Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) (4 page)

BOOK: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)
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"Oh, I'm sorry and here I am complaining about my family.  So is your father still living?"

"No, he died in a car accident when I was three."

"Oh, stepfather then?"

"No", was the only thing she said and attempted to turn away.

"Ok, well this roommate is she a friend."

Thinking of
Jacie, Cadance smiled, "Yeah she is.  She’s a great friend."

"Good", he told her still looking at her.  Turning her back to him he looked down at her face.  Unable to stop himself he brought his lips to hers.  Pulling her closer he deepened
the kiss.

Unable to
believe it was happening, Cadance froze.  Becoming swept up in his kiss she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Finally coming to
remember where they were he pulled back from her.  Pulling her arms from around his neck.  He looked down at the blush on her cheeks. 

She stepped back and averted her gaze, looking at everything
else but him. 

"I'm sorry.  I
shouldn’t have done that."

A little hurt Cadance remained silent, happy when the elevator came to a stop.  Rushing out of the doors she hurried to put distance between them.

He watched her as she hurried away.  He'd rushed her.  He should never have done that.  Sighing he turned to the left to walk to the parking garage.

Reaching the garage he pulled out
the key and pushed the button to unlock his sleek black, two door sports car.  Getting in he drove out of the garage and headed home to get ready to go to his parents’ house.

Walking home
Cadance kept calling herself stupid.  Repeating it over and over in her head.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  You're gonna ruin a
great job.  She kept berating herself as she walked into her apartment and went to her room.

In her room she changed into a pair of plaid lounge shorts and white tank top, putting her white sports bra
on underneath.  Going into the living room she found Jacie sitting on the couch, texting.

"So how was the first week?" she asked as Cadance
dropped into the chair.

Letting out a groan, she covered her face with her hands.  "Work was great."

"Ok, so what else happened?" Jacie asked as she tucked her legs underneath her and turned towards Cadance.

nothing, just tired I guess."

Not really
believing her Jacie let the subject drop, she knew that Cadance would tell her when she was ready.

"So we going to the dance club tonight?" Jacie asked her. 
She continued to text Max, who was still at his office.

"Sure, there's nothing else to do.  This time I'll leave when ya'll do though"

Glancing at Cadance, Jacie nodded her head and said, "Ok."

She stood up and walked
into the kitchen to make the chicken fajitas that Max had asked her to make.  Behind her, she heard Cadance get up and go into her room.

Max arrived around an hour later and the three sat at the table to eat their food.  Talking around the table, they enjoyed the food.

"Girl, you're such a great cook", Cadance told her as she stood to clear the table.

Thanks", Jacie said grinning.

After Cadance cleaned the kitchen the girls went to their rooms to get ready.

In her room Cadance chose a black slinky tube top and jewel embellished dark jeans.  Putting the clothes on, she grabbed her black wedge flip flops and slide them on.

In the
living room she found Jacie had changed into a cute pink tube dress.  On her feet she wore a pair of tan slip on canvas shoes.  She and Max made a striking couple.  He was dark where she was light.  His black t-shirt and dark jeans set off the color of her dress perfectly.

Looking at them interact Cadance couldn't help but feel sad.  Would she
ever find someone like that? She thought.

Seeing her approach Jacie turned
to her and grinned, "You look so cute. Ready?"

"Yeah you do to."

The group left the apartment and headed out to find a dance club that wasn't too packed.

Reaching one they waited in line for twenty minutes until they finally made it through the door.

The music was blaring and the group moved out to join the other people dancing.  Soon they decided to grab an empty table they'd seen.

Rushing to it before anyone else could get it, the girls climbed up onto the high stools.  Max stood behind Jacie, keeping one arm
around her and the other leaned on the table.  They flagged down a waitress and ordered drinks.

Max bought a round of jello shots for them. 
When they arrived Cadance hesitated but, thought why not.  Se planned to leave with them anyway so what difference did it make.  Several rounds later they returned to dancing.

Cadance loved to dance, she lost herself in it.  Dancing alone she closed her eyes and put her arms up, swaying and shaking to the dance.  Feeling her phone vibrate she pulled it out of her back pocket.

Having fun the text read.  Looking at the number she couldn’t remember who it was.

Yeah. Are you?
Who is this? She sent back.

Soon her phone vibrated with another text. 

Forgotten about me already.  I see how it is.  The only gorgeous brunette that works for me and she can't even remember me.  I'm hurt.

Smiling Cadance texted back.  Oh,
hey what are you doing?

to the edge of the dancers, she stopped and waited for his reply.

Sitting at home, bored.  You?


, where?

Texting him back she told him the name of the club they had come to it. 

It's packed though I don't know if they are letting anyone else in or not.

Oh, ok well another time then.  Have fun.

Thanks. She texted a grin on her face.

her phone back in her pocket she went back to dancing.  The music witched and she put her arms up and closed her eyes as one of her favorite songs came on.

Focused on
the music, she jerked when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

Hey, baby an oily, long haired guy said.  He kept
trying to pull her back against him.  Grinding his pelvis into her.

