Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)
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“You won’t hear any argument from me.  I’ll take this week off to rest and recuperate.  Can you work from home this week?  You’re the only reason I wanted to go back in the office anyway,” I confess.

“I do own the company,” he reasons.  “I can work from home whenever I want.”



“Are these the building plans for Quattro Amore?” I ask Shadow when he unrolls a set of building drawings on the formal dining table.  He, Tucker, and I are reviewing our plans for covering the restaurant during Sophia’s dinner meeting with her brother this weekend.

“Yes, I want to show you our plan for securing the building.  My men and I will be very busy, Dominic.  While Sophia is inside the dining area, her safety will be entirely in
hands,” Shadow explains, the gravity of the situation is aptly portrayed in his tone.

“Nothing will happen to her on my watch,” I vow.

“We’ll have communication devices so we’ll all be in constant communication, except Sophia.  We’ll be able to hear her but she won’t hear us.  If we see someone suspicious, we won’t have any way of alerting her.  She’ll wear a camera so we’ll know where she is, we’ll see what she sees, and we’ll hear what she hears,” Tucker explains.

I don’t like this one fucking bit.  She’s been so sick over the past week and has lost so much weight.  She really doesn’t need this added stress on her of worrying about the true reason behind this meeting.  I’m agreeing to this whole fucked up plan for two reasons–the off chance that her brother really does want to see her and make things right between them, or if it is a set up, we’ll put an end to it once and for all.

Gripping the table tightly with my arms straightened, I tell them both, “Let’s just get this done and over with. I’ve had enough of fucking around with this.  The police have done absolutely
fucking nothing
to find out who is behind the attempts on me.  If her family is behind it in any way, I
find out, and I will make them pay.”

“One step at a time,” Shadow absently replies, studying the building layout.  “My team will cover every possible exit–four will walk the perimeter, two at the front door, two at the kitchen exit, two at the emergency exit, and one in each bathroom.  I’ll be in the vehicle outside, monitoring all communications and video feeds.  Tucker will have eyes on
at all times.”

Right, Tucker will have eyes on me.  My life has been the one on the line.  But right now, it’s Sophia’s life that I’m concerned about.  It must be written across my face because Shadow is carefully watching me, scraping his hand across his chin as he gives me a curious look.

“You do realize this could also be a set up to get
in Austin, right?  She could just be the red herring that draws our attention away from the real target.  That’s exactly why Tucker will have eyes on you at all times.  This is not up for discussion,” Shadow concludes.

“Point taken, Shadow,” I agree.

The three of us pour over the plan again, mapping where each person will be, how we’ll ensure Sophia’s safety, and what we’ll do should this turn out to be a simple dinner.  None of us believe that is the case, but luck favors the prepared.  Shadow and Tucker leave the room and I’m left to stare at the building plans alone.

I’ve tried to string together the pieces of this mind-fuck puzzle over and over again.

Harrison Dictman sent Sophia to ruin me with a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Harrison claims he has proof that I killed Carol Ann.

Harrison has evidence against Sophia’s brother, Shawn, which he used to control her.

Shawn is facing prison time if that evidence resurfaces.  He has ties to the Mexican drug cartel.

Sophia’s father, Manuel, has a history of being an assassin for the cartel.

Sarah, Sophia’s mother, kept calling her just before the house fire.

What the fuck am I missing?

Chapter Twelve




“Shadow,” I call from behind his retreating form.

“Yeah,” he says as he turns toward me.

“What did you find out about what Harrison allegedly has on me?”

Shadow and Tucker exchange glances and the corner of Shadow’s mouth quirks up.  “Tucker will invite himself into Harrison’s house and have a look.  Harrison hasn’t been back home since the night he assaulted Sophia, so it really shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I don’t really want to know,” I say, shaking my head.  “Just call me if you need bail money.”  They both laugh as they turn and walk away.

I worked from home today and actually get a lot more accomplished when I’m not constantly interrupted in the office.  After work, I took Sophia into the bedroom and we had a rousing repeat of her punishment session, but this time with only her pleasure as the focus.  It’s a much different experience to withhold an orgasm to further enhance her pleasure than it is to punish.  It’s much more intimate and much sweeter when she receives her reward.  After I lost count of how many times she screamed my name, we both fell on the bed in exhaustion. 

“You really need to quit taking advantage of me before I’ve had a chance to eat dinner,” I playfully chide her.  “You just zap all of my energy.”

She laughs and playfully swats my arm.  “It’s about time for you to feed me, isn’t it?”

“Yes, love, I’ll gladly feed you,” I reply suggestively.

“You are insatiable!  And I love it–but right now, we need real food,” she says lovingly.

