Heat (14 page)

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Authors: K. T. Fisher

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Lesbian, #Ménage à Trois, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Heat
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   "Oh God Lacey, I've wanted to tell you for so long. I love you too, God I love you so much. Please forgive me?"


   I place my hands over his and look deep into his eyes. "I can't forgive you right away but I will try to. I love you Cole and I can see why you didn't tell me now but it still hurts. Can you understand that?"


   He softly kisses my nose. "Yes I can thank you so much baby." He rains kisses all over my face, making me giggle which I haven't done a lot of lately. "I love you Lacey. I promise I won't lie to you again. I can't lose you." He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle in closer, he squeezes me tightly against him and it feels so good to be in his arms again. "Will you take me back? Will you be mine again?"


   I look back up to his face and smile. "I never stopped being yours." He moans and crashes his lips against mine and I allow myself to enjoy it because it's been so long that I felt Cole's delicious lips on mine.


   "Did you like your song?" Cole asks me after we have held each other and talked a few things over. I am now sat on his lap, safely tucked into his arms.


   "I loved it Cole. There were some parts that erm...Well they..." I don't know how to word what I want to say and Cole laughs.


   "Yeah I know. I couldn't write a song about you without mentioning how much I love that body of yours." I feel myself blush and Cole plants a kiss on my burning cheek. "I've missed you so much."


   I snuggle my face into the nook of his neck and plant a kiss there. "Me too."


   I hear a door open and then Roxie's voice. "Oh thank goodness! You've worked it out." I look up to see Mason has his arm wrapped over Roxie's shoulders. Both of them look very happy and have rosy cheeks, no guessing to what they have been up to.


   "Yes but he has a lot of making up to do." I poke Cole in the ribs which makes him give me a kiss. Roxie smiles a little wider and I feel bad for making her worry about me.


   "So are you coming then?" I frown and I feel Cole tense under me. Mason sighs and Roxie's smile fades. "Ohhh."


   I look at them all confused. My eyes stay on Cole's and he looks a little nervous. Oh what now? "Going where?"


   His gaze flicks over to Mason then on to Roxie. "Thanks for that Rox." She bites her lip and mouths
then Cole looks back to me and sweeps my hair behind my ears. "These weeks have been hell on me Lace and now that I have you back I don't want to let you go." He swallows hard and I wait to hear what he has to say, I have no idea where this is going. "I leave tonight and I won't be near L.A again for a month. I can't stay away from you for that long." A month! Fucking hell! My eyes water at the thought of being without him again for so long. "Lacey, do you want to come with me? Spend a month on tour with me, I need you with me. We can spend so much time together; you can bring your work with you. I need you Lacey, I've been apart from you for too long."


   What? Go on tour? Is that really a good idea? I think about the thought of not seeing Cole for a month and it hurts.


   "I'm going." Roxie smiles at me, encouraging me to go too. "If I'm not here that means you will be here all alone for a month."


   I smile at her blackmail. I look back to Cole and I know that I can't spend any more time away from him. I may still be a little angry with him but I'm willing to forgive him. "What time do we leave?"


   He grins wide and jumps up, still holding me against him. "God I'm so glad you said yes. I was afraid I'd have to kidnap you."


   He frowns and I laugh. "I need to pack."


   "Already done!" Roxie runs into my room and brings out my suitcase with a devilish smile. The sneaky bitch! "You didn't think I was really cleaning did you?" I can't help but laugh, I guess I was silly to fall for that.


   I take my suitcase back into my room because I want to check what Roxie has packed for me. I know what she's like and when I open it up on my bed I have to laugh. Tight tops, shorts, skirts, short dresses, my sexiest underwear and I see that there are no pajamas. "Roxie!" She strides into my room and smiles when she sees my case open. "Are you serious? These are my clubbing clothes! What else was I going to wear? There are other men on the bus you know." I mumble the last part and Roxie's smile fades.


   "Well I didn't think of that. It's not that bad." I snort at her, is she for real? I don't want to look like I'm ready to party every day for a month. "Look Rox, we may be going along on a rock tour but I won't be looking like a dirty groupie whore the whole time." I say that quiet so the guys don't hear me. I huff and grab some more tops and jeans along with some other dresses. "You had better go and repack Rox because I know for a fact your case is worse than mine."


   She rolls her eyes and leaves me alone in my room. While I throw in my make-up and hair supplies I think over what has happened in the last two hours. Two hours ago I was pissed at Cole and now I'm ready to forgive him and going on tour with him! I grab my Converse and some boots because all Roxie had packed was my heels, honestly! I grab my towel because the thought of sharing a towel that has been used by four men on a tour bus, not knowing who used it and when the last time it was washed makes me cringe. I add my necessities and then my laptop for work, its times like this that my job is a bonus.


   I zip up my case feeling glad that I thought to check it before we left. I think about what I'm doing, am I crazy for going on tour with Cole and his band for a month? I have absolutely no clue what I'm walking into but I know that I want to go. I want to be with Cole and I'll get over the hurt and him lying to me eventually.


   I leave my case outside my bedroom door and wait with Cole in the living room for Roxie to finish packing. I guess she did take my advice after all and I'm relieved.


   "I'm so glad you're coming Lace." Cole can't stop kissing me and it makes me smile. "I thought you were going to say no."


   I hold his head in my hands and softly kiss his lips. "After hearing what you said I knew I had to try and forgive you, I'm just sorry I didn't listen sooner."


   "No it's my fault, I shouldn't have lied." I kiss him again to stop him talking.


   "No more talking about that now. That's all we've done for two hours. I want to put it behind us OK?"


   He smiles his mega watt, panty dropping smile. "OK." After kissing me some more he asks how I feel about going with him and I tell him I'm just a little nervous because I don't know what to expect. "You're gonna be fine baby. I get to have you all to myself for a month." He wiggles his eyebrows as his hand slips up my top and I think about how much fun we can have on this tour.


   When we get into the limo that was waiting outside for us and drive away from my home it finally hits me. I'm going on tour with a world famous rock band. Shit























K.T.Fisher lives in the UK and loves to read and write. If she's not chasing after her two daughters, you will find her lost in another book or busy writing about her next hot romance book. She loves reading any romance book from rock star's, bikers and the paranormal. These are also the books she loves to write about, after realizing her long awaited dream can finally come true when she discovered Kindle Publishing she started to bring the men to life in her books for others to enjoy. Now, she loves not only reading about all things erotic but also bringing more hunky book boyfriends to other book lovers just like herself.


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Kendal Moore and Jax Parker met when they were eighteen. Two years later, they're together and are very much in love. At the age of twenty Kendal finds out she's pregnant, she knows she has to make the right choice.


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