Read Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary; Suspense

Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts (15 page)

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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But with David right now—a man who was no stranger, even if they hadn’t spent much time with each other—Ben moaned as David’s penis took over every free inch of space in his mouth. Ben sucked David harder, as if doing more, faster, would make everything okay and right in the world. He sucked the upper half of David’s shaft and then licked down one side and up the other, savoring a unique mix of honey and salt he would swear he’d never tasted the like of before. The more Ben worshipped David’s cock, the thicker his own became. He started leaking just as much precum as David did, and the most elemental parts of his psyche told him that was nature preparing all the lube needed for him to merge with his mate.

Vivid and raw images of fucking David in endless positions for untold hours consumed Ben, pushing the animal within to break free and assume total dominance over his partner. Ben abhorred that base side of himself, and he mentally shouted at it to back the fuck off. Ben didn’t dare let himself lose complete control with anyone, let alone David, someone so unprepared for aggressive sex. Fuck, though. Each time Ben sucked David’s cock past his lips, every time he let the mushroom head kiss the back of his throat, teasing himself with the need to swallow the man whole, Ben felt the elastic band inside him wind tighter, nearer to its breaking point.

Right then David twisted himself up against Ben, and with an animalistic noise of his own, he buried his hands in Ben’s hair and held him against his rearing cock. In response, more blood raced into Ben’s shaft, thickening him to the point of pain. Ben ached to roll David over and show him how much pleasure he would receive with the right man’s cock taking ownership of his ass. Instead Ben swirled his tongue around David’s prick, kept him primed, and worked a finger into his crease to play with his bud.

One brush of Ben’s coarse fingertip against David’s hole, and David went tense and pulled Ben’s hair. His entrance contracted, instinctually fighting to keep Ben out. Ben didn’t let up this time, though. With his scalp stinging and hair follicles probably tearing away by the second, Ben kept rubbing, rubbing, rubbing the striated muscle, determined to get David to a place where he would crave something, if just one finger, inside him.

Ben wanted this man more than anything, and he would work as hard as it took to get him. He stroked David’s clenched pucker and at the same time manipulated David’s cock with both his mouth and free hand. Ben tugged on the root of David’s shaft and sucked on the tip, lapping up the early seed leaking onto his tongue. He continued to rub David’s snapped-shut asshole too, as if it were a magic lamp with a genie inside who would grant Ben wishes if he touched it just right.

Soon David melted back into the bedding, and he even gently bumped his tail end up against Ben’s touch. The small gesture of acceptance raced through Ben like strong spirits, and his blood forged too hot and fast to hold off any longer. With a barely noticeable move, Ben swirled his finger into the spit and precum around David’s shaft and lubed the digit up good. Without giving David a second to get scared again, Ben lined up his middle finger with David’s pucker and sank the length into David’s virgin ass.

David immediately jerked and shouted hoarsely. His channel closed in around Ben’s finger tighter than a fist. He choked out, “No,” and grabbed Ben’s wrist and pushed, clearly trying to remove the invasion from his body.

David’s channel had Ben’s finger in a vise, and the man’s pale, pinched features screamed his discomfort and fear. Still, Ben kept his digit buried two knuckles deep in David’s ass. David whimpered and pushed himself halfway up against the headboard, but Ben stayed with David and ordered him not to move.

David clung to the headboard like a lifeline. “I don’t want this.” A keening noise slipped out of him and tore straight through Ben’s heart. “I don’t think I’m ready after all.”

Driven by the unleashed caverns of darkness inside him, Ben grabbed a fistful of David’s locks and pinned him to the ugly, dark, scuffed headboard. “Don’t fight me, David.” Relentless in his need, Ben ruthlessly assessed this man he wanted to mark body and soul. “Your cock is still harder and redder than any man’s I’ve ever seen, and other than your face, your skin is flushed with proof of your need. Get rid of the voice in your head telling you this is wrong, or that this is the kind of taking that will finally make you completely gay.” David jolted, and Ben knew he’d hit home. “Breathe into the pleasure you know this will bring.”

Ben didn’t wait for David to agree. With effort—because Christ, David had himself so tied up in knots his ass channel had a choke hold on Ben’s finger—Ben withdrew his digit from David’s body. Just as fast, Ben forced the length back inside and filled David to past the second knuckle again.

