Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (17 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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I’m just heading to the ladies can I come see you at your table a bit later?” I say to Emma not even asking who she is here with but now I really need to pee and I’m sure Jemma will panic if I don’t send this text and of course Mr. Dylan will wonder what is keeping me.

Of course we are just ordering so please come over later, promise?” Emma asks and I nod my head wondering if she has an ulterior motive but kind of wishing she does.

See you a bit later,” I say and rush off to the toilet, after relieving myself I

message Jemma and I fill her in on seeing Emma.


Is the text message she sends me back and it makes me laugh hard. I wish.


I make my way back up through the hallway and walk over to the bar, looking back to see Dylan. I give him a wave to let him know I didn
’t fall in the toilet bowl having taken a good fifteen minutes longer.

A white wine and a Tooheys extra dry schooner please,” I order our drinks smiling at the bartender, he is Chinese, probably early twenties and a little shaky with the glasses.

You are doing a great job,” I tell him to boost his confidence really hoping he doesn’t smash my glass in the process. He aint no Tom Cruise in
that’s for sure.

With a drink in each hand I set off back to the table. I see Emma waving so I nod and smile, when I nearly trip and smash my glass.

Kade is here and he is looking straight at me, smiling that glorious smirk of his and I can feel his gaze eating into my skin. His eyes wander over my body head to toe and it gives me goose bumps just to know he is checking me out.

I glance to Dylan to make sure he isn
’t aware of Kade’s eyes on me, and thank god he is busy eating what I can assume is our main course.

I am drawn back to Kade, his eyes are still on my body and it feels as though he is the only other person in the room. I take a seductive sip of my wine and lick my lip for his pleasure. I see his lip dart out and lick his own lips.

I feel so heated just from his gaze, this is crazy. Talk about connecting with someone, I give him one last glance as I arrive at the table and sit with Dylan.

That was some toilet break,” he says to me being the typical controlling guy that he is.

I ran into a friend from uni, she is here with her boyfriend so we were chatting, sorry,” I lie totally not wanting him aware of who is here.

I feel my phone vibrate in my bag and assume it is Jemma wanting to know the gossip. Taking it out it is a random number not in my contacts.

But wait I know that number, it is totally familiar. It is still etched deeply in my mind.

It is Kade
’s number!

Is he really texting me from a few tables away?

Why are you still with that loser?

I read message and it immediately makes me smile and my heart skip a beat.

I look up to Dylan who of course is watching me. “It’s just Jemma, checking on me,” I tell Dylan as he is always nosey as hell and I don’t need any fucking questions from him.

Of all the freaking places in the city, I can
’t believe he is here. Kade.
Is this fate or what?

We are here as friends. I broke up with him last week.

I text him back while biting my lip, as I just realised how single I am and this is fucking Kade messaging me and in the same room!

You have just made my night

He texts me back and I smile. I made his night, well shit I think he has made mine just by being here and making me smile.

Concentrate on something else Roxy.

I need a distraction from him and my phone so I busy myself scooping the boiled rice, satay chicken, beef and black bean sauce and what looks like a seafood combination onto my plate.

So is the food any good?” I question Dylan as I can tell he is wondering what the hell I’m so happy about from his constant stare.

The food and the company are exceptional,” he tells me looking at me with a smirk.

Ha ha very funny Mr. Comedian,” I reply trying to make light of him flirting with me.

I notice Charles rise from his chair and clink his glass to get our attention.

“Hey guys, thanks to you all for coming tonight to celebrate with Leisa and I. I am so lucky to have found Leisa and I honestly can’t wait to make her my wife,” Charles announces to us all. I smile hearing his words, as he looks into his fiancées eyes and kisses her deeply.

I feel Dylan
’s hand on my leg.
Here we go.
I look at him and shake my head but he doesn’t move it so I push it off showing him the boundaries.

Come on Rox, for old times?” he whispers in my ear. “Just give me another chance, I swear I will be better this time,” he adds just putting more fuel on the fire.

Don’t do this Dylan. We are friend’s end of story,” I whisper back, putting him in his place but trying not to piss the guy off.

He picks up his beer and downs it, then slams it on the table of course causing the rest of the guests to look our way. I smile at them as if nothing happened and pour water for myself and one for Dylan.

“Drink this and calm down please. We are here for your friends Dylan, don’t make a scene,” I say quietly to him. He puts his hand on mine and squeezes it. I untwine it but smile at him. I am not a cold hearted bitch and if this guy needs a little reassurance, I’m not going to throw it in his face. He smiles back and I think it has done the trick.

Oh and guys dance floor in five minutes I have requested “Five Hundred Miles”, just like old times,” Charles announces and I know that will be my chance to visit Emma, before she makes her way over to me.

I finish up my meal, definitely
top-notch food and drink down my wine.

Let’s go, Dylan,” the guys chant to him and he stands to walk onto the dance floor with them. I am glad he didn’t miss out on coming, it looks like he does have a good friend network with these guys. They all huddle making a circle and scream at the top of their lungs, “I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more.”

I escape quietly from my chair while the women are watching the men and walk over to Emma who has spotted me and is grinning.
“I’m glad you could get away,” she tells me and squeezes my hand.

Hey Roxy, good to see you,” Pete says to me as I lean in to kiss his cheek.

Hey Pete, you too and congrats on the news, a little girl,” I say back to him as the one and only Kade pokes his head out from next to him.

