Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)
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Moving his left hand up
him brought it to her right breast, squeezing it through the thin material of her dress.

her with him, he turned her and walked her to the short set of filing cabinets by the door.

"Stop", she yelled pushing against his

Laughing he said, "Soon."  Pushing her forward he pulled her dress up, holding it against her back in one hand.  Pushing his hips against her naked flesh he rocked slightly, she felt the rough material of his suit digging into her flesh.

Tears running down her face, she cried “No, stop.   Please don't."  She had just begun to get over all that had happened to her before, how would she live if she had to go through it again?

Ignoring her he began to fumble with the front of his grey pants.  Trying to get away again, Cadance screamed, "RAYNE!
Help, someone please."

"Shut up", Sebastian said slapping her exposed backside.

Cadance cried out at the sting of his hand on her bare flesh, this only seemed to arouse him more.

Still fumbling with his pants, he jerked
around when the door banged open.  Cadance hadn’t even known that it was shut, so focused on fighting him off.

Rayne stood in
the doorway wearing the black suit he'd put on that morning.

"What the hell
do you think you're doing?"  HE said as he rushed at Sebastian.  Grabbing his cousin by the throat, he slammed him into the wall beside Cadance.

Jerking up Cadance let her dress fall back into place.

She watched as Sebastian's face began to turn red, his hands clawing at the hand Rayne had around his neck. 

"You will leave this building today and never come back, do u hear me?" he asked his face still contoured in rage.

"If I EVER see you near Cadance again I will rip your fucking head off do you hear me?" he asked tightening his hold.

"Rayne", Cadance said walking up and putting her
hand on his shoulder.

"Stop.  You'll kill him.  Stop."

Watching Rayne for a little longer she was relieved when her words seemed to penetrate the rage he felt.

Letting go of Sebastian he let him drop to the floor.

Wheezing Sebastian said, "you’d take this bitches side over your own family?'  He held his hand to the red area on his neck, his face was still red but had lost the purple tinge that it had begun to have.

"She is a part of my family. 
Remember that the next time you even think of talking to her.  Now get out of this building before I change my mind", stepping back he pointed at the open supply room door.

Sneering at Cadance, Sebastian stumbled up and ran out the door.

Crushing Cadance to him, Rayne said, "I am so sorry.  I was almost too late."

him back she said, "Its ok.  I'm ok.  HE didn't do anything."

"Yes he did and I'm sorry."

Hugging her again, she felt his body shaking.

"It's ok,
I’m ok" she told him, wiping the remaining traces of the tears from her face.

"Come on", he told her taking her hand.  Leading her into his office he pulled a chair up to the opposite
side of the desk where he sat.  Going out to her desk he brought her purse and desk phone back with him. 

Cadance watched as he set the phone down and bent over to plug the
cord into an outlet under his desk.  Picking up the handset he punched several keys on the phone.

Looking at her, where she still stood, he said "Now you can work from in here with me.  If he comes back I don't want you out there alone.  I am going to
call my father and his to tell them what he's done.  I hate to say this isn’t his first attempt.  They will stand behind me in my decision."

Seeing her look he said, "I won't say who I'll just say a woman that works here, ok?"

Nodding she told him ok and sat down in the chair he'd moved for her.

They worked that way the rest of the day.  Cadance found that she really liked it.  You got to listen to him conduct business and he even
asked her opinions about some things.

That evening he drove her home and walked up with her to eat
dinner with her, Jacie, and Max

The two couples sat
around the table laughing and talking.  Jacie couldn't stop smiling at her and Cadance knew she probably wore he same goofy look.

Rayne couldn't get enough of touching her.  HE held and kissed her hand throughout the entire meal. 
After dinner he insisted on helping with the cleanup.

Finished cleaning they moved to the living room
to watch some TV.  Later he went to Cadance's room, where he stayed the night.

The next few weeks
continued much the same way.  HE let her move back out to her desk but had security walk by the office frequently.  She loved their lunch breaks they’d eat in office or go down to the sandwich shop they liked.

Their nights were even better.  She'd began staying at his apartment a lot, liking the large bed there. 
Even more she liked the large shower he had, that reminded her of the one they'd shared at the hotel.

nights they'd go back to her apartment so she could spend time with Jacie.  The two couples got along great.  They had started going out on double dates to the movies and sometimes a dance club.

Everything was great Cadance thought as she typed a letter Rayne had
asked her to.  She looked up at the door as a group of older men in suits walked in, talking.

Well, hello there you must be Rayne's new assistant.  I'm Gregory Stevens nice to meet you." 

She took in the
man’s distinguished appearance.  He had salt and pepper hair and appeared to be very fit for a man of his age, she couldn't help but thinking.

Smiling at him she nodded, and said hello. 
She then turned her attention to the three others with him.

They all smiled at her, Cadance looked from the tall slender black haired man to the man next to him.  This one was short and bald, he seemed the smile he gave her was nice.

When she came to the next man, she froze.  The breathe catching in her throat, she forgot to breathe.  She'd seen those beady, leering eyes, that pinched looking face, and fat yowls before.

This was one of the men that her uncle had brought to her bedroom as a child.  Sitting in shock she watched as they moved as
a group to Rayne's door.  He had just opened it and welcomed them all in.

