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Authors: Dean

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His anxiety about approaching a woman is so strong that he must imagine that it is not his idea; she will do almost anything to get the sex
needs. It is the woman’s idea. She is in heat; Gilbert carries none of the blame.

The fantasy of the sexually ravenous woman handles almost any amount of male inhibition. The mythical woman is so enraged with lust,
so fevered,
that it might be said the man is closer to giving her medical treatment than seducing her.

“Yes, yes, YESI” she signals him. “If you take me to bed, you are not hurting me, not doing anything wrong. You are saving my life!”

Mort (above) gives us a message from the Freudian unconscious, furnishing evidence of how close to aggression and violence many men feel sex to be. When Mort looks at nudie magazines, he feels anxious because he imagines women will seek revenge: “If I am feeling guilty ... the girls bite off or stomp on my dick.”

But the notion of castration gets no more than five or ten words from Mort – very little for an idea that, if truly feared, Nancy Friday


would be of the first magnitude. The rest of what he tells us is how lovely imaginary, sexually aggressive women are to him. The emotions at issue in this chapter are not so much sadistic as redolent of
Tea and Sympathy.


I am married, twenty-eight; and for a long time, my sexual fantasies were centered around two subjects.

I am always aroused by the thought of making love, or engaging in any sexual activity, with a thirty-five- or forty-five-year-old married woman, or just seeing a nude picture of such a woman. I always like the look and the feel of a mature naked female body and an experienced cunt. I imagine a married forty-year-old housewife who was our neighbor when I was young. She is alone at home; her husband is at work. She invites me to her house, the reason being to help her move some heavy objects. It is just a half-hour job. After we are done, she invites me to stay for a soft drink and cake. Then she tells me to sit around because she has to change her clothes.

After I have been sitting for over fifteen minutes and she hasn’t returned, I kind of wonder what has happened to her. I walk toward the bedroom, and the door is slightly open. To my surprise, she is lying on the bed and has taken off her top and slid her pants off her hips. She kicks them away with her foot. Now she is in her bra and panties. She has a full body and very good curves for her age, and she is very nice looking. Now she runs her hands down from her neck to her bra and reaches back and unfastens it. She starts to fondle her thirty-six-inch breasts. She is very aroused. Then she moves her hands downward over her belly and reaches inside her panties and starts to play with her cunt. She then takes them off and her beautiful cunt is in full view. To my surprise, she has a shaved cunt with just a slight trace of hair. By this time, my heart is beating rapidly. I am concentrating so hard I ac-Men In Love


cidentally push the door open. I am very frightened and do not know what to do. She walks toward me and pats my shoulder and whispers, “It’s okay.” She guides me to her bed and begins to take off all my clothes. She bends down and starts to suck my penis, a feeling that I never experienced in my life. She then guides my hand all over her body. When I touch her shaven cunt, it’s very wet. She reaches down and clues me m finger fuck her. It feels warm and wet. She reaches over with her hand and lowers my head toward her cunt. She wants me to suck her cunt. That is one of my greatest sexual fantasies.


The first time I saw her, I wasn’t prepared for that kind of a happening:

I had been thumbing my way west, hoping to reach the Pacific coast before I ran out of money, and doing all . I had been on the road for two days, and had covered a thousand miles.

The red convertible came over the hilltop like a rocket. Its pipes were screaming and the chrome glistening in the sun. I could tell by the speed it was coming that there was no room for me in there, so I didn’t even put out my thumb. Then to my amazement that big red monster fishtailed to a halt a dozen yards up the road. I was so surprised, I just stood there gawking. The tires screeched in protest as she gunned the motor and reversed back down the road to where I stood.

“Want a lift or don’cha?” she asked in a husky southern drawl.

“Yes, ma’am!” I replied, getting my head together. “Well, plant your butt and let’s git it on the road.” She was smiling, and the twinkle in her eye told me this was going to be one good ride. I dumped my stuff in the back and slid into the bucket next to hers. She drifted into low and come off the clutch like a teenybopper. She went through the gears like Nancy Friday


Parnelli Jones and when she was finished we were sizzling along at eighty miles per. Then she looked at me and winked.

