Hell or High Water (14 page)

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Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hell or High Water
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“Apparently, he didn’t find it.” She wound her fingers through his and squeezed. “Why not trash the place? If I hadn’t noticed the CDs, we’d never have known.”

“The answer to that question might be important.” Tyrell stopped pacing. “We damn well need to figure out what he was looking for and soon.”

“I agree,” Kaycie said. “And I’m betting CSU won’t find any fingerprints in Holly’s apartment. Nobody’s that stupid.” Her voice gathered strength as she talked. “They’ll go door to door, but after they leave we should double back. In the meantime, let’s see if we can beat them to the site manager. I want to take a look at the parking lot cameras.”

Nate said nothing, recognizing she needed to feel in charge. A sense of controlling something, while everything around her crumbled, would help her stabilize her emotions. She fastened her long brown hair in a ponytail and rose to her feet.

“Marcus, go with her. If they give you access to the security disks, call. We’ll come down.” He gave Tyrell a slight nod, holding him in his chair. Nate had a second thought, “Marcus. You armed?”

He scoffed and lifted his long-tail shirt. “Am I a Texan?”

“Nice.” Tyrell acknowledged the Sig Sauer. “That a P226?”

“Yep. Nine mil.”

Nate pointed at the door. “Go. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

Nate waited until she closed the door. He turned to Tyrell and asked, “Does the company you work for do surveillance?”

“No. We stand around, glare at people, and keep our weapon in its shoulder holster. We keep fans away from hotshot sports figures or visiting movie stars. Why?”

“We need to monitor Kaycie’s movements. I’ll pick up the equipment and get a tracer on her. Regardless of which one of us she’s with, we’ll know where she’s located. If I’d thought Holly was in danger, I’d have monitored them both.”

“You think Kay will go for it?”

“I do.” Nate wasn’t worried she’d refuse. She was street savvy and too smart to try some stupid-ass heroic stunt. “Tracking devices are nothing anymore. I can download it on a laptop and have it activated within minutes. I’ll download an app to our phones, and we’ll monitor her movements.”

The door opened, and both Nate and Tyrell reached for their guns. Kaycie’s expression said she didn’t have good news.

“The camera on the west side had been disabled. Nobody noticed until we asked.” Her face flushed red, and her lips faded into a thin line.

“Intentionally?” Tyrell ran his fingers over his bald head.

“Oh, yeah. Wire was cut.” Marcus’s jaw appeared to be locked.

“What else?” Nate asked

“We had...” Marcus shifted his gaze toward Kaycie. “She had a run-in with the CSU team. They showed up while we were in the manager’s office. Before I could get Kay out of there, they’d issued a stern warning. Threatened to report her to Chief Compton.” Marcus finally allowed a smile. “She told the guy to go fuck him—”

“Okay. I lost my temper.” Kaycie’s cheeks got redder. “The jerk couldn’t have been twenty-five and had the balls to try to intimidate me.”

“I’ll give you that,” Marcus conceded. “He was a smart ass.”

Nate choked on a laugh, dodged her fiery glare, and decided against reminding her that she was only thirty-two. Her cell vibrated, probably keeping him out of trouble.

“My mother’s calling.” Head down, Kaycie moved to the far corner of the kitchen.

Tyrell launched into a conversation about tracking devices with Marcus, but Nate kept his gaze on Kaycie’s mouth. He couldn’t read her lips verbatim, but he got the gist of the argument. If he read her body language and compared it against her conversation, Kaycie would rather run naked down Interstate 635 during rush hour than attend a Sunday family get-together.

Her relationship with her dad had been a sore topic back in their college days. She’d steadfastly refused to discuss the subject, always referring to it as a family rift. Apparently, it was now an abyss. Her gaze came up from the tops of her boots and caught him staring. Those hot-fudge eyes turned icy cold. Damn, she did pissed better than anyone he knew. She turned her back, lowered her voice, and quickly ended the call.

“Did you get all that?” she muttered to him, brushing past him to join Tyrell and Marcus.

“Enough to offer my services.” Nate moved as close as he deemed to be safe.


“I’ll be your date. You can introduce me to your folks.” His wisecrack was flippant, but he’d try anything to relax her tense shoulders.

“Why would I want to do that?” She spoke as if asking the village idiot. “It’s not open for discussion. I’m not going.”

“I don’t think I can download a tracer app,” Tyrell said, ending the confrontation. “Marcus probably can. He has a smartphone.”

“You don’t have to buy a new phone, keep up with her on your laptop,” Nate answered as Kaycie peered over Tyrell’s shoulder at the computer screen.

“Tracer app?” Kaycie’s eyebrows pinched.

“Yeah. You and I are going shopping. I want you to wear one until this is over.”

She angled her head slightly. “Good idea. What else do you have planned?”

“Marcus and Tyrell will locate Hank Walsh and take turns following his every move. If he’s involved, we’ll know soon enough.”


Johnny cursed the storm brewing in his head. Drugging and bringing much younger girls in to be sold didn’t bother him. Sure, Hank’s treatment of them ticked off Johnny. Bruises reduced their value, and Mr. A wanted his merchandise to sell for large sums of money. After all, only the super rich were among his elite clientele and they could afford to pay top dollar.

Johnny swiped his card-key across the reader. His cheek twitched. A new reaction. He slammed the door open.

A startled Hank glanced over his shoulder. The bastard was ripping off the hostages clothes.

“What the fuck?” the weasel snarled. “Get out. I’m not done with her.”

For a moment, Johnny lost contact with his surroundings. His hands squeezed his temples to hold back excruciating, burning pain.

