First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance (13 page)

BOOK: First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance
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he soothed his inner beast.
Soon she will be screaming our name.

The wolf inside him snarled, impatient to stake his claim. Tao used his tongue as a whip, lashing Audrey between the legs and showing her no mercy. She began to pant and then yowl as he drove her over the edge yet again.

Digging his fingers into her tender flesh, he sucked her clit into his mouth, nursing it until he felt her whole body convulse. She screamed, a sharp, high sound that shattered the air.

“No, yes. Please. Yes,” she babbled. She screamed once more as she came yet again, her wet passage clamping down on Tao’s hand so hard he felt his knuckle pop. His cock threatened to explode right there.

Unable to hold back any longer, Tao stood and started the process of wedging his stone hard girth into Audrey’s soft, giving body. Her wet heat washed over him and he threw his head back, groaning at the primal pleasure of it.

If she smelled great, she felt even better wrapped around his cock. He was home. He’d found his place in the world and it was with Audrey. The realization took his breath away.


Audrey bucked and squirmed as orgasm after orgasm washed over her. Tao had turned her into a puddle with just his tongue. She couldn’t wait to find out what his cock would do to her. Probably cause her to burst like a super nova.

His fingers inside her, his tongue working her over had done the impossible and delivered back-to-back orgasms. She was up to three and he hadn’t even fucked her yet. Incredible.

Tao gave her all of five nanoseconds to recover from the last orgasm before he slid into her, ramming into her with enough force to shake her breasts. As if their movement drew his attention, he covered her torso with his, mouth seeking out first one delicate pink nipple and then the other. His five-o-clock shadow tickled over her overly sensitive skin making her tremble as he filled her up. He was going to make her come again, she could already feel it in her bones.

Hold on,
she told herself.
Or else you’ll shoot up into outer space like a sex fueled rocket.

Audrey wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and mirrored his thrusts between her legs with quick little flicks. He broke the kiss and nuzzled the nap
e of her neck, his teeth cutting into her flesh as he planted little love bites.

“Are you ready for more?” he asked, his voice a rough rasp. For emphasis, he sped up, bouncing her body with the force of his thrusts as if she weighed nothing.

Audrey struggled to hang onto Tao. Only having the use of one hand made things doubly difficult, but somehow she managed to wrap her arms around him. “Yes,” she said.

“Can you take it? All of it?” He went even faster and harder. Now she was going back and forth on the mattress like she was riding one of those bulls in a honky-tonk bar, only lying down. He was going to bounce her right off of him and onto the floor at this rate. She dug her nails into his back in warning.

“I’ll take whatever you give me. All of it. Everything.” She met his eyes, holding their gaze.

Tao grabbed her legs in response, hoisting them up onto his shoulders. He didn’t speak again. He didn’t have to, his body spoke for him. He wanted her. She could feel it in how hard he was inside her.

The way he took her was rough and without pretense. There were no gentle caresses now, but fingers digging into her skin with bruising force, his thighs forcing hers further and further forward as he plunged deeper and deeper inside her.

It still wasn’t enough. Audrey wanted more. She thrust her hips up to meet him, pounding him right back, giving as good as she got. They bucked against each other like carnal beasts. Her good hand scratched a trail down his back and he howled as she felt wet blood slick her fingers. She’d broken his skin.

Tao dropped her legs so he could lean over her. He kissed her, his mouth hungry and demanding on hers. Then he began biting her neck, first tiny little bites that were weaker than a mosquito’s bite. As he moved to her shoulder, he used more force. Audrey gasped as pain and pleasure collided in her nervous system.

She pushed against him, suddenly scared. “Tao?”

He was either ignoring her or beyond hearing as his teeth sank into her deeper than before.

She swatted his shoulder, irritated now. “Tao!”

He bit her harder and pinned her hands over her head. Then he lifted his head and said, “I have to bite you, baby. Be strong. It’ll feel good if you let it.” His words were thick and almost slurred. She realized why when she caught sight of his teeth. His canines had grown longer and sharper. He had the face and body of a man, but the teeth of a wolf.

Oh my God.

He ground his pubic bone into her, distracting her with a well-timed assault on her core. Her body convulsed and pleasure once again became the dominant sensation relayed by her nerves. “Come for me, baby.”

It felt like his words sank into her flesh and zapped through her body. A strange, electric sensation, but not unpleasant. In fact, she rather liked it,

Tao circled his pelvis again. “Come for me baby, let me hear you scream.”

I’m going to come,
she realized as her body obediently launched itself to the precipice of another climax.
Holy shit. All he has to do is say the word and I’m a goner.

“Now, baby,” he said almost roaring. His voice vibrated through her the same way a freight train shakes the ground.

Her back bowed and his fangs clamped down again on the soft flesh around her collar bone. She jerked as the pain registered and then screamed as it blended seamlessly with the pleasure of her orgasm. She was coming, hooked on his fangs.

Tao came with her, his muscles contracting, his arms taut and his shaft pistoning in and out of her. He bit her again on the other side and she shuddered with pleasure as his fangs slid through her skin.

That’s gonna leave a mark,
she thought. But then, hadn’t that been the whole point? To replace Nick’s bite with Tao’s?


They lay side-by-side on the bed afterward, completely spent. Tao tucked Audrey under his shoulder, pulling her body alongside him as if he didn’t want to lose contact. After a while, he roused himself and went to the bathroom to retrieve a wet washcloth. He gingerly pressed the nubby terrycloth against the bites on her collar bone.

“There’s more blood than I expected,” he said, frowning. “I’m sorry.”

