Finally Getting Love Right

BOOK: Finally Getting Love Right
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Copyright © 2012 Jamie N. Nichols

              All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-1475013290

eBook ISBN: 978-1-62346-518-6



For my Grandparents to whom I wouldn’t be who I am or have had the courage to do what I love. Thank you. I Love You.






Max Proposes

Weekend Getaway

The Best Idea In The World

Making It Happen

The Reveal

Wedding Bells


Bad Karma

Waiting Game

Deserved Apologies



Charlee’s Delivery

Settling In



‘There is a time in everyone’s life where they have to ask themselves where they went wrong. Even now, as the sun sets, I am asking myself that very question. Was I wrong to want to trust him again? George was always the one I wanted to marry. Then he went and ran off while we were on vacation. I still don’t know what that was about. Now everything in my life is falling apart and I don’t know how to fix it.’ Samantha Lee sat in deep thought in her hiding place, a large waterfall that had a cave behind it. When she was in that cave nothing mattered. She felt safe and secure like no one could touch her.

She got up, brushing herself off, and stepped down off the large rock that she always sat on. It was big enough to lay her oversized throw on and, if she wanted to, fall asleep on. ‘Time to get back to my reality.’ She thought.

Sam ducked under the falls and started back up the trail toward her car. It was getting dark out fast so she tried to hurry. She walked up the steps and down the trail to the small parking lot. When she got to her car she found a note tucked behind her windshield wipers. Quickly grabbing it, she repeatedly tapped the unlock button on her keychain. She looked around feeling like she was being watched, Nothing. Was she imagining things again? She started her car and tore out of the parking lot not looking back.

The second she was out of the woods and onto the open road, Sam turned on her favorite cd, turning it up until she couldn’t hear anything but the loud music resounding in her ears. She hoped it would be a good distraction from all the drama of her life. It only helped for a few seconds though. She clicked the stereo off and reached for her phone. Punching in Elizabeth McAdams number, she pressed the phone to her ear, as it started to ring.

“Hello.” Liz said excitedly.

“Hey Liz, What are you up to?” Sam said trying to hide how troubled she was.

“Nothing really. We are getting ready to head to Tj’s. What are you up to Sam?”

“I am on my way home from the falls. I’ve got a lot on my mind lately. I am really going to do it this time. I can’t take it anymore.” Sam said

“Are you sure this time?” Liz questioned.

“Yes I am sure this time. I don’t know why I haven’t seen it before. I realized that I have been letting him use me in ways I didn’t know it was possible.” Sam was almost in hysterics.

“Slow down.” Liz was laughing quietly. “You have known that for a long time, honey, you are just now letting yourself feel it.”

“Yea I guess.”

“Ok we can talk about it when you get to Tj’s. Go home, shower, and change into something sexy. We will have fun tonight and plan a course of action.” Liz said still laughing.

“Ok. I will see you in half an hour. Bye.” Sam said clicking the end button.

Sam could see her house from here. Her house was just one of her pride and joys. It was a beautiful 2 story brown colonial with a gorgeous garden and an amazing courtyard. She started to smile until she noticed the extra car in her driveway. ‘Elle is here. Just great.’ She thought. She pulled into her driveway and turned off her car. She grabbed her purse and the note that had been on her windshield and walked into her house.

“She better only be here to drop off the kids!” Sam yelled into the darkness. No reply came and that can only mean one thing, that her worst fears were true. She walked toward her bedroom flipping the lights on angrily as she went. When she got to the bedroom door she paused and listened.

“Oh, Will come on, yea baby, yea baby, Ahhh.” Elle was breathing heavy after her release.

“Shut up Elle! You have to be gone before she gets home. Now go get my kids and bring them here. Now! If she finds you here….” William Hunter was stopped in the middle of his sentence.

The bedroom door swung open. Sam was in the open doorway, and she was pissed off.

“Had I known that you two repulsive people were sleeping together in my bed every time I left the house I would have kicked you out a long time ago Will. In fact, get out of my house now! Both of you!” Sam said as calmly as she could but on the inside she was screaming.

“I am not going anywhere. This is my house to.” Will said forcefully.

“This is not your house. I am the one who worked hard to buy it and fix it up. The only thing you did was lounge around and make a mess.” Sam shot back just as forcefully.

“If anyone is leaving, Samantha, it will be you.” Will said with a sly smile on his face.

“Oh really, is that what you think.” Sam said walking down the hall to the phone. She dialed 911.

“911, how may I direct your call?” The operator said.

“Hi, I need the cops here as soon as possible please. I need someone removed from my property.” Sam said without blinking an eye.

“Ok, I will need some information from you first ok?” the operator replied “Ok.”

“Do you own your property or do you rent?”

“I own it.”

“Are you the only one on the deed?”

“Yes I am.”

“And who do you need removed?”

“My ex and his mistress, William Hunter and Elle Barnes.”