When his vision cleared, Hank had zipped his pants.

“Yeah. You are. You get out,” Johnny ground out the words, advancing into the room.

Hank puffed out his chest, spread his legs, and brought his hands up in fists. Johnny chuckled and planted his eel-skin boot solidly into Hank’s unprotected nuts, folding him like a piece of paper. Johnny shoved the moaning Hank into the hall and closed the door behind him.

The woman Johnny had taken from her nice warm bed this morning was curled into a ball, sobbing the words “no more” over and over again.

“Stop that.” Johnny scrubbed his hand across his chin. His violent response to her mistreatment confused him. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he lied.

She lifted her head. Her lips curled into a snarl as tears streamed from her eyes.

He’d thought her pretty this morning when he’d picked her lock and taken her against her will. Now his stomach roiled at her swollen eye, split lip, and soon-to-be-purple cheek.

“Well, that bastard did.” Sobbing, she wrapped her arms around her body and rocked back and forth. “He was going to rape me.”

She tugged at her torn sleep shirt. Her face was a study in fear, yet her gaze never strayed from Johnny, making his nerves jump around inside. He didn’t like the feeling. He steeled himself against any emotion.

“Why did you stop him?”

“Hank’s a scumbag,” Johnny said, unsure he knew the answer. “You’re barter. When we get what we want, you can go home.”

“You can’t let me leave. I’ve seen your face, and the worm’s who hurt me.”

“We agree on one thing.” Johnny studied her pale hair with the pink streak down one side.

“That you’re going to kill me?” The pitch of her voice rose, echoing off the thick walls.

“No. That Hank’s a worm.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her spun-gold hair. “Why do you do that?”

“What?” Her eyebrows pinched together, her face filled with confusion.

“Forget it.” He turned toward the door.

“Please don’t leave.” She dragged her fingers through the tangled strands of hair.

“The pink. Why the color?”

“I don’t know.” She struggled to cover herself as she pushed to a sitting position. “Maybe I like being different.”

He nodded. Not that he understood. Being noticed outside his little world meant trouble.

“What am I barter for?”

“Your friend has something I want. If she values you, she’ll trade.”

“Are you talking about Kay? She couldn’t possibly have anything you’d need.”

Johnny leaned against the door, unable to pull his gaze from her slim body. “Yes, she does. If she wants to see you again, she’ll bring it when and where I tell her to.”

She spoke as he swung the door closed behind him.

“If she does, you’ll kill us both.

Chapter 14

Kay slid her laptop down the table next to Nate’s. His gaze came up, catching hers for a long, lusty moment. He’d tied his long hair back, showing off his handsome face. He winked and went back to installing the tracking software. Their phones had been set up and soon the guys would be able to monitor her every move.

Before the trip to the spy store, she’d considered herself knowledgeable where technology was concerned. The sales clerk had proved her to be severely challenged.

A loud knock on her door sent her jumping to her feet. “Sheesh. No more caffeine for me.”

“Take your gun.” Nate’s caution was unnecessary because she’d already reached for it. She opened her mouth to say “yes, sir” but his gaze had already shifted back to the computer screen.

“This waiting is killing me. Why haven’t we heard something?”

“I’d say his tactics are working,” Nate mumbled without raising his head. “He’s letting you think about his threat.”

She held her pistol against her thigh, leaned down, and peered through the peephole. “It’s Tyrell.” Kay opened the door and stepped back.

Nate glanced their direction. “Is Marcus on Walsh’s tail?”

“We haven’t found him. None of his neighbors saw him come home last night or leave this morning. His apartment’s a pigsty.”

“Did anyone spot you breaking in?” Kay made no effort to keep the alarm out of her tone.

“Excuse me?” His voice and expression were the definition of a man who’d been insulted. “I was finessing my way around and into people’s houses when you were still holding your mama’s hand to cross the street. I’m invisible.”

“Six-two, black and bald.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure nobody noticed you.”

“But Marcus is still camped outside Walsh’s apartment?” Nate studied the screen on his cell. Apparently satisfied, he slid it into the clip on his hip.

“Yeah. I stopped by to let you set up my new cell. I can’t be the only one without a smartphone.”

Nate grabbed the iPhone and settled back at the computer. He shoved a small box toward Tyrell without looking up. “We bought a tracer for Hank’s car. When he comes home, plant this under the fender of his car.”

The corners of Tyrell’s mouth lifted into a truly evil smile. “I like it. Gives us the leeway to hang back and not take a chance on him seeing us.”

Nate handed Tyrell his phone. “You’re all set. Use this icon to find Kaycie’s location and follow the bouncing ball. I’ll activate the second one after you alert me the tracer’s been planted on Walsh’s car.”

Kay’s heart did a funny tumble listening to Nate talk. The mark of a leader was evident when he spoke. What job did he have as a SEAL? They hadn’t talked about the past. He’d deliberately steered their conversations away from his personal life. They might be strangers, but she liked this new Nate.

“Hey.” He leaned down close to her face and snapped his fingers. “Were you daydreaming about me?”

“Not hardly.”

“Let’s go, sweetheart.” Nate opened the door, swinging it back. “We’re paying old man Walsh another visit.”

Tyrell went down the stairs with them. “After I drop off the tracer, I’m catching some shut-eye. I’m taking the late shift.”

“We might be arrested and put in lockup for this visit,” Kay said. “You may have to get up and come bail us out.”

“I can do that.” He gathered her in for a hug and then disappeared into his car with a wave.

Nate’s gaze caught hers and held. No escaping the flicker of desire when his navy eyes turned to mysterious cobalt.

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