Highlander’s Curse

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Authors: Melissa Mayhue

BOOK: Highlander’s Curse
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Where the Magic had taken him—or when—
he had no idea.

Where or when it had taken

Abby lay in his arms, her legs entangled with his. Warm, soft, and invitingly naked, her skin caressed his, seriously impairing his ability to concentrate on their surroundings.

“I know this place.” Abby’s voice came from just above him in a breathless whisper. “I’ve seen it a hundred times in my dreams. Where are we? How did we get here?”

When he opened his eyes, a dull gray light filtered through the room, emanating from the early morning sun shining through a crack in the wooden shutters high up on the wall. He knew the place as well.

“This is my own bedchamber.”


“An author with a magical touch for romance.”—
New York Times
bestselling author Janet Chapman

(Turn the page for rave reviews of
Melissa Mayhue’s enchanting romances


“An enthralling page turner. The hero’s and heroine’s emotional turmoil will pull you immediately into the story. The combination of plot, deeply emotional characters and ever-growing love is breathtaking.”

—Romantic Times
(4½ stars)


“Fae and mortal worlds collide in Mayhue’s . . . wondrous tale.. . . The characters are well written, the action is nonstop, and there’s plenty of sizzling passion.”

—Romantic Times
4 stars

“This is one of those series that I tell everyone to read.”

—Night Owl Reviews (5 stars)


“A wonderful medieval time travel romance. . . . Melissa Mayhue captures the complications and delights of both the modern woman and the fascination with the medieval world.”

—Denver Post

“Fun and enjoyable.”

—Romantic Times

Winner of the Golden Quill Award for
Best Paranormal of 2009
Winner of the Winter Rose Award for
Best Paranormal of 2009

“Mayhue’s world is magical and great fun!”

—Romantic Times
(4 stars)

“Absolutely riveting from start to finish.”

—A Romance Review

Winner of the HOLT Medallion for
Best Paranormal of 2008
Winner of the Winter Rose Award for
Best Paranormal of 2008

“Mayhue not only develops compelling protagonists, but her secondary characters are also rich and intriguing. An author with major potential!”

—Romantic Times
(4 stars)

“An awesome story. . . . A lovely getaway to fantasy land.”

—Fallen Angels Reviews (5 Angels)

“A delightful world of the faerie. . . . The story flows with snappy dialogue and passionate temptations. It’s sure to put a smile on your face.”

—Fresh Fiction

Winner of the Book Buyers Best Award for
Best Paranormal of 2008

“An enchanting time travel. . . . Infused with humor, engaging characters, and a twist or two.”

—Romantic Times
(4 stars)

“A wonderful time-travel romance.”

—Fresh Fiction

“What a smasharoo debut! Newcomer Melissa Mayhue rocks the Scottish Highlands.”

—A Romance Review

Also by Melissa Mayhue

Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband

Highland Guardian

Soul of a Highlander

A Highlander of Her Own

A Highlander’s Destiny

A Highlander’s Homecoming

Healing the Highlander

Pocket Star Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Melissa Mayhue

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

First Pocket Star Books paperback edition April 2011

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Cover design by Min Choi
Cover art by Alan Ayers

Manufactured in the United States of America

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ISBN 978-1-4391-9032-6
ISBN 978-1-4391-9038-8 (ebook)

A third Hero is born . . .
Welcome to the World, Kaden Kyle!

Somewhere in the Mysts, my dad is grinning ear to ear,
knowing he has three great-grandsons now!


Thank you to Elaine Spencer, a fantastic agent as well as a fantastic person. It’s so great having you in my corner!


My sincere thanks to my wonderful editor, Megan McKeever, for helping me see the forest
the trees!

You’re the best!


, S

his hardly looked a proper cottage at all, let alone the home to a seer of Thomas the Rhymer’s fame.

Colin MacAlister hesitated a moment to survey the ruined shack confronting him before dismounting.

Not even his own mother’s claim that his actions were those of a brash, untested youth had prevented this quest, so certainly he wouldn’t allow something as minor as the unwelcoming appearance of this abode to deter him.

False bravado, she’d accused. Have a care for the Fae, she’d warned. Respect the danger they represent.

He’d show her. His bravery was real. And as for the Fae? It was contempt he felt for them, not respect. He’d seen them with his own eyes this past year when they’d all but killed his brother. Drew’s body might have survived, but his heart, his spirit, they’d shattered that part of his brother.

There was nothing to fear from the Fae in this place anyway. They were too entrenched in their own arrogance to inhabit a place such as this. No, if the seer was here, he’d be alone.

Colin filled his lungs, slowly and with purpose, before forcing the air out again and with it, the doubt that plagued him. His determination bolstered, he tossed his reins over a low branch and headed for the door of the little hovel.

Perhaps the old man he’d spoken to back in the last village had been mistaken. Why would a man such as Thomas Learmonth leave his manor at Ercledoune for a heap of crumbling sod such as this?

No matter the appearance of the hut, he still had to try. He must find Thomas. He’d ridden too far and risked too much to give up now.

He’d but lifted his hand to knock on the door when it opened. A woman so old she looked as if her skin wrinkled in on itself stood before him.

“I seek Thomas of Ercledoune. Is he within these walls?”

She moved toward him, forcing him to take a step backward.

“What is it that a strapping lad like yourself would have of poor auld Thomas?” She scratched her chin, staring at him with one eye squinted shut. “Not that I’m saying he’s here, mind you.”

“My business is with him and him alone. I’d warn you no to be playing games with me, woman. I’ve no the time or patience for it.” He hadn’t the luxury of time to waste on some lonely old crone.

“You’ve some nerve about you, lad,” the old woman
cackled in her oddly accented voice. “Lonely old crone, you’ve pegged me, have you? And after the grand sum of no more than a mere moment’s acquaintance? You base that assessment on your vast years of experience and hardship, do you?”

A chill raced the length of Colin’s backbone as he at last met the old woman’s eyes. A green as dark as the hidden depths of the forest stared back at him, capturing him, holding him immobilized.

He’d not spoken those words aloud. He’d only thought them.

“You’re all too easy for me to read,” she murmured, the color in her eyes swirling as she spoke.

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