Hell or High Water (15 page)

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Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hell or High Water
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Her hormones surged, sending blood coursing through her veins. Once inside his pickup, she composed herself and prayed he hadn’t noticed her reaction to just a look.

They rode in silence until Nate parked across from Anthony Walsh’s office. Nate turned in the seat to face her.

“When you were taken, you woke up in a warehouse district. After we shake up Hank’s dad, we have to identify every facility he owns. I can do it, but if you know somebody who can get that information for us faster, it would help.”

“I know the right person.” Her grandfather had friends in every department of Dallas government. Papa’s request for a favor would be acted on immediately. “Thank you for not trying to make me stay home.”

His perfect mouth lifted at the corners. There was the grin that warmed places she shouldn’t let heat up for him. Unbuckling his seat belt, he reached and cupped her face. His thumb stroked her cheek.

The world moved in slow motion as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. Not an all-consuming flamethrower to curl her toes. Instead, his touch was soft and gentle. An I’m-here-for-you kiss that tied her heart into a knot. She pulled away seconds before she lost her soul.

“I didn’t want to face the consequences.” He winked and pressed the release on her seat belt.

Unable to form words, she turned her back to him and got out of his truck. She couldn’t allow him to witness her tongue slide over her lips, savoring his flavor. Coffee, toothpaste, and Nate’s distinctive taste flooded her senses. Her breasts were heavy and ached for his touch.

Odd how an old heartbreak and many nights of pain could fade from memory.

“You coming?” He stood waiting on the sidewalk, his hand extended.

“Yeah.” Unable to resist touching him, she wound her fingers through his. “What’s the purpose of shaking up Mr. Walsh again? I was joking with Tyrell about needing bail earlier, but Walsh might actually call the cops on us.”

“It’s not a coincidence that Holly was taken right after our last chat with him. He knows his son is evil, and it’s time he faced facts.”

“You think he’s involved?” The idea sent Kay’s mind spinning.

“Maybe not criminally, but he knows something. If he’s covering for his son, he’s as guilty as Hank.”

The throwaway vibrated and sent shock waves through her body. She quickly removed it from her pocket. Nate caught her arm, moving them closer to the building and away from foot traffic.

“Deep breath.” His gaze held hers, never wavering as she took the call.

“Kay Taylor.” No way would she use a casual greeting with this bastard. She held the phone between her and Nate, straining to hear over the street noise.

“Your friend is in pain. Do you want to be responsible for what happens next?”

“Please don’t hurt her.” A queasy feeling rushed Kay. Her stomach cramped, so she leaned on Nate for support. “I’ll do whatever you say.”

A dark shadow passed over Nate’s gaze. He motioned for her to keep talking.

“Tell me what you want.”

“Be ready to hand it over the next time I call.” The muffled voice sounded hard and uncaring.

“Wait,” Kay cried. “I don’t know what you think I have.” The silence made her wonder if he’d cut her off, but the screen showed the call was still connected. “Please,” she begged. Fear and anger boiled through her system.

“The ring. Next time I call, you be ready to trade.”

“Don’t hang up,” she screamed. Two passersby stopped and stared. Kay slammed her mouth shut.

“He’s gone, sweetheart.”

Nate closed his hand over hers, pushing down until she slipped the throwaway into her pocket. A weight pressed on her shoulders. What had they done? Sweet, friendly Holly was hurting, and Kay couldn’t help.

“I don’t have this ring.” Her body shook as her imagination flooded her mind with images of Holly being hurt and alone. “How do we stop him?”

“You’re sure the girl didn’t pass anything to you? Could she have dropped something in your purse when you visited that last day?”

“Who knows? I woke up in the hospital wearing a standard-issue gown. My purse was never found.”

“What happened to your clothes?” Nate dried her cheeks with gentle strokes of his thumbs.

“I’m sure they’re in the evidence room.” Kay massaged small circles on her temples. “Holly brought things from my apartment for me to wear home.”

Kay called Tomas and asked for his help. She lied to him about why she wanted access to her clothes.

“I’ll call down and have the clerk go through your stuff. From the tone in his voice, he doubted her watch was in one of the pockets.

“No,” she snapped too quickly. “Really, I’d rather handle my own underwear.”

She heard his groan. “Fine. Have the front desk call me when you get here.”

Kay ended the call hoping Tomas didn’t plan on standing over her. “If the ring’s not there, we’re screwed.”

“Kaycie.” Nate’s tone was soothing. “We’ll never give up.”


The elevator door closed with a swish. Nate’s chest expanded, swelling with pride. Kaycie handled pressure better than anyone could expect of her. She rolled her head and shoulders as if preparing for a confrontation.

They stepped into the corridor and found Ms. Teeth and Walsh’s assistant speaking with the elder Walsh. Kaycie ran past the desk straight to him.

“Have these people escorted out.” He barked orders at the receptionist.

“No.” Kaycie’s cry echoed off the walls. “Please, it’s a matter of life or death.”

Mr. Walsh glared down at her. He was tall and thin, gaunt looking, as if his health might not be good. He held up his hand, and the call to security ended abruptly.

“Make it quick.”

“My friend’s been kidnapped.” Kaycie’s tone was soft and pleading. “I believe your son’s behind her abduction.”

The old man’s shoulders drooped. His chin sagged, aging him right in front of Nate’s eyes. The expression of defeat was all over his face.

“Why would you possibly think such a thing?”

“Sir.” Nate spoke, keeping his tone calm. “We can’t locate Hank.”

“He’s been out of town visiting customers. He only returned today.” Mr. Walsh sighed something that sounded like relief.