“Your wish is my command, my love.”  I help her dress and wrap my arm around her as we walk to the kitchen.

Hours later, we’ve had dinner and Sophia says she’s going to soak in a hot bath.  I’m tempted to join her, but I head back downstairs instead.  I’m caught up in my own thoughts of how my life has simultaneously become so fucked up but also became so right.  After Carol Ann’s death rattled me, I questioned my ability to be a Dom.  Sophia’s association with Harrison shook me at first, but my resolve to show them what kind of man I am is strong.  Now, after learning the truth, Sophia is back in my arms and we have a baby on the way.

These thoughts swirl in my mind mixed with memories of everything else that’s happened, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t see the complete picture.  Recounting each incident, turning them over and over in my mind, it takes me a moment for the beeping noise to register. 

The alarm at my office has been tripped. 

Tucker is already on the phone with the building security, giving them directions as he rushes toward the door to the garage.  “Lock down the building
.  Stop the elevators and lock the stairwell doors.  Post guards at every exit and coordinate with the police when they arrive.  No one gets in or out until we get there.”

Shadow and Tucker stop their urgent movements to glance at each other and then at me.  I know what they’re thinking. 
Who gets to stay behind and babysit Sophia and me? 

“Go ahead, Tucker.  I’ll stay here,” Shadow says.  “You’ll be able to recognize if the intruder is an employee or not.”

Turning to me, Shadow says, “I know you’re capable to taking care of yourself.  But, this may be a diversion to get us away from you so someone else can sweep in.  I’d rather err on the side of caution until all of my questions are answered.”

I nod in response and pace the expansive den back and forth.  “I’m going to visit Sophia’s family while we’re in Austin for her dinner meeting this weekend.  Even if it really is with her brother, even if he really does just want to be a part of her life again, I’m still going to talk to them,” I decide, more to myself than to Shadow but I see him nod his head in agreement.

“I told you I’ve done some digging around on them.  Seems Shawn has some pretty serious charges against him and he’s only free because the evidence has been ‘misplaced’ somehow.  The only way that can happen is if Harrison has some low friends in high places within the Austin Sheriff’s Department,” Shadow relays.

“What kind of charges?”

“Driving under the influence, negligent homicide, and drinking underage,” Shadow replies solemnly.  “He was driving drunk and high, with friends in the car.  He lost control at high speed, hit an embankment, and flipped the car.  He walked away with minor bruises, scrapes, and cuts.  But his girlfriend, who was in the seat beside him, died at the scene.”

“What evidence is missing?”

“The blood sample that proved his alcohol level and the drugs that were in his system at the time of the wreck.  If it doesn’t turn up soon, his lawyer will file a motion to have the evidence suppressed since they didn’t preserve it properly and the chain of custody is in question,” Shadow explains.  “If it does turn up, the judge can deny the motion and allow it to be admissible in court.”

“So, he’s either looking at a long time in prison or getting off scot-free?” I ask incredulously.  “How is he out of jail if he’s awaiting trial for negligent homicide?

“The judge set his bail at half a million dollars and his family posted the money for the bond,” Shadow replies as he cocks one eyebrow up in suspicion.  “That’s fifty-thousand dollars cash someone had to put up to get him out.  That’s a lot of money for them.”

“They had to get help from
,” I agree.

“Follow the money.  That’s where the bad guys are,” Shadow muses.  But we both know it’s the truth.  Follow the money trail and it’ll lead us right back to the person behind it all.

“The way Tucker drives when he’s alone, and the light traffic at this time of night, he should be there in thirty minutes.”

Shadow shakes his head and quirks one side of his mouth up, “They won’t find anyone in there.  It’s just all way too convenient.  A few days after you and Sophia get back together and she’s here with you?  No, this is definitely a diversion tactic.  But, from what is the question.”

“Are you saying you think Sophia is in on this?”  The surface temperature of the sun would be considered the North Pole compared to me right now.

Shadow instantly snaps his head around to look at me when he recognizes the inflection in my voice.  He calmly replies, “No, Dominic.  That’s not what I’m saying at all.  I’m saying
is using the circumstances to their advantage, but it’s not Sophia.”

The seed of doubt has been planted and I won’t rest until I see for myself.  Sophia claimed she wanted to take her bath right before all of this happened.  What if she called someone–like
Harry Dick-man
–to give him the green light to break in?  What if she is just playing me again?  Calming my mind, I take a deep breath and make my move.  Taking the stairs two at a time, I quietly creep toward the master bedroom.  The door is already slightly ajar, allowing me a stealthy entrance. 

