Found (42 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Found
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“Try me.” Lauren held his eyes with hers. “Go

Xairn’s face grew grim. “Fine. You’ve seen
how quickly Little One bonded herself to me, haven’t you? But I had
another pet before her. One I cared for so deeply it nearly drove
me mad when she died.”

“Oh, honey…” Lauren was almost afraid to ask
but she knew she had to. This was some kind of test Xairn was
putting her through—a trial to see if she truly loved him as much
as she said. Lauren wanted desperately to pass it. “How…how did she
die?” she asked hesitantly.

Xairn drew a deep breath. “I killed her,” he
said quietly, still holding Lauren’s eyes with his own. “I had no
choice. My father found her and threatened to torture her.”

“Oh, no!” Lauren shook her head, not wanting
to believe.

“Oh yes,” Xairn said quietly. “I always knew
it might happen one day. I had a poison capsule implanted beneath
her skin, one activated by my voice alone. When the time came, I
commanded her to die and she did, in…in my arms.”

“Xairn…” Lauren didn’t know what to say. “I’m
sorry,” she whispered.

“I was taken from my mother as an infant and
taken away from the nurse who raised me as a very young child.”
Xairn’s voice was steady but his hands trembled slightly as he
spoke. “My father was…cruel. I knew he didn’t care for me. Sanja
was the only thing I had to love in my whole sterile existence.
Killing her…nearly killed me, too. I was dead inside. Emotionally
lifeless until…until I met you.”

“Oh baby…” Lauren hugged him hard and his
arms around her waist tightened convulsively. “I love you,” she
whispered. “I still love you, I don’t care what you had to do to
survive in that horrible place. It doesn’t change how I feel about
you, how much I care about you.”

“Lauren…” He said her name over and over like
a prayer and she felt his mouth move, soft and slow and hot against
the bare skin of her chest. A caress…a kiss. “You showed me what
love was,” he whispered. “Gave me the strength to leave my old life
behind. I owe you so much.” Then his lips moved to one side,
trailing hot and wet over the thin, damp bikini top that covered
her right breast. Lauren gasped softly as she felt the heat of his
breath over her suddenly tight nipple.
she thought.
I want this so much. Want to hold him and comfort him. Want to
show him how much I love him…

“I want to show you how I feel, too.” He
looked up at her and placed a hot, deliberate kiss over the aching
point of her nipple. “But I don’t know how I can.”

“Xairn,” she whispered, her voice tight with
pleasure and hope. “Honey…” Reaching up, she pulled the damp
triangle of fabric to one side, baring her breast to him. “Do it,”
she murmured, stroking his hair. “Let me feel your mouth on

With a low growl, Xairn sucked her nipple
into his mouth at once, lapping and sucking eagerly. Lauren moaned
and clutched at his thick black hair. “God, yes,” she whispered.
“Yes, Xairn,

He moved to her other breast as well, pushing
the bikini top aside himself this time in order to get to her full
curves. Lauren thrust toward him, offering herself, breathless with
desire. At last he looked up at her.

“I want you,” he whispered in a voice that
was dangerously near a growl. “I
you, Lauren—need to be
in you. But I don’t…don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m not afraid,” Lauren assured him

“But I am. Every time we get close to making
love my Scourge instincts take over and I lose myself…lose the
ability to be gentle.”

Lauren frowned. “There must be a way. There
to be. I need you too—so

Xairn looked thoughtful. “Yes. A way to
subvert my dominant tendencies so I can love you without hurting
you.” His eyes roved over the room, as though searching for
something, and then stopped at a certain spot on the kitchen table.
“There.” He nodded at the long black nylon leash they’d bought for
Little One at the pet store.

“What?” Lauren looked at the leash
uncertainly. It was thick and very tough. They weren’t certain what
kind of dog Little One was but it looked like she had some Black
Lab in her and they got to be a pretty good size. Still, she didn’t
understand what Xairn wanted her to do with it.

“Get it,” he said, indicating the leash
again. “Bring it here.”

Lauren did as she was told. Standing before
his chair she looked down at his naked, muscular form, taut with
tension. “Now what?” she asked, holding up the black leash.