With the second filling of his ass, sweat beaded all over David’s skin, and he breathed like a man on the last mile of a marathon. He fused his spine to the headboard, mouthed,
, without sound, and frantically shook his head. At the same time, he leaked early ejaculate onto his belly, and his balls rolled and lifted toward his body.

Ben didn’t have to be inside David’s head to know the man battled many voices, all of them screaming at him to fight any acceptance of pleasure through anal stimulation. Every part of Ben that had always embraced his homosexuality, almost as a fuck-you middle finger to the world when he’d been a young man, balked at the repression ruling David’s life. Driven by instincts and knowledge he couldn’t suppress, Ben twisted his finger deep inside David’s body and then pulled back to hit his sweet spot.

Ben stroked David’s prostate, then pushed farther into the man’s steamy, tight ass, rotated his finger again, a second time, and then a third time, and all the while watched every minuscule move David made. Every time Ben stroked David’s kill spot, David bit the edge of his lip, and his passage rippled around Ben’s invasion. When Ben pushed his finger in deeper, all the way to the webbing, David made a choking noise, and his thighs clenched as hard as his rectum did.

Still Ben did not let up. As he plied David’s ass, using slow, steady strokes, he met the too-bright light in David’s eyes and didn’t back away. “Find a way to accept the pleasure in all of it, David.” David shook his head, and his passage throbbed with a fast heartbeat, but Ben insisted, “Yes,” and manipulated his digit in David’s hole again.

Visibly agitated, David vehemently shook his head. “No. I changed my mind.” He clutched Ben’s forearm so hard his fingertips sank into the muscle and flesh. “This isn’t for me.”

Every part of David’s responses—his body hot and full of need, but his head fighting the arousal—told Ben the truth. David wanted this act extremely badly. The need had been buried so deeply inside him, for such a long time, he didn’t know how to break the conditioning of his youth and embrace what he’d always been told were unnatural desires. Ben needed to get into David’s head so completely he would drown out any other voices that would take away what they both wanted to happen this night.

With his finger still buried in David’s ass, Ben shifted, planted his other hand against the headboard next to David’s head, and put his face inches from David’s. Holding David’s wary gaze, Ben slowly pumped his digit within David’s channel and said, “Right now it’s just my finger, but think about when it’s my cock taking over your ass instead.”

With those words, David sucked in a sharp breath. An insane pulse throbbed all the way along his chute, and he loosened his grip on Ben’s arm.

There you go, honey
. His grin originating from all the way down in his core, Ben sank into the pleasure throbbing in his cock and painted a picture that aroused the hell out of him as much as he prayed it would David. “Think about when I’m on top of you, and you have your legs wrapped around my waist, holding me so tight, and I’m drilling my dick into you over and over again.”

David shivered, bucked the smallest bit against Ben’s embedded finger, and spilled more early ejaculate onto his belly. So in tune to the man, Ben picked up the speed a little, pumped his digit all the way in and out of David’s hole, without looking away.

So goddamned hot now, Ben rubbed his cock against David’s leg and tried not to lose himself in the fantasy he’d created. “While I’m taking you, we’re looking at each other somehow even more intently than we are now.” Grit coated Ben’s throat, and his balls ached like mad, but he couldn’t stop now, as much for himself as for David. “I’m fucking you so damned good you’re crying for permission to come.” Plowing more aggressively into David’s ass, Ben flicked his tongue across David’s ear and whispered, “Do you hear yourself crying for me, honey?”

“Uh-huh.” Rocking his hips now, pushing into Ben’s claiming, David nodded and bit his lower lip. “Yes, Ben.” His face twisting with new needs, David stretched an arm across the top of the headboard, gripped the edge, and widened his stance, allowing Ben more open access to his hole. “I’m crying for you.”

Not stopping the finger fucking, Ben leaned in and crushed a fast, hard kiss to David’s reddened lips. “I want to say you can let go and shoot all over the place, but I’m so damned hard and hot and turned on by you that I can’t do it yet. I have to roll you over so I can see myself fuck that perfect ass of yours from behind.”

