Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)
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“Same difference,” Harrison dismisses my question.

“So, you wanted a high-paying job at his company and he told you that you weren’t qualified for it,” I rephrase.  “That made you mad and jealous, so you set out to hurt him because of that.”

Harrison just stares at me but I know my words are taking root.  Surely he has to see how insane this whole scenario is.

A slow, evil grin creeps across his face and his eyes glow with anger.  “I heard he took you back after everything you’ve done to him.  He ain’t too bright then, is he?  I guess you’re his weakness but he needs to learn that you’re mine.  You signed the contract–that makes you mine.  I am your Dom and you will call me that from now on.  I will show that pussy-boy how a real Dom treats his women.”

Harrison’s face suddenly drops and he completely loses all his bravado.  His mouth gapes open as he stares at something just over my shoulder.  When I turn to look, I see my Dom walking toward us.  His stride is confident, his face displays his determination, and his entire aura screams
‘try me, I dare you.’ 
Even with the low lighting, I can see his blue eyes alight with fire.  People eagerly move out of his way and turn to watch his purposeful gait.

Dominic walks right up to our table and stops mere inches from Harrison.  His hands are balled into tight fists and, just as I’m sure he’s about to knock Harrison out cold, he turns his gaze to me.

“Sophia, my love, they’re playing our song.  Dance with me,” he commands.  It’s not a question or a request.  It’s my Dom, being dominant, and showing Harrison that it takes more than a heavy hand to be a real Dom. 

Quickly rising to my feet, Dominic takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.  The soulful singer has just started a beautiful rendition of
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
.  Dominic wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck.  We sway back and forth, but he keeps my back to the tables so he can watch our surroundings.

“So this is our song?” I coo up to him.

“It is definitely our song, baby,” he says and gently kisses me.  “I had to get you away from him.  He has something in his pocket and I wasn’t about to risk your safety for even one more minute.”

I shudder at the thought of what he may have to force me out of here with him.  Dominic feels it and pulls me into his arms even tighter.

“There’s no way I’d ever let anything happen to you, Sophia.  You’re my heart and my love.  I’ll protect you with my life.  I need you with me, every day, and in every possible way.”

“You’ve got me, Dominic.  I’m yours forever.  When you said there’s no going back, you were right.  There’s no way I can go back to a life without you.”

We dance until the song ends and, by then, I’ve almost forgotten about Harrison.  The words of the love song washed over me and made me realize exactly how precious our love is.  I really can’t help falling in love with him and it happens over and over every day.  My love grows deeper, stronger, and becomes a living part of me.

When we turn to exit the dance floor, I see an empty seat where Harrison had been.  Looking around nervously, I grip Dom’s arm in fear.  He leans down to my ear and whispers, “Relax, love.  He’s long gone.  A couple of the security guys are following him to see where he goes.  We were counting on him showing up.”

“What did he have on him, Dominic?”  I have to know.

He exhales in a huff, considering whether or not to tell me.  “A stun gun.”

Oh my god.  I think I’m going to be sick.

Chapter Sixteen





Sophia and I are sitting in the backseat of the SUV with Shadow and Tucker in the front.  Sophia has been quiet on the way to our hotel.  She’s lost in her thoughts and she’s dwelling on her brother’s betrayal.  Taking her hand in mine, I lace our fingers together and lightly squeeze.  Her rich brown eyes find mine and I can feel her reaching out to me, asking me to throw her a lifeline.  I have just very thing she needs.

When we reach the hotel, she finally smiles when she sees we’re turning into the Four Seasons.  “Your favorite,” she says with a nudge to my side.

Shadow and Tucker get out of the car.  Shadow goes inside to check-in and get our room keys while Tucker stands guard outside. 

my favorite,” I say warmly.  The words are true but I’d like to see a brighter smile on her face.

Her smile fades, but the look she gives me in return is one of pure adoration.  She leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.  Her hand strokes my jawline, scrubbing my faded beard.  “Love doesn’t even come close to describing my feelings for you. If I had to choose the best moment of my life, it would be the moment you made me yours.  And I’ve been yours since that day, probably even before. 
are my forever.“

“Not that I don’t love hearing you say that, but where is this coming from?”

“You have a close relationship with your family, so if you had to choose between them and me, there’s no contest.  You’d always choose them.  It’s not the same with my family, Dom.  I’ll never choose anyone over you,” she says solemnly.  “You’re all I have.  I have no one else.”

I knew if her brother actually showed up, it would be hard on Sophia.  From what Shadow has told me about Shawn, he’s in way too deep to think of anyone but himself.  He more than proved how weak he is when he offered up his sister as payment for his crimes.  I wanted to pummel the bastard when, like a fucking coward, he couldn’t even look her in the eye.

Her words are meant to reassure me that she won’t betray me to help her family when this situation escalates.  Her eyes ask me to believe that she’s on my side and to trust her love for me.  What she hasn’t realized is I already do believe her on both counts.

