Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)
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As long as he keeps his fingers in my mouth, I continue to suck and lick them as instructed.  Keeping my eyes locked on his, I run my tongue over and around each finger.  Moving my head as much as I am able, I lift to take them deeper in my mouth and lower it to draw my lips out to the tips of his fingers.  Dom leans across my body and bites the swell of my breast, marking me as his property.  The mixture of pleasure and pain swells inside me and makes it hard to focus on my task.

Abruptly pulling his fingers from my mouth, he taps my temple and punctuates his every word forcefully, firmly committing them to my memory.  “I will fuck you here.  I’m wiping out anything any other man has ever said or done to you
.  From now on, the only man’s words that matter are mine.  The only man’s touch that you’ll remember is mine.  I am the only Dom you’ve ever had or will ever have.”

Before I can answer, he flicks the leather flogger across my chest.  It doesn’t have a sharp sting like a whip does, but after enduring several lashes it makes my skin ultra-sensitive.  The quick rotation of his wrists delivers multiple lashes in a short amount of time and soon my breasts are bright red.  Dropping the flogger, he reaches over and grabs a silver chain off the nightstand.

When he holds the two ends up in front of his chest, I realize exactly what he has and my audible gasp brings a sexy, sadistic smile to his face.  He takes one clamp and places it on my already sensitive nipple, slowly lays the silver chain across my skin, and places the second clamp on my other nipple.  The pinching sensation heightens my arousal and I roll my head back in delight.

A sudden tug on the chain brings me back to my senses and creates a new mixture of pleasure and pain.  “You will keep your eyes on me, Sophia.  Don’t make me say it again.”

“Yes, Dom,” comes my automatic, submissive reply.

He climbs on top of me and, even though I know this is going to be hard on me, I can’t help but feel the exhilaration of feeling him between my legs again.  He’s poised with his face hovering over mine, every inch of our torsos meshed together, and his cock is waiting at my entrance.  “You’re restrained for a reason,” he pierces me with his eyes.  “Don’t squirm.  Don’t resist.  But, most of all, don’t come.  You’re not allowed to come when you haven’t been a good girl.”

He thrusts into me to the hilt and his hands hold my face in place, daring me to look away from him as he takes what is his.  His girth stretches me to the tipping point between sheer bliss and burning pain.  His hips surge into me, over and over, driving harder and harder, until I feel the intensity building low in my belly.  The tingling and tickling of an orgasm building tells me I’m about to defy his rule and I try to think of anything else that will delay it.

“I feel your pussy clenching around my dick, Sophia.  You better be squeezing me of your own will and not because you’re about to come,” he says as he drives into me again and again. 

After several more minutes, he moves his hand to my breast and removes one nipple clamp.  The blood rushes back in, creating a new wave of pain before his fingers skim across my skin to my other breast to remove the second clamp.  I cry out from the multiple assaults on my senses.  Just as I’m about to have the most intense orgasm ever, he pulls out of me and sits back.

This action causes me to cry out in physical pain.  The intense pull is still there, just under the surface, but not quite reached.  My nipples are throbbing with the return of blood and my denied orgasm is fading, leaving me unfulfilled and needing more.  Now I realize what else is in store for me since my punishment has only begun.

Chapter Eleven




Dom unhooks my restraints from the bed and tells me to turn over.  “I want your ass up in the air and your upper body flat against the mattress,” he commands, his voice underlining his unyielding resolve. When I comply, he adjusts my wrists restraints so that my arms are straight out to each side.  With my legs spread at his desired width, he reattaches the ankle restraints so that I’m immobile again.  This position has always brought more intense orgasms with my Dom and in my mind I’m already dreading the consequences of defying him.

A loud thwack echoes through the room and is immediately followed by an intense stinging on my ass cheek.  Opening my eyes, I immediately see that the paddle is missing from its place on the bed and know without a doubt where the stinging pain is from. Four swats later, my ass is on fire and must be fire engine red now.  Just when I think I can’t stand the pain any longer, he stops and gently rubs it with his hand.

He plunges into me from behind without warning.  I’m at the edge of the bed, so he’s standing up behind me.  His fingers dig into my hips and he uses my body as leverage to push and pull me against him with each wave.  The animalistic grunts and feel of determination in his every thrust drives my impending orgasm higher and higher.  I feel the bed dip behind me and suddenly there is a change in his angle of penetration.

Fuck!  It’s killing me as I try to withhold my own pleasure.  His hand reaches around and finds my swollen clit.  When he takes it between his fingers, I moan appreciatively until he pinches it–
.  I scream out, loving every second of it, and he growls from just behind my ear.

“Don’t you fucking come, Sophia.”

