Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)
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They danced to
several fast songs and then a slower one came on.  Pulling Cadance closer, Rayne danced with her pressed up against him.

At the end of the song he looked at her and asked, "
Ready to go?"

Yeah", she said still smiling up at him.

Turning he put his arm
around her and guided them through the crowd.

the club, he led her across the street to the clubs parking lot.  Walking them to the back of the lot, where his car was he pulled his key from his pocket.  Pushing the button, he unlocked it and helped her into the passenger seat.

to the driver’s side he got in.  Putting the key into the ignition he stopped before starting the car.  Looking over at her he found her watching him.

Leaning over he put his lips to hers.  Deepening the kiss Cadance wrapped her arms
around his neck.  Wanting to be closer to her he pulled her over to sit in his lap.

Squirming against him, Cadance was pleased when he let out a groan.

Pulling back he said, "Before we do this, you have to realize this will change everything.  Are you ok with that?"

At her nod he put
his lips back to hers.  She began running her hands up and down his chest sliding her hand closer to his waistband she began fumbling with his button.

Pulling back he said, "Stop not here."

Putting her back in her seat he kissed her forehead and started the car.

towards his apartment, he drove them up to the gate of his parking garage.

Hesitating he looked at her and said, "I
want you to be sure.  I don't want to be just a mistake that you make.  Are you sure?"

Thinking of all the other one
night mistakes she had made, Cadance knew this was different.  She wanted to be here, it wasn't the alcohol talking.

At her
hesitation, he took it for doubt.  Throwing the car into reverse he backed up into the street.  Turning the car towards where her apartment was he drove on.  He'd gotten her agrees from the employee files at work so he knew exactly where to go.

"Wait", she cried "what are you doing?"

"I want you to be sure before this goes any further.  I want a relationship with you not just a one nighter", he told her never taking his eyes from the road.  He was little hurt that her feelings hadn't went as far as his already did for her.

Sitting in silence Cadance wasn't sure what to say.  She'd never had a relationship before.  She'd dated a few guys but they'd always lost interest after they'd gotten what they wanted.  This was a new experience for her.

Reaching her apartment he pulled to a stop in front of it.  "Make sure you know what you want before this goes any further."  He said not looking at her.

Glancing over
at him she opened her car door and stepped out.  Barely letting the door shut, he sped away.

Cadance watched his car lights as they faded in
the dark.  She wanted to run after him, to call him and tell him she wanted the same thing but how could she.  Would he want to be with her after he'd found out about her past.  Found out about what she'd been forced to do as a child?

washing over her she went inside.  Climbing the stairs to her apartment, she unlocked the door.  Going into the apartment she locked the door behind her and went to her room.

Not even pulling her
clothes of she flopped onto the bed.  The rest of the night she lay awake thinking of all that he had said.

He wanted to be with her.  But for how long? 
Would he leave once he knew the truth?


















Chapter 5


The rest of the weekend Cadance had to fight against the urge to call or text him.  When Monday came around her eyes where swollen from lack of sleep.  She knew that she had dark circle under them and she couldn't do anything about it.

Going into work she found
a note on her desk telling her that he had went away on a business trip.  He would be gone for three days.

I've already lost my chance with him she thought. 
She wanted to cry.  Turning her attention back to the desk in front of her, she began sorting through he papers and files there.  Losing herself in her work the morning soon passed.

She wasn'
t sure exactly what she would do while he was gone but, didn't want to text him to ask.  Opening up her work email she looked through them.  Most were memos sent out to all the employees.  Looking through them she came across one from Rayne.

, I will be away for several days as my note said.  Once you've finished the work on your desk feel free to take the rest of the time off.  Paid of course, I should have told you that I would be gone but it slipped my mind.  I will be back Thursday.

It was
signed simply Rayne Douglas.

Yeah he didn't forget she thought as she shut down her computer, he just doesn't want to be
around me.  Standing up she grabbed her purse and put it over her arm.  Walking to the elevator she waited and got on when the doors opened.

the building she tried to decide what to do.  Walking down the sidewalk she soon came to the city park.  Going to sit on one of the benches she sat down, deep in thought.

To be with him the way he
wants I will have to tell him about my past.  It’s only right.  Can I do that?  DO I want to be with him?

didn’t know yet.  She had only known him for a short time, could she trust him?

Thinking of
all the time they’d spent together.  Their long talks, his kindness and patience, she thought yes.  Yes I can.   It's time for me to move on from this.  This has defined my life for too long.  I can't miss the chance to be with him.

Standing up she rushed towards her apartment.  Arriving home, she decided to soak in the tub. 
She felt as if a weight had been lifted form her shoulders.  Maybe I can go to him, wonder where he is?

He hadn't said in his letter or email, which was strange.  Getting out of the
tub she dried off and pulled out her phone.  Dialing the main number for the company she asked to speak to Richard Douglas, Rayne's father.