Seeing the look on her face he told them to go ahead and take their seats.  Shutting the door
behind them he came to her and kneeled beside her chair.

What is it baby?  What's wrong?"

She looked over at him, her mouth
moving but no sound came out.  Silent tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"What?" he asked again this time more frantic.

"That man, the last one.  He.  He was there.  He was one of them."

"The last man, the big one?" 
At her nod he stood.  Hands curled into fists at his sides, he paced in front of her.

"I'll kill the bastard", he said through gritted teeth.

Jumping up she moved to him, "Don't say anything.  I don't think he recognized me.  Just let me go somewhere else until he leaves.  I don't ever want to see him again."

Stopping to look down into her eyes, he nodded.  He'd let her leave
and then he'd take care of him.

Kissing him quickly on the cheek, she grabbed her purse and headed towards the door.  Walking to the elevator she wiped the rest of the tears from her cheeks.

Reaching the first floor she walked out onto the sidewalk and began walking.  She didn't know where to go so she decided just to walk.

Back upstairs in his office, Rayne sat down in his chair.  Looking across his desk at the four men there he sat in silence.  Unable to keep his eyes from falling on, Lawrence Wilkins, the bastard that touched Cadance.  The one that hurt her all those years ago.

"Wilkins", he barked out finally.

Hearing Rayne's anger, Lawrence tensed.  His eyes taking on a wary look.  "Yes?" 
He said hesitantly.

thought you were a man of business.  From what I've heard lately I wouldn't trust you with a penny let alone several million.  The partnership that we have discussed will not happen and if I have my way you won't be doing business with anyone else either."

Standing up he leaned over, his palms on the top of his desk.  Raising his right hand he pointed at the door.  "Now get
your ass out of my office before I lose my patients and throw you out that fucking window."

Jumping up the man looked at the shocked faces of the other three men, sitting in the room.  Seeing no help coming
from them, he ran from the room as quickly as he could.  Puffing the entire way.

"Well I'm not sure what he has done, but I'm glad to see him go", George said as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.  The other two men nodded in

Sitting down at his desk, Rayne was still seething.  HE wanted to run after the man and beat him to a bloody pulp.  He wanted to make him suffer the way he made Cadance suffer.  Thinking of the treatment that her stepfather had received after his phone call he smiled.

That’s what he deserves to.  Rayne had found out that Cadance's stepfather now had nightly visits from several of the other inmates.  Sometimes one at a time sometimes three or more.  The guard had relayed the message that the man’s scream could be heard all through the cell block.  No one ever answered his cries for help, of course.  Thinking of Wilkins again, Rayne wanted to know that he suffered the same way.

others in the room could see that his attention was elsewhere.  They soon stood, said their goodbyes, and left.

Pulling out his
phone he called Cadance to ask her where she was.  Standing up as the phone began to ring, he grabbed his suit jacket and headed for the door.

She finally answered and told him where she had walked to.  Meeting her halfway there he grabbed her hand and
walked with an a little longer.  Neither said anything, he could tell that she didn't feel like talking about it.

He finally
asked her if she'd like to go home and she said yes.  Reaching her apartment he led her to her room, pulled her shoes off and pulled her down on the bed in front of him.  Wrapping his arms around her he just held her.  After a while he felt her relax and could tell by her slow deep breathing that she slept.

It was amazing
everything that she had been through, that she was still the person she was now. Kind, generous, and caring.  He knew he'd only known her for a short time but he couldn't think of a life without her. 

Coming to a
decision he decided it was time for her to meet his family.  He would take her to their family dinner Friday night, he thought, as he closed his eyes and rifted off to sleep.







Chapter 8


The next day they resumed work as usual.  HE made
several calls and was happy to find that there were no longer any doors open to Wilkins.  Smiling he thought he'll be bankrupt in no time.

Calling to Cadance over the intercom he
asked her to come to his office.

AS she approached him he said, "I wanted to ask
you if you will have dinner with my family Friday night?"

Seeing the hopeful look on his face Cadance couldn't deny him. 
Even though the thought scared her to death she agreed. 

Now, Friday night, Cadance stood in front of her bedroom mirror.  Her stomach was in knots. 
She checked the little black dress with spaghetti straps that she wore. 

Jacie had told her that the dress would look
perfect.  She had helped Cadance with her hair, and it now cascaded down to her shoulders in large, soft curls and waves.

Applying a little pale pink
lipstick, she stood back and took another look.  Its ok, I guess.  Walking to the bedroom door she grabbed her black heels from beside the door.

Pulling them on she went into
the living room, Rayne was just stepping into their apartment.  Smiling at Jacie, he told her hello and then glanced at Cadance.  His voice trailed off as he stared, unable to pull his eyes from her.

He wanted to go to her and rip the dress from her and take her back to her room.  Taking one step towards her, he hesitated when Jacie spoke.

"I told you you'd look gorgeous in that dress, now didn't I?"  She told Cadance as she moved to sit on the couch beside Max, who was watching TV.

"Thanks", Cadance told her
friend blushing.  She still watched Rayne, were he remained standing by the door.  Walking to him she asked, "Ready?"

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