Heat (2 page)

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Authors: K. T. Fisher

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Lesbian, #Ménage à Trois, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Heat
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   Mason and I are standing in front of the bar while a small group of girls surround us. I didn't realize how much I missed having a harmless flirt with a pretty girl who doesn't look like she's that high she's about to fly. When the girls say bye and move on, that's when I spot the two gorgeous looking girls dancing and having a good time. They're catching a bit of attention as they dance against each other on the little stage in the middle of the dancing crowd. I can tell they know exactly what they're doing and that they know each other's bodies well, really well. I've been involved in a few threesomes and even bigger sexual groups. As I watch the two girls dance together I think about having them between my brother and me. The thought of sharing these two beauties makes my body warm. One look at my brother staring at the two girls and I know he thinks the same as I do.


   Mason turns to grin at me. "You up for some fun tonight Cole?"


   I laugh and down what's left of my drink. "You bet I am."


   We then make our way over to the girls. Like a lion stalking its helpless hunted prey.
















Chapter Four






   As I dance with my back against Roxie's front, I see the two good looking men from the bar now heading towards us. It looks like they easily walked through the squashed crowd of dancing drunks, with no effort at all.


   I can't take my eyes away from them and as they come closer to where Roxie and I are dancing I can make out that they are related. They look so much alike, too good looking and features that are to similar for them not to be related. The only difference I can make out in the dark lighting of the night club is that their hair is a different shade. One has much darker hair, looking almost black and the other guy’s hair looks much lighter. My eyes drift back to the darker haired man and I feel my legs quiver in response to the intense look he
s giving me. I can see his unmistakable lust from here as his eyes stay on me. There is something about him that makes him sexy and dangerous, dressed all in black clothing that makes his hair and the stubble that is lining his face look even darker. I then observe the lighter haired man as his eyes drift from me to Roxie and then they stay fixed on Roxie. I'm happy with that because that means I can have Mr dark and dangerous all to myself. I love how he's looking at me right now and all I want to do is devour him.


   The two men stop right at the edge of the little stage we're dancing on. I know that Roxie has now spotted them because of the way her dancing moves have changed. She's now dancing more sexually up against me; practically dry humping me for all to see. I happily go along with her teasing as I keep my eyes focused on the sexy stranger. I'm not ashamed at all and when Roxie turns me around to face her with a fat grin on her face I can't help but return one of my own.


   She plants her mouth onto mine I go along with her kiss. I hear the few cheers as we hold each other tighter. Roxie has her grip tight on my hair, tilting my head back to give her full access and because I love to be a cock tease, I squeeze Roxie's plump bum which is eye level to some staring men. I her a few groans of appreciation over the music, Roxie and I share a secret giggle before we go back to teasing the men we want. I badly want the dark stranger in my bed tonight.




   Watching the very beautiful girl as she dances with her friend is making my hard cock strain against my tight jeans it almost fucking hurts. Her friend is very pretty but it's her who I can't take my eyes from. I know my brother is feeling the same effect from these girls because I keep catching him adjusting himself from the corner of my eye as he watches them. I don't give a shit, if this girl can see my arousal I want to show her how much I want her.


   She's gorgeous with long dark hair curled down past her shoulder which flicks around as she dancers. I prefer metal music but if its dance music that gets this girl moving like this then I don't give a fuck what music is playing. I want her so fucking bad; watching her grind against her friend makes me hornier with each second that passes. I can picture them both as they dance naked against each other just for me and my brother. I'm really in the mood for a good dirty night and I hope these girls agree because I don't want any of the other girls that are here tonight. This girl in front of me is the girl I want. I need to be buried deep inside her and I know she will feel fucking amazing.


   Just before she's about to kiss her friend, the dirty bitch looks right at me. It's not just a little kiss either. It's a full on, tongues and everything passionate kiss. I can't help but reach out and touch her leg, I need to touch her.


   Mason leans in close. "Fucking hell Cole."


   "I know." I keep my eyes on the beauty in front of me.


   "We need to let these other fucks know that these are our girls for this evening." I look around and see that we're not the only ones who are watching them. Men are smiling up at them, even girls are watching them. Some are putting on their own little performances to make sure these two don't get all the attention. The whole club is turning into a fuck fest. If we want to take these girls back tonight then we need to move in now.


   Just as the song finishes I reach up and grab the girl’s hand. She looks a little shocked at first but then smiles down at me. I see Mason do the same to her friend, and we help them down from the stage. I ignore the complaints from around us as we take away their entertainment for the night. Sorry fucker but I want my very own private show this evening. When she is stood right in front of me I'm glad to see she looks just as horny as I feel. It looks as if tonight might turn out to be a good one after all.


