Read Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary; Suspense

Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts (16 page)

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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Cum shot into the air in fast bursts and rained down in warm drops on David’s stomach and Ben’s arm. Each splash of seed that hit Ben’s flesh corresponded with a sharp contraction in David’s passage, making Ben feel as if the man’s body was trying to pull seed from a cock.
Jesus, yes
. Ben jolted right along with David.

The thought of dumping a river of ejaculate deep into David’s ass slammed through Ben with the force of a freight train. The primitive desire, something he’d never done with any man before, attacked all the basest, most primal elements living inside him too powerfully to ignore.

A slave to those needs, Ben pulled his fingers from David’s ass. He crawled up David’s body, straddled his chest, grabbed a tuft of his hair, and shoved the thick head of his rock-hard cock into David’s lush, rosy mouth.

Chapter Seven

Ben pushed his cock into David’s mouth, and the joyous ride on the wave of the most powerful orgasm David had ever experienced crashed back in his face and drowned him in a flood of frigid water.

Ben’s scorching, thick erection morphed in David’s mind to a smaller, pale shaft. The bitterest awful taste in David’s memory kicked in a gag reflex in his throat. Shifting backward in time, David saw a tan-and-brown uniform in front of him, long, bony fingers gripping his jaw, holding it open, and a crackly voice humiliating and terrifying him with taunts and threats if he didn’t comply.

In prison David had no right or say over how anyone treated him. But a sliver of light shone into the darkness now, reminding David he was free. He scratched wildly at the man before him and mumbled, “No,” around the penis pushing toward his throat. He tried to turn his head and clawed at the man again.

The cock popped free of David’s lips, but the hand gripping his hair yanked his head back to the headboard. A deep, sharp rebuke of “David, stop it right now” thundered through the room and into David’s head.
Not the broken voice of the guard who blackmailed me.

Jerking back into reality, David blinked and blinked and blinked. As if coming out of a fog, he once again saw Ben rather than that guard he’d prayed every day and night in prison never to see again. Still, even though David could process that Ben was kneeling on the bed, he could only focus on the man’s heavily veined, thick cock jutting hard, inches from his lips, and the too-fast threading in his heart would not abate.

So ashamed, tears burning behind his eyes, David whispered, his mouth like sandpaper, “Please don’t make me. A guard in prison…” Humiliation broke the surface and stole the rest of David’s awful confession. He couldn’t tear his stare from the erection much too close to his face to give Ben eye contact. “I don’t like doing this anymore.”

Ben closed his fingers with tearing force in David’s hair. “You tell me the name of that guard, and I swear to everything holy I will go wherever I need to in order to find him, and when I do, I will inform him that I am your man, and I will beat the living shit out of him for what he did to you.” Ben shook David by the hair again, demand in his touch. “But I am not that guard, David. Look at me. Look at me right now.” Ben pushed the back of David’s skull into the headboard and forced his gaze up. “I am not that guard.”

Stark shadows of need made Ben’s blunt features even more squared off and harsh. Streaks of deep green took over his hazel eyes, rendering him intimidating yet also stunningly handsome. His tone deep and sure, Ben reiterated, “I am not that guard who took disgusting advantage of you. I am Ben. I am the man you just trusted enough to breach your body. And God strike me dead right now if I’m wrong, but I think you want to please me, and right now I am hurting”—Ben pulled on his length and immediately hissed through clenched teeth—“and nothing would give me more pleasure than finding a home in your mouth.”

Ben held David’s head back, and David didn’t dare blink, let alone close his eyes and sever contact. “You will look me in the eyes right now, see that I will not choke you or make you gag. Believe it, and then you will part those cherry-red lips of yours”—Ben peeled back his cock’s foreskin, revealing the fat mushroom head, and parked the tip so close to David’s mouth not even a piece of paper would fit between—“and you will let me back inside.”

Ingrained fear kept David’s heart palpitating out of control, but a deeper part of his internal makeup tickled him, pushing him to obey this man. He’d panicked before, to the point of changing his mind about letting Ben inside him, but that same tickle had kept him from screaming for help when, against David’s wishes, Ben had continued pushing his finger into David’s ass. And good Lord, that voice that had told David to let go had been so right. When David had surrendered, prepared to live through an experience of pain and humiliation, Ben had instead awakened new depths of pleasure David had never known before, all while seducing his mind even more than his body by painting a picture of how much pleasure they would both receive when they finally had sex.

