Glam Metal (8 page)

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Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

BOOK: Glam Metal
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He certainly hadn

t changed, only he looked better than she remembered.


They drove up the driveway to his house in the hills. The driver opened the door and as Sam stepped out of the limo, she caught her breath. Before her eyes was a panoramic view of the Pacific. Sam remembered how Jay had described it when they were on the yacht but he didn’t do it justice. She walked over to the edge of the driveway. Jay and Lisa went inside. Sam looked out over the hills and across the greenness of the valley to the incredible blue of the ocean.


She hadn

t expected the Pacific to be so blue or this view to be so mesmerizing. It was all he had described and more. Words didn’t

t really do it justice.


Sam felt arms around her waist, a light kiss on her neck and his manly voice murmur.


s great isn’t it?” He had a knack of understating everything. She nodded. He turned her around to face him. He kissed her on the mouth passionately. Sam felt all the old longing for him return.


ve missed you babe.” He whispered into her hair as they went inside. This sent shivers down her spine.


The inside of Jay

s mansion was equally impressive as the outside. From every window there was that magnificent view. The terrace was shaded from the midday sun. And Sam saw the most fantastic infinity pool. Down the marble steps and across a short piece of lawn to the olive trees was another terrace with a hot tub.


His house and gardens were very impressive.  Jay showed her to her room. It was white and the décor was more reminiscent of Art Deco than modern. But it was very crisp.  There was a super king-sized bed facing the French doors that led out on to the terrace. The views here were even more spectacular. One could see in one direction the azure blue of the Pacific and in another the outline of LA. Her bags were left on the chaise longue at the foot of the bed.


Jay stood with his back to the closed door. He was looking at her. Sam turned to him smiling.


s amazing. You have a wonderful home.” He came into the room and reached for her hand. Raised it to his mouth and kissed it softly.


“Thanks.” He opened the French doors and guided her onto the terrace. “My room is just down there. If you need anything just shout.” This statement shocked her a little. When he asked her to come to LA, she assumed they would be sharing a room much less the same bed. The shock must have shown on her face. He laughed. “Babe, you’
re insatiable. I didn’t want to take anything for granted.” Jay pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. She could feel him harden against her. How she wanted to have him take her right here and now.


Jay pulled back, looked at Sam. She looked stunning; she had an amazing effect on him. There was nothing he wanted more than to push her onto the bed, rip off her clothes and bang her right there. But the guys were waiting downstairs and there were a few people coming over for a party later.


“Later Darlin!” His cheeky grin was driving her insane. He was completely disarming her.


“What makes you so sure I want to shag you?” Sam teased. Jay walked behind her, his hand on her butt, he came close to her ear and said:


“You do, you can’
t help yourself.” He laughed and kissed her fondly. He was falling for her but he could never admit to it. Most of the women he had were so common, she was different. Sam was sophisticated, true, she was five years younger than he was but she had class. Something that you couldn’t just put into the women he had been dating.


Sam flashed him a look that meant he would pay for that comment later. Jay left the room and she opened her case. She showered and changed into something lighter. It was still quite hot here. She fixed her makeup and left her long hair loose.


She opened the door and retraced her steps down the marble staircase out onto the terrace near the pool.


Lisa was sitting on a lounger talking to Steve and Nick. She was drinking a coke. Jay and Pete were standing near the pool engrossed in conversation. He looked over as she came out onto the terrace. A broad smile on his face, he crossed the terrace to her. He kissed her cheek and put his arm around her and said:


“Hey guys, you remember Sam?” Steve waved and said hi. Pete winked at her and Nick came over and kissed her on both cheeks.


“How are ya doin, Sam? You look rested.” The others laughed and Sam flashed him an angry look. He was teasing of course but she felt herself blush slightly.


She went over to Lisa and sat down on the chair. Sam asked:


“Having fun?” But it was the tone that made her friend raise a perfectly shaped brow in surprise.


“Yes thanks,” she leaned over and whispered “That guy Nick is super hot in person.” Sam shot her a warning glance. Lisa laughed so loud, the guys turned to look at her. They were all thinking the same thing. They were two very sexy women and theirs for the taking.


Lisa and Sam clinked glasses and giggled. They were alone in LA with their teen fantasies. The look that passed between them said it all. Sam knew that given the opportunity, Lisa would spend a lot of time with Nick. She seemed very interested in him and ironically he seemed to be interested in her.


