Finally Getting Love Right (8 page)

BOOK: Finally Getting Love Right
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“How?” Sam asked.

“When I asked Charlee’s father to marry her, He offered to pay for the whole party. So we went down to the bakery by his house and ordered the cake. We figured that since tonight everyone is going to be here anyways, we would just have the engagement party right after.”

“That’s good.”

“What colors for the lighting?” Tj asked interrupting them.

“How about red, blue, and like a fuchsia type color?” Sam asked.

“I like that idea.” Max said.

“Ok then,” Tj said as he started typing. “Which color do you want on who?”

“You know me too well” Sam said. Tj had done lighting for sam before. He knew exactly how she liked it.

“Blue on Charlee.” Max said.

“So then red on you and fuchsia on me?” Sam asked.

“Yea that sounds good.”

“Then the only thing left is food. Your options are chicken parmesan, lasagna, or steak?”

“I think we will stick with the steak.” Max said decidedly.

“That should do it then.” Tj said.

Sam and Max headed for the door. When they got outside Sam turned to Max and said “Ok. Now go home and don’t let her eat! Tell her to be here by 6:30. You be here by 7. Oh and bring a sliced lemon with you.”

“A sliced lemon?” Max asked.

“Yes, a sliced lemon. You will understand later.” Sam said getting into her car.

“Ok see you in a couple of hours then.” Max said waving after her.

Sam got home rather quickly. She got herself some tea and enjoyed it on her deck. When she was finished she put her cup into the sink and got ready for the big night. Sam picked out a floor length black dress paired with silver heels. The dress had small crystals lining the neckline. Making sure her make-up was pristine, she headed back out the door to Tj’s.

When she arrived at Tj’s Charlee was standing there almost in tears. Sam quickly stopped the car and jumped out, all but throwing the keys at the valet. When she got to Charlee she asked “What’s wrong?”

“Max has to be standing me up. He told me to be here at 6:30 and he is at least 20 minutes late.” Charlee said sounding angry.

“I am sure he is just running late. Max would never stand you up. Let’s go into the VIP lounge and wait for him ok?” Sam said trying to calm her friend.

“Why the VIP lounge?” Charlee asked looking confused.

“Because for one night only I am coming out of retirement. I am singing tonight.”

“Oh! I can’t wait. You haven’t sung for a long time.” She exclaimed.

“I know. I have to go get ready. I will be right back.” Sam said as she left the lounge.

Sam walked back toward the front door. She was looking for Tj. She needed him to do her a favor without telling anyone else. When she found him he was talking to a customer. She patiently waited for their conversation to end.

“Sam, Is everything ready?” He asked her when he turned around.

“I need a favor.” Sam replied.


“I invited a guy named George here tonight.”

“The same George as before?” He asked stunned.

“Yes. When he gets here can you please personally escort him to his seat? Without telling anyone?” She asked hopefully.

“I can do that.” He said just as the rest of the gang walked into the door.

“Hey guys.” Sam said. “Charlee is in the VIP lounge waiting. She can fill you in.”

“Fill us in on what?” Kylee said but Sam was already gone. The group filtered into the lounge and all sat down next to Charlee.

Five minutes late Max finally arrived. He was trembling. Sam took his arm and they walked the back way to the stage. They were careful not to get caught as they snuck up the stage stairs and ducked behind the curtain. When they were safely behind the curtain Max turned and stared at Sam.

“what are you staring at?” Sam said.

“Are you going to tell me what the lemons for?”

“The lemon is to suck on.”

“What?” Max asked confused.

“It’s for your nerves.” Sam said laughing at the twisted look on his face.

“Again I ask. What?”

“It has always helped me.” Sam started as she placed the mic on her head. “thirty seconds before show time, you suck on a lemon wedge for ten seconds. Then you throw it away and step on stage. It takes your mind off of what you are about to do.”

“Ok, I think I get it.” Mas said as Tj appeared.

“Everyone is here. Are you two ready?” Tj said.

“Everyone? The parents are here too right?” Max asked.

“Yes, even the parents.” Tj stated.

