Glam Metal (3 page)

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Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

BOOK: Glam Metal
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        “Babe, I had a great evening, nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to take you but it wouldn’t have been right, not when we were both intoxicated.


Call me at 55577996.




Sam reread the note.
Oh my god
, she thought.
He is a real gentleman


Lisa handed her the coffee and croissant. Looked at the note and casually asked:


s that?” Sam wondered if she should tell Lisa, but she wasn

t sure. Lisa snapped the piece of paper from her and read it. “Oh my, you are a sly one,” she laughed as she put it back on the window ledge.


s Jay? Tell me everything.” Sam laughed. Drank her coffee and sat down on the window. She told Lisa everything that had happened including how gallant Jay had been.


“He must be gay!”


“No! He’
s not!” They both laughed. Sam described him, how attractive he was. His deep blue eyes and how one could drown in them, his crazy hair and makeup.


“Are you describing a man or woman?” Lisa laughed as Sam threw a napkin at her.


“Li, I’
ve never been as attracted to anyone as I was to him last night. And that accent!” She put her hand over her heart in a mock fainting way.


“You were drunk and horny. Amazing how many men that women find attractive when they are in that condition!” They laughed.


The doorbell rang. Lisa looked at Sam and mouthed:
Could it be him?


Sam got up and went over to answer the door. She opened it wide, hoping it would be Jay but it was only Sandra from the apartment below. She was holding a massive bouquet of red roses.


“Delivery boy got it wrong. They’
re for you. Beautiful aren’t they?” She handed them to Sam and daintily walked down the stairs. Sam closed the door and saw Lisa

s perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.


“I don’
t know who they

re from,” she said as matter of fact as she could muster. Lisa laughed. Sam opened the card and read: 


“Dinner tonight, 8:00 pm will collect you,




Sam let out a shriek of delight. Lisa looked at her then took the card and read it. She hugged Sam and said that they had to go shopping. Despite the objections from Sam, Lisa grabbed her friend

s jacket and bag and pushed her out the door.


Two hours later they returned laden with bags and ready for Sam

s hot date that night.


Sam made coffee and Lisa turned on the stereo. She looked through Sam

s collection then picked up the CD of Glam Metal. She laughed out loud and said:


“Remember how we wanted to be their sex slaves, when we were teens?” She put on the CD and turned up the volume and sang along to the first song.


Sam came into the room dancing and holding the two mugs of coffee. They laughed. Sam couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so giddy about going on a date.


As she kissed her friend goodnight she promised to call her later and give her all the details.

Chapter Four



Sam put the finishing touches to her makeup and put on her new black shift dress and high heels. Just as she was spraying perfume the doorbell rang.


There was a flutter in her stomach and a shiver down her spine as she checked her hair. She looked good but she still felt a quiver all over.


She opened the door and there stood Jay looking as attractive as ever. He was wearing a designer jacket with a black tee-shirt and chinos. His hair was disheveled as ever but tonight he wore no makeup. Sam felt her heart miss a beat.


“Sexy!” He planted a kiss on her cheek and grinned as she let him into her apartment.


Sam picked up her wrap and Jay helped her put it round her shoulders. As his hands brushed lightly against her skin, it sent shockwaves through her body. She wondered if he was aware of the affect he was having on her.


Jay held the door of the car open for her and she slid into the leather seats of the Mercedes. It was a beautiful car and as Jay drove away he slipped a disc into the CD player and smiled at her as he watched her expression when she realized that it was Glam Metal. Sam laughed as they sped through the city.


s low, you know?”


“I can go lower,” he teased but the innuendo was unmistakable.


Their table was at the window looking down onto the marina. It was dark but the gentle flicker from the candles made it very romantic. Jay removed his shades and ordered a

67 champagne. He covered Sam

s hand with his. He grinned at her and said:


“I was hoping you’
d accept my invitation to dinner.” He was looking at her intensely. His blue eyes were piercing every fibre of her body. She wished she could remember where she knew him from, but she just kept drawing a blank.


“The flowers were so beautiful, how could I refuse?” She teased. Jay laughed. He was so handsome when he smiled. Sam was melting under his gaze.


