “I didn't ask for this...I don't want to be here.”

  Marc turned to her and saw her tears. Quietly he walked over to where she stood and looked down at her. His gray eyes were serious. “Isis, I will do anything necessary to protect you, even from your own father if I have to.”

  “I'll never lie to you. I am sending your father to prison for the crimes he has committed.”

  He lifted her face to his. “Now you have to decide if I'm still the man you want to be involved with. We haven't passed any points that we can't go back to.”

  “If you want me to be Agent Graham and protect you until this is over then walk out of your life, I will do that, but if you want to be Marcus and Isis, everything has to be out front and on the table. Otherwise, we're just playing games. I've told you that I want to take you and not just while we're here on this mountain. So what do you want Princess?”

  As Isis stared up into his face, her heart shouted, “You!” Her head however, wondered how she could survive possibly losing her father to jail, and the fact that the man she wanted so badly had sent him there. Marcus could be so cold and matter-of-fact with everything, but a part of her truly appreciated his honesty. She didn't want someone who would lie or try to deceive her.

  “Marcus, I don't want to play games.” She placed a hand on his chest. “I want you to take me. I wish you could take me away from all of this. It's all so confusing and I don't know what to believe.”

  He placed his hand over hers on his chest. “Believe that I will never lie to you. I will be your shield from whatever tries to harm you. Will you trust me?”

  Isis watched him silently for a few moments. Thoughts were tumbling through her mind. She knew that her Daddy was hiding something. Of course, she didn't think it was anything that would send him to prison. She also knew that her Daddy was accustomed to doing whatever he wanted. She thought about what Isabelle had said in regards to their father and how he had treated Isabelle in the past and currently, then add to that the daughter he'd hidden for years and her mind was in a chaotic jumble.

  Right now, the only thing that felt safe and solid was Agent Marcus Graham. He wasn't the type to sugar coat anything. He'd calmly laid everything out on the line and neatly placed the ball in her court. He stood silently watching her attempt to unscramble her thoughts.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Right now you're the only one I do trust.”

  Marc lowered his head to hers and kissed her gently savoring her mouth. He wanted this woman with every fiber of his being, but he would never lie to get her. Isis would soon have to face that her father was no good. When she did, he vowed to be there to comfort her. She trusted him and he would never let her down.

  Isis wrapped her arms around his neck as he continued to pleasure her mouth. She melted into the warmth and strength of his body as he pulled her tightly against him. Isis lost track of time as Marc kissed her as though he would never stop. When he finally lifted his head, he looked down at her.

  “I made you something to eat. You should put some food on your stomach,” he told her.

  “Thank you for taking care of me.”

He touched her face. “Always Princess.”

  Marc led her over to the table where the two plates were sitting and pulled out her chair. Isis sat and smiled down at the dish in front of her.

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