“It’s show time.” Sam said. She took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage. “Hello everyone. This song is dedicated to Charlee from Max.” Charlee’s face contorted from anger to curiosity. She still thought Max wasn’t coming.

Sam walked to the piano and sat down. She paused for a moment to steady her breathing. Turning to the audience she said “Ladies and gentleman, I have a special guest for you tonight. Please welcome my special guest Max Hughes.”

Sam began playing the song on the piano as Max walked out on stage. Eight bars into the song they both started singing. When they concluded the song there was a round of applause. Max put the microphone up to his mouth and waited for it to stop.

“Charlee, Can you please come up here and join me.” He said as sam walked off stage and took a seat in the front row. Everyone watched as Charlee slowly made her way up to the stage.

When Charlee got about two feet from Max, he knelt down on one knee pulling the ring out of his pocket at the same time. Charlee gasped.

“Charlee” Max began “I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. You are my Soul mate. I would be so honored if you would be my wife.

“Yes. Yes. Of course I will.” She said taking the ring and putting it on her finger. Max stood up and kissed her. There was another round of applause.

Tj stood up and said “Dinner is served.”

Everyone scrambled to the long table that had been set up. They looked like a bunch of scavengers. Sam spotted George still sitting in the same spot. He wasn’t in a hurry to get to the table like everyone else was. Sam walked over to him with a smile.

“Not hungry?” She asked.

“Oh I am. I thought I would wait for my date to arrive.” He said.

“I see. Well has your date arrived yet?” Sam asked.


“Well I am going to eat.” Sam said starting to walk away.

“Wait a minute.” He said standing up.

“What can I do for you?”

“You can give your date a hug.” He replied holding out his hand.

“I can do you one better.” Sam said leaning over and kissing his cheek. Blushing she walked over to join everyone else. George followed behind her trying to catch up. “Everyone this is George.” She said sitting down.

“Hi” Everyone said through mouths full of food. Sam noticed the looks she was getting. She was grateful that she had her friends though. They never questioned her in front of him. She knew there would be questions later when he wasn’t around.

Sam spent the rest of the evening enjoying herself. She flirted shamelessly all night with George. They decided to leave before the cake came. They walked around the table saying goodbye to everyone. When they got outside the air was chilly. George told his limo driver to follow them back to her house. He grabbed the keys to the Lamborghini and hopped into the driver’s seat.

When they arrived at her house he walked around the car and opened her door for her. George took her hand and escorted her to her door.

“I am going to call it a night.” George said staring into her eyes.

“Ok. Call me later?” Sam said smiling.

“Of course.” He answered. He decided to take a chance and leaned in to kiss her. She leaned into him and kissed him back.

“Goodnight Sammy” He said pulling away and walking down the sidewalk to get into his limo.

“Goodnight.” She said as she walked into her house.

Sam was happier tonight than she had been. After battling with herself she decided that she was going to give it a real chance. She felt like she just had her first kiss ever. She walked into her room and lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. Eventually she drifted off to sleep.

Sam woke up Sunday morning with a smile on her face. She was still filled with glee over last night’s events. She was happier than she had been in the past few weeks. Sam danced around her house as she got ready to go to the store. There were finishing touches that had to be done for tomorrow’s grand opening. It was more of a sign-up for classes, but she liked the sound that ‘grand opening’ had.

When Sam arrived at the store, she was surprised to see Kylee, Max, and Clare waiting for her. Kylee looked like she was hung over with the bags under her eyes. Max looked like he was happier, if that was possible, than last night when Charlee said she would marry him. Clare, Sam’s cashier, looked plain tired. Clare was a shy, mousy girl that was in college with Pepper.

“You guys look horrible.” Sam said unlocking her door.

“We may look horrible but we have things to do.” Max said smiling.

The group walked into the store and set their bags, coffee cups, and phones down on the front counter. They chatted for a while about the previous night’s events. Everyone was so excited. They were all looking forward to getting to teach what they loved. You could feel the electricity in the room.

