Finally Getting Love Right (3 page)

BOOK: Finally Getting Love Right
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“Now that that is done are you going to tell me what was in the envelope?” Liz said

“Go ahead and read it. It’s just more nonsense and confusion.” Sam said.

Liz picked up the letter and read it slowly.

“What vacation is this person talking about?” Liz asked with a hint of jealousy.

“Do you remember 3 years ago when I told you I was going on a cruise alone?” Sam asked.

“Yes, I remember that. What happened?” Liz asked.

“Let’s just say that I didn’t really go on a cruise. I went to the beach with George instead.” Sam said slowly.

“You went on vacation with him and you didn’t tell me?” Liz said.

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I didn’t know what it was and I still don’t really know what it was. We had been seeing each other and went on a vacation and he left me there. I haven’t seen him since.” Sam said waiting for the yelling to start. Sam always told Liz everything and she was sure that Liz was going to be mad at her for not saying anything.

“What a jerk.” Liz stated.

“You’re not mad that I didn’t tell you? I thought you would be for sure.” Sam said.

“I’m not mad because I know you. Obviously you just weren’t ready to tell me yet. It would have come out sooner or later.” Liz said. “Now we should forget about all this and watch a movie.”

“I Love You!” Sam exclaimed. “So, will it be Pretty Woman or Queen of The Damned?”

“Queen of the Damned. I haven’t seen that movie in over a year.” Liz said.

Sam put the movie into the dvd player and pressed play. She walked over to her quilt rack and grabbed her favorite blanket. She sat down on her lazy boy recliner and curled up under her blanket. She began to think about what had really happened on that vacation.

“Sammy, we are here!” George said as he shook her leg.

They had arrived at the beach house that he had rented. It was a gorgeous bungalow with a beautiful deck and a boardwalk all the way to the ocean. There was also a lighthouse about 500 feet up the beach with a quaint little picnic area under it.

“Are you ready to enjoy some time to ourselves?” George said.

“Definitely.” Sam said with a huge smile on her face.

George grabbed their bags from the trunk and opened the car door for Sam. They walked up the path toward the front doors. The house had beautiful French doors and huge potted plants lining the entry. They walked into the house and George set their bags down. He turned around to face Sam. In what seemed like a whirl he grabbed her around the waste and dipped her low as he kissed her passionately.

“Wow. You haven’t kissed me like that in a long time.” Sam said blushing.

“Well this is a special occasion Sammy.” George said smiling as he grabbed their bags and headed into the bedroom.

The pair went to a fancy dinner and took a long romantic walk on the beach. They talked about the future and all the dreams they both had. The next day Sam woke up to realize she was all alone in bed.

“George..” Sam called. When she got no response she got up and walked around the house calling his name.

“George where are you?” She called waiting for a response. She walked into the kitchen and noticed a note on the counter.


I will meet you at the picnic area under the lighthouse at 10. Wear something nice.

Love George

‘That is in one hour. I better go get ready then.’ Sam thought.

Sam took a shower and got dressed. She chose a mid-length flowing pink sundress. She took her time doing her hair and makeup. She wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. She walked out of the house and walked down the boardwalk to the beach. She took her pink and black flip flops off and let her feet sink into the sand as she stepped off the boardwalk. Feeling the sand in her toes was one of her favorite sensations. She walked slowly toward the lighthouse taking in the sunlight as she went.

When she arrived at the picnic area she looked around for George. When she didn’t see him she took a seat on the closest bench she could find. She was gazing at the ocean and taking in its beauty when there was suddenly a pair of hands over her eyes.

“George. What are you doing?” Sam said laughing

“I have to talk to you Sammy.” George began. “Before you say anything just listen ok. I Love You Sammy. I always have. I wish we could be together but we can’t. I was ring shopping today and that is when I realized that you’re too good for me. You deserve so much more than I can give you. I am sorry.”

“What!” Sam exclaimed. “You set up this whole romantic week. I just came along for the ride. You wait until we are here and still have a whole week left of this vacation to tell me this?”

“I am sorry Sammy.” George said looking away.

“Don’t you dare sorry Sammy me George Ames!” Sam yelled.

George looked at her one last time as he turned around and walked away. Sam watched him as he walked back toward the house. She was furious. It took her an hour to gather her courage to follow him back to the house. When she got there she couldn’t find him anywhere. When she looked to make sure the car was still there she was relieved.

‘At least I am not stranded here.’ She thought. She walked back to the house to the bedroom and realized his bags were gone. She went to the sitting room that overlooked the beach and waited. She sat there for 2 days staring at the beach waiting for him to come back. When he didn’t she could not even bring herself to cry. She was too numb. She packed her bags and left the beach house. She didn’t even look back.

“Sam. Sam.” Liz called to her “You fell asleep.”

“Sorry.” Sam said pushing herself up in her chair and rubbing her eyes. “It has been a long day I am going to bed ok?”

“Ok. I will see you in the morning.” Liz said as she yawned.

Sam went to her room and promptly fell asleep. When she woke up she felt a sense of urgency come over her.

“Liz?” Sam called out.

