Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts (10 page)

Read Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary; Suspense

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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The kitten hopped up next to David just then. David tucked her close as he softly answered, “I know.”

“I would also remind you that entering into a relationship while you still have so many other aspects of your life up in the air can pose its own series of dangers and difficulties. I don’t advise it.”

The small spark of life dimmed in David and then suffocated, snuffed out. He tucked the kitten against his chest and savored her purrs. “I should back away from Ben.” He pressed his lips to the kitten’s downy fur and squeezed his eyes shut. “I should force myself to stop even thinking about him.”

“I’m suggesting that you give it serious consideration, and only then, should you still think it’s the right thing for you, to move slowly and with caution.”

“It doesn’t matter.” The raw facts spilled out of David in a lifeless monotone. “I’m too worried about becoming obsessed with him anyway. If I’m thinking like this after two short evenings together, then I’m not ready to pursue anything with him. I’ll be off-the-charts out of control if we have sex.”

“Working on yourself first makes a lot of sense. I’m proud of you.” With the doctor’s praise, his tone warmed more, but David couldn’t bathe in the narrow ray of sunlight right now. “My offer to set up online therapy sessions still stands.”

“I’ll think about it.” Halfheartedly David got up to gather some clothes from the dresser. “Most of my money is going into shelter and food right now.”

“We can work out the finances. Your mental health is what matters.”

“Thanks for picking up, Doctor. I have to go now, or I’ll miss the bus that gets me to work.” Now that David had his answers, he didn’t have the energy or will to dwell on them. “Bye.”

“Call me if these feelings flare up again, David,” the doctor rushed his words. “My number is always open to you.”

“Thanks. Bye again.”

“Bye, David.”

With that, David ended the call and set his phone next to the neat pile of clean clothes.

“Well”—he lifted the kitten to look her in the eyes—“I wanted reality, and he gave it to me. I should have known it wouldn’t be what I wanted to hear.”

The kitten meowed her sympathy, and David nuzzled her one more time before placing her on the bed so he could take a shower.

As David stripped down and started the water running, he figured he wouldn’t have to call Dr. Fariday anymore, at least not about Ben. He would always get the same answer to hold back his desires, so he’d better learn to start drilling it into his head all on his own. It would be a lot cheaper that way.

Still, although David knew he would have to back away from Ben, his throat clogged up as he finally washed away the man’s kiss from his lips and cheek.

* * * *

Too stupidly excited about spending an innocent evening with a possibly unstable man and a kitten, Ben knocked on David’s motel room door and then held a stuffed animal he’d bought in front of his face. David would be tickled by the toy that was at least twice the size of the kitten, but he’d also probably think it was cute as hell when the little terror took charge of the stuffed creature and dragged it around the room. Ben had seen the lion when he’d stopped for gas, and he hadn’t been able to resist it.

A minute passed without David answering, and Ben’s senses began to tingle and hone in on the quiet room. He knocked on the door again, harder this time, and called out to let David know it was him. Still no answer. Ben had discreetly followed the guy home. He knew David was in the room. He knocked again, called out once more, and still the man did not respond.

Slamming into full alert, Ben banged his fist on the door. “David! Answer me!”
Jesus, what if he had a rough day and did something stupid?
Redoubling his efforts, strung tight with panic, Ben twisted the handle and put his shoulder to the door. “David! Are you okay in there? Talk to me!”

After jamming his shoulder into the door a second and then third time, Ben stepped back to kick it in. Before he could put his boot to the wood, the chain lock rattled from the other side. A moment later a paler than normal David opened the door.

Before David parted his lips to speak, Ben pushed his way inside. “Are you all right?” After quickly tossing the stuffed animal on the bed, Ben grabbed David by the shoulders and hauled him in to give him a good looking over. “What took you so long to answer?”

His body stiff, David pulled out of Ben’s hold. “Nothing.” He rubbed his arm as if Ben had bruised him, and he didn’t make eye contact. “I’m okay.”

Starting to go cold, Ben furrowed his brow. “Then why didn’t you answer?”

David went from rubbing his biceps to wrapping his arms around himself. “No reason. I just…” He took half a step back but then stopped himself. Putting his arms back to his sides, he finally lifted his head and looked Ben dead-on in the eyes. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

Confusion mingled with uncertainty—an unfamiliar mix for Ben—and his chest began thudding in a way he didn’t like. Still, like the realist he was, he pushed through and asked, “What isn’t a good idea?”

