Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (48 page)

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Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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“Well...” he stopped to glance at the length of my dress.
“Somewhere that will be appropriate attire.” 

I squirmed in my seat, attempting to pull the dress down, but there was no give to the fabric.  A smirk tugged at the corner of Seth
’s mouth as he watched me. His hand wrapped around mine to still my actions. Looking over at him, Seth gave me a little wink. I smiled back at him before relaxing against in my seat.

When w
e arrived at the club, Seth pulled up to the valet station. The attendant opened my door then put his hand out to assist me out of the car. Giving a quick glance over my shoulder, I saw Seth talking to the other attendant. I slipped my hand into his, trying to get out of the car as quickly and gracefully, as I could before Seth turned his attention back towards me.

“Good evening, Miss. Welcome to Club Myst
.” He gave me a polite smile. 

“Thank you,” I replied, sliding my hand free, making sure not to hold eye contact with him for long.

Seth strolled around the car, placing his hand on the small of my back. “Ready?” 


The music was blaring when we stepped inside. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dim strobe lights. 

“Hello, welcome to Club Myst.” A scantily clad hostess greeted us, but her eyes never left Seth.

He smiled back at her, dropping his hand from my back as he stepped closer to her. I couldn
’t hear what was said over the sound of the music. But from her body language I could tell she was flirting big time, and he appeared to be encouraging it. He leaned forward on the counter, resting his elbows, and she mimicked his actions. The vest she wore was only held together by three buttons that looked strained under the pressure. They only served to push her breasts out of the top more. Seth pulled out his wallet, smiling and laughing with that woman. Her fingers grazed his when she took his credit card.

Turning my head away from the scene in front of me, I started looking around. This was probably one of nicest nightclubs I had ever been in. The walls looked like cascading water, I wanted to reach out and touch to see if it was water or a light effect, but I restrained myself. In the center of the dance floor stood a tube that went to the ceiling, and it was full of smoke. When the colored strobe lights hit it, the effect was very cool. Other
waitresses, dressed similarly to the one Seth was talking to, walked around with drink trays, smiling and laughing with the customers. A sea of people were on the dance floor, their bodies moving and bumping to the music. After a few minutes, Seth turned back and smiled at me.

’re all set. Cindy will be our server.”

She looked at me, giving me a once over before, plastering a fake smile on her face. Seth took hold of my hand, guiding me through the crowd, following her through the club up the stairs to one of the semi-private VIP booths. There were two booths at the top separated by a sheer white shimmering curtain. 

Cindy smiled, resting her hand lightly on Seth’s arm. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

“I didn
’t tell her what I wanted. Not that it would matter to her anyway,” I said, taking a seat on the black leather couch.

First seeing how quickly he turned on the charm for Dorian, now watching the display with this woman, I was getting a sinking feeling my night was heading in the wrong direction.

“You have to order by the bottle. I already took care of it.” Seth brushed my hair back off my shoulders. “Why do you think it wouldn’t matter?  She’s here to serve us.”

Was he blind or just acting dumb? He had to know that woman barely even registered I was his date and he hadn
’t helped matters.

“No reason.” 

The music pulsated, and I tried to lose myself in the beat. The vibrations thumped through me almost in perfect timing to the beating of my heart. I watched the dancers gyrating on the floor, giving them my full attention, although it did nothing to help with the prickling sensation that came over me. I knew he was watching, studying me.

Cindy returned with a bottle of chilled champagne and two glasses. She sat the bucket down on the glass coffee table. Her focus was mostly on Seth as she filled the glasses and he smiled back at her. Rolling my eyes, I took the flute of champagne out of his hands, downing it in one gulp. She eyed me briefly before excusing herself.

“Would you like a refill?” he asked with a smile. 


Seth slid closer to me on the sofa, snaking his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. “We’re supposed to be having a nice evening out, yet you appear to be in a bit of a mood,” he whispered in my ear.

Ignoring his comment, I refilled my glass, again drinking it in one gulp. I was sure whatever he
’d ordered was some top of the line brand that was meant to be sipped on and enjoyed, but I just wanted to get enough alcohol in my system to calm my nerves. When I poured the third glass, Seth leaned forward, taking it from me.

He planted kisses on my exposed arm. “What
’s bothering you?”

He continued peppering kisses up my neck.
I will not be distracted. I will not be distracted.
I chanted the words in my head knowing how this would go. He used sex to distract me, and the weakling that I was, it always seemed to work. My body was a traitor, a slave to his touch. My mind fought a losing battle.

“Nothing, I guess I
’m still rattled by Dorian’s visit,” I lied.

Seth placed his hands on my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I think it
’s something more.”

Even after all these months, I still felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his gaze. Those eyes had the power to make me feel like I did something wrong even when I hadn
’t. I pulled my face free to once again look out on to the dance floor.

He only said my name, but it was all he needed to say.

“Why do I need to say it when you are very aware of what the problem is?” I turned back to meet his gaze head on.

“If I knew what the problem was, I wouldn’t be asking.”

Closing my eyes, I mentally counted to ten, debating on if I should tell him the truth.
“I…the waitress. You and the waitress.”

A slow smile spread across his face. “Ms. Alexander, there is no need to be jealous. I was merely being polite.”

“So when you do it, it’s being polite, but if I were to even make eye contact with a man, you want to assume I want to fuck him and brand me with the Scarlet Letter,” I said, feeling a surge of frustration. “I need to find the bathroom.” I walked to the right of the table so I wouldn’t have to pass in front of him, but Seth stood and blocked my path.