I’m so damn wet now, I don’t know how I can stand much more without just letting my orgasm go and accepting the consequences.  The only thing is I’m afraid of what it would be.  He has much more self-control than I do–he could continue this type of punishment for days, keeping me on the razor’s edge but never allowing me to tumble over into the ultimate bliss that only he can bring me.

I bite down on my lip until I taste blood.  The boring contract language that I was working on in the office earlier comes to mind.  The upcoming dinner with my brother, which is certainly a trick just to get me in Austin, flies through my mind.  But with each passing second, the immense pleasure I feel from my Dom brings me back to him, to this bedroom, to this bed, and to him, pumping in and out of me with abandon.

Oh my god, here it comes…

“NOOOO!!!!”  I scream.  He’s pulled out at the last second again, leaving me hanging precariously on the precipice of the mother of all fucking orgasms.  If I could just move my hands, it would literally only take me a second to send my body into convulsions myself.  I can hear him shuffling around behind me, but I can’t see what he’s doing and I won’t even venture a guess.

He makes quick work of removing my ankle and wrist restraints, but he’s already considered my plan.  “Don’t even think about touching yourself,” he huffs.  “Lay on your side, facing me.”

Moving to the edge of the bed, I do as he says, but this time I notice the riding crop is missing. 
  He moves until he standing directly in front of my face and I know instinctively know what’s coming next. 

“Pull your top knee up until your foot is resting on your thigh,” he demands. 

Doing so, I note that my legs make the shape of the number four, and this position also gives him full access to my already swollen and throbbing center.  Grabbing the back of my head, he holds my hair firmly in his grasp and guides my mouth to his cock.  I wrap my lips around him and vigorously work him from base to tip.  Wanting to please him because I love him, because he deserves it, and because I desperately want him to please me, I lick, suck, twirl my tongue, use my hand, and try to think of any new move I can try on him.

Just as my unresolved orgasm starts to subside, he moans in pleasure and there’s a sensual tap on my clit that sends electricity shooting through my entire body. 
Holy shit!
  My eyes fly open and I see the riding crop in his hand just as it flies through the air and strikes my clit again, reigniting the fire between my legs.  A couple more rounds of this brand of sensual torture, he pulls away from me before he pushes me over on my back and climbs on top of me.

“Take me in your mouth again, Sophia,” he insists.  Then I feel his mouth on me, between my legs.  I can’t take much more.   The scruff of his beard is an extra stimulant against my clit and the inside of my thighs.  When his warm, wet tongue circles my clit, I almost come undone.  My legs involuntarily squeeze closed until he pushes them apart.

“Don’t do that again.  Be still,” he says, and I get another swat but this time with his hand.

He continues with his mouth and tongue, adding his fingers for extra torture measures.  Reading my body with consummate skill, he stops his ministrations every time I’ve built up to another mind-blowing orgasm.  I’m about to use our safe word,
because it’s too much stimulation with no release in sight, when he suddenly stops completely.

Now, he’s lying on top of me, our bodies perfectly aligned and his face is directly above mine.  “That’s my girl.  You took your punishment so well, but I think you’re about at your limit.  I’m proud of you, my love.  You’ve pleased me so much and now you will get your pleasure.”

He pulls my legs up and holds them behind my knees and slowly slides into me.  Claiming my mouth with his, he kisses me passionately, lovingly, and thoroughly, as he makes sweet love to me.  This is my Dom, the one who focuses on bringing me the most exquisite pleasure I’ve ever known.  This is my Dom, the one who freely gives his love and really doesn’t ask for much else in return. 

The overwhelming feelings of love I have for him overtake me and my tears flow freely.  He knows why, so he doesn’t have to ask.  His thumbs gently wipe away my tears as he repeatedly thrusts into me.  My orgasm builds higher and higher, and I realize now that all the punishment was to bring me to this point–to feel the deepest and strongest feelings I’ve ever felt.  As I reach the ultimate peak of my climax and scream his name, all the worry, stress, and guilt fade from my mind.  All that’s left is my Dom, our love, and complete serenity.

Over the next hour, my Dom gives attention and love to every inch of my body.  There isn’t one spot that he didn’t lick, kiss, rub, or touch in the sweetest, most loving, and most erotic way.  His promise to give my pleasure is kept many times–as I screamed his name over and over again.  He made slow, deep love to me, keeping our eyes locked, but letting his love flow freely through them and through his words.  The affections he gives me make me feel like a completely loved and fully worshipped woman.   All of the punishment he doled out earlier was absolutely worth the rewards afterward.

Dom is sitting up, leaned back against the headboard of the bed, and has me cradled in his arms like a baby.  He leans in and gently kisses my face, “You’re so beautiful,
My Angel
,” he croons.  “How do you feel now?”