David started to drop eye contact. “I don’t think—” Up his head came again, and this time he met and held Ben’s gaze far steadier than he ever had before. “No, I know I don’t want you coming over here to see me anymore. I won’t come see you either. I want you to leave.”

What the fuck?
In a blink of time, Ben switched from icy to blazing hot.
First he terrifies the shit out of me by not answering the door, and then he thinks with one unexplained declaration he can brush me off?
Nostrils flaring, teeth bared, Ben growled. His cock came to life, and his senses cranked up to level ten.
No fucking way. You are not in charge.

With the predator in Ben seizing full control, Ben stepped straight into David’s personal space, not stopping until their fronts touched and David gasped.

“I don’t think you mean that.” Ben inhaled deeply, openly, and without shame. Christ, that smell of freshly cleaned skin, with a hint of animal still there, sank into Ben’s bloodstream and awakened his body even more. “After the way you trembled for me last night with barely a touch, I fucking know you don’t want me to leave.”

With that, Ben grabbed a hunk of David’s hair.
Damn, his hair is softer than silk
. Flexing his fingers in the stuff, Ben muttered, “Damn you,” forced David’s head back, and licked deep into the man’s mouth.

Chapter Five

Ben licked deep into David’s mouth, and a solar flare exploded inside David and his legs went wobbly. Without missing a beat, Ben dragged David close, supported him, and licked him again.

Oh no, oh no, oh no
. Even as David mentally screamed a denial, his belly pulsed, and his cock thickened in his jeans.
Please don’t do this to me.

Against David’s lips, Ben breathed in and out heavily. “There you go.” With a moan, Ben rocked against David. “Damn, honey. I can already feel you getting hard for me.” Flecks of amber in Ben’s hazel gaze lit with fire, and a grin transformed his harsh face to breathtaking. “And you fucking brushed your teeth too.” He flicked his tongue across David’s upper lip and moaned softly once more. “Jesus, feel what just this little taste of you is doing to me.” He pushed David’s hand down and stroked it over his erect cock.

Heat seared through Ben’s jeans, straight into David’s palm. Incredible thickness swelled against David’s hand. Ben circled his length against David’s palm, and they both groaned. At the same time, Ben slid his other hand to David’s ass, squeezed, and nipped his bottom lip. He then pressed a couple of fingers into David’s crease through his jeans, and David’s channel clenched with need, unlike anything he’d experienced in his life.
No. No
. Sirens full of warning went off in David’s head, and he yanked out of Ben’s arms.

Half doubled over, David bumped into the edge of the bed, but he made himself meet the dark fire in Ben’s stare. “Please. You shouldn’t do this.” They’d barely shared a kiss and hardly touched, but already David’s blood raced too fast and clouded his ability to think. “It’s not right.” He shook his head, desperate to disturb the vision of the overbearingly masculine force of man standing much too close to him. David moved to take another step back, but the bed prevented him from getting any farther away. He jutted his chin high and tried to present a formidable presence. “You need to leave.”

Prowling like a wolf, eyes so incredibly bright, Ben moved in and grabbed a fistful of David’s shirt. “You should have answered the door, and everything would have been fine.” He shoved David onto the bed and towered over him by straddling his thighs. “Don’t fuck with me, David. There will always be consequences.”

Like a jack-in-the-box, David bounced up as much as he could and braced himself on his elbows. “But we shouldn’t—”

Ben slammed his hand over David’s mouth. “Shut up right now.” Without finesse, Ben yanked at the belt looped in David’s jeans. “Or I promise to God I will roll you over and blister your ass for scaring me the way you did.”

Scaring you?
Before David could question how in the heck he’d scared Ben so badly, Ben pulled his hand away and fused his lips to David’s in a searing kiss. Bruising David as much as kissing him, Ben worked the button and zipper on David’s jeans, shoved his hand inside, and took hold of his cock.
Oh God, no, no…yes.

Heat scorched David from the inside out, and he lifted his penis into Ben’s touch, while at the same time pushing against the man’s arms. A small part of David’s brain still living in a world of sanity shouted that he needed to get as far away from Ben as possible or the man would be the death of him. But the rest of David’s head and his body—oh God, most definitely his body—awakened and responded to a desire he’d spent nearly his whole life denying and suppressing. With a tiny internal cry of need, David went from trying to shove Ben off him to clutching the man’s shoulders and dragging him all the way on top of him.

