Glow (3 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“Ben what are you doing here, I thought I was supposed to meet you at
Estrada's?” I said crossing my arms over my chest. “Wait, and how the hell
do you know where I live?”

He was speechless. I looked at Maria who was staring at Ben who was
staring at my legs. I shifted from one leg to the other uncomfortably.

“Hello? Ben...” I snapped my fingers in his face. He continued to stare at my
legs for a moment until he finally looked up at me. “Yeah, hi there, what are
you doing here and how do you know my address?”

He smirked. “I asked my Aunt, and besides, I figured we could start our
lessons early,”


“Hey, Ben,” Maria cooed.

He ignored her then continued to look me up and down. “I knew you had a
body on you but who would have thought you had those under your slacks.”
He gestured toward my exposed legs with his hands.

“You have zero manners, let's go,” I said as I walked past him and down the
sidewalk towards my driveway.


“Can I stay here and wait for you to get back?” Maria asked from my front

“Yes, that's fine,” I hollered as I kept walking. I reached my black Mercedes
and unlocked the doors. I got in and put the keys in the ignition, the
passenger side opened and Ben hopped in too bringing the blast of Dior with

“What are you doing in my car? I know you drove yourself here,” clenching
my teeth, I gripped the steering wheel tightly.


“We could have taken my car, but since you are being so persistent, we can
take yours,” he smiled as he buckled his seat belt.


Without a word I started the car and peeled out of the driveway. This is going
to be the worst night of my life, I can feel it. I hate Ben McGurthy.

We pulled up to Estrada's which I might add is an elegant club for the
younger crowd. A place that you can enjoy a professional atmosphere,
outstanding music, and good drinks without the rag-dolls they allow in some
dumpy places.

“Now, Player Code number one is-”


“Player Code? Are you serious?” I looked at him wide eyed.

“Yes, Player Code number one is; be confident.” he smiled cockily. “Every
player is confident. Not cocky or rude, mind you, but confident. Girls do
like it when some cocky ass sits there and is a douche bag when she says

“Confident, not rude or cocky,” I nodded.

“Right, Player Code number two; never approach, as woman who approach
men seem desperate and needy. If you seem cool and confident, use body
language, we pick on those things,” he winked.

“Never approach, act casual, use body language... got it,” I nodded again.

“Nice, you learn fast,” Ben said approvingly.
I opened my door and got out of the car then straightened my dress. I started
walking quickly towards the club.

“Hey, torpedo, slow down,” I heard Ben say from behind me.


“What did you call me?” I turned around angrily.

He jogged to where I stood. “Torpedo,” a deep laugh rumbled from his throat
making my stomach go crazy. “You know how they lock onto a destination
and they go for it all
,” he gestured with his hand.

My eyes went wide, my mouth fell open. “You are so rude, McGurthy!” I
said angrily as I started walking back to my car.


“No, no, no, hey!” he shouted as he ran to catch up with me.

“I am not doing this,” I said as I pulled out my keys. “I will do anything for
your aunt but I cannot do this, not with you. I will explain to her why on
Monday,” I opened my door and quickly hopped inside.

Before I could close the door, Ben stood in the way so I couldn't close it.
“Seriously, I am so irate at this moment, I just want to close my door and

“Hey,” he knelt down at my level. “I was just kidding around, I didn't mean
to be rude, at all,” he nudged my arm.


“Don't touch me,” I mumbled like a child. He laughed. I tried to fight the
smirk on my face but I couldn't.


“You are laughing at me?” I wanted to punch him so hard, right in his
perfectly defined face of his. God, he is so damn sexy in all the wrong ways.


“No, I just...” he closed his eyes for a moment. “Look, what was Player Code
one?” he asked.


“Be confident,” I said, my arms still crossed.

He then grabbed my arms and uncrossed them. I could feel the heat radiating
from his perfectly tan skin onto mine. “That, Vanessa is not confident, and
neither is walking toward a building like your ass is on fire.”