Hi Roxy,” he says to me in his deep husky sexy voice and if that alone can make me combust I think I’m in deep trouble.

Hey Kade, it’s been a while,” I say to him smiling and I bite my lip feeling nervous from being so close. I glance over to the dance floor and see the boys still in their circle singing and jumping around.

What date are you due Emma?” I ask her needing to focus on something else other than the handsome guy that has me in knots.

Our little princess is due on February seventeenth. I am so excited, I can’t wait to see if she has Pete’s eyes or my nose. She’s our creation, just a miracle,” Emma answers me smiling largely then Pete squeezes her knee and kisses her lips with love. It’s such a sweet gesture, they seem so happy. I can’t help but feel awkward and my eyes lead me back to Kade, where he is intensely studying me.

His rich chocolate eyes are boring into me - I can
’t do this, not here and not now.

Well great to see you guys and congrats again. I just need to make a phone call, so if you’ll excuse me,” I say quickly smiling at Emma and excusing myself from the table and almost running out the back exit, I need fresh air and I need it now.

The cold of the night air is inhaled into my lungs as I feel a tear escape my eye and run down my cheek. Fuck. Every feeling I ever felt for him has come back tonight.

“Roxy, what is it? What’s wrong?” I hear Kade’s deep voice question me as he walks out the back entrance and over to me.

Shit, why did you have to follow me? I just need some fresh air that’s all,” I say to him angry that he is seeing me like this, all vulnerable and emotional.

You look beautiful Roxy. Just as you always do. I could never forget your beauty,” he confesses to me as his thumb lovingly wipes the stray tear off my cheek, his eyes never losing contact with mine.

His touch makes my breathing increase and I feel my cheek blush. He is so close I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

“Kade, not here, please. Dylan will see us,” I plead with him, more worried about Kade’s safety than anything else.

Fuck him Roxy. I want you here and now,” he informs me and in a flash his mouth is on mine, assaulting my lips with his own. His hands are in my hair caressing. He pushes his rock hard body into mine and walks me back until we are against the brick wall. Thankfully we are hidden out of sight.

Mmm,” I moan at the feel of his kiss and his touch. His tongue enters and finds mine and that’s all I need to feel our shared passion. My hands are in his hair, pulling it and I’m using my nails against his scalp.

My tongue entwines faster with his and I push my body flush against his hard torso, his erection straining against my core, instantly wishing it was inside of me.

Kade rubs his hands down my breasts and squeezes one firmly, his fingers find my nipple now rock hard and flicks it and squeezes.

My core is wet, warm and throbbing for him. He pulls back from my lips as he kisses my neck, in small soft kisses up to my ear lobe where he bites down hard.

“You are always in my thoughts too Roxy” he tells me referring to my letter that I didn’t even realise Jemma posted.

He hasn
’t forgotten that my ear is a sensitive spot of mine either. He licks inside it and blows with his hot breath and my wetness increases as I dig my nails harder into his back, making him flinch and chuckle into my ear.

We are in darkness just him and I. I
’ve forgotten about the rest of the world, it is just Kade and me.

He rubs his hand along my stomach under my singlet top touching my naked skin, those rough calloused hands that I remember. He pulls on my belt with his other hand and rubs along my bikini line, digging his hand in further and further into my tight jeans. His thumb flicks and rubs along my groin though my

I kiss the soft skin on his neck, scent of his aftershave so addictive. His wandering finger makes his way to my entrance under the silk of my panties. He pushes his finger inside my folds causing me to flinch and jump.
“Kade,” I say into his neck.

Fuck Roxy, you are so wet for me, always so wet for me,” he whispers in my ear and licks and bites my lobes. His finger is now circling around and around inside me. He adds a second finger into my dripping wetness and his thumb flicks my clit. “Fuck,” I say trying to keep quiet but so turned on and close to my release. I breathe a big breath out as his fingers move faster, deeper and harder.

Oh yes, yes,” I moan into his neck and I bite as I rock and shake riding my orgasm on Kade’s hand, convulsing and coming undone with my much needed release.

Come again for me baby,” he says into my ear and continues with his assault, over and over adding another finger and working faster still, as orgasm number two hits me even more powerful and earthshattering than the last. I see fireworks as I come again onto his hand with my juices coating his fingers and my legs feeling wobbly. Kade’s hand is on my back holding me up. He kisses my lips softly and I smile, such a heartfelt smile. I’m feeling satisfied and so happy that he is here.

And then boom. Reality hits.

“Roxy, quick are you out here?” I hear a girl’s voice calling me from the back exit.

Oh shit,” I whisper into Kade’s neck as he removes his hand and pulls down my shirt.

I have to go,” I say regretfully to him.

Tomorrow Roxy. I am coming over tomorrow,” he says into my ear as he kisses my lips and walks around the side of the building, thankfully out of sight.

I straighten myself up and wonder who it is calling out to me. I hold my phone up to my ear to make it seem legit why I am out here in the dark all alone.

I walk around the corner and it’s Leisa, Charles fiancée with a very worried look on her face.

I’ll have to call you back Jemma,” I lie into the phone to the imaginary Jemma.

What’s wrong Leisa?” I ask her concerned now as well.

It’s Dylan he just hit Michael and we just can’t control him. He is asking for you Roxy,” she tells me her voice sounding shaky.
Fucking hell…

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