Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Hanging by a Moment (From this Moment Book 1)
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I swear my lungs have shrivelled up and died from lack of oxygen and my throat is drier than the Sahara desert. I take a quick sip of my latte.

A sickening feeling of dread slowly creeps into me and my poor heart feels like it is running a marathon. I have not told them that Ethan and I no longer together. Mom and I have never been close and talking about boys with her is like broaching the subject of sex with the Pope.

But that is not all that troubles me. I’m surprised they even remember Ethan. They have never mentioned any of my friends before so I wonder why him. Why do they remember him? They only met him once. Back when we just started dating. They never asked about him after that. I decide it is best if I don’t reply to their message.

I am jolted out of my head trip when my mobile chimes. I smile when I see it is a text from Luke.

What is your favourite colour? x

My insides all coo and I feel all warm and cosy... and a little surprised. Actually two things surprise me about his text.

Why does he need to know my favourite colour?

And that little kiss he’s added to end his text. That is so cute. Not something I expected from him... he doesn’t date but signs off his messages with kisses. I’m a pool of melted chocolate lava dripping all over the hardwood floors at Starbucks.

My fingers go to work furiously as I text him back a reply with a stupid goofy grin on my face.

Red. x

Ping! Within seconds I receive a reply from him.

Noted, princess. xx

I don’t get a chance to reply when my mobile goes off again. Ping!

Black or white? Long or short? xx

I chuckle wondering what he is referring to. I quickly text my reply hoping he will enlighten me.

White? Long? xx


Find out tomorrow night. x... forever

A swirl of hot caramel sauce drizzled onto my chocolate lava topped with melted marshmallows... spills onto the floor. And I can’t wait to find out what he has planned for us.

Chapter Fifteen

Brit and I are waiting for our nails to dry as we sip our citrus flavoured iced teas. Relaxing back into the comfortable black leather chair, I take a sip of the refreshing drink inspecting the blush pink colour on my fingers and toes. Nice!

“My parents are flying into New York next week.” I tell her casually placing my tumbler back onto the glass counter.

“You excited?” She asks in her do-you-even-care voice.

Brit and I have no secrets where my parents or lack of parents are concerned. In fact there is nothing that I keep from my best friend.

Turning to look at her, I answer her with a poker face. “Stoked beyond reason.” And then I drop their little bombshell. “They want to have dinner with me...
and Ethan

Her big blue eyes go wide as she turns to look at me. “
What the fuck?
They even remember him? I’ve been your best friend for life and they don’t invite me but he whose name we should not mention and has known for you for what five minutes, they invite?” She looks at me smiling as she shakes her head, her blonde waves falling over her shoulders.

I roll my eyes at her, laughing. Leave it to Brit to lighten a situation where my folks are concerned. Without her by my side constantly supporting me, I wouldn’t have made it this far. Thanks to her I have a somewhat civilised relationship with my parents.

“So, have you told them?”  She asks inspecting the blood red polish on her finger nails.

“No. I will fill them in when I see them.” I casually tell her glancing down at own fingers once again admiring the pink colour I have chosen on both my fingers and toes.

“Promise me you will break it to them kindly.” She all but manages to spit out before howling with laughter.

I smack her on her arm, careful not to smudge my manicure.


I meet Luke after dinner at the cottage for what I assume will be dessert. And I’m not disappointed when he opens the door to greet me in nothing but a pair of dark blue jeans hanging dangerously low on his sexy as hell hips... and barefoot.
I am the luckiest girl on the planet.

“Hi, princess.” He breathes at me in before his lips meet mine for a soothing kiss. His hands fist into my hair as our kiss becomes more heated and driven. We are breathless when our kiss ends. “Fuck. I missed you today.” He pants.

This is the first time we are seeing each other today and it has been one long torturous day. When Brit and I got back after our morning classes, we had just enough time before leaving for the spa. Luke and Travis had soccer practice and were unable to join us for lunch so Brit and I opted to have lunch at a bistro near the spa. And then it was time for dinner... without Luke. He had dinner with his family. His folks really do have a lot of time for him. Even though they are separated, they ensure they spend as much time together as a family unit.

