Hell or High Water (6 page)

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Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hell or High Water
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The stomach acid churning in her stomach rose to the back of her throat.

“It’s of no comfort, but she didn’t realize what was happening. Someone slashed her wrist after the drug was administered.”

Kay’s throat clamped shut. The ugliness and the horror of the crime flooded her with guilt and anger. “Oh, God. She was just a kid.”

“I’ve informed the appropriate parties of my finding. Her case is with the Dallas Homicide Unit.”

She shifted the elephant sitting on her chest to the side. “Thank you for working all weekend. I know exactly who killed her. After I prove it, the state of Texas will stick a needle in his arm for murder.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he barked out the admonition. “This girl was murdered. Step back and let the police earn their keep.”

His words sounded harsh and flat, but Kay understood he wasn’t angry with her. He dealt in death every day. He honored and respected the people who unfortunately found themselves on his table. However, Papa was a realist. He had to separate himself from the pain and despair families of the deceased went through.

He was wasting his breath lecturing her. She’d never step back as he suggested. Not on this case.

“I knew this girl was too strong-willed to have killed herself.” Relief washed over her. “Thank you, Papa. I owe you big time.”

Kay disconnected before he told her how she could repay him.

“I’ll ask one more time,” Holly said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Kay glanced out the window and discovered they were parked in front of the church. She’d gotten so lost in her own misery she’d blocked out the drive.


The lush green grass and full-leafed trees gave the cemetery an eerie feel. Kay couldn’t help but compare the vivid colors with the dry, brown leaves of summer seen elsewhere in the city. She stopped just outside the blue tent covering the coffin.

“Tell me again why we’re here,” Holly whispered. “The church services were hard enough on you. Coming to the cemetery is above the call of duty.”

Holly’s words barely penetrated Kay’s subconscious. She’d sat in the back of the church, unable to face the lifeless body of the young girl who’d given Kay her trust. Coward.

“I didn’t have the nerve to give the Vaughn family my condolences. I’ll do it now.” Kay stepped closer. Her hand paused at her belt. She’d locked her gun in the glove box before entering the church. Even though it was legal to carry in her position, she’d never been comfortable wearing it. Now, she missed the weight riding on her hip.

After she paid her respects, she’d casually take a look around. It wasn’t uncommon for the perpetrator to show up at the cemetery to enjoy watching his kill being buried. Some sick bastards fed off the grief and loss they’d inflicted on the victim’s family. Yeah, a discreet check for someone lurking, watching from the background was in order. If nothing else, she’d snap a few pictures with her cell and share them with police.

A wave of whispers drifted across the small group when a chair toppled backward and Leann’s mother rushed from under the canopy toward Kay.

“How dare you show your face,” Mrs. Vaughn screamed. Her expression was a study in anger. “Go away. You’re not welcome here.”

Stunned into silence, Kay felt her jaw drop. She’d never been this dumbfounded. Harold Vaughn rushed to his wife, gathering her in his arms just as the woman collapsed. His red-rimmed eyes and trembling chin reflected his pain.

“I’m sorry,” Kay managed to whisper, welcoming Holly’s arm around her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone.”

“This is your fault.” Mr. Vaughn held his sobbing wife closer. “Our daughter wanted to forget what happened, wanted to move on. You pressured her, convinced her to testify. You’re as guilty as the bastard who took her from us.”

Hate radiated from his every pore. Kay’s heart caved inside her chest at the agony gushing from him. She couldn’t find words to convey her feelings. Holly’s grip tightened, and Kay allowed herself to be led away from the gathering crowd.

“I hope you burn in hell,” Mr. Vaughn screamed.

Kay fished out her sunglasses, anything to help hide the shame.

The Vaughns’ anger was appropriately placed. Kay would carry the burden of the teenager’s death forever.

A chill slammed into her. Again, somebody’s eyes on her sent a shiver up her arms. She whirled.

A black Harley was parked down the block. She paused at the rear of the car and stared at the rider. Odd that he’d parked away from the funeral crowd and watched from a distance. Damn, the black visor didn’t stop the burn as his gaze bore down on her. Her breath caught. Was this the man who’d saved her? Wearing a black leather jacket and matching helmet, the man remained motionless.

She started toward him, and the rider stepped off the bike. If this was her ninja, she’d demand answers after she thanked him. He turned his back to her and then removed the helmet. His fingers wound through shoulder-length black hair, tying the strands together with a piece of leather. There was something vaguely familiar about him. His movements. His shoulders. His hands.

He turned to face her, and her heart rate hit the ozone.

“Hello, Kaycie.”

Ten years of missing Nate Wolfe boiled over. He was here. Really here. She sprang into his arms, clutched his broad shoulders and leaned into his hard-as-a-rock chest. God, his scent, a mixture of leather, woodsy cologne and virile man washed over her. Damn. Her body betrayed her by melting into him.

“Nate,” she whispered into his neck. “You saved me.” Her flesh heated when his large hands flexed against the small of her back and drew her closer.

“Come hell or high water,” he whispered, his warm breath sending heat streaks across her skin.

A split second passed before memories of his lying tongue using that same phrase so many years ago hit her. A volcano of heartbreak erupted and spewed forth.

“Don’t touch me,” she spit the words at him while scrambling out of reach. “And don’t you dare say that to me. Ever.”

“You hugged me.” His eyes went wide, and he held his hands up in surrender.

Damn him and his Cheshire cat grin. Kay plowed her right fist into his jaw. God, pain shot up her arm. His head barely moved. Still, she relished the snap of his teeth. He rubbed his scruffy jaw while that sexy little smile inched right back up his cheeks.