The lights are off except for a small reading lamp in the far corner of the bedroom.  Sophia is curled up with my pillow, her face nearly buried in it, and a folded washcloth across her eyes and forehead.  My heart thaws again at the sight of her asleep in my bed.  Her hair was obviously wet but has begun to air dry, the smell of her body wash still lingers in the air, and her damp towel is on the floor beside the bed.  She did take her bath, climbed in the bed exhausted, and is using her Dom pillow to help her rest.

When I take a step toward her, she suddenly flies out of bed and sprints to the bathroom.  Concern fills me and I rush to the doorway, finding her on her knees, hunched over the commode.  She looks so thin and frail in her nightgown–so much more so than just over two months ago when I shut her out of my life.  Regret and guilt eat away at me for all the time we’ve been apart and thoughts of how hard it must have been on her saturate my mind.

Running cool water over a clean washcloth, I wring it out and hold it against her forehead when she stills.  “Are you finished, baby?” I ask gently.  She simply nods her head and begins to stand.  I help her up and she moves to the sink to brush her teeth.  I can’t stand it any longer.  She looks like she’s about to fall over right in front of me.

“Let me carry you,” I state, but wait for her to agree since any sudden movement is likely to make her feel sick again.  She doesn’t answer verbally, but she wraps one arm around my neck and I bend to hook my arm behind her knees.  She lays her head on my shoulder and I pull her close to me. 

“You feel so cold, baby.  Do you want me to lie down with you and warm you?”  Again, she only nods and I carefully place her in our bed.  Quickly shedding my clothes, I crawl in the bed behind her and cocoon her with my body.  My arms wrap around her, my entire upper body is flush with hers, and our legs are entwined.  A shiver runs through her before I feel her becoming warmer.

“Have you been sick the whole time you’ve been up here, Sophia?” I whisper.

“Yes,” she answers weakly. 

“Was today too much for you?  Did I cause this?”  I have to know if this is my fault.  If my decision to playfully punish her, then thoroughly love her, drained her of all her energy and brought on this sickness…

“No, Dom, you didn’t cause it,” she whispers back.  “Well, you kind of caused it,” she amends and my heart jumps up in my throat.  “You impregnated me, so that makes it your fault,” she jokes.

Blowing out a long held breath, I really want to chastise her for that little prank.  But, I know there’s no way she could’ve known how responsible I feel for wearing her out.  “Are you sure it isn’t because I was too rough on you today?  Or because you were too weak to endure everything?”

She rubs my arm lovingly, “I’m sure, Dom.  It’s been a regular occurrence for a while now.  Morning sickness my ass–it’s morning, noon, and night.  There’s no rhyme or reason to it.”

“You’re going to the doctor tomorrow, Sophia.  You’ve lost too much weight and I want to know that you’re healthy.”  I can’t keep the concern from my voice on this.  She needs to know how important her health is to me.  She needs to know how important
is to me.

“Okay,” she agrees.  The fact that my feisty little sub doesn’t argue that she needs to see a doctor alarms me. 

“Do we need to go now?”  The alarm at the company can wait.  Tucker is more than capable of handling it without me.  My first concern and responsibility is right here in my arms.

“No, I just want to sleep,” she says, the fatigue overtaking her.  Within a few minutes, her breathing slows and becomes steady.  Her body is warm and she seems to be resting comfortably.

Easing out of bed, I quietly grab a pair of lounging pants and walk back downstairs to find Shadow. 

“Have you heard from Tucker?” I ask, running my hand through my hair and glancing back up the stairs.

“He’s there, but he’s busy securing the building.  Is everything okay?” he abruptly changes the subject.

“Sophia is sick.  It may just be normal morning sickness, but she’s lost too much weight.  I’m taking her to the doctor tomorrow and I’m not leaving her tonight.”

“Understood.  We got it,” Shadow replies just before his phone rings.  “Yeah,” he answers.

After a few clipped responses, I gather that Tucker is talking to him and he’s just taking all the information in.  It’s hard being on this side of the conversation with Shadow because the mountain gives nothing away.  Several minutes later, he disconnects with Tucker and I wait for an update.

“No one was found and he said they combed all the floors that are assigned to your company.  There was nothing taken, but your office was broken into and some papers were disheveled on your desk.  After they secured the office, Dana went in and checked the papers.  She said they were a contract she had printed earlier in the day and left for you to review.  The pages were numbered and they’re all there.  The security camera feed shows someone wearing all black, including the ski mask that covered his face and the black gloves that covered his hands.

“The strange thing, though, is when he jimmied the door to your office, he had papers in his hand.  When he ran out, there were no papers.  Something was
in your office and only you would know what wasn’t there before.   When you and Sophia finish at the doctor, we need to go through everything carefully.  Whatever he left behind was worth breaking into the building and risk getting caught,” Shadow explains.

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