First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance (15 page)

BOOK: First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance
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Chapter Fifteen

Tao watched Audrey as she made pancakes in her small aisle kitchen. He sipped his coffee, savoring the vanilla hazelnut flavor she’d said was from a local coffee roaster. The view wasn’t too shabby either. Audrey wore a short robe over her naked body and her generous breasts swayed beneath the fabric. Whenever she bent over or reached up for a high cupboard shelf, the hem rose, revealing her upper thighs. It was like a peep show, one with awesome food at the end, which, for a werewolf, was about as perfect as life could get.

He’d suggested that she cook naked, but she’d refused citing the dangers of hot oil. So he settled for staying naked himself and watching Audrey, enjoying what skin he could see. Once the pancakes were done, he was going to peel that robe off her and they would eat au natural. If she protested...well, he’d just tack on more spanking. She already owed him one.

His cock twitched at the thought of her over his knees. At the same time that picture entered his head, Audrey bent way over to reach something in a bottom cupboard. The round curve of her ass rose up in the air, the perfect size for spanking. He could picture how her flesh would bounce as she squirmed and wiggled under his hand.

He’d have to wait until her hand healed, of course. Spanking wasn’t fun unless he could pin both her hands behind her back. Until then he would keep a running tally of her transgressions.

Tao wasn’t a sadist, not in the human sense of the word. He was an alpha werewolf who brooked no disobedience in the bedroom. Other areas of life were up for negotiation, but, when it came to sex, his word was law.

He wondered what Audrey would think of her first spanking. She had spirit. She’d stood up to Nick and strategically wounded him even though it cost her a finger. He was proud of her
for that. She could’ve turned tail and ran. Hell, he wouldn’t have blamed her if she did, she was only human after all. But she hadn’t. Tao had a feeling she’d be just as much of a spitfire over his knee.

She would scream and struggle, rubbing against his cock as she did so. Tao closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his hair-trigger libido. As much as he wanted nothing better than to laze in bed with Audrey all day, he couldn’t. Last night and this morning had been an amazing interlude, one he hoped to repeat soon, but there were things to do.

They weren’t safe. Audrey was very much at risk still and he was going to have to make some hard decisions about his brother. This time, at least, he had an idea on how to handle Nick, one he was pretty sure would work. That hit him like an iceberg down his pants causing his building passion to fizzle into nothing.

Good timing, too. The pancakes were done. He gave a wicked smile and reached for Audrey’s robe.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She frowned at him and took a step back, carefully balancing the plate of pancakes in her uninjured hand.

“I want to see you.”

“You saw me plenty last night.”

He growled, a possessive sound that quivered through the air and hit her in the form of goose bumps. Her nipples visibly stiffened, the nubs pushing through the thin fabric of her robe. Tao slipped the robe off her shoulders. “We’re eating naked.”

She couldn’t stop him, her hands were full. Her good hand held the plate piled high with hot pancakes and she’d tucked the syrup into the crook of the elbow on her injured side.

Tao gathered the fabric of her robe in his hand and pulled her forward, forcing her to walk into the little dining nook off the side of the kitchen. She laughed, happy but a little nervous.

“I like a view when I eat,” he said, relieving her of the pancakes and syrup. Setting them on the table, he returned to pull her robe off completely.

When she automatically moved to cover her breasts, he caught her hands and forced them to her sides. “You’re beautiful, Audrey. Don’t hide from me. I want all of you.” He leaned down and gave her a kiss full of tongue and teeth.

She sighed and melted against him. “Tao.”

“Yes, baby.”

“I can’t stop wanting you,” she said.

He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. She had adorable ‘just been fucked’ bed head. “I know. It’s the same for me.”

“Does that mean it worked? Did you claim me?”

Tao’s pulse quickened at the idea of Audrey being his forever. His nose twitched, loving the scent of strawberries mixed with sex that wafted from her skin. There was also a little bit of his own musk in her now, although he thought she smelled much better than he ever did. “I think so.”

“We won’t really know until I see Nick again, right? ” She frowned and bit her lip.

Tao nodded. “That will be the true test.” He touched the bruises on either side of her neck, just above her delicate collar bones. He’d poured everything he had into those the night before, but there was no way to know if it would work. Not until his brother tried to control Audrey again.

I won’t let that happen. He won’t get that close again.

And yet, at the same time, he hadn’t killed Nick. Hadn’t done much of anything. Audrey had done all the heavy lifting so far. Shame burned through him at the thought.

I’m not weak. I’m just trying to do the right thing, and for once, I know what to do next.

All he needed was some help from Audrey, and Nick wouldn’t be a threat to anyone.

“Let’s eat, shall we?” He escorted her to a chair, eager to change the subject. “The pancakes smell amazing.”

She gave a shy smile. “Thanks. It’s a vegan recipe.”

“Vegan?” He looked at her, confused by the word.

“No dairy or any animal products at all.”

Normally her answer would have taken him aback, but the pancakes smelled so dang delicious he couldn’t possibly believe they tasted as weird as the word vegan. “I can’t wait to eat them.”

“That’s the spirit,” Audrey said with a throaty laugh. She heaped a stack of pancakes on his plate and handed him the syrup. “Careful, it’s hot. I nuked it in the microwave.”

Tao nodded and doused the pancakes with syrup. He hesitated at the first bite, but, to his surprise, weird vegan stuff tasted as good as it smelled. The pancakes disappeared off his plate in record time, and, before he knew it, he was watching Audrey’s plate, practically begging for her to share the last of the pancakes with him. She grudgingly gave him half a pancake from her plate, which he did his best to make last.

“These are really delicious.”

“Thank you.” She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. “By the way, don’t forget our taco salad bet.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” he said with a weak smile. A second later, he added, “Based on these pancakes, I’m going to lose that bet aren’t I?”