’s our server, Calida. It’s her job to be nice to us. Being nice means bigger tips. That’s all.”

“You mean it
’s her job to be nice to you. She’s barely acknowledged my presence.”

I stepped to the left to pass him only to have him block that move. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. His flippant attitude and blatant double standard rubbed me the wrong way. I was already annoyed with Dorian
’s unannounced arrival. Now dealing with this, I just needed a moment to collect myself, to battle down those familiar feelings of insecurity that were bubbling back to the surface.

’m sure you’re mistaken.” 

Okay fine,” I said, feeling a moment of boldness. “If our server happened to be male, would the same ‘polite’ behavior from me be approved by you?”

With that statement, all humor vanished from his eyes. Seth took a step towards, me causing me to take a step back. 

“I was just coming to check…”

I took Cindy
’s arrival as my chance to escape. I slipped past Seth and made my way downstairs, leaving him to be ‘polite’ to our waitress. Once on the dance floor, I tried to push my way through but it was crowded.

“Hey doll, how
‘bout a dance,” said some guy with curly, brown hair.

’d blocked my path, smiling and dancing in an attempt to get me to join him. I felt hands grab my waist, and I was pulled back roughly, making contact with someone.

“We weren
’t done talking,” Seth whispered in my ear.

Quickly he spun me around, his arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. Pushing against his chest, I tried to gain freedom, or at least some space.

“Hey man, I saw her first?” I turned to see the guy with curly, brown hair standing next to us.

“Actually, you didn
’t,” Seth answered.

The guy started to say something but took one look at Seth and backed off. Seth grabbed my wrist, leading me back towards our booth. I tried to pull free, but it was useless. Seth practically dragged me up the steps. He let go of my arm once we reached the top.

“What were you doing?” he asked, his voice taking on that warning tone.

“Being polite,” I answered, feeling brave. “Didn
’t think you’d notice my absence with Cindy up here making sure all of your
were being met.”

He took a step forward, and I took one back, bumping against the wall.

“That is a closed topic. I told you she is just doing her job,” he replied, grabbing my wrists, pinning my arms above my head.

“Let go, Seth,” I cried, struggling to get free. The loud music prevented me from being heard.

Ignoring my plea, he buried his face in the crook of my neck, kissing and nibbling his way up to my earlobe.

“I didn
’t know you were capable of such jealous behavior,” he whispered, pushing his hips forward. His free hand slid into the V of my dress to cup my breast, squeezing it until he felt my nipple harden under his touch. “It’s a bit of a turn on,” he whispered huskily. His hand continued massaging my breast.

“This isn
’t jealously,” I countered weakly, trying to bite back the sigh threatening to escape my lips as he continued to toy with my nipple.

“So what is it about?” he asked while he slowly moved the fabric of my dress to the side, completely exposing my breast. He licked his lips and smiled at me. “I have a new appreciation for this dress.” 

His head dipped down. His tongue swirled around my nipple, teasing and flicking it. It was too much. I could quickly feel myself losing control, but I couldn’t let him do this to me. I had something to say, and he needed to hear it.

“Respect,” I managed to squeak out, struggling to get my hands free.
“You, you expect me to present myself a certain way and I do that out of respect for you,” I said, this time kicking at his leg, but my blows didn’t faze him. “And, and yet I don’t think you’re giving me the same consideration.”

His lips closed over my nipple, drawing it into his mouth, sucking gently. He continued his sensual torment, ignoring what I was trying to express to him.

“Seth, stop please and listen to me,” I begged.

He heard my words finally and pulled his gaze up to look at me. There was something in his eyes, a dark look, but I couldn
’t determine the emotion. His scowl gave way to a smug grin, but he said nothing. The heat of his erection could be felt through the fabric of my dress as he pressed against me. He nibbled along the side of my neck before his lips claimed mine. 

His hand wandered down between my legs, ripping the thin fabric of my thong and letting it fall to my feet. I gasped when he inserted two fingers inside me. I shook my head in protest; a sheer curtain was all that separated us from the booth next to us. Even in the dim light of the club, it wouldn
’t take much for the people next door to figure out what was going on.

“I hear you loud and clear,” he whispered against my neck. “You
’re feeling insecure, and you think my behavior has been inappropriate. I need to assure you that
are the only woman getting my full attention.”

is voice dripped with desire as he caught the end of my earlobe gently between his teeth. His fingers moved in and out of me at a tortuously slow pace. My breathing got shallow, and my knees buckled slightly as the sensations he was creating took over all of my senses.

“Please, you
’ve made your point,” I panted, trying in vain to keep my composure.

“I don
’t think I have. You need to know that you are the only woman taking care of my ‘needs’.”

“Seth, no, we can
’t. Take me home. Have your way with me there just please not now. Not here,” I pleaded.

Challenging him was never a good thing, I knew that, but I couldn
’t stay quiet either. All I wanted was the same level of respect I gave him. I didn’t think that was too much to ask.

“Yes, here and now. You want me; I can feel just how much you want me.”

He easily pushed a third finger into my body to make his point. Like always, it was ready, willing, and able to accept him. Removing his fingers, he worked to free himself from his pants, and seconds later, he lifted my leg around his waist. I bit down on his shoulder to muffle my cry as he entered me hard and fast.

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