Ben bit and surged against David, grinding his stiff dick hard between David’s parted thighs. Cold slivers full of fear cut through the heat in David—he’d never wanted or let another man inside him before—and he suddenly bucked and scratched Ben’s arms.

With a curse, Ben pulled his hand from David’s underwear and pinned him to the bed. “Don’t start fighting me again.” The blaze in Ben’s stare lit all the changing colors like fireworks. “A part of you knows what you want.” Ben touched David’s chest over his rapidly beating heart and then pressed a kiss to the crazy pounding within. “You’re responding to me all over.” Ben slid lower and licked a line down the quiver in David’s stomach. “Let it happen.”

When Ben pushed David’s jeans down to his thighs, freeing his fully erect cock, David blurted, “I’m scared,” and his heart thumped almost out of his chest.

“Oh, honey. Don’t be.” Ben lifted his gaze from David’s prick, and a soft smile sent pure terror through David’s wary heart. “It’s only going to feel good.” Then, before David could utter another protest, Ben parted his lips and sucked a third of David’s cock into his mouth.

Every nerve ending in David’s shaft shot to full attention and sent streaking lines of pleasure through to every corner in his body. Ben drew in his cheeks and pulled up with insane suction on the upper half of David’s penis, and David shouted hoarsely and bucked again. This time, though, he buried his fingers in Ben’s hair and kept him in place rather than trying to shove him away.

Ben held his lips in a grin against the tip of David’s dick. “You like that, huh?” he asked, just before flicking his tongue along the slit.

Biting his lip, David groaned, “Yes.” Ben feathered his tongue lightly under the head of David’s length, back and forth, back and forth, and David felt the brushes of contact all the way down into his toes.

“God,” David whispered, hating that he did, “you feel so good.” Uncontrollably, he swished his ass deep into the bedding and rocked up against Ben’s reddened lips. “Don’t stop.”

“Didn’t plan on it.” Something of a growl escaped Ben, and he rubbed his face all over David’s length. Licking his way up one side and down the other, he made another noise and then buried his nose in the tamed thatch of blond fur at the root of David’s prick. Inhaling audibly, Ben whorled his tongue around the base and tasted David again. “Jesus, you smell like fresh grass and honey.” He pushed David’s pants farther down his legs to his ankles, then eased David’s thighs apart and exposed his high, tight balls and pulsating bud. “And your balls are smoother and hotter than anything I’ve ever seen.”

Without a second of hesitation, Ben dived in and dragged David’s left nut into his mouth. Acutely joyous sensations rushed in a flood between David’s legs, nearly overwhelming in their power. Out of control, David shamelessly widened his thighs more and lifted himself for Ben’s stunning mouth.

Ben uttered, “Christ, yes,” and sucked on David’s nut, swirling it on his tongue. He plied the other with his strong hand, as if he were at an altar worshipping and David was his religion. In Ben’s mouth, David’s ball pulled in the sac, responding powerfully to Ben’s masterful touch. David bit off a moan as, so very quickly, his nuts started lifting toward his body, signaling his release.

Ben spit David out and put a clamp on his sac. “Not yet.” He licked the crease between David’s thigh and ass cheek, and David jolted and shivered. “I’m not close to done with you.”

Blood pooled painfully in David’s shaft and drove his actions. “I can’t.” Shame heated David all the way through, but still he grabbed hold of his cock and began pulling in earnest. “I don’t know how to control myself. I’m sorry.” Around Ben’s hold on him, David ruthlessly slapped at his balls, almost maniacal in his need to come.

Some of the harsh lines faded from Ben’s face, and he switched from having a choke hold on David’s balls to massaging them. “It’s okay. Let me finish you.” With a simple touch, Ben eased David’s hand away and began stroking David’s cock himself.

Ben surrounded David’s shaft and nuts with his wonderful calloused hands—
oh fuck, yes
—and David bit his lip to stifle a scream. He pumped his hips erratically, hungry for the full slide of Ben’s fingers, and knew he didn’t need another thing to come. But Ben gave him something anyway. He parted his lips around the crimson head of David’s cock and sucked him gently, as if tasting David with love. The simple action rocked a shock wave through David to his core and shot him into the stars.

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