Xairn took a deep breath. “Now I want you to
tie me to the chair and take me.”

Chapter Thirty-one


Far above in the Fathership, the AllFather
raised his head. Leaving his current victim in a heap on the metal
floor, he began to pace in an ever widening circle. “Sssoon,” he
hissed, his lipless mouth moving in eager anticipation. “Sssoon he
will take her. Sssoon.”

The Earth girl he had stolen with the
transport beam moaned and tried to crawl away. She was a feisty
one, all right—twice she’d pulled out the memory wires implanted
under her skin and tried to escape. No one would think from her
delicate appearance that she had so much fight in her, the
AllFather mused. Her diminutive stature along with pale, porcelain
skin and long midnight-black hair made her appear almost like a
doll. But her small size belied a savage heart and strong

The AllFather didn’t really care about her
temperament. He had chosen her for her hair, as it was the exact
color and length as Lauren’s. He was certain that once Xairn saw
her image on the local NewsFeed he would know why she had been
taken. If that didn’t work, he had planned to take an Earth girl
with eyes like Lauren’s. But that unusual shade of amber had proved
difficult to find.

“And now it appearsss I will not need to take
another after all,” he murmured to himself, still pacing. The huge
viewscreen which projected the latest female’s memories was frozen
in place, showing the girl standing in a defensive posture with a
large Earth male poised to beat her. Truly, the AllFather hadn’t
had to twist her recollections much—her past had enough pain to
satisfy him without adding much to it. In fact, he was very nearly
satiated at the moment. Perhaps he should finish her off another

“It ssseems you have a ssshort reprieve, my
dear…” What was her name again? Oh yes, Elise. “My dear
He leaned over the girl who gasped and pulled
back. The AllFather smiled, his eyes glowing. “I mussst concentrate
on my errant ssson. I expect him here sssoon. Perhapsss you’ll get
to meet him before I end you.”

The girl drew herself into trembling ball and
stared at him defiantly with dark eyes. “Go to hell,” she whispered
and spat at his feet.

“Ssstill rebelliousss, eh?” The AllFather
smiled. “Good. I like the onesss who fight to the end. It makesss
their pain ssso much more deliciousss.” Then he turned and swept
from the room, leaving the girl naked and shivering in the center
of the large room.

He had another prisoner to tend. One who
would hold a special interest for Xairn, he was certain.

Chapter Thirty-two


“Take you?” Lauren wasn’t sure she’d heard
him right.

Xairn nodded. “If you tie me tightly enough
it should help me control my dominant urges. There are no equals in
a Scourge sexual relationship—only dominant or submissive. In order
to avoid hurting you, I must take the submissive role.”

“Really? You? Submissive?” Lauren could
scarcely imagine how this was going to work. But Xairn nodded

“I must. It’s the only way.”

“But I don’t…I don’t know how to dominate
you.” Lauren bit her lip. “In fact, if we’re taking sides like this
I think I’d be more comfortable playing the, uh, other role.”

“You would, would you?” Xairn’s head came up
and he gave her a long, level stare that seemed to pierce right
through her.

Lauren felt her cheeks getting hot as she
tried desperately not to think of her recent fantasies. “Well, I
mean, I don’t really know. I—”

“Never mind.” Xairn shook his head. “Tie me
quickly. Just the thought of you submitting to me…”

“What?” Lauren’s heart started to pound but
he shook his head again.

“Nothing. Tie me and be sure the knots are

The black leash was stiff and awkward to work
with. In the end Lauren had to settle for tying his hands behind
his back and making them fast to the back of the kitchen chair he
was sitting on. When she was done, Xairn looked up at her with
fiery eyes.

“Now slap me.”

“What?” Lauren protested. “I don’t want to do

Do it
,” he grated. “I could shred
this little cord that binds me and snap the chair to splinters with
no effort at all. You need to assert your dominance,

“But I can’t—”

“Yes, you can,” he growled. “Damn it, Lauren,
do you want this or not?”

Lauren lifted her chin. “You know I do.”

