Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 (81 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945
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Japanese imperialism,


; in China,



; Roosevelt and increase in,


Japanese Navy,
; assault on Wuhan,
; expansion of,


Japanese occupation of China: CCP resists,
; Chiang seen as appeaser in,

; crime and banditry in,

; effects on civilian population,





; foreigners protected in,

; and increased social violence,
; Japan considers ending,
; propaganda in,

; Red Army resists,
; resistance to,
; security efforts in,
; use of terrorism and torture in,



Jenkins, Douglas,

Jiang Baili,

Jiang Dingwen: corruption by,
; in Henan campaign,


Jiang Menglin,

Jiang Tingfu: as head of CNRRA,

Jiang Weiqing,

Jiang Zaizhen,

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali,


Jiujiang: Japanese atrocities at,

Joffe, Adolf,

Johnson, Chalmers,

Johnson, James,


Johnson, Nelson T.,
; on breaching of Yellow River dikes,
; on Chiang,

; on defense of Wuhan,

; as US ambassador to China,


Johnson-Reed Immigration Act (1924),


Kagesa Sadaaki,

Kang Sheng: as CCP’s head of security,

; use of terrorism and torture by,



Kawagoe Shigeru,

Keswick, John,

Kizer, Benjamin H.: as head of UNRRA,
; and Nationalist corruption,


Knox, Frank,

Kong Xiangxi,

; corruption by,

Konoye Fumimaro (prince),
; announces “New Order,”
; background and personality,

; justification of war with China,

; and possibility of negotiated peace,
; responds to Marco Polo Bridge Incident,

Korea: Japan annexes,
; postwar status of,

Korean War,

Kung, H. H.
Kong Xiangxi

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)

Kurile Islands,

Kurusu Saburô,

Kwantung Army (Japan): attacks China,
; in Manchuria,


; Zhukov defeats,


land and production reforms: by CCP,

; by KMT,

Lao She,
; on Chongqing,

Defend Wuhan

Laurel, José P.,

League of Nations,

; Chiang on,

; China in,
; Soviet Union expelled from,

Ledo Road.
See also
Burma Road: Stilwell and,



Lend-Lease program,


Lewis, Robert,

Li Gongpu,

Li Shiqun: assassinated,
; as Reorganized Government’s head of security,



Li Shu: on famine,

Li Zongren,
; background,

; commands at Taierzhuang,

; rivalry with Chiang,


Liang Hongzhi,

Lin Biao,

Lin Boqu,

Linlithgow, Lord,

Liu Baichuan,

Liu Shaoqi,

Liu Wenhui,

Liu Xiang,

Liu Zhenyun,


Lockhart, Frank,

London Naval Treaty (1930),

Long March (1934–35): by Red Army,



Long Yun,

Lovat-Fraser, W. A.,

“Low-Key Club”: and defections to Japanese,


Lu Xun,

Lu Yan,

Luce, Claire Booth,

Luce, Henry: supports Chiang,

Marco Polo Bridge Incident (1937)

Luo Gu,

Luo Zhuoying,

Luoyang: defense of,

; Japanese capture,

Lutyens, Sir Edward,


Ma Bufang,

Ma Lin,

Ma Zhaoqun,

MacArthur, Douglas,

MacKillop, Douglas: on Sino-Japanese War,


Madang: Japanese capture,

Magruder, John,

Manchukuo: as Japanese client state,



Manchuria: Chinese sovereignty over,
; Japan occupies,



; Japan stages coup in,
; Japanese atrocities in,
; Kwantung Army in,


; as separate from China,
; Soviet Union invades,

Manchurian Incident (1931),

Manchus: rule China,


Mandalay (Burma),
; defense of,

Mao Zedong,
; attacks CCP leadership,
; background and personality,

; cooperates with Chiang,

; death of,
; on defense of Wuhan,
; denounces Chiang,

; distrusts Chiang,

; Edgar Snow on,
; effect of Sino-Japanese War on,


; and guerrilla warfare,


; heads CCP,



; Helen Snow and,
; on inflation,

; and kidnapping of Chiang,
; and KMT,
; and Marco Polo Bridge Incident,
; negotiates postwar settlement with Chiang,
; and NRA defeat,
; “On New Democracy,”

; “On Protracted War,”
; political and social ideology,



; postwar mythology of,

; postwar strategy of,

; rejects Chiang,

; as revolutionary,
; seeks alliance with Soviet Union,

; and Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship,
; and social Darwinism,
; on US,


Marco Polo Bridge Incident (1937),

; Chiang and,

; Konoye responds to,
; Mao and,
; US and,


; Wang and,
; Zhou and,


Marshall, George C.,

; mediates between Chiang and CCP,
; wartime strategy of,


Matsui Iwane,

; executed,

Matsumoto Shigeharu,

Matsuoka Yôsuke,


May Fourth Movement (1919),

McCarthy, Joseph: red-scare tactics by,


Mei Siping: defects to Japanese,
; and possibility of negotiated peace,



Merrill’s Marauders,

Miles, Milton: Dai and,


mobile warfare.
guerrilla warfare

Molotov, Vyacheslav,

Mongolia, Outer: China and,

Morgenthau, Henry,

Mountbatten, Lord Louis,

; opposes Stilwell,


Mussolini, Benito,

Mutô Akira,

Myitkyina (Burma): Japanese besiege,



Nakamura Akihito,

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