Found (24 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Found
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Lauren sighed. “I’m not trying to pretend it
didn’t happen, Mom. But I can’t get over it if I wallow in self
pity all day. I need to get on with my life. And as for getting
counseling, you know baking is always the best therapy for me. Just
let me make a few dozen cupcakes and I’ll feel like my old self

Her mother sighed doubtfully. “All right, if
you’re sure…”

“You have my card if you change your mind and
want to talk to someone.” Detective Rast gave her a level look. “I
really recommend it. But you have to do what you feel is right for

“I’m going to,” Lauren said firmly. She
yawned, not faking it this time. “And right now what feels right is
going home to bed.”

“I’m sure you’re exhausted.” Detective Rast
smiled. “I’m very glad you’re home safely, Lauren. Your mother was
terribly worried.”

“Thank you, Detective.” Lauren’s mother
smiled. “Just send your bill to my e-mail and I’ll see that you’re

He shook his head. “No charge.”

“But you spent so much time on finding
Lauren,” her mom protested. “Of course I’ll pay you.”

Rast shook his head again. “I didn’t find her
and bring her home myself. So no charge. I am very glad she’s home
though.” He smiled grimly. “I wish all my missing persons cases
turned out so neatly.”

Lauren’s mom started to protest again but he
simply shook his head and said, “Good night,” before leaving.

“Wow,” Lauren murmured as they headed to
their car, which was parked a few feet away. “Now there goes a guy
with issues. Maybe
the one that needs therapy.”

“He certainly did seem to have a problem with
Sophia’s friend,” her mom agreed, as they got into the car. She
looked troubled. “I wish he wasn’t so proud and stubborn! He’s
spent all his time and resources on your case for the past month. I
really need to compensate him for his trouble.”

“Send him a check,” Lauren suggested. She
yawned again. “Look, Mom, I
need to get home. I left
Xairn there all alone and this is his first time on Earth.”

Her mother looked at her doubtfully as she
started the car. “Are you
you want him to stay with
you, honey? I mean, I could rent him a hotel room…”

“Mom!” Lauren frowned at her. “I’m a grown

“I know, I know.” Her mother sighed as she
made the turn toward Saint Armand’s Circle. Luckily the Sarasota
Human/Kindred relations building wasn’t too far from Lauren’s
efficiency condo so they didn’t have far to drive. “I mean, he’s
very handsome but he’s so
honey. And he looks so, I
don’t know…

Lauren wondered what her mother would say if
she could see Xairn in his pre-DNA altered state. Though she kind
of missed his striking red-on-black eyes, she was glad he didn’t
have them now. “Mom, Xairn would never hurt me,” she said firmly.
“And believe me, he’s had plenty of chances. He protected me from
the AllFather and saved my life over and over. He left his home and
renounced his entire race to come stay with me. I

“I can see that you do, honey. It’s just that
I almost lost you—I
lose you. And I couldn’t bear to
lose you again.” Her mom pulled up to the condo and parked beside
Lauren’s car. The Kindred Ship Xairn had used to bring them back
had turned into a small silver car which was parked around the

“You won’t lose me.” Lauren leaned over and
kissed her cheek. “I promise you that. I’m staying right here where
I belong from now on.”

“I hope so.” Her mom looked troubled. “I’ll
walk you to the door.”

Lauren laughed. “
, it’s three feet.
But okay, if you want to.”

“I do.” They both got out and her mother took
her by the arm protectively.

“Fine, Mom.” Lauren was pretty sure she just
wanted another chance to check out Xairn, whom she’d only gotten to
meet briefly before Detective Rast had called them to the HKR
building. But if it made her feel better, Lauren supposed she
couldn’t blame her. Her mom was actually showing great restraint
considering the circumstances; Lauren didn’t mind showing off Xairn
one more time if it put her mind at ease.

“You know, the manger told me unit 12B is
empty right now,” her mom said, pressing her arm. “It’s a lot
bigger than this little place and it has two bedrooms. I could come
by tomorrow and help you move in.”

