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Little credence is usually given the parallel phenomenon in men of breast and/or vagina envy. To say that in our male-dominated culture a man might covet a part of the female anatomy is thought ludicrous. Psychoanalysts report that while women often fantasize about having a penis, it is the rare man who mentions any desire to have breasts or a vagina. For a woman to dream she has a penis is to dream of strength. For a man to dream he has a vagina is to lose his.

These prime female attributes were not always seen as diminishments. Psychoanalysts often take extreme male chauvinism – with consequent denigration of women – to be evidence of, and defense against, fear of women. Wasn’t there a time in every man’s life when woman – mother – was the most powerful person on earth?

Early on, children of both sexes develop awe of the breast at a level too deep for words. Mother’s milk eases hunger, pain, fear. If it is withheld, suffering, even death can follow.

My own guess is that women covet a large bosom not only to attract men, but also because the breast is the most salient Nancy Friday


symbol of female power. In this, are they so different from the men in this book who measure their penis presumably to satisfy women, but also in fear that they might be deficient in size compared to the gigantic father-penis of childhood?

Breasts are beautiful. They have mystery and power, too.

And while little children may not know exactly how babies are born, they soon sense it has something to do with that secret place between a woman’s legs. Next time you see a child staring at a pregnant woman, take a look at his face.

There is power in that idea too.


I’m writing this for both my wife and I. My wife is twenty and I’m twenty-one. We’ve been married two years and one fantasy we have a lot is the exchanging of sexual organs. She loves to fantasize that she has a long, thick cock and is filling the depths of my cunt, and giving me the pleasure I give her.

Meanwhile, I’m imagining I’ve got a hot, wet pussy, just waiting to receive her cock. We both get a thrill out of this.

Often she will call me a cocksucking cunt, while I’m telling her what a throbbing dick she has, and then we’ll have one hell of a come together.


Some of my fantasies involve me as a female. I think this is one of the neat things about fantasy, the fact that one can interchange the male-female role. I suffer from “pussy envy” anyhow, I think the female anatomy is so great. I also admire the multiple orgasms a lot of females enjoy.

I once had a short affair with a woman who enjoyed sex more, and more often, than any one man could possibly keep up with. After four or five hours of being eaten, fucked, and masturbated, until I was so worn out I simply couldn’t make Men In Love


it anymore, she would still lie there and masturbate and keep on coming over and over. The first time I saw her do this was one of the most exciting experiences of my life. Although I had already come five or six times, and was so weak I could hardly walk, watching her gave me another hard-on and I masturbated and climaxed again. She would lie there oblivious to any external distraction, her eyes closed, completely engrossed in herself, one hand busily engaged with the middle finger going in and out of her hole as the flat of her palm rubbed her clitoris, and the fingers of her other hand fondling her nipples. She would softly moan, “Oh, no – oh, no,” over and over as her climax approached, then this would turn into a sort of guttural grunting as her legs stretched out and she tensed up through a climax. Then the whole bit would start all over again as she relaxed and her legs separated. I don’t know how long it was possible for her to keep this up, but I do know that as I quietly dressed and let myself out the door, she would still be going and apparently not even aware that I was leaving. One of my great fantasies is for me to be her.

Of course I can’t come over and over as she did, but I have developed the ability to bring myself right to the verge of coming, let it squeeze just once, then let it subside a little, then bring it back to that point again and again. I can keep it right there for some time, just letting it come a drop or two over and over until I just can’t stand it any longer, and I have a really mind-blowing climax. Then it is wonderful to lie there in a sort of weightless afterglow and without moving a muscle just drift off to sleep in whatever fantasy happens to take over. I can really get into this fantasy, to the point where my nipples are sexually sensitive, and the sound of my own voice moaning “Oh, no” really turns me on. Once I have brought my cock to this condition, it takes only the lightest, slowest rubbing on the head ID keep it there, so it is easy to imagine I am rubbing my clitoris. None of the cock-in-fist masturbating in this fantasy, I’m just lying there rubbing my clitoris.