“Hold on, honey, I cain’t drive but I sure do aim this thing,” she said. Then she laughed. It was a deep throaty laugh, rich and full like she was. She was tall, maybe six foot, with long legs and big beautiful feet. She was clad only in the briefest of summer frocks, that crept up those long legs almost into her lap. She drove barefoot with her legs and arms stretched out straight in front of her. Her ample bosom bounced freely as the car hurtled over the uneven road. I just watched her, fascinated, as she drove. She was almost a part of that big red machine, coaxing every last ounce of power and performance out of it, her long slender fingers wrapped loosely around the wheel. I had ridden with fast drivers before and had even felt safe with one or two of them, but she drove with such ease and self-confidence that in no time I was completely comfortable at her side. The phrase “she drove like a man” comes to mind but I can hardly remember any man who drove that well.

Her skin was like black velvet, smooth and soft; it almost glowed with life. Her bold Afro features were like an ebony carving. Her mouth was full with sensuous lips and big white teeth that flashed at me as she talked. Her nose was large but perfectly formed with a little upturn at the end. Her neck was long and graceful, tapering to good square shoulders that rippled with her almost masculine strength. Her ribcage was big and her breasts sat high and handsome on it, full and firm with a glorious valley between them. The skimpiness of her dress revealed large firm nipples that strained eagerly against it. It was obvious that this girl was turned on with her driving and the power she controlled. Her body tapered beneath her breasts to a small waist and immediately flared again, flowing into large firm hips and a flat plane of a stomach and round soft buttocks. My inner eye ate her up like a big piece of chocolate cake.

To make matters worse for my warming loins, that dress, as she drove, crept ever upward into the luscious lap. Soon I Men In Love


was able to glimpse the stark white of her panties and the glorious arch of her mons jutting against the thin material. I couldn’t help but stare. She carelessly let her left leg slip sideways as she pushed her pelvis slightly forward in the seat. The effect was electrifying. The taut material of her panties dug into her pussy, outlining the firm pouting lips.

“You sure look hungry, boy,” she said, coyly grinning. “If you don’t talk to me I’ll have to cover it up.” I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as she laughed that deep throaty laugh. My cock was twitching like crazy, trying to make an erection in my tight jeans. I felt like a schoolboy who had just been caught jerking off in the john. I wanted to apologize but her freedom about the matter stopped me cold.

She knew what she was doing to me with her body and just plain didn’t give a damn.

Her left hand lay in her lap and her index finger was idly stroking the indentation in the crotch of her panties. I wanted to reach out but I was paralyzed. Then, pushing up the hem of her dress, her hand slipped beneath the elastic of her panties.

I watched, spellbound, as her fingers slid over her abdomen, and down between those waiting lips. I saw her middle finger arch and bury itself within her. She was masturbating, right there in front of met I raised my hand to reach for her but she stopped me cold with a word.

“Don’t.” Her voice had picked up a bit of an edge. “We are going eighty miles an hour and I am running this thing.

You seemed to want a show, well, I’m giving you one, but don’t reach for me, it could kill us both.” I couldn’t help myself. My eyes were riveted to her crotch. Then as if it weren’t enough she lifted her ass off the seat and pushed down on her panties. There it was, in all its voluptuous glory. A huge puff of curly black hair, the crimson head of her clit just barely peeking out. The full inner lips gleamed with a coating of her sweet juices.

“Isn’t it pretty?” she asked softly. “It tastes even better than it looks. I may even let you have some later, but right now I just want you to see me. Now I’m going to ask you to Nancy Friday


do something for me, but I don’t want you to get carried away. I want you to take these damn pants off, but that’s all.

Don’t try to touch me or we may both wind up dead.” I was ready to do anything, so I reached forward slowly and hooked my thumbs beneath the elastic of her panties and pushed them down toward her feet. She pulled her left foot free and spread her legs. From where I was positioned I could look right into her sweet little honey pot, and I could almost taste the sweet moistness of it. I sat back and watched as she thrust two fingers into herself. She sighed, and her finger came out wet. Then she reached out slowly with her hand and ran her glistening fingertips across my lips. She dipped them again and repeated the move. This time I opened my mouth and sucked the sweetness from her fingers.