“If you want me, you have to dominate me
first.” His eyes flashed. “Or I’ll free myself and dominate you
instead. “ Suddenly his voice dropped to an almost pleading tone.
“Please, Lauren I don’t…don’t want to do that. Don’t want to hurt

Lauren took a deep breath. This wasn’t how
she’d imagined her first time with Xairn. Hell, this wasn’t
something she’d imagined doing with
But she loved
him and if this was what it took…

“Fine,” she said in a low voice. “I’ll do it.
And…and I won’t hold back.”

“Good.” He looked at her hungrily. “Then slap

Lauren shook her head. “I said I’d do it but
I’m going to do it my way, you understand?”

He just stared at her, that hungry,
animalistic look growing in his eyes. Lauren sensed she was losing
Have to do something quick!

Threading her fingers through his thick black
hair, she grabbed a handful and yanked his head back. Then she
leaned over him and looked him in the eye. “I said,
do you

Xairn’s whole body jerked and his eyes
widened in obvious surprise. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?” Lauren demanded, glaring at

“Yes…Mistress,” he murmured.

Lauren nodded and released him. “Good, that’s
good.” And strangely enough, it was. She’d never had the urge to
dominate anyone before—just as she’d never had the urge to submit
before she met Xairn. But the role felt surprisingly right now that
she was getting into it. Surprisingly…comfortable.

“You like it, don’t you? The feeling of
power.” Xairn watched her, one black eyebrow raised.

“Maybe I do.” Smiling, Lauren ran her fingers
through his hair again, more gently this time. “Are you

“Everything about you surprises me. It’s one
of the things I love about you,” he said softly.

“Enough talk.” Leaning down, Lauren took his
mouth in a hot kiss. She was delighted when Xairn returned her kiss
with passion.
He needs this—needs it as much as I do,
thought as he thoroughly explored her mouth.

“More,” he growled, breaking the kiss to
stare into her eyes. “I need it

“Then let’s get to it.” Standing back, Lauren
made sure Xairn’s eyes were on her as she untied her bikini top and
let it fall to the floor. When she reached for the ties that held
the bottom in place, he made a hoarse, hungry noise in the back of
his throat. “That’s right,” Lauren murmured as she untied it slowly
and let the two little triangles of white fabric drop, baring her
pussy for him. “Look at me, baby. Look but don’t touch.” Then she
walked toward him. “I, on the other hand, am finally going to touch
just as much as I want.”

As she spoke, she ran her hands over his
broad, muscular shoulders and chest, tracing the brand of her name
with her fingertips. Then she moved lower, stoking her way down his
corded abdomen. She could feel the tension coiled like a spring
inside him—the barely controlled power thrumming just under the
surface of his smooth tan skin. It was like stroking a caged tiger,
one that might break the lock that held it and attack at any

“Lauren…” Xairn’s voice was thick with
warning as her fingers trailed lower, running over his thighs and
moving inward. “What are you doing?”

“Exploring.” She gave him a slow, lazy smile.
“I’ve been dying to get a look at you down here, you know? Ever
since you told me you had two, uh, pieces of equipment.” She took
his long, hard cock in her hand, marveling at its size and the
softness of his skin. It was hot to the touch and she couldn’t get
her fingers all the way around it.
So big!
“I guess this is
what you call your secondary shaft?” she asked, looking up.

Xairn took a ragged breath. “Yes, that is my
secondary shaft,” he said, his voice low and strained. “Sitting
above it, as you see, is my primary or bonding shaft.”

“Hmm.” Lauren examined what appeared to be a
smaller, non-erect phallus forking from the top side of his cock.
“It’s not very, uh, big.”

“That’s because it’s dormant at the
moment—not aroused.” His eyes flashed. “Don’t touch me there too
much. And whatever you do, don’t put your mouth on me.”

“What, like this?” Bending down, Lauren took
a long, leisurely lick from the base of his secondary shaft up to
the broad, mushroom shaped head. He tasted hot and salty and

“Don’t!” Xairn sounded almost panicked and
she looked up to see him straining against his bonds. “Don’t,” he
repeated. “If you arouse my primary shaft I won’t be able to stop
until I’ve taken you. Bonded you.”

Lauren stroked his shaft again, capturing a
drop of precum with her thumb and using it to caress the sensitive
head. “Would that really be so bad?”

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