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Also in this area of role reversal, my wife does a thing that is great for both of us. When we are fucking with her on top, she will sometimes assume the male role, putting her legs together inside of mine and fucking me. Although we have never talked about it (it isn’t necessary and I don’t want to take a chance on losing the magic of it for either of us), I’m sure that I am, in her mind, a female. Whether she is a male, or just being herself making it with another female, I don’t know. I don’t really care either, as I can have her be either one in my mind as the mood strikes me. All I know is she becomes the dominant one, kissing me with her tongue going in my mouth and not letting me do any tongue penetrating, sucking my nipples, and wanting me to lie still and let her do the fucking. I sometimes wrap my legs around her and can imagine that I actually feel her fucking up inside me. The only drawback is that it is so exciting for both of us that it doesn’t last long. She won’t quit fucking me when I tell her I’m getting close, in fact, fucks me harder. I like to think that she is fantasizing that she has her cock up in my pussy and is excited by the idea that her fucking is making me hot enough to come with her as she squirts her come up inside me.

She may have had a whole bunch of goodies going for her in her fantasy during this bit. I’ll never know. Asking her about it would probably take the spontaneity from it, and this is what makes it great. Along these lines, I think this is an important part of why people fantasize. In fantasy, the egotis-tical “I” or “ME” is the center of attraction. We all have the need to be wanted and desired just for ourselves, just as we are. Consequently, in our fantasies, we are automatically desired by whomever we wish, and they always just spontaneously do to us, for us, whatever we want them to do.


I am a Caucasian male in my forties, college educated, and happily married for seventeen years. I have masturbated since Men In Love


puberty and still do so, mostly when I travel. The sight of large-breasted girls really turns me on and I know that many women get turned on by the sight of an oversized penis. This then is the basic theme which runs through all my fantasies, the most elaborate of which I enjoy while masturbating.

Since adolescence I’ve always imagined myself developing huge, gorgeous female breasts, but otherwise keeping my normal male figure, except for a more enormous cock. I like to enhance this fantasy by stuffing my shirt in front of a mirror. After climaxing, I feel quite disgusted, but I still come back again and again to the same fantasy. Sometimes, I have this fantasy when my wife performs fellatio on me. While she is sucking my huge cock, my fantasy becomes so intense that I can actually feel my large breasts resting on my chest, and partly hanging down to the sides, while my hard oversized nipples are pointing straight up. I am trembling for my wife to reach up, touch and massage my gorgeous tits and then move up and suck them, until she draws milk. At this moment, I usually come.

The following fantasy is much more elaborate. To be honest, the weirdness of this fantasy bothers me: My wife has somehow obtained two bottles of a miracle drug that is used to enlarge human sex organs. One is used for women to enlarge the size of their breasts, while the other is used to increase the size of a man’s penis. We decide to have some fun and try it right away. We both empty half of our bottles with the expected spectacular results.

However, my favorite variation of this fantasy is as follows: We have just emptied half of our bottles, when I go to the bathroom. I really was expecting my penis to grow, but nothing is happening. I am very disappointed and walk to the mirror. I am stunned when I examine myself. I notice a definite growth of my nipples which are poking from below against my undershirt. Also, the surrounding areas seem to swell. I am fascinated and keep watching. Soon, two firm breasts have developed with hard nipples, almost poking through the material. They still grow, and I feel my shirt get-Nancy Friday


ting awfully tight. By now, my shirt has been stretched to the point of bursting open. I walk back to the bedroom, when my shirt tears open, and reveals two enormous gorgeous tits, firm and proudly protruding forward. My wife has been sitting in her gown reading, and looks up when she hears my shirt tearing open. She screams out with surprise, “By George, what happened to you?!” She is not really expecting an answer, because we both realize that we must have got the bottles mixed up.

The drug had such a tremendous effect on me, what happened to her? She must have read my mind and lifts up her gown to look. As I had expected, she has grown a penis. I am shocked by the enormous size of her cock hanging down limp at her knees, while resting on a pair of oversized balls. She moves her hips and her cock swings like a pendulum. I have come closer and she slowly pushes my head down to her knees. I have never seen such a huge penis and begin to move the foreskin back and forth. It starts to swell and I take as much of it in my mouth as I can, and start sucking. She moans with lust, removes the remainder of my torn shirt.