“Are you sure?” Kaycie reached out, clutching his arm.

Nate followed the elder Walsh’s gaze down to her hand.

“We will end this nonsense. I can prove my son was nowhere near your friend.”

Walsh whirled and stormed into his office. Nate caught Kaycie’s elbow and guided her inside. The old man’s bony finger stabbed a number on the desk phone.

“Yes, Mr. Walsh?” A male voice spoke briskly. “You need the car brought around?”

“No. Did you pick up Hank today?”

“Yes, sir. His plane landed around one-thirty.”

“Where is he?”

“I dropped him off at his apartment. He said he had errands to run. I offered to drive, but he loves showing off that new sports car you bought him.”

“Thank you.” Walsh disconnected and tapped a second button on the phone. “There’s a man and woman on their way down. Make sure they don’t come back to the eighteenth floor.”

The color had drained from Kaycie’s face, and Nate held her arm tighter. “Let’s go. He’s never going to believe us.”

“Keep this pursuit up and you will find yourself in civil court.”

Nate led her from the building. The trembling of her body worried him. The pressure was getting to her.

“He’s lying.” She spoke through clamped teeth. “Or he’s blind to what a monster he raised.”

“Kaycie.” Nate was at a loss for words. If Hank was really out of town, the chances of Holly being rescued dwindled.

Kaycie rushed into traffic and crossed the street. Nate followed, relieved to find she was seething mad, not breaking down.

“Maybe the chauffeur lied. He could be working with Hank.”

“True. There’s nothing we can do here. Let’s talk to that person you said will help locate the Walsh properties.”

The cinnamon flecks in her brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she rose to her tiptoes and initiated a kiss.

“Get a room,” somebody in a passing car shouted, jarring them out of the clench.

“Thank you for believing me,” she whispered into his lips.

Nate waited until she got in and closed the car door to comment. He ignored the temptation to check his stomach. Somehow, she’d reached into his guts and tied them into a knot.

Chapter 15

Kay chatted with the front-desk clerk at the morgue as she signed in. She asked the woman to let Doctor Taylor know they were headed to his office. Nate caught her in three strides. His gaze was hooded as they headed down the hall.

“Take a right.” Kay brushed too close and caught a whiff of his scent. Heat spikes shot across her skin. Business relationship, she mentally chanted.

“Who’s the Taylor at the morgue?” He tapped a finger on the sign next to Papa’s office. “Is this the dad you refuse to talk about?”

“My grandfather.” She’d never told Nate why she and her dad weren’t close. The truth was too painful to discuss. Standing outside Papa’s office, she prayed he’d leave the subject alone. She took Nate’s hand and proceeded through the door.

“Kaycie.” Papa’s voice boomed across the small office. Shelves along the wall were stacked high with reports and medical magazines. She’d bet money he knew exactly where everything was located.

Nate’s grip tightened for a fraction of a second. Had he noticed Papa used her full name too? Kay pulled her hand free, sailed into a bear hug from her grandfather, and then made introductions. Papa ushered them to a small couch. After she and Nate sat, he dragged over a chair directly across from her. Something about his demeanor set off her warning bells. Papa wasn’t happy.

“Are you the hired gun protecting my granddaughter?”

Oh, shit. Family might be a safer topic.

Nate leaned forward, his expression the picture of calm. “Yes, sir. You could call me that.”

“Papa ... “ Her brain spun, came up blank. No believable excuse for not telling her grandfather she’d almost been kidnapped from the morgue’s parking lot came to mind. “You’re busy and I—”

Papa cast an Alaskan glance at Kay, stopping her midsentence. She shivered from the chill.

“Kaycie, I do leave the morgue from time to time. And I often have breakfast with the chief. Why did I hear about your attacks in the middle of my bacon and eggs?”

“I’m sorry.” God, he could make her feel three inches tall when he was right.

“I refrained from calling and chewing your butt out because Chief Compton assured me you were okay.”

“Dr. Taylor, we need your help.” Nate put the visit back on point and kept her from stumbling over another apology.

Papa shoved his glasses to the top of his head, ruining his Einstein look, and pursed his lips. Clearly, he was scrutinizing Nate.

“Mr. Wolfe, how can I help?”

Her punishment for keeping Papa in the dark was to be totally ignored while Nate laid out the events of the past few days. Thank God, he kept the threat she’d received via the cell phone to himself.

A couple of times Papa adjusted his glasses, raking his fingers through his hair. He glanced at her when he heard Holly was missing, and his gaze softened. Another time Kay would’ve been upset that they talked around her. Today she rested the weight of the moment on Nate’s shoulders.

“I’m due a few favors, and the information you’re seeking isn’t private. But it’s late.” Papa moved to his desk and opened a screen on his computer. “It might be morning before I can gather this much information.” He turned to Kay, his gaze warm and forgiving. “How will knowing the locations of Walsh’s facilities help? You can’t search the buildings.”

“I’m hoping I recognize the area.” She refused the doubts creeping into her thoughts. “We’ll find a way.”

“I don’t suppose telling you to—”

“No, Papa. I can’t leave this to someone else. Holly was snatched because they couldn’t get to me.” His eyes widened, and Kay realized she’d said too much.

“Kaycie...” Papa rubbed the bridge of his nose and faced Nate. “You keep her safe.” Not a request. Instructions.

“Come hell or high water.” Nate rose and offered Papa his hand.

“Good man.” Papa slapped his palm firmly in Nate’s grasp. “I’ll e-mail the information to Kaycie.”


“I understand the urgency.” He cupped her cheek, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “When this is over, you’ll owe me. And you know how I’ll collect.”

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