   I lean in closer and I can smell her delicious vanilla scent. "You wanna drink gorgeous?"


   "Sure." She pulls back and smiles up at me. I freeze a little in the after effect from that smile. She is beautiful but when she smiles she's fucking stunning.


   We let the girls lead us over to a different area of the bar, away from the main clubbing section, something more quiet and private. Mason thumps me in the arm making me take my eyes away from my girls curvaceous behind. He gives me a huge grin with a thumbs up. The fucking lucky bastard was right about tonight.
































Chapter Five





   I was so happy when he guided me down from the stage. I will admit that when he leaned in close and asked if I wanted a drink, my heart skipped a beat. Roxie and I held hands as we lead both of the men towards one of the three bars in the nightclub. She kept giving my hand a little squeeze, letting me know that she was just as excited me. The guys bought our drinks, so I still haven't spent any money tonight. Dark and dangerous stood very close to me, right in front.


   "Pretty good show ladies." I could feel his eyes burning into me as he spoke.


   I hear Roxie giggle beside me and I innocently smile. "Thank you."


   I don't take my eyes away from him as his friend asked a question. I let Roxie answer him because I'm too wrapped up in him to care about anything else.


   "So what's your name gorgeous?" He steps even closer so that our bodies are now touching.


   "Lacey." I whisper against his jaw, I can feel him breathing me in.


   He brings his head back so I can see all of his beautiful face. He gently places a finger under my chin. "Beautiful." I don't know if he means my name, or me. Either way I'll take it.



   "And your name is?" He removes his finger from under my chin and places his hand on my waist instead.


   "Cole." Very sexy name. I smile up at him and I feel the grip of his hand harden on my waist. "I love your smile."


   This makes my smile widen and my cheeks burn. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. I don't know how to react. He doesn't even give me a chance to react or say anything because his mouth is suddenly on mine. I hear him growl and in response I sigh, my body melting against his. Wow this man can kiss! When we break apart I see Roxie is tangled up in Cole's friend.


   "My brother seems to like your friend." I laugh, bit of an understatement seeing as she can't get close enough to him.


   "Yeah Roxie seems to like your brother too." It makes sense that they are brothers. No way could these two not be related.







   I had to fight to break away from Lacey. I can't kiss her again while we're in this club, not if she's into PDA. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been affected by a girl like this. It's like my body badly craves her. There's definitely something special about this girl.


   I buy her another drink, we talk and laugh about pointless things. Lacey and her friend Roxie seem like pretty cool girls, especially Lacey. I'm glad Mason seems as hooked on Roxie as I do with Lacey because that leaves Lacey to me. I do want to have some fun before I have her all to myself though. I still can't believe they have no idea who we are! I thought for sure that when I told Lacey mine and Mason's names that she would figure out who we are, but they really have no idea. To them we're just two regular guys, which makes this so much sweeter.


   We decide to have a dance before we leave. I hold Lacey's little body against me. Fuck, she feels good dancing against me. The way she is moving her ass on me makes me so hard I can't fucking think! I turn her around to face me and when she wraps her arms around my neck I crush her tightly against me so she can feel exactly what she's doing to me. Lacey's mouth drops open and her eyes slightly widen in surprise, I know that she can feel my cock straining hard in my jeans. I rub my cock along her body and I feel her soften. She looks up and licks her lips as her eyes fix on my mouth. I know she wants to kiss me but I can't, I don't know what will happen if I let myself get carried away with her in here. I'm too worked up right now. I let myself kiss along her jaw and down her collar bone, finishing on the curve of her breast peaking out above her dress. It affects me just as bad as kissing her on the mouth so before I take her on the dance floor I need to get her out of here.


   The girls decide they need a bathroom break before we leave so we go and wait by the bar. Mason slaps me on the back, "Fucking hell man this is fucking great!"


   I laugh and shake my head. "I can't believe they don't know who we are."


   Mason steps in front of me and gestures with his arms around the club. "Does this look like a place where people come when they like heavy metal?"


   "True but that doesn't mean people can't like a different mix of music."


   "I didn't think we would pull girls as hot as those though."


   "I know, I got fucking hard as soon as I saw her."


   Mason laughs as grabs his dick. "Yeah I know. I can't fucking wait to get them out of here." I couldn't agree more. Tonight is going to be a great night.















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