“Yea I am still here.” Liz said as she walked into Sams' room. “I was wondering if you were going to wake up anytime soon. It is already 1 in the afternoon.”

“What? Are you serious? Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” Sam said in a panicked tone.

“I tried to get you up at 10 but you were flailing around screaming ‘No don’t leave me here’ and when you settled down I thought you should get some restful sleep.” Liz answered in a calm tone

“Oh. Thanks. Now I have to get ready.”

“Ok let’s get you ready.” Liz said excitedly.

They worked together to pick out and outfit and get Sam ready for her mystery date. It took them 2 hours to get her back to her old self and looking amazing. Sam decided to wear her favorite tank top and a pair of skinny jeans.

“I think I am going to go now instead of waiting until 5.” Sam said checking her make-up and hair in her mirror.

“Why? It is only 3.” Liz asked

“I need to clear my head and what better spot to do it?”

“Ok but promise me you will call me the second you get home? You should come to Tj’s again tonight and actually have fun this time if you get back early enough.” Liz said as she grabbed her purse. “Which car are you going to drive?”

“I think I will stick with my Pontiac. I don’t want to give whoever it is the satisfaction.” Sam said laughing as she grabbed her keys and they both headed out the door.



Sam got into her Pontiac and pulled out of the driveway. She headed up the road toward the woods where her spot was. The trip that normally took 5 minutes, took longer than usual today due to all the traffic. The weather today was beautiful. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze, her favorite kind of day. She got to the road where she needed to be and turned onto it. She drove down into the woods to the concealed parking lot that led to the trail. She parked her car and got out.

Sam stretched her legs and grabbed her purse. She walked down the trail to the waterfall. She crawled behind the waterfall and into the cave. She walked over to a nook in the wall and pulled out a large plastic bag. In the bag was the blanket and book she kept here. She spread her blanket over the large rock and crawled up onto it. She pulled her mp3 player out of her purse then put her headphones in. She turned her mp3 player on and chose a song that would soothe her mind. She then pulled out her book and started reading.

She finished the last 100 pages of her book and threw it in her purse. Sam turned the song to her favorite song and started belting it out. Sam had a rather good voice but she had decided 3 years ago that she would never use it except when she was alone. When the song was over she took out her headphones. She jumped a bit, was surprised to hear clapping from behind her. She turned around.

“Who’s there?” Sam started to say. When she saw who it was she promptly closed her mouth.

“Hi Sammy. “ A familiar face said with a peculiar smile on his face.

“George. I should have known all this was you’re doing.” Sam said snidely.

“Aren’t you glad to see me?” He asked.

“No. You left me remember. Why would I be glad to see you?” Sam replied starting to gather her things.

“Sammy,” George said softly. “I was no good for you back then. That is why I left.”

“You did not even give me a chance to prove to you how wrong you were. You just up and left.” Sam said as she felt herself start to tear up.

“I am sorry about that.”

“How could you possibly afford all those gifts anyways? And what was with the empty ring box?” Sam questioned him.

“It is a long story that I will tell you later. Can we please just enjoy the moment for the time being?” He flashed his smile at her.

Sam felt herself start to feel a familiar sense of being overcome with a sort of joy and wanting. It was the way George had always made her feel. She had always loved him. No matter how hard she had tried to forget him and the way she felt about him. He had a sense of power over her in which no man before him had ever been able to do to her.

“I just need to know one thing before I can start to forgive you.” Sam said casually.

“Anything” George replied.

“Why did you come back?” Sam asked

“I couldn’t stay away from my best friend and soul mate anymore.” George said.

Sam jumped down from her rock and walked over to the man standing against the cave wall. She couldn’t believe how good he looked with his chiseled body and his blonde hair. He looked like he had just walked out of a romance novel especially with the tattered jeans he was wearing and t shirt that outlined his torso perfectly.

“I should slap you for all the things you put me through. If I didn’t know you as good as I do then you would be getting slapped.” Sam said seriously.

“I know.” George said. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. Sam was so close she could feel him breathing. His chest was rising and falling faster than normal. She looked up at him slowly. She hugged him and said “This does not get you completely off the hook.”

“I know. I am not going anywhere.”

Sam pulled away before her heart made her do something that her mind was completely against. No matter how much Sam wanted to run to him, be held in his arms, and feel his kiss again. She refused to give him the satisfaction. Sam would not let him know just how elated she was that he was back.

“Well now you know who the mystery is.” George said slowly.

“I should have known. It’s exactly like you to try and make me wonder.” Sam smiled.

“We should get going. The biggest surprise is yet to come.” He said smiling.

“Where are you taking me?” She said.

“Don’t worry about it Sammy. Just go home, put the dress on, and pack the other stuff. I will pick you up in half hour.” He said as he ducked behind the waterfall and broke out in a sprint up the trail.

She gathered her things and started up the trail. When she got to her car she looked around for a sign of George. He was long gone by the time she had gotten to the parking lot. She got into her car and headed home. Sam got home and ran into her house. She frantically grabbed for her phone to call Liz. She pounded the buttons and hit send.

“Liz, I won’t be coming to Tj’s tonight. I will explain everything later. Answer if I call you ok?” Sam hurriedly left the message on Liz’s voicemail.

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