“Renewed,” I say, unable to find a better word to describe it in my state of euphoria.  “The cobwebs and clutter in my mind has been wiped clean and I feel at peace now.  And this, being in your arms, is exactly what I need right now.  I’ve missed you so much, Dom.”

His arms tighten around me in response and he kisses me gently.  “I’ve missed you, too, baby.  You have no idea how much.”

“I had a dream one night, a nightmare, really.  I dreamed I was outside and saw another woman leaving your house.  You called me inside and then told me you weren’t my Dom anymore.  It all felt so real–it was just too much to think I’d lost you forever.”

“There hasn’t been anyone else, Sophia.  Yes, I was hurt, I was mad, and I believed the worst.  But deep down, I never stopped loving you,” he murmurs in my ear. 

This is my home.  This is where I belong–wherever this man is will also be where I am.  He fills the hole that’s always been in my heart.  In him, I’ve found the part of me that has been missing for so long.  Maybe it isn’t good to be this consumed and attached with another person, but without him, a part of me was dead.  I am only fully alive with him.

And I’ll stand toe-to-toe and fight
who attempts to split up my family.

“You must be hungry after all of our bedroom acrobatics,
My Angel
,” Dominic says as he opens the refrigerator door.  I should’ve fed you first but I couldn’t wait to have you myself.”

“I am getting hungry.  It’s been hard to eat with all the morning sickness I’ve had.  It hasn’t been just in the morning–it comes and goes at any time of the day,” I admit.

Dominic removes several items and busies himself at the stove.  By the time he’s finished, I have a steaming bowl of vegetable soup and a grilled cheese sandwich placed in front of me. A very demanding Dom, and father-to-be, takes the seat beside me to ensure I eat it all.

“You’ve lost too much weight, Sophia,” he gently chastises, “and both of my babies needs nourishment.”  He smiles warmly at me as he inclines his head to urge me to eat.

In between bites, we talk easily to catch up on the last couple of months.  When I tell him all about my visit to the obstetrician, he has a sad look when he says he wishes he’d been there with me to see our baby.  I jump up from the table and quickly trot to the foyer to retrieve my purse.  Dom quickly trails behind me.

“I thought you were going to be sick again,” he says when he catches up.  “What are you doing?”

I pull out the pictures of our little eight-week old blob and show him the details that the ultrasound technician pointed out to me.  He looks at the images in awe at the tiny arms and legs that are distinguishable.  “There’s a little life growing inside of you.  That is so amazing,” his voice holds so much amazement.  Then he looks up at me, back to serious mode, “Go eat.  Now.  My baby is hungry.”

I laugh and do as he says.  That soup and sandwich combination is the best thing I’ve tasted in the last two months.  Dom stares at the images as I eat, going back and forth between the printouts, and I watch him with a smile on my face.  Having dreaded this conversation with him at first, I’m so relieved that he’s actually excited about having a baby with me.

“Dom,” I cautiously start, “I’ve been thinking.”

He looks up at me and narrows his eyes.  “About?”  He tilts his head to the side and eyes me carefully as he waits for the next revelation to come out of me.

“Instead of just quitting my job, I could work from home and just go into the office with you a couple of days a week.  When I worked from the condo for those two weeks, it really seemed to work out well,” I explain and then hold my breath for his answer.

“Why do you want to keep working?  I make more than enough to support us,” he inquires.

“I enjoy working.  Solving puzzles, finding new ways to negotiate contracts with blowhards like Rich Daltry, and making friends in the company.  I’m just not ready to give all of that up yet.  But, I do agree that my health and the baby’s health need to come first.”

“I will agree to three days a week while you’re pregnant.  Two days at home and one day in the office–as long as you’re eating and you’re both healthy.  The first sign of any problem, you will quit working completely and have no stress on you,” he offers.

Knowing my Dom as well as I do, I know this is his final offer.  He doesn’t negotiate like a normal contractor would.  He’s a
kind of man.  In this case, if I pushed back on the number of days or the terms, I know I can kiss it all goodbye.

“You have yourself a deal, Mr. Powers,” I smile and extend my hand for a handshake to seal it.

He takes my hand, gives it a firm pump up and down, and then pulls me into his lap.  “It’s that important to you?” he asks tenderly.

“It is, Dom.  I know you can provide for us, but I love the sense of accomplishment I get from a job well done.  It’s what drove me to finish school early, to get the best internships in college, and the best jobs after graduation.  It’s what I know,” I explain.

“Fair enough,” he says, pushing my hair behind my ear, “as long as you’re healthy and happy.  I want you to take this week off, though.  I can feel your ribs and you’ve been through way too much.  I’m not budging on this one, Sophia.”

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