Rather than turn David over—Ben wouldn’t risk losing eye contact for a second—Ben eased his pointer finger into David’s ass, next to his middle one, doubling the thickness of penetration. David instantly made a strangled noise and shook his head, but Ben kept pushing in with both fingers until David couldn’t take another centimeter. He promised, “It’s okay. You can handle it.” He pressed another kiss high on David’s cheek, and as he pumped two fingers inside David’s body, he said against his flushed, heated skin, “I know you can handle me.”

“Yes.” Linking to Ben’s gaze again, David trembled. “I want to be able to handle you.”

The most bizarre mix of elation and pride and heat swirled around inside Ben’s chest. He continued sinking his digits into David’s ass, fantasizing with every taking that it was his cock surrounded by that tight, wet heat instead of his fingers. With his lips pressed to David’s skin, Ben kept spinning his story. “I’m inside you again now, taking you from behind. I start out with the slowest fucking strokes in the world, because I want you to feel every damned inch of me for as long as possible.” Caught up in the tale, his cock straining, Ben breathed heavily against the side of David’s face. “Heaven help me, David, you’re so tight and slick and incredible. I want to keep going slowly, but I start to lose myself, and I start to grind you into the bed and hump you like a teenager who hasn’t even felt his own hand on his dick before.” Ben withdrew his digits and soaked them in the natural lube pooling at the base of David’s cock. Before he dived back in, he asked, “Do you want that, David?”

His lower lip pulled between his teeth, David nodded with speed. “Uh-huh.” He reached his other arm across the back of the bed too, stretching his naked body, opening and exposing himself in every way. “Yeah.”

Ben plunged his fingers all the way back into David’s ass. “Then finish taking what you want right now.” Holding his digits poised just inside David’s entrance, Ben stopped thrusting and encouraged, “Go on. Take it all. Fuck my fingers, David. Fuck ’em like you’re riding my cock.”

Gaze locked to Ben’s, David slowly rolled his tail end downward, gasping as he swallowed Ben’s fingers to the webbing. Ben nodded, and David rocked himself onto Ben’s fingers again. This time he moaned, and his channel quivered around the penetration.

David didn’t need Ben to prompt him after that. Using his wingspan, David braced his arms and upper back against the headboard, planted his feet in a wide stance in the bedding, and thrust his ass down onto Ben’s digits, all the way to the base. With perspiration pouring down his body, David shouted and jerked the entire way through, but he plunged down again and again, without any control or finesse, yet somehow perfectly right, and repeatedly impaled himself on Ben’s two fingers.

David drove his ass down, filling himself with Ben’s digits, and then let go of the headboard to smack his crimson erection. The sight aroused the hell out of Ben. He groaned, “Christ, you look so fucking beautiful right now,” and dipped down to lap a shiny pearl of seed from the slit of David’s dick.

David writhed against the headboard and slammed himself down on Ben’s fingers. “Oh God. Ben…Ben…” His angled features red and twisted with need, David pumped himself with piston-fast moves up and down the two digits owning his ass. “It feels so good.”

“I know it does. Don’t ever be ashamed again.” Harder than he’d ever been in his life, Ben drove his cock against the side of David’s thigh, desperate for relief. “Revel in how good you feel. Don’t slow down.” Ben started pumping his fingers up into David’s ass, needing to stake a claim, even just in this way, even as he told David, “Help yourself come.”

Moving frantically on Ben’s embedded digits, David, face and body in full flush, chanted, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” While filling his ass again and again, he tugged and slapped his cock and balls. “I want it, but I can’t…” Face pinched with visible need, he lifted a sea of stormy blue to Ben. “Please…”

“Tell me. Let me help you.” Ben rubbed at the tight lines roping David’s chest and arms. “Tell me what you need to make you come.”

After a second of dead silence, David blurted, “Another finger,” with a rasp filling his tone. His anal walls squeezed around Ben’s digits, and his eyes were wet and full of the light of his raw need. “You’re so big. I need it to feel like your cock.”

“Jesus.” Ben jerked in response. One chant to a higher power not enough, Ben swore, leaned in, and stole a quick taste of David’s kiss-swollen mouth. “You’re so fucking incredible.” Ben bit off another kiss and kept his face touching David’s as he vowed, “I can’t wait to own you in every way,” and jammed a third finger into David’s throbbing, hot ass.

David cried out, “I want you to,” as he arched his back, making him look like a bow. A heartbeat later he shuddered. With three fingers buried in his ass and his cock pointing straight up at the ceiling, David spewed his release.

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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