Jay came over and sat on the lounger beside Sam, he pulled her closer to him. She looked up at him knowing that soon, he wouldn’t be able to resist and they would be in bed together. It was a delicious thought.


Nick came over with a beer in his hand and handed one to Lisa, she smiled up at him and took it from him, their fingers touching slightly.


Sam felt Jay caress her shoulder lightly. It sent shivers through her. She looked at him; this had to be a dream. There was no way that she could be here in LA with Glam Metal. In the eighties, they were the hottest guys on the planet. Now, in the oughties, they still had that title.


Pete shouted at them that the bbq was ready. Nick and Lisa went over to him, as Sam was about to move, Jay pulled her back down on the lounger and began kissing her. Sam ran her fingers through his hair and moaned as his tongue searched for hers.


 The others looked over and Steve called to them.


“Hey you two get a room!” They laughed. Jay stood up and took her by the hand and led her inside. There was a cheer from the terrace.


In her room, Jay lay on the bed kissing her and Sam responded urgently to him, running her fingers through his hair. He felt so damn good. She realized just how much she had missed him and just how much she had ached for him.


He moved his hand under her top and felt her breast; Sam arched her back to him. Oh he made her feel so damn good. He moved his hand lower and into her skirt. A sigh escaped her as she felt him get on top and pin her hands behind her head. All the time he never stopped kissing her.


Jay stood up and slid off her skirt, and his own shirt. Looking at her lying on the bed semi naked, he covered her body with his and kissed her breasts, circling with his tongue. Moving lower and lower, he was driving Sam to distraction. She pulled him back up to her mouth and kissed him urgently, passionately wanting. In a moment Jay was inside her thrusting deep and hard. She caressed his back, her long nails digging into his skin the faster he moved and the closer she neared to the out of body experience she was about to have.


As Jay exploded inside her, he buried his face in her neck and whispered something that Sam didn’t catch.


They lay on top of the bed, in each other

s arms. Just touching, drinking in each other

s scent. It was fantastic. They had climaxed together.


The French doors to the terrace were open and a gentle breeze blew in. It was very welcome. Outside and on the lower level, they could hear music playing and the guys laughing as they played pool.


A shiver swept through her and Jay kissed her forehead and asked:


“You OK, Sam?” There was something sexy about the way he said her name.


“Mmm, I feel so good!” Jay laughed. He wondered if she heard what he had said when he came. A piece of him wanted her to have heard but the part of him that had just taken her-The Rock Star- didn’t.






Later that evening, people arrived, only a small group of about six or seven. They were close friends of the band. It was a small dinner party but Jay

s parties were well known and loved by all that attended.


Lisa and Nick were hitting it off. He hardly left her side all evening. Sam wondered how she could find him attractive. She thought he was obnoxious and rude. And he appeared to go out of his way to embarrass her.


“Are you in the music business too Sam?” Asked the man who was sitting next to her on the wicker sofa outside on the terrace.


“I manage an art gallery in London.” The man seemed genuinely interested. They talked for a while about art and photography. He told her that he had recently gotten interested in sculpture but finding artists that took your breath away was a bit difficult. Sam liked him. Pete called to him and politely he kissed her hand and went over to him.


Sam walked out onto the lawn; she looked out at the illuminated outline of the skyscrapers of Los Angeles. It was very impressive. In the distance she could imagine where the sea was.


“Incredible isn’t
it?” A voice said beside her. Sam agreed and turned to look at her companion. It was Nick.


“Best view in the hills,” he said. “Come let’
s get a drink.” Nick was quite tall. And close up he was very attractive.  They walked in the direction of the poolroom.


“Sam,” Nick said. “You don’
t like me very much, do you?” he looked down at her.


“You seem intent on embarrassing me and are very rude!” Nick laughed loudly.


“Jay and I go back a long time, sweetheart. We banged a lot of groupies together. I just don’
t want him getting hurt and turning to drugs again and fucking up the band.” He looked at her. “I think I know your type sweetheart. High class, have the rock star on your arm and play fuckin

mind games with him.” If he had slapped her across the face, it wouldn’t have hurt as much as what he just said. She wasn

t going to dignify that with an answer.


“Quite the analyst, aren’t
you Nick? Perhaps, it

s not up to you to decide about who bangs who.” She turned and walked in the other direction. She could hear Nick laughing.


Steve and Jay were chatting to the two women, who appeared to be a couple. Jay

s smile broadened as she came closer. He put his arm around her.


Steve gave her a glass of wine. Sam smiled and said thanks.

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