“Ok. The police are on their way, Please meet them at your front door.” The operator said.

“Thank you so much.” Sam replied and hung up the phone.

She started walking back into the bedroom until she heard something she couldn’t believe. They were at it again like two dogs. She shuddered and turned the other way deciding she would go to the front door the back way. So she headed through her bathroom to the hallway behind the kitchen. The doorbell rang when she was halfway through the kitchen almost to the door. She wasn’t worried they didn’t hear her yell when she got there, so why would they hear the doorbell.

“Hello ma’am. You need two people removed from the property?” The first officer asked as Sam opened the door.

“Yes, they are in the bedroom. Down the hall, second door on your left.” Sam replied.

She listened to the footsteps of the officers walking down the hall. Then she heard the door open and the screaming start. She couldn’t help but to giggle to herself. ‘That will teach him.’ She thought. Her cell phone ringing startled her as she wasn’t expecting it. Picking it up she saw who was calling.

“Hey Liz, I will call you back in a few minutes. I know I’m late but this is worth it.” She said hurriedly as the officers were escorting Will and Elle down the hallway toward her.

“How could you do this?” Will was screaming as the officer escorted him out the door and into the back of the squad car. Elle was unrealistically quiet as the officer led her out the door.

“Ok ma’am.” The officer started. “Here are the papers you will need to fill out for court. The clerk will call you with the exact date and time. I suggest you get a lawyer. Goodnight ma’am.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Sam said as she closed the door. She quickly dialed Liz’s number while walked into her room to get ready.

“Ok Sam this had better be good you are over 20 minutes late!” Liz answered angrily. She was always the most impatient when it came to someone being late.

“I know, I know. I am getting ready now. Which top should I wear with my black pants?” Sam said casually.

“Stop trying to change the subject, but, the pink and black halter.” Liz answered.

“Thank you. Long story short though. So I got home and Elle’s car was here. So when I walked in the door I yelled that she better just be here for the kids. When I got no answers I walked to the bedroom, caught them having sex, and busted in on them. Will got in my face and wouldn’t leave so I called the cops. No sooner had I walked away from the bedroom to call the cops they were at it again. So like I told you earlier, we are over.” Sam paused, waiting for the guaranteed reaction.

“Ok I forgive you. Now let’s go! I am waiting.” Liz said laughing.

Sam hung up the phone, grabbed her clothes, and headed for the shower. She turned on the hot water and waited for it to heat up. That was the only bad thing about her house. The water took forever to heat up. In the meantime, Sam went back into her closet and tried to find her favorite shoes. By the time she got back into her on suite bathroom it was steamy and hot. Just as she liked it. She took the shortest shower that she ever had. As she was drying off she remembered the note that was in her purse. She couldn’t help but to wrap herself in a towel and make a bee line for the purse on her hall table. She pulled out the note, headed back to her room, and sat on her bed. She read:


        Be at the cave under the falls tomorrow at 5 p.m. Dinner will be provided.

She looked at the note with a funny glance. There had only be one person who had called her Sammy. There was no chance that it could be him, right? She was shaken out of her trance by her phone as it alerted her that she had a text. It read. ‘Where are you?’ She looked at the clock. She was definitely late now. She threw on her clothes and her makeup. She was almost ready to walk out the door when she looked in the mirror and shuddered. All she could picture was those two in her bed. She needed to sell it. She flipped her shoes on and grabbed her purse off the hall table. She double checked to lock the door behind her and took the spare key from under the potted fern. If he got out she wasn’t going to risk him getting in.

She got in her car and drove the 10 blocks to Tj’s. She had rocked out to her cd the entire way. As she pulled up to Tj’s she thought she saw a familiar black mustang. She shrugged it off thinking to herself there was no way it could be the same one. She parked her Pontiac g5 at the valet, got out of the car, and handed the keys to the good looking valet. She walked into the huge double doors and into the bar part of the building. She smiled and waved shamelessly the bouncer.

“Hey Sam, how’s it going?” The bouncer said.

“Great.” Sam said laughing as she walked down the steps to the bar to meet Liz.

“Hey. I see someone finally graces us with her presence.” Liz said smiling and handing her a drink.

“Yea, yea. I know. At least I made it though.”

“True. I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to. So you called the cops finally. I am proud of you.” Liz said

“Why thank you,” Sam said laughing “I know it took a long time to see it but I realize now that we were never really together anyways. He was always just there.”

“That is right. He was never there for you emotionally. So is it too early for you to move on?” Liz questioned.

“I don’t know about that yet. I will let you know when I figure it out.” Sam mumbled taking a giant gulp of her drink.

“Ok, you better. I’m staying with you tonight. There is no way that I will let you stay all alone after tonight.” Liz smiled.

“Great.” Sam said sarcastically. She had learned to not try to convince Liz of things that she already had her mind set on.

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