I laughed aloud. “Okay, I get it,”


“Are we good?” he took a few steps back away from my door.


I sighed. “Yes, we're fine, but quit being so damn obnoxious,” I got out of the
car and locked my doors.

I started to walk away, only to stop when I felt his soft-warm hand had
grabbed my arm. I didn't turn around as I could feel his chest up against my
back. He pressed his lips to my ear. His hot breath blew across the heated
skin of my neck. I felt him wrap his strong hands around my waist. He pulled
me closer to his chest, I gasped.

“Just like when you are at the office. You are confident, I've seen it... Just.
Like. That.” he whispered lowly nearly bringing me to my knees. I wanted to
release the little moan that had settled itself deep in my throat. I swallowed

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as he backed away. I felt goosebumps
raise across my flushed skin as his hands slowly released from around my
waist. I exhaled slowly as I envisioned the office in my thoughts and could
feel my body become filled with the determination, certainty, and boldness I
carry all day long.
I can do this, you can do this Vanessa.
I smile to myself
as I had felt confident inside. I strutted my way toward Estrada's.

I have never been one to have a problem with confidence. However, this has
got me incredibly uncomfortable. I don't know what Ellen expects from me
after not dating for a year. I haven't even been to a place like this for at least
“Here we go,” Ben said as he placed his hands on the door handles.

I smiled as I felt the breeze graze across my skin from the doors opening. I
could hear laughter, chatting, and the music. I strutted past Ben like nothing
could stop me. I own this place, this place is mine. I could feel wandering
eyes on me, I casually walked over to a table. Pulling my chair out I sat down
then gracefully crossed my legs not bothering to adjust the length of my
dress. I leaned back, placing one arm along the length of the chair, and the
other casually on the table top. I could feel Ben's eyes on me as he watched
from the entrance. I stayed focused and ignored him.

As I looked around this unfamiliar place, I zoned in on everything going on
around me. The music suddenly became quieter to me as I watched the
woman giggle, smile and laugh at these 'players' lame attempts at being
irresistible. I looked over my left shoulder to see a shaggy-black haired man
in a black Armani suit leaning into an older woman's ear and as she giggled
he made eye-contact with me then winked. I felt my jaw drop.

What a dirty bastard!
I thought to myself.

I then looked over my right shoulder to see another man around his early
thirties with very short-blonde hair and tan skin in a white button down shirt
and blue jeans leaning against a table. He too was whispering into a females
ear. I watched him as his fingers on his left hand fidget secretly at his side...
what's he doing?
I wondered.
Is he? He is!
He is shoving his wedding ring in
his pocket. My eyes widened as I watch this malicious, adulterous act.

“Hey there,” I jumped startled, turning my head quickly to see a cute darkhaired young man in his mid twenties with his serving tray in his hands; his
hair sticking up sexily in all directions. “What can I get a pretty lady such as

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. Take it easy, Vanessa. “A Cabernet
Sauvignon,” I smiled. I felt my heart start to race as he looked me up and
down. His eyes stayed focused on my legs. I shifted in my seat
Hello, eyes up here!

“Classy,” he winked before walking away.


I looked around taking a deep breath trying incredibly hard to relax.

“Not bad,” Ben said as he took the seat across from me. “Well, I would be
fooled in thinking you actually haven't been on a date for a year if it weren't
for the waiter actually talking to you,” he joked.

“He was staring at my legs,” I shrugged. “it was weird,” I continued to look

“Vanessa, it's only a human thing to do for a guy when he sees an incredible
woman with an outstanding body,” he stated casually as he leaned back into
his seat.

“Did you just say I am incredible and outstanding?” I felt my heart melt just a


“No. I said it implying that
thought you were,” he popped back quickly.


“Hm, because I remember you staring at my legs when I answered my door,”
I pointed out.


He didn't say a word, he acted like he didn't hear a word I said.


“Here is you're Cabernet...” the waiter stared at me waiting for my name.


“Vanessa, and thank you...” I said sweetly, moving my hands so he could set
my glass down.