“It’s time to get you alone in our hotel room, Sophia,” I murmur against her lips as my hand wraps around the back of her neck.  Pulling her to me, I claim her mouth with mine, stake my territory with my tongue, and exert my dominance with my hold on her.  She willingly submits, instantly succumbs, and becomes like putty in my hand.  “Upstairs.”

We exit the vehicle as Shadow approaches with our room key.  “Presidential Suite,” he says with a smile.  Shadow, Tucker, and I grab our suitcases from the back and move swiftly to the elevators as the valet parks the car. 

Shadow performs his standard check of the room before leaving us alone.  After I lock the door behind him, I turn to Sophia and the need to devour her nearly overtakes me.  Her return smile says she’s ready to be devoured.

“You have to eat first, Sophia,” I say calmly.  “My baby girl and my baby both need food.”

Sophia takes a haggard breath and nods, “You’re right.  I lost my appetite at the restaurant, but I do need to eat.”

“Especially for what I have planned for you tonight,” I hint.  “You’ll need all the energy you can get.”

“By all means, let’s order room service this very minute,” she purrs.  “You don’t want to keep your girl from her dessert, do you?”

My Angel
,” I say with a shake of my head, “my girl
dessert tonight.”

Picking up the phone, I dial room service and order our meals after Sophia chooses what she thinks she can safely eat.  She gives me a curious but excited look when I order strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, and honey.  “Oh, and can you include a couple of paraffin candles from the spa, too?” I ask the concierge before hanging up.

“Candlelight dinner for two?” she asks with a shy smile.

“Something like that.”

When everything arrives, she gives me a suspicious look when I put one candle to the side and light the other one.  The spread of food is laid out on the table in front of us, but I put the strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, and honey aside with the candle.  Wiggling my eyebrows at her, I wordlessly tell her exactly what my plans for dessert are.

“Are you ready, my love?” I ask when the last of our dinner is consumed.  Taking her hand, I help her stand and pull her into my arms.  My mouth finds hers and I thrust my tongue in, enraptured with her taste and burning to take her right here on the table.

She has other plans, though.  She pulls away and says, “I have a surprise for you.  Give me five minutes?”

“Four.  I can’t wait a second longer than that,” I concede and she rushes off to the bedroom.  I hear the zipper of the suitcase and then the bathroom door clicks shut.  While she’s busy, I gather my surprise for her and take the ingredients into the bedroom.  “You have three minutes and I’m coming in after you,” I call out in warning and chuckle when I hear her squeal in response. 

Gathering my supplies from my suitcase, I fashion a makeshift rigging system by typing my red, nylon rope to the chandelier hanging above the bed.  The other surprise is lying on the bed directly in front of the rope.  I quickly shed my clothes and wait in position for my girl to come out.  She will never know it, but I just about swallow my tongue when she opens the bathroom door and I see my surprise.

I’ve never seen anyone who looks as fucking hot as she does.  She’s wearing a tiny, black leather thong that ties on each side.  Her matching black leather bra is cupless, so the leather straps only form a frame around her breasts rather than cover them.  Her thigh-high, black leather stiletto boots complete her ensemble.  I’m instantly hard as a fucking rock and my cock twitches when she licks her lips in response.

She saunters over to me, her hips swaying seductively as she approaches.  She stops in front of me, extends her arms to the side, and positions her feet hip-width apart.  Not even trying to hide the lascivious perusal of her body, I slowly rake my eyes up and down her body to drink in every inch of her.  I reach out to feel the leather thong first.  Then I drag my hand up her body–over her sexy stomach, across her navel, up her breastbone, across her throat, and stop at her luscious lips.

Taking my finger into her mouth, she draws it in, wraps her lips around it, and strokes it with her tongue and holds my hand with both of hers as she pulls her head back.  Wrapping my other hand around her neck, I pull her to me and crush her mouth with mine.  Our tongues twist and caress with an urgent, fiery need.  She moans softly into my mouth and leans her supple body into mine.

Pulling away from her with the strength of a thousand men, I walk slowly around her while she stands still.  Her long, reddish-brown hair cascades down her back in gorgeous wavy curls.  Pulling the strings on both hips, her thong drops to the floor.  I wrap one hand around her hair and tug on it, bending her neck backward as I run my finger down the center groove of her back, to her perfectly round ass, until I reach my favorite spot between her legs.

She’s breathing faster now, waiting for me to bring her to the highest highs.  I smile to myself, knowing that she thinks she knows what’s coming next.  Brushing my fingertips over her clit with just enough pressure to make her wetter, I growl into her ear, “Whose is this?” 

I thrust my finger inside her and she moans, “
Yours, Dom
.”  I quickly withdraw my hand and walk away from her.  When she groans in frustration, I shoot her a disapproving look and she instantly submits.

at her, “You’ll be punished for that.”  Inclining my head towards the bed, I curtly command her, “Get on the bed, in the center, up on your knees.”  