Then she lifts up both of my huge breasts, puts them together in a way that the two nipples are close to each other, and starts sucking both at the same time. She gets very excited.

Her cock is too big now for my mouth, and I have to let it go.

She stands up immediately, still holding on to one of my breasts. It hurts, but I do not mind. She is still wearing her gown, but the penis sticks out for almost three feet, keeping her gown lifted up. She walks over to our large mirror, parading her cock, which whips slowly up and down. I have dropped my under pants, and look at my fully erected penis, which looks like a dwarf compared to hers. She notices it now too, and starts making fun of it. I cannot take this, and reach for her bottle, emptying it in one gulp. I feel the warmth getting into my penis. It is a wonderful feeling. It keeps swelling and stretching like an erection that is not going to stop. It keeps growing until it has surpassed my wife’s cock’s size. I move it up between my breasts. There it is kept Men In Love


in place, but it sticks out almost to the tip of my nose. I can lick the giant head with my tongue, but cannot get it into my mouth. I remember the other bottle and pass it to my wife.

She does not want it, and says that she is satisfied with the size of her breasts, but wants to save the drug for our friends.

She walks to the phone, her cock still sticking out like a pole, and calls up two of her lady friends. She asks them to come over to witness a miracle. Then she goes to the living room, prepares two drinks in which she puts the remaining fluid of the bottle. She finally manages to hide her cock under her gown (it must have become a little limp). I hide in the bedroom, but can watch through a gap what is going on. The bell rings and Ruth and Norma, her best friends, enter the living room. Norma wears a skirt and a pink blouse, which really does not have to hide much, since she is quite flat-chested. That is one of her hang-ups, because I know she envies my wife. Ruth is flat-chested too, but she tried to make as much of it as possible, and wears very tight sweaters and pants. They sip their drinks. Ruth notices it first, and puts her hands on her breasts, feeling them swell. Her tiny tits have grown to a handsome size, pushing her sweater forward, and are still growing. As she removes her hands, one can see the elastic material of the sweater stretch to its limits. Her nipples have become hard and large, one almost poking through.

Norma must have felt something too. She has unbuttoned the top of her blouse, and looks in disbelief. Her breasts have become huge and are filling her blouse fully. The blouse is stretching to its limits and has slipped out of her skirt. The restraining materials on both girls’ cannot hold any longer, and burst open. Two pairs of tremendous tits pop out. Both seem to enjoy the new features of their bodies. My wife’s gown is bulging, her huge erection is returning lifting up her gown. The girls are stunned. That’s when I enter the room.

I am naked and make a few quick steps. My huge breasts bounce while I hold my penis up with both hands. My wife’s friends are fascinated and get aroused. They quickly undress.

Norma comes over to me while Ruth joins my wife. They try Nancy Friday


to put the penis into their vaginas, but realize that this is not possible. Norma gets the idea first, and mounts my penis, leaning with her back against my enormous tits. Ruth mounts my wife the same way. They have to use both their hands to span the circumference of each of our cocks. But they hold on and we are galloping through the room. They rub their vaginas back and forth, moving the foreskin of each penis in the same rhythm. My wife and I have reached for our friends’

huge tits and massage them. It is heaven. We all come simultaneously.

“I suffer from ‘pussy envy,”‘ says Brewster (above). “I think the female anatomy is so great.”

Little girls in the midst of their toilet training traumas envy their little brothers’ “handle.” Imagine having something like a faucet; how easy it must be for boys to turn it on or off and so never ever again risk mother’s censure, loss of love, or public humiliation.

Boys and girls grow up and go to bed together. How can women who enjoy sex not continue to marvel at the continually unfolding mysteries of the workings of the penis? I love it that my vagina and breasts give my husband so much pleasure; how can I not help wondering at times what it must be like to be him? But most of us cling so desperately to our gender identities we cannot allow ourselves to play with these questions.

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