Soak (A Navy SEAL Mormon Taboo Romance)

BOOK: Soak (A Navy SEAL Mormon Taboo Romance)
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By Celia Loren 

Copyright © 2016 Hearts Collective

All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced
in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. The ideas,
characters, and situations presented in this story are strictly fictional, and
any unintentional likeness to real people or real situations is completely




Also From
Celia Loren:

HARD TACKLE (A Stepbrother Warriors
by Celia

Quarterback BAIT (A Stepbrother
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Naked Choke (A Stepbrother MMA Romance)
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The Vegas
Titans Series

Devil’s Kiss (Widowmakers Motorcycle
by Celia Loren

Crushing Beauty (Harbingers of Sorrow
by Celia Loren

Breaking Beauty (Devils Aces MC)
by Celia Loren

Wrecking Beauty (Devils Reapers MC)
by Celia Loren

Destroying Beauty (Hell Hounds MC)
by Celia Loren

Betraying Beauty (Sons of Lucifer MC)
by Celia Loren

Satan’s Sons Series

Satan’s Property (Satan’s Sons MC)
by Celia Loren

Satan’s Revenge (Satan’s Sons MC)
by Celia Loren




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A Navy SEAL Mormon Taboo Romance



By Celia Loren



Chloe’s heart beat fast, as if it were in sync with the
choir above. She’d never noticed it before—the way you could feel the vibrations
from the service, rippling through the chapel walls. But then, she noticed lots
of things she’d never noticed before, in present company.

Ryder inched up behind her, engulfing her first with his
scent, then with his arms. When he pressed his jeans forward into the back of
her dress, she could feel the forbidden. He began to rub her shoulders. Then,
his fingers scurried up the fine vertebrae of her neck. Ryder leaned in, and
his hot breath sent a tingle down her spine. The sensation resolved in the hot,
warm place she knew it would, the secret space between her legs. She didn’t
mean to, but a low sound escaped her lips.

“Ryder,” she protested—or pretended to. “Not here.” But his
mouth had already made the decision. He kissed the spot in the nook of her
collarbone (“her power button,” he’d once joked), and the warmth in his lips
made the sensation again. She put her palms on the cool walls of the church
basement, and spread her fingers wide. Above them, the Tabernacle Choir
crescendo’d again—and once more, the music seemed to synchronize precisely with
the rhythms of her own body. Her breathing. Her pulse.

Ryder took a rough, strong hand and latched himself onto her
waist. She found herself returning the gesture, pressing her palms against the
wall so her ass could find purchase against his jeans. There was that
again. Thick and assertive as a piece of pipe. She pressed harder. Now, it was
Ryder’s turn to moan.

“Yeah. Here,” her man said. And it wasn’t a suggestion. He
flipped her around in one fell move, lithe as a dancer but strong as a bear.
Chloe’s head knocked against the wall, but she felt no pain.

She drank him in. The light was low—a few tapered candles
and one finicky fixture by the door—but it was still stupidly obvious, how
handsome he was. Ryder Strong was a hulking six four. His dark hair was cropped
close to his head, in an overgrown buzz cut. His evenly tanned skin had
something in common with exquisitely-burned butter on white toast. She put a
cool palm on his chest, felt his heart beating through the army green t-shirt.
Felt the muscles flexing to her touch. Then came that perfect smirk, made so
perfect by those perfect, pink lips. God, he could have been an angel. Well,
almost—Ryder would have been clean-shaven, if he wasn’t the type who needed to
shave twice a day.

Chloe let herself collapse into the grey pools of his eyes,
which seemed to radiate want. All her defenses fell. She nodded, quickly, and
within seconds Ryder’s taut hands had crept to his own hips. His shirt was off in
one quick jerk, and Chloe was forced to recalibrate at the sight of those bowed
muscles, those night-black tattoos coiling about his biceps. She raised her
chin—he dove in to kiss her. Before she’d even realized what she was doing, her
own fingers had wandered to his jeans.

When Ryder kissed her, he put his hands on the side of her
face—which was a gesture Chloe loved, having seen it in so many old movies. He
held her like a prized possession. And gently, too, like she could break. Yet
when their bodies made contact in other places, all bets were off. That was how
she wanted it now. The walls vibrated again; the sounds of the faithful sinking
from standing into their seats. As if urged by their motion, Chloe smiled coyly
and began to sink to her knees.

“Oh, man,” Ryder said, grinning. For a split second, he
looked like a little boy on Christmas. But then the Navy SEAL in him returned.
Her fingers were sweating as she fumbled with the zip of his jeans, but Ryder
provided a guiding force. He put a hand on the back of her head and pressed her

“Easy,” Chloe laughed, but it was more for her own benefit
than his. She actually made herself afraid sometimes, with how badly she wanted
this man. The zipper fell open. His throbbing cock sprang forward, eager as she
was. She was drunk on his smoothness, his size. This was the first manhood
she’d ever gotten to see, and it was still so strange to her how much she
enjoyed handling it. Especially given all the horror stories she’d been hearing
for years from her girlfriends at BYU, who seemed chiefly concerned with how
best to endure sex, as opposed to

Ryder raised his arms and slipped his meaty hands behind his
head. Chloe tilted forward on her knees, supplicant, and then took him in her
mouth. She wrapped her lips around his shaft, careful not to smudge her light,
clear gloss. Then, she started running her tongue up and down, over the
throbbing expanse of him. Ryder sighed. Chloe started to suck. She took her
little precious virgin hands and dug her fingers into the rippling flesh of
Ryder’s bare ass, tugging him deeper. She craved closeness. It didn’t seem like
it would be possible to get too close.

But it was all of her body she was slave to, not just her
mouth. Though Ryder was beginning to buck overhead, though his face was taking
on that fixed, frustrated quality she’d seen a few times before when he’d
reached the ceiling of pleasure...she needed to feel more. His paw-like hands
on her breasts, which didn’t feel small in his caress. The weight of him, on
her body. She loved best when he hovered over her for a few moments, slack. He
was always worried he would crush her (he’d called her “Bird Bones,” more than
once), but Chloe loved the feeling right before his weight became too much to
bear. Being pressed into the earth by lust.
Talk about romantic.

“I need you,” she said, flicking her tongue fast over the
tip of his cock. He strained under her fingers, like a flower toward light.

“But Chloe, the whole congregation is upstairs right now.
Your parents.”

“I don’t even care.”

“Of course you care,” he said sharply. For a second, it
seemed like the mood was spoiled. But he was still rock-hard in her grip.

“You could just soak for a second,” she heard herself say.
Chloe’s heart started racing even faster at the prospect. Feeling Ryder inside,
for precious, illicit seconds, was like the enhanced version of his lying on
top of her. As much as she hungered for friction, for passion, to be
was almost enough, just to be held. Just to be under his spell.

Ryder grinned, so she could see the whole top row of his
wildly white, perfect teeth.

“Okay,” he grunted. “But just for a second.”

Then the organ made sound above them again. It felt like a
tacit encouragement.

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