Trust him again
. Another wave of sweaty palms and gut churning hit David, but the tickle inside that had found a voice grew louder and pushed back against the panic.
Do what he wants. He knows how to take care of you.

Ben growled, clearly impatient. He grabbed David’s hand and forced it across his belly and up his chest. “Feel me, David.” He scraped David’s fingers across his nipple; the move elicited a tremble in Ben, and a bead of early cum pearled in his slit. “Fuck, honey. I want you touching me and tasting me everywhere.” With another curse, Ben let go of David’s hand and hair and braced himself against the headboard. “Understand who is in front of you.” Using the tip of his dick, he smeared early ejaculate across David’s lips. “Now let me in.”

The masterful command in Ben’s tone rocked through David more loudly and completely than the voices inside full of doubt and judgment. Ben’s steady, harsh, yet somehow soothing tone wound its way down into David’s gut, then went farther and reawakened his cock. The length twitched hard toward his belly, and his ass channel squeezed too, reminding him of how recently Ben had filled him, taught him to love the invasion, and left him wonderfully sore and aware of his ass.

Saliva poured into David’s mouth, coating the dryness, and smothered more of the doubting voices within. A different kind of pounding started in David’s chest, one that made him push up straighter against the headboard. He scratched his fingers down Ben’s corded torso, just because he wanted to feel that bronzy, hard flesh for himself. Ben grunted, and his stomach muscles pulsed. The response cranked up the pure sexual arousal in David another dozen levels.

Suddenly, as much as David’s head still thundered with a dizzying dose of paralyzing fear, he couldn’t view the cock flushed with blood in front of him as belonging to anyone other than Ben. And right now David didn’t want anything more than to see Ben shiver with desire for him.

Shifting from scratching Ben to clutching his thighs, David closed the sliver of distance between them and licked across the shiny slit of Ben’s prick. Ben audibly sucked in air, bucked his hips in a fast staccato, and groaned, “Fuck yes.”

Like a booster shot of confidence jammed into his arm, Ben’s reaction ignited a fire in David and spurred him forward to lick Ben again. Ben’s salty essence attacked David’s taste buds. Rather than feeling repulsed, David’s head and heart and body filled with everything amazing that was Ben, and the overpowering flavor became something David coveted rather than feared. David wanted to excite Ben so much that the man couldn’t hold back his desire. He wanted the man to pour a river of seed into his mouth and down his throat, where David could keep a part of Ben forever.

Now driven to please Ben, David parted his lips around the thick mushroom cap of the man’s cock and sucked it like the sweetest, fattest, never-ending lollipop in the world. Ben moaned from above. With the second and third pull David put on Ben’s prick, Ben’s hips and thighs clenched and flexed, exposing his need.

Shaking his head, as if fighting the pleasure even though he’d demanded this, Ben muttered, “Fuck yes, David, your mouth is incredible.” Ben let go of the bed for a moment and dragged David’s hand up the perimeter of his body. “Touch me.” Stark need twisted Ben’s features and stripped his voice bare. “Don’t stop touching me.”

Responding to the cracks in Ben’s tone, David grazed his palms all over Ben’s chest and belly and up to his shoulders and down his arms. At the same time, he ran his tongue over an engorged vein mapping Ben’s swollen shaft. So full of curiosity and the desire to learn more, David spit Ben’s cockhead from his mouth and quickly licked up one distended vein, down another, and up a third, and didn’t stop until he’d run his tongue over every raised line on Ben’s penis. Then, before Ben had a chance to miss the contact, David opened wide and went straight down on the upper half of Ben’s thick-as-hell cock again.

Ben jerked and shouted, and he switched from gripping the headboard to clutching David’s head with both hands. Bowed halfway over David, Ben tangled his fingers in David’s hair and pumped his cock in and out of David’s mouth, filling David almost to the point of discomfort, but always withdrawing before David could choke. Ben’s continual awareness of how deeply he pushed himself into David’s mouth, while in the midst of receiving such pleasure, flooded David with cooling streaks of calm. Another instinct awakened in David, though: an overwhelming, powerful desire to push Ben so hard he would lose himself completely, even if the consequences were a broken and battered David in the end.