"Tell him this is Rayne's
assistant, Cadance I just need to reach Rayne if he can tell me where he is."

"Just a moment miss", the
young man said on the other end of the line.

Sitting on her bed, Cadance waited for someone to come back on the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Douglas has went to the new building site.  He is staying in the hotel next to it.  DO you need the address?"

No.  No", Cadance said standing up I know where it is." Tossing the phone on her bed she pulled the white and blue chevron dress out and put it on, over a pair of pink lacy thong panties.  Deciding to go braless, she picked her phone back up.

Grabbing a duffel bag she crammed a few clothes in it.  Going into the
living room she grabbed her purse and keys.  Closing the door behind her she locked it.

Flagging down a cab, she gave him the address f where she wanted to go. Settling in for the hour drive she
pulled her phone out to text Jacie.

out of town, business trip. Love ya.

Soon her phone vibrated
, you be careful, love ya.

Smiling she
thought of her friend and knew that she would have all kinds of questions for her later.  Putting her phone up, she sat back against the car seat and watched the passing buildings and people.

Making good time the cab driver got to the hotel in fifty minutes.  Getting
out of the car she paid the driver and watched him drive away.

around she looked from the tall hotel to the skeletal frame of the new building being constructed beside it.  Looking back at the hotel the thought hit her.  What if he's changed his mind?

What have I done?  What am I doing here? 
Panicking now, she began to walk away from the hotel. Unable to make herself go in.  Walking by several groups of people, she never looked up.  Focused on the ground under feet she jerked her head up when someone said her name.

"Cadance?"  It was Rayne she must have just passed him
because he stood slightly behind her.

"Cadance, what is it?  What are you doing here?" 
Nodding at the other four men with him he waved them on to the hotel.

...” she started.  Now that she was standing in front of him, she didn't know what to say.

"What?  If
you needed me for work you should have called me."  He told her as he came to stand in front of her.  He wore a pair of jeans and black t-shirt.  People continued walking by them, some even bumping them as they passed.

Taking her arm he led her to the edge of the sidewalk.  "What is it

Looking down at the
ground she took a deep breath and looked back up into his eyes.  "I'm ready", she said.

Hoping she
meant what he thought she did he asked, “Ready for what?"

I’m ready to be with you." Nodding she said, "Yes, I want to be with you."

Seeing the smile light up his face she pulled bac
k as he tried to kiss her.

First I have to tell you something.  There’s some things you need to know about me.  And then if you still want to be with me we can be together."

Looking at her
serious face he said "Ok, let’s go back to my suite where we can talk."

Guiding her into the hotel, he took them up to his upper
level suite.  Using the key card to open the door he held it open for her to move ahead of him into the room.

into the small living area of the suite she sat in one of the two wooden chairs.  A couch sat between them. He moved to sit on the couch next to her chair.

"What is it?' he asked again.  "Tell me."

Swallowing she asked, "Can I have a drink please?"

Standing p he moved to the bar
and asked what she wanted.

"Tequila please", she said hoping the alcohol would help.

Fixing the drink, he walked to her and handed it to her.  She gulped it down in one drink.

Sitting back
down on the couch he waited for her to speak.

Setting the empty glass
down on the table beside her she turned to face him more fully.

"You had asked me before about my
family”, at his nod she continued.

You know my mother and father both died.  Well what you don't know is that when I was ten my mother remarried.  She married a man that she thought could give us a better life.  He was kind and generous.  He was ten years older than her but, she didn't care."

Gulping she dropped her eyes to her clasped hand, where they rested in her lap.  "Soon after they married my mother learned that she had cancer.  They tried chemo, radiation,
everything.  Nothing helped.  What I didn't know, I was so young, was that she hadn't slept with my step father since several months after their wedding."

Well while she still lived, when she lay in the hospital bed he decided to turn his attention to me.  He began raping me every night, he knew that I wouldn’t tell her as she lay dying.   How could I?"

"Oh my god I am so sorry" Rayne said standing up and coming to
kneel in front of her, reaching for her hands...  "Where is he I’ll kill him."

"Wait", she told him
, pulling her hands back.  "That’s not all.  After she died he decided that he would prostitute me out to his friends.  He would have card parties and bring as many as eight or nine men over every night."

Turning her face to look at the wall she said, "
They all took turns with me.  Sometimes more than one at a time.  This went on for two years, until I met Jacie."

Looking back at him she smiled, "Jacie's mom took me under her wing, treated me just like her own daughter. 
Jacie and I had become good friends but we never got to have sleep overs like other kids.  My stepfather would never let me out of the house at night and I would always make up some excuse why she couldn’t come over."

Dropping her eyes to his face she said,
I didn't want to take the chance that he would do the same to her."

Turning her eyes back to the wall she said, "Well I guess Jacie's mom became suspicious she came to our house one night and brought her husband, Jacie's dad.  It just happened to be one of the nights of
the card games.

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