She grabbed his hand and held it in place over one of the bites. “Don’t be. I wanted it. You wanted it. No regrets.”

“You were in pain.”

“Not for very long. You made it right, just like you promised.” She pulled him back beside her and tossed the washcloth to the floor. “Thank you.”

He wrapped an arm around her, “Really?”

“Yeah, really. That was amazing even if it had some werewolf weirdness.” She snuggled into him. “And I’m glad it was you.” She left the ‘and not your brother’ unsaid, but the thought lingered in the air, unspoken.

“I just wish the circumstances were different.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Me too.” What would it be like to date Tao? To be brought together by mutual attraction instead of mutual need? Would he have even slept with her under different circumstances?
, she reasoned. After all, his last girlfriend had been a big girl. The real question was, did they have a future or was this just a one hell of a one-night stand?

Audrey caressed his shoulder, spinning little circles with her fingers. “Can I ask you something?” At his grunt of assent, she said, “What happened with that other girl?”

Tao frowned. “I told you. She ditched me for another guy.”

“But why?” She looked deep into his blue eyes. How could anyone have ever walked away from Tao? He was sweet and sexy as hell, a combination no woman took for granted.

He shifted on the bed and wouldn’t meet her eyes. “In the end, I wasn’t what she wanted. I was just a walk on the wild side for her. I didn’t mean anything.”

At the bitterness in his voice, Audrey snuggled up close to Tao, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing. “I’m sorry.”
She paused for a second and then asked, “What do you mean by walk on the wild side? She wasn’t a werewolf?”

He heaved a sigh. “No, she was a wolf. The thing is Audrey,
not a normal werewolf.”

She bit back a giggle, not wanting to be rude. Was there any such thing as a normal werewolf? Considering their very existence went against the grain of nature, she doubted it. But she kept her opinions to herself, wanting to give Tao the freedom to speak his mind.

“See, most werewolves are born like every other baby. We start out as human and don’t change until puberty.”

Audrey’s ears perked up and she started mentally rummaging through everything she knew about canine physiology. Nothing Tao said correlated with her Master’s Degree in Biology. Probably because actually shifting form at puberty wasn’t a common phenomena. The closest
comparison she could come up with was a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. “Okay. So adolescence really brings out the beast in you werewolves.”

He pulled away from her and sat up, clasping his hands in front of him. Audrey sat up too, worried by the grimness of his expression.

“You could say that, but see, me and my brothers, we’re different.”


“We were born as wolves. Wolf-born they call us.”

“So you’re not just bigger than other werewolves,” she said slowly.

He nodded. “We were born backwards.”

“What does that mean?” She blinked as she figured it out. “You became human for the first time at puberty, is that it?”


“Oh.” Audrey sat back, trying to picture what it would be like to be born an animal and then suddenly turn into a human just as your hormones spun out of control in the throes of adolescence. Wow. That must have been pretty awful.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed again. “There’s more.”

“Okay, so tell me.” She moved to sit in front of him on the bed and took one of his hands in her good one. When he remained silent, she gave him a little shake. “I can take it, Tao.”

He bowed his head, still uneasy about meeting her gaze. “We have powers that normal werewolves don’t.”

That made her eyebrows go up. Powers? Okay. “What does that even mean?”

“Did you ever think about what makes werewolves possible?” He pulled a hand away and gestured to his body. “I’m not science. I’m magic. More magic than the other werewolves in the world.”

“So you’re like a super wolf?”

He shrugged. “Kind of. We each have our own abilities. Mine is supposed to be strength.”

“And Nick’s is the bite?”


“What about your other brothers?”

Tao pursed his lips. “Kai, he’s easy, he’s a wolf shaman.”

Audrey furrowed her brow. “Like a medicine man?”

“Sort of. He has real power. Like a wizard.”

“Are you saying there are wizards too?” She felt a brief flutter of panic in her chest at the idea that the craziness she’d seen so far didn’t start and end with werewolves. What else was hiding out there? How had all this magic gone unnoticed? She loved to read urban fantasy and paranormal romance, were those books fact or fiction? She was starting to think they might be more real than she ever imagined. Maybe those authors were all secretly the werewolves and vampires they wrote about.

That’s insane.

Yet, now I know it’s also possible.

Audrey gulped as her mind boggled.

“Maybe. We don’t really track anyone else, but werewolves have spiritual and magical leaders.”

“Okay, so that’s Kai the werewolf wizard. What about your other brother?”

Tao waved a hand.“No one notices Leo. He’s a hider. Someone who can be lost in plain sight.”

“Well that could come in handy I guess.” For all sorts of illegal activities, but she didn’t say that last part.

“He doesn’t really seem to care one way or the other. Mostly he just keeps to himself.”

“How many other wolf-born werewolves are out there?” Was there someone else who could bite like Nick? The thought made her shudder.

Tao looked at her then, his eyes a deep, solemn blue. “None. It’s just us.” He gestured to himself.

“What do the other wolves think of all this?” She found all this fascinating, particularly from an evolutionary point-of-view. He was talking about species differentiation within an established pack, where some members are strong, bigger, faster than their peers.

“They were afraid of us and many still are. We were born backwards and we have powers no one else does.” He snorted. “They wanted to kill us when we were born.”

“Oh my goodness,” Audrey’s eyes went wide. She knew that animals born markedly different were usually killed. Genetic mutations and evolution probably appeared equally aberrant at birth. “What happened?”

“The pack’s shaman said we were pieces of the Great Wolf’s spirit brought to life. She told the pack if they harmed us, they would all die.”

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