Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (16 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Chapter 17

A Twist of Fate

The next day I am feeling well rested. I receive a text and of course the distance and silence was too good to be true it is from Dylan.

Hey Roxy, I know I said I would leave you alone and I will after this, I promise.

I am actually quite embarrassed to ask but a mate from college has his engagement party this weekend and well I said yes months ago, now I have to go alone and I feel pathetic. Would you come with me, just as friends?

I don
’t have anyone else to ask and well I will be the only one there with no partner. Please?

Bloody hell…

You need to say no Roxy!
My inner thoughts are pleading with me.

’m really sorry Dylan; it is just not a good idea. I can’t sorry.

I text him back quickly and hope to be done with it.

Okay I will just cancel.

texts back to me. Why would he cancel? Just go alone you idiot so many people in the world are single.

’t be silly, just go. He is your friend. Honestly no one will care if you don’t have a partner with you Dylan.

I reply kind of wishing I hadn
You should have just let him freaking cancel.

It is a sit down dinner, table settings,
five-course meal, all catered for. If I have a spare seat next to me it will stand out like a sore thumb.

texts me back.

Fucking hell…

You are too nice for you own good Roxy. You know he can be scary, what if it is some elaborate plan to get you alone. I decide that I will go on a few conditions.

Okay Dylan you win. I will come as your FRIEND and only if I can meet you there and leave after two hours maximum.

I message him back and feel sick. He is like a ghost that just won’t stop haunting me.

You are amazing Roxy. Do you know that? Thank you and I promise two hours and friends, you might even have a few laughs.

I’ll meet you in the car park of the Silver Jade Chinese Restaurant it’s on Worth Road, at around six-thirty for dinner. Is that okay?

Dylan texts again.

Yes I will be there as friends for your mates dinner, nothing more Dylan. If this is an attempt to get me back it will NOT work. Just letting you know.

Friday morning I wake from the restless sleep that has returned, feeling anxious about the dinner tonight.
But hey, two hours then you are gone.

Morning Jem,” I say cheerfully to my bestie looking adorable in her pastel pink singlet and boxer short pyjama set. Looking up from her phone while eating her cereal, she looks concerned about something.

What’s up?” I ask her now interested to see what has her on edge.

There is a random message on my Facebook wall from someone named Will Lewis. Check out what it says,” Jemma tells me now sounding pissed off and handing me her phone.

Staring at her phone I see the post from this unknown guy.

Will Lewis posted: Thanks for last night sexy, let’s do it again sometime.

What the hell Jem?” I say to her puzzled and pissed off right alongside her, this post is going to cause some drama.  Jemma is in a relationship with Dan and a guy posting shit like this is not going to go down well that is for sure.

I don’t fucking know. Dan has seen it and messaged me but he trusts me and I was with him last night. But the thing that shits me is why would some dickhead post this? Obviously they wanted to start trouble. I checked his profile and it was created this month, with only a few pictures of bands, TV shows and no friends added. Obviously it’s a dummy account.”

And it is already starting to cause trouble, look.”

I look on her screen to see a post from Georgina a friend from high school.

Oh Jemma I didn’t know you and Dan split up, sorry hunny.

Fucking hell, I’m going to jump on the laptop and try to delete this post before anyone else sees it and comments,” Jemma states to me angrily and shaking her head.

what a strange thing to happen. You know who better not have anything to do with this…

I totally unenthusiastically dress in my black tight jeans and blue singlet top with sequins but cover it up with my black leather jacket, I really have no interest in looking too nice for the engagement dinner, but I am not the type to look bad when I leave the house either.

“Jem what do you think? I don’t want to look too nice but not like a dog either out in public,” I ask her advice as she is the fashion guru if I ever knew one.

You couldn’t look like dog if you tried Rox. Well maybe a cute little poodle but not a fugly dog,” she tells me and pokes out her tongue playfully.

But yes your outfit is a good mix, it’s nice but not sexy or alluring to give Dylan the wrong idea. I would just keep your jacket on so he can’t see your puppies too,” she adds winking and it makes me giggle.

Okay I am going, two hours Jem. If you haven’t heard from me, check on me okay,” I tell her sounding and feeling slightly worried but we will be in a public place so it will be fine.

Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you there and pick you up Rox? Then I would know you are ok for sure.”

Nope that’s thirty minutes each way out of your night. Enjoy your dinner and movie date night with Dan the man, girlfriend. I will be home by ten easy,” I assure her.

Giving me a hug, Jem tells me,
“Okay love you. Now just make small talk and no eye contact with Dylan, looking into your gorgeous eyes will make him melt.”

I pull into the car park and see Dylan leaning against his car waiting. He does look handsome all dressed up in jeans and a dress shirt, but there is definitely no spark there for me anymore.

“Hey Rox, you look beautiful as always,” Dylan says to me and leans in to kiss my cheek.
Nope, nothing, not even a slight tingle from his touches or kiss. Good.

Thanks Dylan. Just friends remember,” I tell him again to remind him not to try any silly business.

Yep, I will keep it to a platonic dinner. I am just grateful that you came, thanks again,” he tells me smiling and part of me can’t help but think what a waste of a man. If he could control that temper of his he would make another woman very lucky.

Let’s go inside and find our seats,” Dylan tells me and escorts me in putting his hand on the small of my back. It makes me feel uncomfortable so I turn to him and shake my head making him remove his hand.

Dylan and Roxy, you made it guy’s thanks for coming. This is Leisa my fiancée,” Charles welcomes us warmly with his down to earth demeanour and smile.

Lovely to meet you Roxy. You have done well Dylan she is very pretty,” Leisa says hugging me and giving me a great compliment.

Nice to meet you too Leisa and congratulations to you and Charles,” I say hugging her back and kissing Charles on his cheek.

We make our way over to the two large tables that have been decorated in a pastel pink and purple array. Four large centrepieces are spread along the rectangle table with streamers and heart stems arranged lustrously.

We casually take our seats. “Roxy do you want a wine or soft drink? I am going to the bar to order,” Dylan asks me sweetly just how I remember.
Yet somehow it sounds sickly to me now.


“White wine please,” I tell him. I definitely need a drink to keep up this happy couple façade that is for sure, if Dylan keeps his cool it might be much easier than I thought.
This is Dylan you are talking about…

I take a few large sips of my wine, it is delicious and fruity and by the end of the glass I am much more mellow and relaxed.

The waitress brings out platters of starters spring rolls, dim sums, chicken skewers, prawn cutlets and then the traditional chicken and corn soup. I have never eaten here before but will be coming back if the main is as scrumptious as these entrees.

This food is delicious,” I say to Dylan making small talk. We can’t look too distant to his friends after all.

Sure is, I can’t wait for the main course. Do you think you could keep your moans to yourself though as I might not be able to control myself,” Dylan says to me inappropriately so I give him a head shake and eye roll. He just chuckles, obviously happy with his sly comment.

Not realising there was a live band, I hear the music start so I turn to see a drummer, guitarist and singer on the stage, they are playing a cover of
“Better Man” by Pearl Jam.

What a fucking perfect song, talk about ironic.

It makes me think of Jeremy’s band, and how much I’m looking forward to seeing them play tomorrow night. There is a large group of us going so it should be a blast.

I’m just going to the ladies, and then I might grab another drink. Do you want a beer?” I ask Dylan but thinking I may actually get him a lite beer, the drunken Dylan seems to be worse than the psycho sober one.

The bathroom is down a dimly lit hallway and out the back of the building where there is also another entrance. Not watching where I
’m going and fidgeting with my phone trying to text Jemma to tell her I’m fine, I look up just in time to avoid a collision course with Emma. Pete, Kade’s best mate, his wife Emma...

How could I forget Emma, we had so many dramas to start with but ended up friends.

“Roxy, oh my god it’s been so long! It’s so good to see you,” a very pregnant looking Emma screams at me and hugs me, must be the hormones as even when we were friends she was never the touchy feely type.

Wow Emma, so good to see you too and oh my god you’re having a baby?” I say back to her cheerfully but really I’m thinking is Kade here?

Yep we are having a little girl in around eight weeks, can you believe it?” she asks me and it melts my heart. A little girl, a princess.

That’s wonderful, I am so happy for you and Pete,” I tell her and I really mean it, I can’t wait for the day where I’m at that stage in life again.

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