“Josh,” he smiled then looked over at Ben. “And for you?” he asked.


“Just a water, please,” Ben said lowly not making eye contact with Josh.


Wow, that's rude.


“I'll be right back with your water,” I watched him walk away.


“You don't drink?” I asked.


“Oh, I do.” he leaned in towards me. “Someone has to make sure you get
home safe, Miss. Classy Pants,” he pointed to my wine glass.


“Ah,” I watched Josh make his way back to our table. He smiled the most
adorable grin and I seductively smiled back.


“Here is your water.” he set it down on a coaster in front of Ben, then placed
a napkin next to my wine. “For you,” he winked.

I picked the napkin up, it was his phone number. I laughed aloud as I
stared at the scribbled numbers in Sharpie marker. I felt exhilarated inside.
got a phone number!
I was giddy, bouncing up and down in my seat. Every
time I looked at the black numbers, I squealed like a little girl.

“He totally gave me his phone number,” I sang, putting it into my clutch.


“Are you going to call him?” Ben asked.


“Well, yeah...” I shrugged watching Josh behind the bar. He looked over and
smiled at me. “I mean, he's sweet, and sexy, why not?”


“No your not,” Ben took a sip of his water.


“Excuse me?”
Who the hell does this guy think he is?

“Player Code number three; when you are given a number you must wait at
three to five days before making the initial call.” he winked at a tall
auburn haired beauty making bedroom eyes at him. “Make his mind work
like an overrun machine wondering why you haven't called him yet,” Ben
stood up.
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked him.

“To talk to this lovely lady over there,” he smiled at her again, then turned
around to look at me. “Oh, and next time try not doing the whole squealing
and bouncing thing you just did,”

, I huffed. I watched him with disgust as he walked away. He is just
going to use and abuse that girl like every other guy in this nasty place. So I
kept my eyes on him curious as to how he approached her. I watched him
casually lean up against the bar not too far but not too close to her. He
smiled, and said something to her as I can't hear him over the music.
Whatever it was, it made her turn bright red and laugh.
Did I just look like
How embarrassing. I watched him touch her hair and she smiled while

I looked her up and down and I have to say that Ben does in fact have good
taste. She wasn't dressed in designer clothes, but I could tell she paid a decent
amount for her tight-white mini dress and heels. Her auburn hair in loose
curls draping down her back, light make-up with a touch of red lipstick. Not
bad, Ben... not bad.

“Is this seat taken?” I heard a low voice say from next to me. I looked over to
see an extremely muscular guy sitting in the chair right next to me. His dark
blonde hair was in a military buzz-cut style, and I could see his ridiculously
huge bicep begging to be released from his overly tight shirt. I wanted to
crawl under the table and hide.

“If you consider the glass of water in front of you an invitation to sit then I
don't know what to tell you,” I said smugly. I was being rude, I know, but I
assumed he was already drunk from the way his sentence just kind of poured
out of his mouth. There was no structure behind his words.

“Wow,” he said as he stood up from Ben's seat. “You're a bitch, lady,” he
walked away.
Oh, well.
I shrugged.


I looked over at Ben making eye contact with him as he was watching me. He
slightly laughed, giving me a thumbs up.


“Thank you,” I mouthed. He turned back towards the auburn beauty and
continued with his conversation.

I sat back and relaxed as I scanned the club. I had seen a few guys playing
pool in the corner who had caught my attention. When they looked at me, I
made sure that my body language let them know I was interested. I played
with my hair as I smiled. Fluttered my lashes, and sexily kept my legs
crossed towards them. I just hope that I didn't look like I were having a

I watched a tall, well built, tan skinned guy make his way over to my table.
He fell for the bait, now all I need is to yank the pole and reel his ass in. He
ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair as he casually approached my
table with a smile upon his face. The fashionista that I am, I let my eyes
wander his body taking in his nice sense of style in his faded Diesel blue
jeans, and tight fitted white Calvin Klein t-shirt. I'd recognize the Klein
stitching anywhere.

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