They talked about Jay

s life in America; he told Sam that he travelled a lot and that next weekend he would be leaving for Japan. This hit Sam like a freight train. In a week he would be gone and she

d never see him again. She forced herself back into the room. He had a girlfriend, she reminded herself.


“After that it’
s back to LA.” Jay was saying. “It should be good.” Sam was about to ask him what he worked at when his phone rang. “Hey, how’s my favourite girl? You can

t live without me, huh?” He laughed. Sam

s heart sank as she heard him say he loved her too. She mustn’t read too much into this, they were only having dinner and yes, he did kiss her last night but maybe she misread the intensity of the kiss. Jay has and had a life before she met him and he was just being a man, the original bastard species. He was cheating on his girlfriend.


As he hung up she excused herself and went to the ladies room. Sam looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was thirty four years old. A successful business woman and recently separated.
Of course! That was why he was here
. Sam looked good for her age but she also felt very vulnerable. Perhaps he thought that she would be an easy target to get into bed. Well, she wasn

t going to be a notch on his belt even if he was the hottest guy she had ever seen.


Back at the table Jay refilled her glass. He moved closer to her and took her hand in his, raised it to his mouth and gently kissed it. Sam tried to resist him but with every fibre of her being urgently wanting him; she was finding it very difficult.


The evening had been very pleasant and despite what happened earlier; Sam had a really good time. Jay was great company and he had a fantastically wicked sense of humour. And she couldn’t help but enjoy the evening.


As Jay parked the Mercedes in the garage he put his arm on the back of Sam

s seat and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. His breath was warm and the gentle touch of his fingers barely touching her shoulder almost sent her into the next world with excitement. Sam desperately wanted him to take her into his arms and hold her close to him.


She looked into his eyes and caught that twinkle again; Sam ran her fingers through his hair. He was so damn good looking. Jay pulled her close to him and kissed her passionately.


s go upstairs,” He whispered huskily in her ear.


Jay held her hand as they went upstairs. Sam wanted him so badly; she didn’t care about anything else. Didn’t care about the poor girl on the phone earlier and how she, Sam was about to go to bed with another woman

s man. She didn’t care about any of that. She knew that after tonight she probably would never see him again. Sam knew that she could deal with the aftermath tomorrow.


She turned on the light and put on some background music.


He sat on the sofa and lay back with his arms stretched out. He was grinning at her as he asked:


“Got any wine?” She laughed loudly.


“Last night you said you only had sober sex these days!” Jay got up and grabbed her waist and turned her around to face him.


“Planning on seducing me?” He teased.


She put her arms around his neck and responded urgently to him.


Gently he unzipped her dress and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes as his tongue moved over her shoulder. Sam caught her breath as Jay gently caressed the small of her back. He picked her up in his arms and moved over to the sofa and gently laid her down. His kisses were tingling and tantalizing as he moved his tongue down her stomach. Sam arched her back as he moved his tongue lower and lower until he was kissing the inside of her thigh. She desperately wanted to feel him inside her.


Jay stood up and took off his jacket and tee shirt, Sam gasped as he covered her body with his and kissed her hard on the mouth. She responded hungrily to him and opened his pants and slid her hand inside, she felt his hardness and gasped as his tongue probed deeper in her mouth.


Sam got on her knees and bent her head and took him in her mouth. Jay moaned deeply and gently pushed her head deeper on him. Sam could feel him wanting to explode. She moved her head and sat on him, she felt his hardness deep inside, moving in and out of her. He grabbed her tight and kissed her breasts. She gasped as he thrust deeper into her, pleasure mounting within her whole being as he rocked her body with his maleness. Sam stood up and Jay pushed her on the sofa and from behind thrust deeper and harder inside her. He pulled hard on her hair, this heightened the pleasure for Sam and she moaned sensuously.


Jay pushed rhythmically inside her, then with more urgency as he was reaching climax with Sam. She screamed loudly as she reached orgasm.


Jay pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck fondly and in his husky voice said:


“Babe, that was good. Thank you.” He sat on the sofa and pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I hope I wasn’
t too rough with you!” His tenderness was touching and Sam smiled to herself as she curled up closer to him and kissed his chest.

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