“Why are you following me?” Her knuckles hurt like hell, but he’d never know.

“What?” He held his hands in front of him, palms up. “No ‘good to see you, Nate’? No ‘how you been?’ No nothing.”

“I’ll try this again, slower. Why. Are. You. Fol—”

“We need to talk.” The fun had left his gaze. The sparkle dimmed to seriousness.

She stepped further away and sent him a glare designed to blister his flesh from head to toe. Unaffected, he picked up the cell phone earpiece she’d knocked off and reattached it to his ear while never taking his navy-blue eyes off her.

“No, we don’t. Thank you for saving my life. Now do what you do best. Go away.” She spun on her heel. Rubbing her now-swelling hand, Kay stalked straight to her waiting friend.

“You okay?” Holly asked over the top of the car before she slid behind the wheel.

“If I didn’t break my fist on his cement jaw, I will be.” Kay stabbed her seat belt a second time before fastening it properly. She cursed the tears welling. Cursed the feel his warm body imprinted on her breasts. Cursed the memories that sent her heart spinning.

Holly dropped her .380 in her purse.

“Did you take that into church this morning?”

“Hell yeah. God knows I carry. And the law gave me a permit. Glad I had it, because I didn’t know what the hell was going down when you hit him. Who’s the hunk?”

“Nate Wolfe.”

“Holy shit. The guy from college?”

“The same. He’s been watching me. I’m sure of it.”

“I should’ve shot him.” Holly punched the gas pedal, ignoring the speed bumps.

“Thanks for having my back. And for getting the concealed carry license.”

“I’m never without protection. Or a gun.” Holly chuckled at her own joke. “Where to?”



The cemetery wasn’t the place to argue, there’d be plenty of time for that later. Nate threw his leg over the Harley and let Kaycie and her blond friend drive away. Hell or high water had popped out of his mouth. First time in ten years the phrase had crossed his mind. He’d made matters worse by pulling out an old memory. Who knew she’d react violently?

Made no difference. Somebody intended her harm, and he’d be there to prevent it.

From the corner of his eye, he detected movement. The Mercedes that had followed her from the church was pulling away from the curb. No way was this bastard tagging along after the women.

Nate rode up beside the car at a stop sign and knocked on the window. He doubted the occupant would start trouble out in the open.

“You wouldn’t be tailing those two women. Would you?” He spoke to the dark-tinted glass. “Why don’t I tag along with you for a while?”

The driver drove backward a few hundred feet, executed a U-turn, and then drove off. Nate was right behind. After a few miles, he sped down an exit, leaving the Mercedes with no idea where Kaycie had gone. Problem was, he didn’t know either. At least her blond bodyguard was with her.

His reunion with Kaycie had gone pretty much as he’d expected. She hadn’t forgiven him. But, shit, ten years was a long time to hold a grudge.

Nate worked his jaw from side-to-side. A smile inched up his face. Damn, her right hand had moved faster than a gunslinger’s in a John Wayne movie. Nobody did mad as sexy as she did. Her entire body hummed when she was angry.

She’d connected soundly, but not before he’d breathed in her scent. Nothing had changed. She still reminded him of green pastures, safe places, and sex. What was the old cliché? Too late to turn back now. Or was it?

He’d canceled his plan to tell Kaycie she’d picked up a tail when the woman named Holly had shifted her position, allowing the sunlight to glint off the gun she’d tried to hide against her thigh. Maybe Tyrell was right. Holly sure hadn’t blinked when Nate locked eyes with her.

He called Tyrell. “My office in one hour.”

“Something go down?”

“Enough. I’ll call Marcus and bring him in.”

Nate had to tell Kaycie someone was following her. What did they want from her? Or did they just want her?


Kay flipped down the sun visor on Tomas’s car and studied her reflection. His mirror confirmed she’d failed to hide the dark circles under her eyes with makeup.

“You had to point that out?” She flipped the visor back into place.

“Count on me to be honest.” He chuckled to himself.

She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t grill her. Truth was, she’d spent half the night tossing, turning, and thinking about Nate. She would’ve bet money she would’ve recognized him from miles. She’d seen, mapped, and stroked every inch of his athletic body back in college. But now. Wow. He’d blossomed into a muscled version of a modern-day Tarzan, complete with shoulder-length black hair. Was the shaggy style rebellion against the requisite buzz cut the government had imposed on him?

She’d spent too many years fighting off the heartache of losing him. To have her hormones betray her when his hands slid up her back really pissed her off. Let the Navy get excited over him. She wasn’t giving into those emotions. Never again.

“You ready to go inside?” Tomas’s voice broke through her mental wandering.

“Sorry.” She unbuckled and got out of the car. “I appreciate you hauling me around.”

“No problem. Give me a shout when you’re ready to go home.”

Once inside the police station, she parked her butt outside Chief Compton’s office. He was her mentor, biggest supporter and had been helpful when she’d applied for the transfer to CPS. She chatted with his assistant and waited.

“Kay.” The chief’s booming baritone blasted her off the chair.

“Coming, sir.” Kay hurried to follow him into his office. Winning the election hadn’t slowed him down.

“Sit.” He waved at a chair while he rounded his desk.

His tone didn’t have his usual friendly ring. He sat, leaned back, and folded his arms across his chest. Dark eyes studied her.

“I need to be part of the investigation.” Pretending he didn’t know who or what they were talking about would have been a waste of time. “She was killed to shut her up.”

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