She moves briskly to assume her position on the bed, beside the red rope.  I watch her carefully as her eyes dart to the rope and then to the other surprise lying on the bed.  She then turns her gaze to me and waits.  There is no fear in her eyes.  No worry, no question, and no doubt–there is only complete trust.  She has fully submitted to me and that fills me with so much pride I can barely contain it.

“I hadn’t planned to do this with shoes on, but you look too fucking sexy in them to take them off.  I have to see you–your hands tied and the spreader bar between your legs while wearing them.”

Her response is to raise her hands above her head.  Moving quickly out of sheer desire, I wrap the red rope around each wrist several times before wrapping them together and tying it with a slipping reef knot for a quick release.  The dark red rope is a stark contrast against her creamy skin and black leather lingerie. 

“Don’t pull on it,” I command.  “It’s not intended to be a suspension.  Your level of submission to me will dictate how still you remain.  If I have to hog tie you to make you be still…,” I purposely leave my threat hanging in the air.  I take the rest of the red rope from the suitcase and put it beside the spreader bar before I move behind her on the bed.

My chest is flush with her back and my cock gently nudges her ass.  Slowly surging my hips forward, I rub it in the crease between her perfect heart-shaped cheeks.  Grabbing her hips, I wrap my fingers around her hipbones and continue teasing her.  Snaking one arm around her, my fingers find her clit as I apply pressure in small circles.  She wants to move, to squirm, and to ride my hand until she comes all over me.  But she knows better. 

Jerking my hand away before she gets too close, she makes no sound in retaliation this time.  I stroke her ass with my hand, quickly slap it and watch it turn red in the shape of my hand.  Sophia softly moans in pleasure but remains in place. 
That’s my girl.
  Her reward is immediate as I reach between her legs from behind, stroking her already wet center and thrusting my fingers deep into her.  Crooking my fingers, I find that spot and pull her tight against me as she soaks my hand.

Grabbing the end of the rope, I tug on it and release her hands.  She lets them fall limp in front of her.  I unwrap the rope and cast it aside.  One at a time, I pick up her wrists and massage them as I also pull her up to a standing position.  “You didn’t tell me they were going to sleep on you, so I’m assuming they feel okay?”

“Yes, Dom, I’m fine,” she replies in her lust-laden tone.

“Good.  I’m not finished with you yet,” I promise and she smiles her
smile.   I pick up the spreader bar and she moves her feet wider apart until the bar just fits between her ankles.  I quickly tie the bar in place then pull her arms behind her back to tie her elbows together.  This tie pushes her breasts forward, and I move around to her front to enjoy the view.   In her current leather straps, she looks

Taking one breast in my mouth, I suck and bite her nipple while massaging her other breast.  Changing positions, I give the other equal attention.  Dropping to my knees in front of her, I suck her clit into my mouth and scrape the sensitive nub with my teeth.  She can’t grab my hair like she usually does so she’s forced to accept all of the pleasure without moving.  My tongue darts in and out of her and she screams my name when I add my fingers to the assault.

“Dominic!  OH MY GOD!” She shrieks and the evidence of her pleasure flows onto my tongue.  She tastes so fucking good.  I dip a strawberry in the whipped cream and take a bite of it before thrusting my tongue in her mouth.  The mixture of her essence and the fruit is exquisite.  I then feed her the rest of the strawberry before giving her a bite of the chocolate.  Tasting her clit again with this new flavor combination will make me crave chocolate and strawberries every day.

Standing, I lick the remnants of her off my lips and she watches with hooded eyes.  I light the candle and remove it from the candleholder.  As the wax heats and melts, it drops onto her breasts and covers them.  Her exposed posture mixed with the heated drops on her bare skin is like an aphrodisiac to her.  With each trail of wax that covers her beautiful body, she coos and writhes in pleasure.

“Bend over,” I demand.

Bending at the waist, her face is directly in front of my dick that’s hard enough to cut fucking diamonds.  Her mouth opens and my hips surge forward of their own accord.  Her warm, wet mouth feels fucking incredible and my tempo unconsciously increases and her head bobs back and forth eagerly.

“Mmmm, baby,” I groan, “you’re so good with your mouth.”  But I stop her because this is not the way I want to come tonight.  Moving around behind her, I grasp her bound hands in one of mine and warn her, “Get ready.”

Before she can respond, I slam into her from behind and she cries out in pleasure.  “AHH! DOM!”  Over and over, my hips pump into her wetness until I feel the familiar quiver and tightening of her inner walls.  Moving my hands to her hips, I pull her back as I thrust forward, driving into her relentlessly until she’s screaming and I’m growling her name in rapture.

Staying inside her, I quickly untie her arms and help her up to an almost standing position.  My front is again flush with her back and my arms are wrapped around her from behind and hooked up across her breasts.  “I don’t want to let you go,” I whisper in her ear.

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