“Never again will we go so many hours without seeing each other.” He pulls me inside before kicking the door closed behind me. His lips come crushing down on mine again. And his hands start to pull up my sweater. He only breaks contact between our lips to yank the soft fabric over my head. My bra joins my sweater a few seconds later. “I need you, baby. I need to feel your naked skin.” He groans.

I place my hands on his bare chest. His skin is so hot and smooth - and hard with all that muscle underneath – a combination that sends heat shooting through my body. His hands cover mine, moving them off his chest and he presses himself into me.

I moan happily when his tight abs glide over my tummy, rubbing me... it is such a delicious sensation.

I find myself pinned to the wall by six feet, two inches of solid muscle. He pushes me back up against the cold wall that provides little relief to my scorching body. Dragging his lips from my mouth down my body, he leaves a trail of hot wet kisses on me. He comes to a stop at my waist.

His fingers are frantic as they pop the button on my jeans, pulling down the zipper and dragging the fabric down my legs together with my black silk panties. I kick off my pumps just before I raise my foot when he taps my ankle to slide my jeans off one foot then the other.

Standing up, his tongue invades my mouth and I twist his hair in my hands drowning in the friction caused by his hot hard male chest rubbing against my soft breasts.

“Ah.” I moan.

Pushing his hips firmly against me, I feel his rock hard erection against me. The tough denim fabric strokes me on the right spot of my soft sensitive skin. As he grinds himself against me, waves of sensation course its way through my body and wets me at the juncture between my thighs. I cry out in agony wanting him inside of me.

“Remove my jeans.” He orders me, his voice hoarse and his eyes dark pools of desire.

He does not have to ask me twice.
He watches me as I pop open the button of his jeans and lower the zipper to release his steel hard erection.

I slide down the length of his rock hard body, dragging down his pants and boxers in one fluid movement. He lifts his bare feet – one at a time – so I’m able to remove his jeans off him.

Tossing the garments onto the floor, I slowly slide my body up his legs. I reach his knees and place gentle kisses on his solid inner thigh as I continue to travel up his body, stopping at his erection. He groans loudly and widens his stance.

I glide my tongue slowly but firmly on the underside of his raging hard on, feeling him shudder under my touch. He softly curses under his heavy breath. I open my mouth wider and take him in deep inside until I can feel him at the back of my throat. Slowly I release him, letting my tongue slide over each of the thick veins.

His hips tremble slightly as he throws his head forward, resting his forehead on the wall. He places one palm flat against the wall behind me, growling.

I take him back into my mouth and this time he surges forward bumping my head back against the wall. His free hand grips the back of my head as he drives in and out of my mouth purposely.

Holding his straining thighs tighter, my nails dig into his flesh and I work my lips and tongue harder, desperate for his climax. I take one hand off his thigh and move it around to his behind. Cupping his solid tight ass, I feel him growing tight and heavy.

“Look at me.” He grates out breathlessly.

Looking up at him I see his eyes are crinkled around the edges and the muscles on his neck bulge.

“I’m going to come.”

I suck harder.

With his twinkling blue eyes fixed on me he cries out loud, releasing his hot creamy liquid into my mouth. I swallow every bit of him as he shudders into me until he is fully spent.

Looking down at me I am rewarded by his super sexy grin.

I circle my tongue around him, licking him clean then drop a tender kiss on the swollen tip.

His hands move to my arms pulling me up his body until I’m standing in front of him, my back pressed firmly against the wall.

“Damn, lady. You drive me fucking crazy.”

His mouth takes over mine kissing me deep. Cocking his head to the side, he grins mischievously at me. “I’m fucking turned on tasting myself on your tongue. You should suck me off more often.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to reply, invading my mouth again. He takes over my senses as the whirlpool gathers in my tummy.

His hand cups my core and he slides it back and forth spreading my moisture around. His hot wet tongue travels down between my breasts, licking me from my breast bone to the base of my throat.

My knees go weak and his grip on my hip strengthens as it drifts across to my ass, pushing me closer into him. His hot hands travel down to the back of my thighs and he tugs gently behind my knees for me to wrap my legs around his waist.

I feel his hard tip at my entrance as I cradle him, yearning for him. He walks over to the couch.

Laying me down gently, his hands grip my inner thighs spreading my legs further apart as he positions himself between my legs.

Lowering himself, his head dips low between my legs and he blows softly on my heated clit. The coolness of his breath on my tender scorched skin creates ripples of pleasure and pain.