Then when I thought I couldn’t take another second of just sitting there watching that beautiful pussy, her foot came off the accelerator and slid onto the brakes. A side road was coming up fast on the right. The tires screamed as she brought the big car to a halt just past the turn. She jammed it into reverse and backed around out of sight of the main road.

Then she reached forward and killed the motor; flopping back in her seat, she puffed like a steam engine.

Then she opened the door and slid out of the car, flopping on her back in the tall grass at the side of the road. I needed no invitation, I was out of the car and around to her side in two seconds flat.

She closed her eyes and smilingly held out her hand to me.

I dropped to my knees beside her and slid my hand softly up her thigh. My fingers felt numb as I touched the crinkly curls on her mons. She reached down with her hands and scooped up her dress, drawing it off over her head. She was magnificent, lying there with the sun bathing her in her naked beauty.

I moaned with joy as I lurched forward and buried my face in her. Her velvety thighs closed around my head and I could feel the soft skin against my ears as I stretched out my tongue into her tunnel of love.

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I ran my tongue back and forth across her throbbing clit; then, pursing my lips, I drew it into my mouth, sucking as hard as I could. I thrust my chin against her buttocks and drove my face into the very depths of her. I felt her fingers in my hair pulling me even tighter to her. My face was smeared with her juices and I could barely breathe. Her legs were locked so tightly around my head that the muscles in the back of my neck ached, but I was oblivious to the pain. That hot sweet cant was on fire in my mouth, and she was like a wild thing, thrusting and bucking as she came again and again.

Finally I could stand no more. I tore my head from between her legs, clawing at my clothing in my frenzy to be free of it.

Then I was nude and my cock found its own way, piercing the lips of her cunt and sinking deep inside. I could feel her throbbing pussy practically eating me alive. I wanted to just stay there and savor it, but there was no controlling her. She arched wildly, thrusting her pelvis up to me in her panic to have more of me. As we came closer and closer I could feel nothing but that hot cunt sucking the very life from me. Then like bolts of lightning from deep within my guts came the hot cum coursing through my aching cock and filling her. Her legs wrapped around my hips like a vise and she screamed and sank her teeth into my shoulder.

After a long time I rolled off of her and she came to me and pressed her warm wet body against me and we slept.


A constant fantasy is myself with an older woman. I would love to have an affair with a more mature, refined, enthusiastic and horny woman. The age to which I refer is thirty-five to possibly fifty, but my fantasies usually end at forty-five.

You would be surprised at the number of men my age that are dying to make it with a more mature lover.

I fantasize about meeting this woman at a bar, restaurant, or grocery store. She is a cashier, a secretary, the woman Nancy Friday


down the street, a teacher; but usually it is an Avon lady and I am the only one home. She enters. I sit on one side of the room, and she begins to tell me of the products she has. I start to think of her sucking my cock or of her cunt with her legs spread apart. She asks if I would like to move closer and see what she is selling. I get up to move closer and she notices that I have a big hard-on, and I notice that she notices. She looks at me, smiles, and licks her lips. I ask her not to be offended but that I would like to show her my cock. She says that she would like that, and I pull my pants down to my knees. As I do this, my cock spring out and bounces up and down. She touches it and comments about how pretty it is. I ask her if there is anything I can do for her, and she tells me to get totally nude. I do this, and she asks me to walk around the room as she looks at me. I walk over to her, and she tells me to bend over. She then looks at my asshole and tells me to lie down on the coffee table on my back. She then begins to jerk me off and lightly tongues the head of my cock. She stops, stands up, and instructs me to pull her panties down as she pulls up her skirt. I do this and she asks me to kiss and lick her all over her legs and butt. She then stands with her legs very wide apart, and I bury my head and tongue as far up her cunt as I can. Her whole body trembles as she reaches orgasm. She then sits down and tells me to come close to her.

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