“Mom.” Lauren gave her mother a look of
exasperated affection. “It’s bad enough that I’m mooching off you
by living in a complex you own without taking the nicest condo in
the place! Besides, I
my little efficiency. It’s

“But is it really big enough for two

“It’s fine,” Lauren assured her. “And don’t
worry, Xairn packs light. In fact, he literally came with only the
clothes on his back. I need to take him shopping tomorrow and get
him some Earth clothes.” She smiled at her mom. “You can come too,
if you want. It’ll give you a chance to get to know him better and
we can do lunch.”

“I’d like that.” Her mother squeezed her arm.
“And, honey, don’t be mad at me for saying this but if you ever
feel the least bit unsafe, just call me, okay? The place I’m
staying is only a few miles down the road and I’ll be here in a
heartbeat. I mean, I know you like this guy but let’s not forget he
was basically the one who kidnapped you in the first place.”

“No he wasn’t.” Lauren frowned. “His
did. Mom, how many times do I have to tell you Xairn
won’t hurt me?”

“I know you
that. But—”

“Your daughter has nothing to fear from me.”
Xairn was suddenly standing there, his arms crossed over his chest.
He was so big that his shoulders filled the entire doorway. Lit
from behind as he was, he looked like a monstrous shadowy figure
emerging into the night.

Lauren bit her lip. Her mom was right—he
really did look kind of threatening. Not that she felt threatened
at all—she had perfect trust in Xairn. But she wished he looked a
little less scary for her mom’s sake. She felt her mom stiffen
beside her and for a moment she drew Lauren close. “Hello,” she
said clearly, looking at Xairn. “I’m sorry if you heard that but I
can’t help being worried about my baby. Especially after what she
went through.”

“Of course you’re worried, Mom,” Lauren said.
“But please try not to be. If anything I’m safer with Xairn in the
house. Can you imagine anyone being stupid enough to try anything
with him around?”

Her mother took another look at Xairn’s
massive shape and gave a shaky laugh. “No, I guess not.”

“There you go, then.” Lauren squeezed her arm
reassuringly. “Can I go now?”

“Just one more thing. Come here.” Her mom
pulled her into a warm hug and held her close. “Oh sweetheart, I
worried about you. I know you’re home safe now but
just give me a little time to believe it. I was so afraid I’d never
see you again.”

“I was afraid of that too.” Lauren was
surprised to feel tears pricking at her eyelids. “But I’m back now.
Back to stay, I promise.”

Her mom sniffed and Lauren realized she was
crying a little too. “I thought about you, Mom,” she admitted in a
low voice. “It was all that kept me going until I started to get to
know Xairn.”

“I love you, honey.” Lauren’s mom gave her a
kiss on the cheek and then on the forehead. “So very, very much.
Don’t ever forget it.”

“I won’t.” Lauren sighed as her mom finally
let go. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“All right. But I have one more thing to
say.” Wiping her eyes, Lauren’s mom straightened her shoulders and
marched up to stand toe-to-toe with Xairn. She was a good foot and
a half shorter than him so the effect was kind of like a Pomeranian
confronting a Pit-bull, but Abby Jakes wasn’t one to back down.
“You take good care of my baby girl,” she said clearly, staring him
in the eyes. “I appreciate you bringing her home safe but I still
don’t know you well enough to trust you completely. Don’t make me
regret leaving her here with you tonight.”

“Mom!” Lauren was horrified but to her
surprise, Xairn didn’t give back an angry retort. Instead he bowed
deeply from the waist. When he straightened up, he looked at her
mother seriously.

“Please believe me when I say I would rather
die than harm your daughter,” he said in a low voice. “I vow to you
that I will protect her with my life.”

“Well!” Lauren’s mom seemed surprised at his
response. “Um, thank you very much Mr. Xairn.”

Lauren stifled a smile. “It’s just Xairn,
mom. His people don’t have last names.” Walking up the steps, she
took Xairn by the arm. His big body was tense—his muscles as tight
and hard as iron. Was something wrong? Was he offended by her mom’s
lack of trust? “We’ll see you tomorrow,” she told her mother

“All right.” Reluctantly, her mother nodded.
“I love you.”

“Love you too.” Lauren smiled at her and
nudged Xairn toward the door. “Come on—let’s get inside before the
mosquitoes eat us alive.”