I need him to touch me. My back arches and my hips rise off the couch. His flicks his tongue over my aching throb, licking me all the way up to my belly button where he dips his tongue into the sunken spot, twirling it inside. I love it when he does that.
I am a quivering mess as his tongue slips between my folds, into me. “Oh! Oh God!” I cry out.

Slowly he slides out only to slip back in, twisting the muscle this time. My hips buck off the couch and my nails scrape down his back.

He pulls his tongue out and shuffles about so he can slide on a condom. He lowers himself down slowly until his huge body is hovering over me.

“Tell me you want me.” His voice is rough and sexy.

Oh God, yes Luke... I fucking want you,
my mind screams.

“Tell me.” He growls licking my ear.

“Yes, I want you!” I scream at him, squeezing my insides.

“Tell me you need me.” His warm tongue sucks on the hollow of my throat.

“Yes. Damn it, yes!” I yell.

Without any warning he slams into me, filling me with his sleek hot hard length.

“Ah!” I cry out.

He stills inside me. Driving me crazy with wanting him to move, I lift my hips off the couch trying to create movement but his hands grip my hips holding me firmly in place.

I am desperate. I need him to move. “Luke!” I scream in frustration. My hands move down to his tummy tracing every hard ripple of his abs.

His beautiful blue eyes penetrate me. “Tell me you will be with me forever.”

Oh fucking hell!

I try to move my hips again.

“Say. It. Emma.” He growls. “Promise me you will be with me forever. Or I will pull out.”

Oh for the love of God! Why does he have to be so damn insecure... needing assurance all the time. My body is screaming for some kind of friction. “Yes, Luke. I’ll be with you. Forever.” I whisper.

He slides out. His muscles go tense under my hands, seconds before he thunders into me.

His lips wrap around my nipple sucking me.

It feels so good and I am lost in all things Luke as his mouth moves across to my other nipple, devouring it as he pumps into me. Hard and fast.

My hands move to his sweat drenched back and I hold him close to me as my hips meet him thrust for thrust.

He raises his head and looks at me, slowing down his thrusts. “I want to make love to you. Slowly. I want to savour every moment.”

Keeping his blue gaze pinned on me, he moves slowly and gently into me at a steady relaxed pace. The sweat from his forehead drips down the sides of his face and his entire body vibrates over me.

“I love you so fucking much.” He says.

I watch as the corners of his eyes crinkle as he enters me with each slow deep movement.

I’m beyond thoughts, driven wild by him. I tense my thighs around him as I struggle to control my climax, my body ready to rocket off into space. I am close and can feel my eyes roll into the back of my head.

“Eyes on me!” He barks.

Immediately I look back at him.

“We come together.” He gasps.

He quickens his pace, sending us both shooting into space. “Fuck!” He cries out, twitching inside of me as we come spiralling back down to earth.

Slipping out of me, he pulls off the condom, tying the end and placing it on the floor. We are facing each other and he inches closer to me until we are nose to nose. He rests one hand lazily on my hip. Pressing his body to the front of mine, he cups my face with his other hand.

“I love you so much.” He whispers to me, kissing me on my forehead, on each of my eyelids, on the tip of my nose and lastly on my lips.

The words ring in my ears like church bells during a cyclone. And once again, I cannot tell him how I feel. I love him with all of my heart and I want to tell him so but the words keep getting stuck in my throat.

I kiss him softly on his lips.

“I never want to spend another day without you. Promise me that will never happen again.” He says gently as he runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

I’m not sure what has gotten into him. He seems to be hell bent on making up for not seeing me today, his words bordering on crazy. My very own moody-sensitive-crazy-guy who frustrates the hell out of me.

My hands smooth over his bulging biceps. “Luke, it was only for a couple of hours.” I remind him that we woke up together this morning.

He tilts my chin up. His breath - minty fresh and mixed with sex - hot and heavy on my face, burns my cheeks. Dark pools of blue look at me like I’ve grown two heads.

“Too... fucking... long. Promise me it’ll never happen again. Say it, Emma.
Just damn say it.
” Something about his tone has me a little scared and with my voice trembling I tell him what he wants to hear.

“I promise you, Luke.” I tremble. I never want to spend a second away from him. If I could attach our hips I would.

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