She nodded. “Yep.”

“You knew that already didn’t you?”

“Yep.” She swirled the last bite of her pancakes through the pool of syrup on her plate.

“You don’t play fair,” he huffed, watching her. A mental image of pouring syrup over her breasts and then licking her clean filled his mind. His cock twitched and he shook his head trying to clear his mind. This was not the time to get side tracked.

“Oh yes, I’m abusing you horribly with awesome tasting food.” She chuckled. “Don’t be a sore loser, Tao.”

“I’m not a sore loser,” he said, indignant.

Audrey wagged a finger at him. “If you’re the boss in the bedroom, I’m the boss in the kitchen, capisce? Watch you don’t earn yourself a spanking.”

Tao’s eyes widened. The idea of him over her knee went against everything in his nature. Yet, at the same time, while he would never yield control in the bedroom, he couldn’t deny there was a certain attraction to the idea. Her breasts would skim his back, and maybe if he was positioned just right, her nipples would rub up and down his flank. And his cock would be cushioned in the softness of her thighs. He shifted in his chair as his cock lost its mind.

“No, absolutely not.
the one who does the spanking.” He was half speaking to himself when he said it.

She pouted. “What do I get to do?”

Tao knew the answer to this question. Without hesitation, he said, “You scream for me, baby. Long and loud and you come for me as many times as I want you to.”


Audrey’s breathing stuttered to a stop at Tao’s words. God, she’d fucked him what, three times in less than twenty four hours? She should be exhausted and too sore to be touched, yet all she wanted was to jump him like a cougar taking down prey.

He’d watched her, his dark gaze smoldering over his coffee cup as she made breakfast. It was like he could see under her robe and caress her with a look. She’d been
wetter than a nymphomaniac all damn morning.

God. What is wrong with me?

She’d never reacted to a man like this. Her feelings for him were so intense, the phrase ‘love at first sight’ came to mind. She wanted more from Tao than just one night, but wasn’t even sure he liked her all that much anyway. Even if he did, Nick was going to come between them. She had to protect herself and everyone else from Nick and that might mean doing the unthinkable, something she didn’t think Tao could ever forgive her for.

Plus, we barely know each other,
she admonished herself.
Stop planning happy endings.

Audrey cleared her throat. “Tao, I’m not letting Nick get away.” She had to be upfront with him. It wasn’t in her to lead him on and then stab his brother in the back. She’d rather he hate her than lie to him.

“I’m not letting him get away either,” Tao said, his voice a deep rumble.

“What’s the plan then?”

He stared into his coffee cup for a moment. “Remember last night, I said claiming you was step one?” At her nod, he continued, “Do you have any more animal sedatives?”

“Sure, but he won’t eat those. You wouldn’t touch the cat food, remember?”

“What about an injection?”

A light dawned in her eyes as she saw where he was going. “Yeah, there’s stronger stuff at the ranger station. You want to sedate him?”

Tao nodded. “I know where he is and I thought we’d go get him today. Put him in a cage and knock him out until we can figure out what to do.”

“I think I can snag a cage from the station too.” She felt relief that Tao had a plan. It wasn’t a bad one, either, and would buy them some breathing room while they figured out what to do next.

“Great. Let’s get going then.”

She nodded. “Just one question. Why the hell did we have to sleep together if you were just going to knock Nick out anyway?”

Tao looked at her, his blue eyes as searing as the heart of a flame. “Because nothing is foolproof. If he wakes up, I want you to be able to fight him with everything you have.”

Audrey took a deep breath as his words hit her. Pushing back her chair, she stood up. “All right, I guess I see your point. Let me go get dressed then.”

“I’ll do the dishes,” he offered.

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I bet I can do the dishes and still be dressed before you.” He gave her a light, flirtatious smile and began stacking the plates on the table.

Audrey laughed. “You must’ve dated some high maintenance women in the past.”

He gave her a confused look. “What do you mean by that?”

“I’m a park ranger and I live in a remote area. Primping isn’t exactly a necessity in my life.”
She liked dressing up as much as the next girl and fiddling with her hair, when she had the time and wasn’t about to take on an angry wolf.

“Well, you’re still handicapped.” Tao nodded his head toward her injured hand. He was already at the sink and running hot water. Just by taking the time to argue with him, Audrey would prove him right.

She harrumphed. “We’ll see about that.” Not waiting for his response, she flounced off to her bedroom and dressed as fast as possible in a t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. The only difficulty she had was in styling her hair. Her injured hand was her dominant one, leaving her to awkwardly run a brush through her strawberry blonde locks. She didn’t even attempt a pony tail, although it would’ve been more comfortable given the late summer heat.

Audrey had the same difficulty brushing her teeth, but still completed the task in record time. Slipping on a pair of socks and shoving her feet into tennis shoes without untying the laces, she headed back out to the kitchen where Tao was finishing up the last of the dishes.

“Ha!” she crowed with delight. “Now who’s slow?”

Tao gave her a little salute. “My apologies, ma’am. I’ve underestimated you. Just give me a sec and I’ll be ready.” He hustled into her bedroom and returned not even a minute later wearing his jeans and t-shirt.

“All right, let’s go trap a werewolf.” He swung open her front door and stepped aside, allowing Audrey to pass through first.

They were both in a good mood, no doubt buoyed up by their love making. It was hard to be tense after such amazing sex, but Audrey did have a flash of worry that maybe they were being a little too cavalier about things. Nick was dangerous and they would be fools to underestimate him.

Chapter Sixteen

The park ranger station was quiet and only Christine was there, working the phones. This meant she greeted Audrey with excessive enthusiasm, bored from being trapped at her desk.

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