Sam headed to her office, Clare in toe. They grabbed the stack of boxes that were in the closet. Sam had been gathering sheet music for a few years. Her plan had always been to teach eventually. She was glad she had planned it out so far ahead. Sam had accumulated enough music to teach all ranges of talent from beginners to pros.

After all the boxes were upstairs, Sam headed into the last door at the end of the balcony. Kylee had chosen to take this room because it had the most plug-ins. She was the guitar teacher and was just a tad obsessed with amplifiers. Sam was glad that she had requested that all four rooms upstairs be soundproofed.

“It looks good in here.” Sam said walking in.

“Thanks.” Kylee said.

“I have sheet music for you in my room. They have your name all over them.”

“Thanks. I will come get them in a bit. I just want to take it all in.”

Sam looked around the room impressed. Kylee had left the walls white with painted on music. If Sam had to guess, she would guess it was Pachelbel’s Cannon in D. That was always Kylee’s favorite. There was a dry erase board on the far wall. Spread randomly around the room were chord charts. In a line across the back of the room were six differ kinds of guitars. Kylee had transformed this room into a learning haven.

“I will see ya later then. Sam said walking out of the room. She walked to the next door and said “Hey Max. What was your concept in here?”

“My concept? That your voice can take you anywhere if you let it.” Max said motioning for her to enter.

“I love it.” Sam said as she took the whole room in.

Max had obviously hired a painter. The room was phenomenal. The back wall looked like a stage surrounded by hundreds of fans. There was a single gleam of light on the top of the wall. On the side walls were murals of New York City and Los Angeles. The piano was against a blank wall with a stool and a music stand.

“It is a very inspirational room Max.”

“I hope everyone appreciates it as much as I do.” He said shyly.

“They will. I have some boxes of sheet music for you in my room.

“Thanks Sam. For everything.”

“No problem.” Sam said heading toward her room.

Sam had chosen the first room at the top of the stairs. She had put a few music quote wall appliques on the light blue walls. Keyboards were in a semi-circle around the middle of the room. She organized the sheet music for a while, then decided she would see how the big recital room turned out.

When Sam was planning the concept of the re-model, she wanted a bigger room for the kids to be able to perform in front of their peers. She almost cried when she walked into the room. Everything was perfect, exactly like she wanted it. The room had a lounge feel to it. There was couches, arm chairs, stools, and a beautiful stage. Sam wanted the students to get the feeling as if they were performing at home in their own living rooms. The baby grand sat center stage along with some music stands and a sound system. Sam sat on one of the arm chairs and started to daze when she was suddenly startled.

“Hi!” Jeffrey Johnson all but yelled at her.

“Jeffrey how did you get in here?”

“Clare let me in.”

“What do you want?” Sam asked annoyed.

“I was wondering if you would hire me.”

“As what?”

“I don’t know. Your assistant perhaps. I want to learn everything I can.”

“Well I guess I could use an assistant. I will give you one shot. You will have 2 months to prove to me that hiring you as my assistant was the right decision.”

“ Thank you Sam. I really appreciate this.”

“It is a trial period. That is all. You can thank me if I decide to keep you on.”


“Meet me in my office in 5 minutes. We will go over your job expectations.” Sam said as Jeffrey ran out of the room and down the stairs.

Jeffrey was a 19 year old kid who insisted on learning about owning a store from Sam. Liz had offered him a job once, but he had refused telling her that he would rather wait until Sam had the time to teach him. Sam had always thought he was a little too eager. She figured, though, that with all the craziness in her life lately she should probably give him a chance.

Sam let out a sigh and walked to the balcony overlooking the whole store. She stood there for a moment, appreciating her creation. She ascended the stairs and walked into her office. She was mentally wracking her brain for what she could possibly have Jeffrey do for her.

“Thanks again.” Jeffrey said looking up from a magazine as she appeared in the doorway.

“I told you not to thank me yet.” She walked over to her computer and pulled up a blank page in Word.

“So what do I do first?” Jeffrey asked excitedly.

“Give me a second.” Sam said rapidly typing her list of expectations for him. When she had finished, she printed 2 copies. She handed one to him and began rattling off what she had come up with.

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