He looked around alertly. “You have
carnivorous beasts near this residence? Should I get a weapon?”

Lauren laughed. “No, silly—mosquitoes are
just bugs. They don’t hurt when they bite but they leave itchy red
welts on your skin. So let’s go.”

“Very well.” He nodded once more to her
mother. “I bid you goodnight, mother of Lauren.”

Her mother smiled faintly. “You can call me
Abby, I suppose.”

“Abby, then,” Xairn said. “Good night. And
please don’t have any more fear for your daughter.”

“I’ll try not to.” Lauren’s mom still sounded
worried but at least she was headed for her car. “Good night.”

“Good night.” Lauren waved at her. She waited
until her mom had started the car and then tugged Xairn back into
the condo and closed the door.

She was finally back home but she had a
feeling it was going to be a long, long time before things really
got back to normal.

Chapter Twenty


“Your mother does not trust me.” Xairn
crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the simple white
tile flooring.

Lauren’s living space was small but
attractively arranged. It had high ceilings and the walls were
painted a pale, sunny yellow that made the space seem larger than
it was. There was a small living area set off by a short blue
couch, as one first stepped in the door. Diagonally across from the
couch was a bed that looked to be a little smaller than the one
they’d shared in Slk’s guest suite. Facing the bed and separated by
a small archway was a tiny food prep area.

The bathroom, which was at the far end of the
living area, was the only room separated from the rest of the space
by a door. Everything else was contained in one small area. Lauren
had told him the arrangement was called an efficiency apartment. It
was smaller than the bare metal rooms Xairn had kept aboard the
Fathership, but warmer too. In fact, he liked it—or thought he
would once he got used to it.

“She’s just worried about me.” Lauren sat
down on the side of the bed. As soon as they reached her living
space she had changed into much more form fitting clothes than the
garment Xairn had bought her in
jeans and a t-shirt,
she called them. All Xairn knew was that the tight bottoms clung to
her rounded ass and the soft, thin material of the top stretched
across her full breasts in a most distracting way.

“She has a right to be worried,” he murmured,
trying not to see how the outlines of her nipples were faintly
visible through the shirt.

“She’ll be fine once I’ve been back home
awhile.” She patted the spot beside her. “Come here.”

Xairn looked at her warily. “Why?”

Lauren sighed. “Because I want you beside
me—near me. I love you, Xairn. People who love each other show it
by being close and touching.”

He frowned and settled carefully on the bed
beside her. “You mean the way you and your mother were holding each

“Exactly.” Lauren scooted closer to him until
she was leaning against his arm. She looked up at him. “You really
never had anyone hug you?”

Xairn looked down at his hands. “I…I had a
nursemaid for a little while—just until I was able to fend for
myself. Then my father took me from her. She used to hold me on her
lap when I was very small.” He shook his head. “But there’s been no
once since then. Not until you.”

“Oh Xairn honey, how sad.” Lauren pressed
closer to him. “Come here and let me hug you.”

Awkwardly, Xairn lifted his arm and let her
press against his side. He felt the softness of her body and
smelled the warm scent of her skin—the scent that marked her as
his. Gods, she felt good!
good. “Lauren?” he said
hesitantly but she only pressed closer.

“Put your arms around me and hold me close,”
she directed. Feeling helpless to disobey, Xairn did as she said.
When he was holding her soft, warm body against his own Lauren
sighed contentedly. “See, isn’t this nice? It’s good to be close.
Warm. Comforting.”

There were other words Xairn would have used
to describe the sensation of her body pressed against his but
‘nice, warm, and comforting’ were not it. He’d been feeling
strangely melancholy as he watched the interaction between Lauren
and her mother but now his body came to life in another way. His
secondary shaft stiffened in his flight pants and his skin prickled
with pleasure and desire at her touch. Strangest of all, for some
reason his eyes felt hot—just as they had when he was enraged and
defending her back on

What’s happening to me? Am I going to lose
He shifted uncomfortably on the bed and Lauren shifted
with him. Somehow they wound up lying on the bed instead of sitting
on it, with her draped over his left side.

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