Attempting to jerk away, Cadance said "Let go."

"Come on let’s have a little fun", he said running his hands down her hips.

No, let go", Cadance said trying to pull away again.

"I think the lady wants to dance alone", Cadance heard a deep voice grate out beside them.

Jerking her head to the side she saw, Rayne.  She could tell that he was pissed.

Jerking away from the man she moved to stand beside Rayne.

"Hey it's ok" she said putting her hand on his arm.  She could feel how tense he was when she touched his arm.

continued to stare and the other man.  Seeing the look of rage on his face the oily haired guy backed down.

man sorry “turning he pushed his way through the crowd of dancers.

"How did you
get here so fast?"  Cadance asked moving stand in front of Rayne.  He looked great in his white t-shirt and dark washed jeans.

focusing on her face, he smiled.  I live just a couple blocks over."

Following her to a table, he stood next to it as she sat down. 

I thought they had stopped letting people in?"

Well I know the owner, so", he told her trialing off with a grin.

They stayed at the table, chatting and
laughing little longer.  Soon Jacie and Max came up to them.

"There you are girl", she told
Cadance as she sat down.

Looking at Rayne, she asked "Ready?"

Cadance knew what her fiend thought, smiling she looked at Jacie and said this is Rayne Douglas, my boss.

Looking between the two
Jacie finally smiled and reaching her hand out to Rayne, said "Hello.  Nice to meet you."

Hi, nice to meet you, too.  Cadance tells me that you are a great chef.  Where do you work?  I'll have to come eat there sometime."

"The little
Italian restaurant on 1st street."

"Oh, yes I know which one
you are talking about", he said nodding.  "I've been meaning to stop in there."

"Hi, my names
Max", Max finally said offering his hand.

Shaking it Rayne said hello.  "So Cadance tells me you
are an accountant?"

"Yeah", Max said rolling his eyes.  "Boring I know."

"Not at all.  I've always liked to work with numbers."

The group
remained at the table, talking.  Rayne ordered them several more rounds of drinks as they did.

Jacie, kept looking between
Cadance and Rayne as they sat there.  Smiling over at Rayne, Cadance looked at her friend and said "I'm going to the bathroom.  Come on," grabbing her friend’s arm she pulled her around the edge of the dance floor to the bathroom.

"What are
you doing?" Cadance asked her once they'd gotten inside the bathroom.  It was actually deserted for a change.  Going into the first of the three stalls, Cadance heard Jacie go into the one next to her.

"I'm trying to figure you two out.  What do you have the hots for him or

"No", Cadance said. 
Finishing in the stall she walked out and went to wash her hands.  Coming up beside her, Jacie washed hers as well.

Smiling at Cadance in the
mirror she told her friend, "Yeah, you do.  I can tell, and I think he likes you too."  She laughed at the scrunched up face Cadance made back at her.

He does not."  She told Jacie as they left the bathroom.

heard her friend laughing behind her.

Returning to the table they found the guys talking about sports.  When they saw them coming
Max hoped off his chair and took Jacie out on the floor to dance.

Looking at Rayne, Cadance smiled.

"Wanna dance?" he asked her.

Nodding she followed him out onto the floor.

They danced for a while until Jacie and Max came back to them.  Jacie pulling Cadance back towards the table.  Reaching it she grinned and said, "This is fun."

"Yes it is", Cadance agreed.

The guys caught up and Max moved to stand behind Jacie, with his arms around her again.  Jacie watched as Rayne stood next to Cadance and put his hand on her thigh.

Scrunching her eyes up at him, she said "hey" trying to get his attention.

Cadance could tell that Jacie was drunk, it didn't take much and she had already drank more than usual.

sure what to expect she watched as her friend hopped off her chair and moved to stand in front of Rayne, making him look down at her.

"Yeah?" he asked
watching her. She could tell he fought to keep a grin form coming to his mouth.

"You better not screw her over or I'll kick
your ass", she told him poking him in the chest.

Cadance mouth dropped open in shock.

Looking down at the tiny blonde, Rayne had to hold back a laugh.

"I won't I promise", he said
holding up his hands, palms out.

Just see that you don't."  Jacie said and returned to her seat.  Attempting to climb onto the stool she slipped, Max catching her as they both laughed.

"Is the room spinning", she slurred out.

Helping her to stand up, Max looked at Cadance and said I guess I better take her home"

Looking at Jacie, Cadance grinned and said "Yeah, me too." 
She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her friend that way.

Max looked at Cada
nce again and asked, "You coming?"

at Rayne, Cadance shook her head "No, I'll stay a little longer."

I’ll see that she gets home ok", Rayne told him

Giving Rayne a hard look,
Max said Ok” Turning he half walked and half carried Jacie, towards the door.

"Sorry", Cadance told him.

"Don't worry about it.  I’ve got a sister I know how protective people can be."

of all that had happened to her when she was younger Cadance couldn't help but think how wrong he was.  Not everyone was protective.

her attention back to him she grabbed his hand and said, "Come on lets go dance."

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