Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 (79 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945
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Chinese Communist Party (CCP) (
.): Yan’an as capital of,



Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (CHRRA),

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
See also
National Government: assassinations by,
; banned,
; CCP allies with,


; CCP competes with,
; Chiang rises in,
; Chiang takes over,

; Chiang’s rise and control of,

; Civil War with CCP,


; corruption in,
; denigration of,
; divisions within,

; elite power base,
; land reforms by,
; Mao and,
; modern political rehabilitation of,
; plans to democratize,
; Soviet Union supports,

; Sun forms,
; Wang and,

Chongqing: British consulate in,
; Chiang retreats to,


; Du Zhongyuan on,
; Japanese air raids on,




; Lao on,

; as National Government’s capital,


; Public Works Bureau,
; war memorials in,

; wartime transformation of,

; White on,

Christian missionaries: in China,



Churchill, Winston: and Burma,

; at Cairo Conference,

; and China,
; as imperialist,


; and India,


City of Life and Death

Civil War: CCP’s victory in,
; Chiang’s judgments in,


civilian population, Chinese: attacks NRA,

; CCP’s population with,

; Japanese occupation’s effects on,





; Operation Ichigô’s effects on,

; postwar oppression of,

; resentment of National Government,


; welfare programs for,








Clark Kerr, Sir Archibald,

Cold War,
; anti-communism in,

; effects on interpretations of World War II,


collaborationist government (Nanjing).
Reorganized Government

collaborators: postwar treatment of,

; in Sino-Japanese War,







; opposes fascism,

communism: Chiang’s hatred of,

; Cold War and,


Communist Party.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

corruption: by Jiang Dingwen,
; in KMT,
; by Kong Xiangxi,
; in National Government,



; in NRA,


; by Tang Enbo,

Cosme, Henri,

Cripps, Sir Stafford,

Cui Yongyuan,


Currie, Lauchlin,


D-Day landings.
Operation Overlord

Dai Li: as Chiang’s head of security,

; death of,
; and Miles,

; relationship with OSS,

; use of terrorism and torture by,


Davies, John Paton, Jr.,

; on CCP,


De (prince),

Defend Wuhan

democracy: Asian interpretation of,


Deng Xiaoping,

Dennys, Lancelot,

Dewey, Thomas E.,

Diaoyutai islands,

“Diary of Miss Sophia, The” (Ding Ling),

Ding Ling: “The Diary of Miss Sophia,”
; “Thoughts on March

; “When I Was in Xia Village,”

Ding Mocun,



“Dixie Mission.”
United States: and contact with CCP

Dodd, William Edward,

Dong Nancai,

Dong Xianguang,

Donovan, William: and OSS in China,


Doolittle, James: leads air raid on Japan,

Dorn, Frank,

Drumright, Everett F.,

Du Yuesheng,

Du Yuming,


Du Zhongyuan,

; on Chongqing,
; as journalist,



; on Nanjing,
; promotes Chinese unity,



Duan Suquan,

Dunkirk, retreat from,

Durdin, F. Tillman: on defense and massacre of Nanjing,



Eden, Anthony,

Empire of the Sun

Europe, Allied invasion of.
Operation Overlord

Western imperialism


famine: and breaching of Yellow River dikes,


; cannibalism in,
; Chiang on,
; in Henan,



; in India,

; Li Shu on,
; in postwar period,
; White on,

; Zhang Zonglu on,


Fan Changjiang,

Fan Jianchuan:
One Person’s War of Resistance

Fang Jun,

Fang Xianjue,

Farmer, Rhodes,

fascism: Comintern opposes,
; in Germany,

; in Italy,

; Soviet Union opposes,

Feng Yuxiang,

Fessenden, Sterling,

Fitch, George,

Flowers of War

“Flying Tigers.”
American Volunteer Group (AVG)

food supply: CCP and,
; National Government and,


foreigners: arrested after Pearl Harbor,
; in Nanjing,

; protected under Japanese occupation,

; in Shanghai,





; in Shantou,

; in Wuhan,

France: concession in Shanghai,
; fall of,
; Vichy government of,


“Free China,”


Gandhi, Mahatma,

; Chiang meets,

; nonviolent principles,


Gao Luoying,

Gao Zongwu,
; and possibility of negotiated peace,


; reneges on defection,

Gauss, Clarence: as US ambassador to China,






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