Unable to ignore that dangerous need to overwhelm Ben with pleasure, David sucked harder and faster on Ben’s cock, and instead of rubbing up and down the sides of Ben’s body, he began playing with the man’s balls and squeezing his buttocks. David swirled his tongue around the rim of Ben’s cockhead, moaning as the harsh flavor attacked his tongue in the best possible way. He massaged Ben’s cum-swollen nuts too. In between, he kneaded each tight ass cheek and dipped his middle finger into Ben’s crease to flick his hole.

Jolting from top to bottom, Ben dug his fingers into David’s scalp with enough force to break skin. He jammed the top of his head into the wall above the headboard and gutturally uttered, “Jesus, don’t stop.” He reached down and closed David’s hand tighter over his balls. “Don’t ever stop.”

Glorying in Ben’s pleasure, David alternated between tugging on Ben’s sac and rolling his nuts across his fingers, living to give this man everything he needed to come. With his jaw hurting and his mouth open as wide as it had ever been, David sucked in his cheeks as hard as he could. He dragged his lips up the top half of Ben’s shaft, and then barely gave himself a second to steal a breath before pushing back down and filling his mouth with more of Ben’s rigid cock. Once wasn’t enough for David, so he sucked on the upper part of Ben’s cock a second, third, and fourth time.

Pulling in a loud gulp of air, Ben reared upright, exposing a crimson face bathed in sweat. “Fucking shit, David, you’re killing me so good.” Ben wrapped his hand around the root of his cock and jerked himself off. “I want to roll you over and slam into you so bad right now; you have no idea.”

An icy chill went through David, but he still choked out, “Fuck me if you need to,” and started to turn over. “I can take it.”

Ben grabbed David with crushing strength and rammed him back against the headboard. “Don’t anger me.” Ben’s cock still raged thick and hard and red, lifted straight out from a thatch of dark hair, but no sexual fog blurred the piercing clarity in his changing eyes. “I want David, the man I met on the side of the road, and I won’t take him until he is ready to accept me. I don’t want a sacrificial lamb giving up his ass because he’s too terrified of me leaving here unsatisfied to say no to me.”

Oh God. Oh God. Oh my God
. David could scarcely breathe through the words flying so beautifully from Ben’s mouth. With each sentence Ben gruffly barked, full of incredible insight, a stab of blinding brightness sliced into David, yanked him into the light, and pushed feelings he couldn’t deny up into his throat.
No. No, don’t do it
. Everything David had learned in therapy about perspective and self-respect blazed through his mind and began to dim the light.

Before the spark was completely snuffed out, Ben added, “I will only take you when you are begging for me because you want to feel me inside you more than you want your next breath”—Ben dipped down, stole a hard, fast kiss, and robbed David of some of that air—“not because you’re too scared to deny me anything I say I want.”

Oh God. Oh God. Oh my dear God.

“When it’s only you, without an ounce of fear, only then will I take what I so badly want from you.”

No. No. No. Don’t say it
. Even as caution rang loudly in David’s head, Ben’s words, spoken aloud and with such decisive clarity, surrounded David and captured him whole. David tried to stifle himself, tried to let training and reason set in, but the brutal yet tender honesty radiating out of Ben cut through that last vestige of caution and laid David bare with nowhere to hide.

“Only when it’s fully you, David,” Ben uttered, his voice so raw and beautiful, “no fears or worry between us, will I make you mine.”

With words of denial still screaming silently inside him, David took Ben’s hand in his, dragged it to his lips, and pressed a kiss to the warm palm. “Heaven help me, this isn’t right or normal to feel.” He locked his gaze to Ben’s, and with a terrible scratch in his throat, he whispered, “But God, Ben, you’re so wonderful I think I’m already halfway in love with you.”

Ben shuddered and gruffly said back, “Fuck, honey.” His hand jerked on his cock. “Don’t.”

“I can’t help it.” Ben’s rejection pierced through David, but still, he couldn’t stop himself from pouring out his heart. “I’m deep down the road of being in love with you.”

Jaw slack, Ben didn’t speak. Then he said, “David…” almost without sound and grabbed David’s jaw. Jerking again, much more powerfully this time, Ben pushed David’s lips apart as he released a gritty sound, aimed his cock, and came inside David’s mouth.

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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